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İngiliz Hukukunda iyilesme sansı kaybının tazmini

Yıl 2013, , 1105 - 1138, 01.12.2013


Şans kaybının tazmini, İngiliz hukukunda, bazı davalarda kabul edilirken, tıbbi sorumluluk alanında açıkça reddedilmektedir. Bazı davalarda doktrinin kabul edilmesi, tıbbi sorumluluğun söz konusu olduğu davalarda şans kaybının reddedilirken, ayrıntılı bir inceleme yapılmasına yol açmıştır. Bu kapsamda Lordlar Kamarası tarafından karara bağlanan Hotson v. East Berkshire Authority ve Gregg v. Scott davaları önem arz etmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra İngiliz hukukunda nedensellik bağının tesisinde “zarar rizikosunu önemli oranda artırma” testinin kabul edildiği görülmektedir. Bu test ile şans kaybı doktrini ilişkilendirilmiş olduğundan, her ikisinin arasındaki farkların da açıklığa kavuşturulması ihtiyacı ortaya çıkmıştır. Tüm bu hususlar göz önünde bulundurularak, çalışmada, doktrin ve içtihat tarafından konuya ilişkin olarak ileri sürülen görüşlere ayrıntılı bir biçimde yer verilmiştir


  • Bailey, Stephen. (2010). Causation in Negligence: What is a Material Contribution?. Legal Studies, 30 (2), s.167-185.
  • Burrows, Andrew. (2008). Uncertainty about Uncertainty: Damages for Loss of a Chance. Journal of Personal Injury Law, (1), s.31-43.
  • Cardona Ferreira, Rui. (2013). The Loss of Chance in Civil Law Countries: A Comparative and Critical Analysis. Maastricht Journal, (1), s.56-74.
  • Cooper, Glenn. (1988). Damages for the Loss of a Chance in Contract and Tort. Auckland University Law Review. 6(1), s.39-51.
  • Fischer, David A. (2001). Tort Recovery for Loss of a Chance. Wake Forrest Law Review, 36, s.605-655.
  • Hill, Timothy. (1991). A Lost Chance for Compensation in the Tort of Negligence by the House of Lords. The Modern Law Review, 54(4), s.511-523.
  • Hogg, Martin. (2007). Re-establishing Orthodoxy in the Realm of Causation. Edinburgh Law Review. 11(1), s.8-30.
  • Jansen, Nils. (1999). The Idea of Lost Chance. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 19(2), s.271-296.
  • Kadner-Graziano, Thomas. (2008). Ersatz für “Entgangene Chancen” im europäischen und im schweizerischen Recht Überlegungen anlässlich des Entscheids des Bundesgerichts vom 13.6.2007 und ein Lösungvorschlag. Haftung und Versicherung, s.61-68.
  • Khoury, Lara.(2006). Uncertain Causation in Medical Liability. Oxford: Hart Publishing (Uncertain Causation).
  • Khoury, Lara. (2008). Causation and Risk in the Highest Courts of Canada, England and France. Law Quarterly Review, 124, s.103-131 (Causation and Risk).
  • King, Joseph H.Jr. (1997-1998). Reduction of Likelihood” Reformulation and Other Retrofitting of the Loss-of-a-Chance Doctrine. University of Memphis Law Review, 28 (2), s.491-560.
  • Koch, Bernard A. (2011). Comparative Report, içinde Winiger, Benedict/Koziol, Helmut/Koch, Bernard A./Zimmermann, Reinhard. (eds.). Digest of European Tort Law Volume 2: Essential Cases on Damage, Berlin: De Gruyter, s.1120-1123.
  • Martin-Casals, Miquel. (2008). Some Introductory and Comparative Remarks to the Decision of the Swiss Federal Court BGE/ATF 133 III 462 and to the “Loss of Chance” Doctrine. European Review of Private Law, 16(6), s.1043-1050.
  • McGregor, Harvey. (2008). Loss of Chance: Where has it come from and where is it going?. Professional Negligence, 24 (1), s.2-12 (Loss of Chance).
  • McGregor, Harvey. (2003). McGregor on Damages ( London: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd (Damages).
  • Müller, Christoph. (2002). Schadenersatz für verlorene Chancen-Ei des Kolombus oder Trojanisches Pferd?. Aktuelle juristische Praxis (AJP) /Pratique Juridique Actuelle (PJA), (4) s. 389-406.
  • Oliphant, Ken. (2008). Loss of Chance in English Law. European Review of Private Law, 16(6), s. 1061-1070.
  • Reece, Helen. (1996). Loss of Chances in the Law, The Modern Law Review, 59 (2), s.188-206.
  • Stapleton, Jane. (2003). Cause in fact and the scope of liability for consequences. Law Quarterly Review, 119, s.388-425.
  • Stark, Emil W. (1991). Die Perte d’une Chance” im schweizerischen Recht içinde Guillod, O. (ed.). Developpements recents du droit de la responsabilite Haftpflichtrecht, Zürih: Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, s.101-109. Kolloquium Neuere Entwicklungen im
  • Weir, Tony.(1991). Loss of a Chance-Compensable in Tort? The Common Law, içinde Guillod, O (ed). Developpements recents du droit de la responsabilite Haftpflichtrecht, Zürih: Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, s.111-129. Kolloquium Neuere Entwicklungen im

