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Yıl 2008, , 115 - 133, 01.06.2008


Yabancı unsurlu tüketici akitleri arasında sadece milletlerarası özel hukukun korumayı amaçladığı tüketicilerin taraf olduğu tüketici akitleri koruyucu özel bağlama kurallarına konu yapılmıştır. Milletlerarası özel hukukun koruma amacı bulunan tüketiciler, kendi mutad meskenlerinin bulunduğu ülke hukukuna göre korunur. Tüketicinin mutad meskeni hukuku, bu tüketiciler ile fonksiyonel olarak en sıkı irtibatlı hukuk olarak değerlendirilmektedir


  • Atamer, Y.: Devletler Özel Hukukunda Tüketicinin Korunması, İÜHFM, C.LV/1-2 (1995-1996), s.421-446.
  • Beale, H.: Inequality of Bargaining Power, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, C.6 (1986), s.123-136.
  • Binchy, W.: Irish Conflicts of Law, Ireland 1988.
  • Boggiano, A.: International Standard Contracts, A Comparative Study, Rec. des Cours, C.170/1 (1980), s.9–114.
  • Brilmayer, L.: The Role of Substantive and Choice of Law Policies in the Formation and Application of Choice of Law Rules, Rec. des Cours, C.252 (1995), s.9–112.
  • Clarkson, C.M.V.- Hill, J.: Jaffey on the Conflicts of Laws, London 1997.
  • Collins, L. (Edt.): Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws, B.12, London 1993.
  • Collins, H.: Good Faith in European Contract Law, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, C.14 (1994), s.228-254.
  • De Boer, Th.M.: Choice of Law in Contracts and Torts in The Netherlands, A Methodological Perspective, Hague-Zagreb-Ghent Essays 8 on the Law of International Trade, International Obligations (Choice of Law)- Provisional Measures in Arbitration, Apeldorn Netherlands 1991, s.21-57 (Choice of Law).
  • De Boer, Th.M.: The EEC Contracts Convention and the Dutch Courts, RabelsZ, C.54 (1990), s.24-62 (Contracts Convention).
  • Delaume, G.R.: What is an International Contract? An American and A Gallic Dilemma, ICLQ, C.28 (1979), s.258–279.
  • Diamond, A.L.: Conflict of Laws in the EEC, Current Legal Problems 1979, s.155-177 (EEC).
  • Diamond, A.L.: Harmonization of Private International Law Relating to Contractual Obligations, Rec. des Cours, C.199 (1986/IV), s.233-312 (Harmonization).
  • Erauw, J.A.: International Advancement of Consumer Interests Through Conflicts Rules, International Contracts and Conflicts of Laws, A Collection of Essays, London 1990, s.71-85 (Edt. Sarcevic, P.).
  • Ewald, F.: A Concept of Social Law, Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State, New York 1988, s.40-75 (Edt. Teubner, G.).
  • Giardina, A.: The Impact of the EEC Convention on the Italian System of Conflict of Laws, Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.237-265 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Güngör, G.: Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Tüketicinin Korunması, Ankara 2000 (Tüketici).
  • Güngör, G.: Temel Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Metinlerinin Sözleşmeden Doğan Borç İlişkilerine Uygulanacak Hukuk Konusunda Yakınlık Yaklaşımı, Restatement II, Roma Sözleşmesi, İsviçre LDIP ve MÖHUK, Ankara 2007 (Yakınlık).
  • Hancock, M.: Three Approaches to the Choice-of-Law Problem: The Classificatory, The Functional and The Result Selective, XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts of Law, Legal Essays in Honor of Hessel Yntema, Leyden 1961, s.365-379.
  • Hartley, T.C: Consumer Protection Provisions in the EEC Convention, Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.111-141 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Hillermaier, K.: Fheiheit und soziale Verantwortung im Vertragsrecht, BB 1976.
