Türk Vatandaşlık Kanununa göre, 1981’den beri çifte vatandaşlık kabul edilmiştir. Bunun aksine, Alman Vatandaşlık Kanunu çifte vatandaşlığı kural olarak 1914’den beri reddetmektedir. Eski kanuna ek olarak, 2000 tarihli Vatandaşlık Hakkındaki Alman Reform Kanunu, bu konuda yeni sınırlamalar kabul etmiştir. Önceki kanunda, eğer bir kişi yerleşim ya da oturma iznine sahipse, başka bir vatandaşlık kazansa bile kendi asli vatandaşlığını koruyabilirdi. Yeni Reform Kanunu yerleşim ya da oturum koşulunu kaldırmıştır. Yani aslen Türk olup Alman vatandaşlığına sahip olan ve Türk vatandaşlığına kaybedeceklerdir. Alman Federal Anayasa Mahkemesi, 8.12.2007 tarihli kararında, eğer bir Alman vatandaşı başka bir vatandaşlığı 2000 yılından önce kendi isteğine bağlı olarak seçerse ve isteği 2000 yılından sonra kabul edilirse Alman vatandaşlığını kaybedeceğine karar vermiştir. Bu makalede öncelikle Türk ve Alman Kanunlarının tarihsel zemininde çifte ve çok vatandaşlılığın problemleri üzerinde durulacaktır. Ardından değişiklikleri içerir şekilde her iki kanunu ele alacağız. Sonuç olarak, Almanya’nın sosyal yaşama uymakta güçlük çeken yeni vatandaşları hakkındaki endişelerini anlıyoruz. Aynı zamanda, vatandaşlık vermenin, her devletin münhasır yetkisi içinde olduğunun bilincindeyiz. Fakat vatandaşlarımızın kazanılmış haklarının uluslararası hukuk ve AB müktesebatına göre korunmasını istiyoruz
According to the Turkish Nationality Act since 1981 double nationality has been accepted. In controversy the German Nationality Code has rejected the double nationality since 1914. In addition to the old law, the German Reform Code on nationality dated 2000 has adopted new restriction on this subject. In the former law if a person has an establishment or resident permit he or she could save his/her original nationality even if he acquires another nationality. The new Reform Code revised the establisment or residence conditions. So the people, who have German nationality but originally Turk, return to the Turkish nationality will loss German nationality automatically. The Constitutional Court of Federal Germany in his judgment of 8.12.2007 decided that if a German nation had required voluntarily before 2000 an other nationality and his request was accepted after 2000, he would lost German nationality. Furthermore the new German Act on Immigration adopted in 2007 has some rules on the obligation of German language knowledge for husband or wife of the Turkish worker to enter to the Germany. This visa application is discriminatory since many other nationals in the same situation are excepted from visa. The Turkish Code of Nationality article 29 was firstly changed in 1995 because of economic and social difficulties of old Turkish nationals who have some European countries “nationalities” that their State has refused double nationality. In 2004 it has been rechanged. This article is about the rights and obligations of the old Turkish peoples who relinquish their nationality by permission of government. They continue to retain all rights except political rights and the rights pertaining the use of official authority. They can use all other rights such as establishment, working, title to immovable property like other Turkish nationals, even if they left Turkish nationality after aquisition of the other nationality. German Code accepted limited situations for double nationality. These exceptions are about the hardness of quittance and grave results of mother state citizenship. As much as we get easy to withdraw from Turkish citizenship and add new rights for ancient Turkish people, their opportunity to care German nationality will be lost. How can we solve this contradiction? One way is to accept the double nationality according to German Code. Nowadays it seems impossible. The other way is to defend their rights of free movement including the right of residence pertaining to the Ankara Agreement and Additional Protocol, also the decision of Association Council 1/80 between European Union and Turkey. In this article firstly we study the problem of multi-nationality on historical grounds of Turkish and German law. Secondly we will study the both laws, including the revisions. As a result, we appreciate to worry about his patriot who has some difficulties to integrate the Germany. We also know that to give nationality is in exclusive competence of each state. But we want that our nationals have kept their vested rights according to the international law and EU law
Diğer ID | JA23GG94DN |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Eylül 2008 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 1 Eylül 2008 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2008 |