Recovery of Loss of Chance in Medical Malpractice in English Law

Yıl 2013, , 1105 - 1138, 01.12.2013


While recovery of loss of chance is accepted in some cases, it is rejected in medical malpractice in English Law. Accepting recovery of loss of chance in some cases leads to make a detailed analyze when rejecting it in the medical malpractice. In this concept the House of Lord’s Hotson v. East Berkshire Authority and Gregg v. Scott decisions have a significant importance. On the other hand, “materially increasing risk” test is admitted to establish the causation in English law. Therefore the relationship between this test and the loss of chance doctrine should be clarified. In this context, all of the ideas relating to the loss of chance in medical malpractice are presented in this article


  • Bailey, Stephen. (2010). Causation in Negligence: What is a Material Contribution?. Legal Studies, 30 (2), s.167-185.
  • Burrows, Andrew. (2008). Uncertainty about Uncertainty: Damages for Loss of a Chance. Journal of Personal Injury Law, (1), s.31-43.
  • Cardona Ferreira, Rui. (2013). The Loss of Chance in Civil Law Countries: A Comparative and Critical Analysis. Maastricht Journal, (1), s.56-74.
  • Cooper, Glenn. (1988). Damages for the Loss of a Chance in Contract and Tort. Auckland University Law Review. 6(1), s.39-51.
  • Fischer, David A. (2001). Tort Recovery for Loss of a Chance. Wake Forrest Law Review, 36, s.605-655.
  • Hill, Timothy. (1991). A Lost Chance for Compensation in the Tort of Negligence by the House of Lords. The Modern Law Review, 54(4), s.511-523.
  • Hogg, Martin. (2007). Re-establishing Orthodoxy in the Realm of Causation. Edinburgh Law Review. 11(1), s.8-30.
  • Jansen, Nils. (1999). The Idea of Lost Chance. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 19(2), s.271-296.
  • Kadner-Graziano, Thomas. (2008). Ersatz für “Entgangene Chancen” im europäischen und im schweizerischen Recht Überlegungen anlässlich des Entscheids des Bundesgerichts vom 13.6.2007 und ein Lösungvorschlag. Haftung und Versicherung, s.61-68.
  • Khoury, Lara.(2006). Uncertain Causation in Medical Liability. Oxford: Hart Publishing (Uncertain Causation).
  • Khoury, Lara. (2008). Causation and Risk in the Highest Courts of Canada, England and France. Law Quarterly Review, 124, s.103-131 (Causation and Risk).
  • King, Joseph H.Jr. (1997-1998). Reduction of Likelihood” Reformulation and Other Retrofitting of the Loss-of-a-Chance Doctrine. University of Memphis Law Review, 28 (2), s.491-560.
  • Koch, Bernard A. (2011). Comparative Report, içinde Winiger, Benedict/Koziol, Helmut/Koch, Bernard A./Zimmermann, Reinhard. (eds.). Digest of European Tort Law Volume 2: Essential Cases on Damage, Berlin: De Gruyter, s.1120-1123.
  • Martin-Casals, Miquel. (2008). Some Introductory and Comparative Remarks to the Decision of the Swiss Federal Court BGE/ATF 133 III 462 and to the “Loss of Chance” Doctrine. European Review of Private Law, 16(6), s.1043-1050.
  • McGregor, Harvey. (2008). Loss of Chance: Where has it come from and where is it going?. Professional Negligence, 24 (1), s.2-12 (Loss of Chance).
  • McGregor, Harvey. (2003). McGregor on Damages ( London: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd (Damages).
  • Müller, Christoph. (2002). Schadenersatz für verlorene Chancen-Ei des Kolombus oder Trojanisches Pferd?. Aktuelle juristische Praxis (AJP) /Pratique Juridique Actuelle (PJA), (4) s. 389-406.
  • Oliphant, Ken. (2008). Loss of Chance in English Law. European Review of Private Law, 16(6), s. 1061-1070.
  • Reece, Helen. (1996). Loss of Chances in the Law, The Modern Law Review, 59 (2), s.188-206.
  • Stapleton, Jane. (2003). Cause in fact and the scope of liability for consequences. Law Quarterly Review, 119, s.388-425.
  • Stark, Emil W. (1991). Die Perte d’une Chance” im schweizerischen Recht içinde Guillod, O. (ed.). Developpements recents du droit de la responsabilite Haftpflichtrecht, Zürih: Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, s.101-109. Kolloquium Neuere Entwicklungen im
  • Weir, Tony.(1991). Loss of a Chance-Compensable in Tort? The Common Law, içinde Guillod, O (ed). Developpements recents du droit de la responsabilite Haftpflichtrecht, Zürih: Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, s.111-129. Kolloquium Neuere Entwicklungen im
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA72VC39JH
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zehra Özkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özkan, Zehra. “İngiliz Hukukunda Iyilesme Sansı kaybının Tazmini”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 62, sy. 4 (Aralık 2013): 1105-38.