  • Jackson, D.: Mandatory Rules and Rules of "ordre public", Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.59-79 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Karrer, A.P.- Arnold, K.W.: Switzerland's Private International Law Statute, The Swiss Code on Conflict of Laws and Related Legislation, Deventer.
  • Kaye, P.: The New Private International Law of Contract of the European Community, Darthmouth 1993.
  • Lagarde, P.:The European Convention On the Law Applicable To Contractual Obligations, Virginia Journal of International Law, C.22/1 (1981), s.91-104.
  • Lando, O.: Contracts (Chapter 24), Private (Edt. Lipstein, K.) International Law, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Contract).
  • Lando, O.: The Conflict of Laws of Contracts, General Principles, Receuil des Cours, C.189 (1984/6), s.228-447 (Conflict).
  • Lasok, D. - Stone, P.A.: Conflict of Laws in the European Community, Exeter 1987.
  • Madsen, P.B.: Scandinavian Contract Law within the EEC, A Social Dimension in Contract Law by Harmonization or Recognition, Perspectives of Critical Contract Law, Aldershot 1993, s.107-120 (Edt. Wilhelmsson, T.).
  • Morse, C.G.J.: Consumer Contracts, Employment Contracts and The Rome Convention, ICLQ, C.41 (1922), s.1-21 (Consumer).
  • Morse, C.G.J.: The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, YEL (1982/2), s.107-171 (EEC Convention).
  • Neal, A.C.-Victorin, A. (Edt.): Law and the Weaker Party and Anglo Swedish Comparative Study, C.V (The Comparison II), Kent 1992.
  • Nomer, E.- Şanlı, C.: Ergin Nomer Devletler Hususî Hukuku, B.16, İstanbul 2008, s.332.
  • North, P.M.: The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, JBL (1980), s.382-388 .
  • Palmer, E.: The Austrian Codification of Conflicts of Law, AJCL, C.28 (1980), s.197-234.
  • Philip, A.: Mandatory Rules, Public Law (Political Rules) And Choice of Law in the EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.81-110 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Reich, N.: From Contract to Trade Practices Law: Protection of Consumers’ Economic Interests by the EC, Perspectives of Critical Contract Law, Aldershot 1993, s.55-105 (Edt. Wilhelmsson, T.) (From Contract).
  • Reich, N.: Protection of Consumers' Economic Interests by the EC, Sydney Law Review, C.14/3 (1992), s.23-61 (Protection).
  • Rice, D.A.: Remedies, Enforcement Procedures and the Duality of Consumer Transaction Problems, Boston University Law Review, C.48-49 (1968-69), s.559-611.
  • Rinze, J.: The Scope of Party Autonomy under the 1980 Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, JBL (1994), s.412-430.
  • Sauveplanne, J.G.: Consumer Protection in Private International Law, NILR, C.32/1 (1985), s.100-122.
  • Schmude, J.: Verbraucherschutz und Vertragsfreiheit, Festschrift für Kurt Ballerstedt, Berlin 1975.
  • Siehr, K.: Private International Law At the End of The Twentieth Century: Progress or Regress? Rapport suisses présentés au XVéme Congres international de droit comparé-Swiss Reports Presented At the XVth International Congress of Comparative Law (Bristol, 27.7 - 1.8.1998), Zürich 1998, s.411-442 (Progress or Regress).
  • Siehr, K.: Private International Law, Introduction to German Law, The Hague 1996 (PIL).
  • Stone, P.A.: The Conflict of Laws, London 1995.
  • Tekinalp, G.: Yeni Alman ve İsviçre Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Kanunlarında Akdî Borç Statüsü ve Türk Kanunu, MHB, Sayı 1, Yıl 8 (1988), s.59-60 (Akdî Borç Statüsü).
  • Tekinalp, G.: Akdî İlişkide Objektif Genel Kural ve "En Yakın İrtibatlı Hukuk" Uygulaması, Prof. Dr. Ernst E. Hirsh'in Hatırasına Armağan, Ankara 1986, s.443-450 (Objektif Genel Kural).
  • Tiryakioğlu, B.: Taşınır Mallara İlişkin Milletlerarası Unsurlu Satım Akitlerine Uygulanacak Hukuk, Ankara 1996.
  • Turhan, T: İsviçre Devletler Özel Hukuku Federal Kanununda Sözleşmeden Doğan Borçlara Uygulanacak Hukuk ve Türk Hukuku, 41 (1990) AÜHFD’nden ayrı bası, Ankara 1991, s.119–149.
  • Williams, P.R.: The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, ICLQ, C.35 (1986), s.1-31.
  • Zevkliler, A.: Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun, Örnek Yargıtay Kararları ve İlgili Mevzuat, İzmir 1996.
  • Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome, 19 June 1980), Uniform Law Review (1991/2), s.68–113; açıklayıcı rapor “Report on the Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations”, OJ C 282/1 (31.10.1980), s.1–47 (Giuliano-Lagarde Raporu).
  • Convention on Jurisdiction and The Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Lugano, 16 September 1988), Uniform Law Review (1988/1) s.274–375; açıklayıcı rapor: OJ C 189 (Jenard ve Möller Raporu).
  • Convention] on the Law Applicable to Certain Consumer Sales, RabelsZ, C.46 (1982), s.795–805 (La Haye Sözleşmesi Tasarısı); ön tasarının metni ve raporu: Law Applicable to Certain Consumer Sales, Preliminary Draft
  • Convention Adopted by the Special Commission and Report by Arthur Taylor Von Mehren, Preliminary Document No.2 of the October 1979 for the attention of fourth session, Edité par le Bureau permanent de la Conferance, Javastraat 2c La Haye, s.1 vd. (Von Mehren Raporu).
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, <>.
  • Proposal for a Regulation on the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome I), <http://eur->.

Law of the Consumer’s Habitual Residence “Ideological Basis”

Yıl 2008, , 115 - 133, 01.06.2008


Private International law only protects the consumers of certain consumer contracts through its functional choice-of-law rules. These are the consumer contracts entered within the contexts of home deal and travelers’ deal. Such consumer contracts are governed by the law of the consumer’s habitual residence. The law of consumer’s habitual residence is considered the law having the closest connection with the consumer


  • Atamer, Y.: Devletler Özel Hukukunda Tüketicinin Korunması, İÜHFM, C.LV/1-2 (1995-1996), s.421-446.
  • Beale, H.: Inequality of Bargaining Power, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, C.6 (1986), s.123-136.
  • Binchy, W.: Irish Conflicts of Law, Ireland 1988.
  • Boggiano, A.: International Standard Contracts, A Comparative Study, Rec. des Cours, C.170/1 (1980), s.9–114.
  • Brilmayer, L.: The Role of Substantive and Choice of Law Policies in the Formation and Application of Choice of Law Rules, Rec. des Cours, C.252 (1995), s.9–112.
  • Clarkson, C.M.V.- Hill, J.: Jaffey on the Conflicts of Laws, London 1997.
  • Collins, L. (Edt.): Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of Laws, B.12, London 1993.
  • Collins, H.: Good Faith in European Contract Law, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, C.14 (1994), s.228-254.
  • De Boer, Th.M.: Choice of Law in Contracts and Torts in The Netherlands, A Methodological Perspective, Hague-Zagreb-Ghent Essays 8 on the Law of International Trade, International Obligations (Choice of Law)- Provisional Measures in Arbitration, Apeldorn Netherlands 1991, s.21-57 (Choice of Law).
  • De Boer, Th.M.: The EEC Contracts Convention and the Dutch Courts, RabelsZ, C.54 (1990), s.24-62 (Contracts Convention).
  • Delaume, G.R.: What is an International Contract? An American and A Gallic Dilemma, ICLQ, C.28 (1979), s.258–279.
  • Diamond, A.L.: Conflict of Laws in the EEC, Current Legal Problems 1979, s.155-177 (EEC).
  • Diamond, A.L.: Harmonization of Private International Law Relating to Contractual Obligations, Rec. des Cours, C.199 (1986/IV), s.233-312 (Harmonization).
  • Erauw, J.A.: International Advancement of Consumer Interests Through Conflicts Rules, International Contracts and Conflicts of Laws, A Collection of Essays, London 1990, s.71-85 (Edt. Sarcevic, P.).
  • Ewald, F.: A Concept of Social Law, Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State, New York 1988, s.40-75 (Edt. Teubner, G.).
  • Giardina, A.: The Impact of the EEC Convention on the Italian System of Conflict of Laws, Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.237-265 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Güngör, G.: Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Tüketicinin Korunması, Ankara 2000 (Tüketici).
  • Güngör, G.: Temel Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Metinlerinin Sözleşmeden Doğan Borç İlişkilerine Uygulanacak Hukuk Konusunda Yakınlık Yaklaşımı, Restatement II, Roma Sözleşmesi, İsviçre LDIP ve MÖHUK, Ankara 2007 (Yakınlık).
  • Hancock, M.: Three Approaches to the Choice-of-Law Problem: The Classificatory, The Functional and The Result Selective, XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts of Law, Legal Essays in Honor of Hessel Yntema, Leyden 1961, s.365-379.
  • Hartley, T.C: Consumer Protection Provisions in the EEC Convention, Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.111-141 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Hillermaier, K.: Fheiheit und soziale Verantwortung im Vertragsrecht, BB 1976.
  • Jackson, D.: Mandatory Rules and Rules of "ordre public", Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.59-79 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Karrer, A.P.- Arnold, K.W.: Switzerland's Private International Law Statute, The Swiss Code on Conflict of Laws and Related Legislation, Deventer.
  • Kaye, P.: The New Private International Law of Contract of the European Community, Darthmouth 1993.
  • Lagarde, P.:The European Convention On the Law Applicable To Contractual Obligations, Virginia Journal of International Law, C.22/1 (1981), s.91-104.
  • Lando, O.: Contracts (Chapter 24), Private (Edt. Lipstein, K.) International Law, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Contract).
  • Lando, O.: The Conflict of Laws of Contracts, General Principles, Receuil des Cours, C.189 (1984/6), s.228-447 (Conflict).
  • Lasok, D. - Stone, P.A.: Conflict of Laws in the European Community, Exeter 1987.
  • Madsen, P.B.: Scandinavian Contract Law within the EEC, A Social Dimension in Contract Law by Harmonization or Recognition, Perspectives of Critical Contract Law, Aldershot 1993, s.107-120 (Edt. Wilhelmsson, T.).
  • Morse, C.G.J.: Consumer Contracts, Employment Contracts and The Rome Convention, ICLQ, C.41 (1922), s.1-21 (Consumer).
  • Morse, C.G.J.: The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, YEL (1982/2), s.107-171 (EEC Convention).
  • Neal, A.C.-Victorin, A. (Edt.): Law and the Weaker Party and Anglo Swedish Comparative Study, C.V (The Comparison II), Kent 1992.
  • Nomer, E.- Şanlı, C.: Ergin Nomer Devletler Hususî Hukuku, B.16, İstanbul 2008, s.332.
  • North, P.M.: The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, JBL (1980), s.382-388 .
  • Palmer, E.: The Austrian Codification of Conflicts of Law, AJCL, C.28 (1980), s.197-234.
  • Philip, A.: Mandatory Rules, Public Law (Political Rules) And Choice of Law in the EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, Contract Conflicts, Amsterdam 1982, s.81-110 (Edt. North, P.M.).
  • Reich, N.: From Contract to Trade Practices Law: Protection of Consumers’ Economic Interests by the EC, Perspectives of Critical Contract Law, Aldershot 1993, s.55-105 (Edt. Wilhelmsson, T.) (From Contract).
  • Reich, N.: Protection of Consumers' Economic Interests by the EC, Sydney Law Review, C.14/3 (1992), s.23-61 (Protection).
  • Rice, D.A.: Remedies, Enforcement Procedures and the Duality of Consumer Transaction Problems, Boston University Law Review, C.48-49 (1968-69), s.559-611.
  • Rinze, J.: The Scope of Party Autonomy under the 1980 Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, JBL (1994), s.412-430.
  • Sauveplanne, J.G.: Consumer Protection in Private International Law, NILR, C.32/1 (1985), s.100-122.
  • Schmude, J.: Verbraucherschutz und Vertragsfreiheit, Festschrift für Kurt Ballerstedt, Berlin 1975.
  • Siehr, K.: Private International Law At the End of The Twentieth Century: Progress or Regress? Rapport suisses présentés au XVéme Congres international de droit comparé-Swiss Reports Presented At the XVth International Congress of Comparative Law (Bristol, 27.7 - 1.8.1998), Zürich 1998, s.411-442 (Progress or Regress).
  • Siehr, K.: Private International Law, Introduction to German Law, The Hague 1996 (PIL).
  • Stone, P.A.: The Conflict of Laws, London 1995.
  • Tekinalp, G.: Yeni Alman ve İsviçre Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Kanunlarında Akdî Borç Statüsü ve Türk Kanunu, MHB, Sayı 1, Yıl 8 (1988), s.59-60 (Akdî Borç Statüsü).
  • Tekinalp, G.: Akdî İlişkide Objektif Genel Kural ve "En Yakın İrtibatlı Hukuk" Uygulaması, Prof. Dr. Ernst E. Hirsh'in Hatırasına Armağan, Ankara 1986, s.443-450 (Objektif Genel Kural).
  • Tiryakioğlu, B.: Taşınır Mallara İlişkin Milletlerarası Unsurlu Satım Akitlerine Uygulanacak Hukuk, Ankara 1996.
  • Turhan, T: İsviçre Devletler Özel Hukuku Federal Kanununda Sözleşmeden Doğan Borçlara Uygulanacak Hukuk ve Türk Hukuku, 41 (1990) AÜHFD’nden ayrı bası, Ankara 1991, s.119–149.
  • Williams, P.R.: The EEC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, ICLQ, C.35 (1986), s.1-31.
  • Zevkliler, A.: Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun, Örnek Yargıtay Kararları ve İlgili Mevzuat, İzmir 1996.
  • Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome, 19 June 1980), Uniform Law Review (1991/2), s.68–113; açıklayıcı rapor “Report on the Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations”, OJ C 282/1 (31.10.1980), s.1–47 (Giuliano-Lagarde Raporu).
  • Convention on Jurisdiction and The Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Lugano, 16 September 1988), Uniform Law Review (1988/1) s.274–375; açıklayıcı rapor: OJ C 189 (Jenard ve Möller Raporu).
  • Convention] on the Law Applicable to Certain Consumer Sales, RabelsZ, C.46 (1982), s.795–805 (La Haye Sözleşmesi Tasarısı); ön tasarının metni ve raporu: Law Applicable to Certain Consumer Sales, Preliminary Draft
  • Convention Adopted by the Special Commission and Report by Arthur Taylor Von Mehren, Preliminary Document No.2 of the October 1979 for the attention of fourth session, Edité par le Bureau permanent de la Conferance, Javastraat 2c La Haye, s.1 vd. (Von Mehren Raporu).
  • Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, <>.
  • Proposal for a Regulation on the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome I), <http://eur->.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA24ZD97EA
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gülin Güngör Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Güngör, Gülin. “TÜKETİCİNİN MUTAD MESKENİ HUKUKU ‘Düşünsel Temeller’”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 57, sy. 2 (Haziran 2008): 115-33.