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of Law and Public Policy, s.703-725.
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Robert P. (ed.), The Autonomy ofLaw, Clarendon Press, Oxford, s. 287-319.
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DWORKIN, Ronald. (1977), Taking Rights Seriously, Harvard
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DWORKIN, Ronald. (2001), "A Reply by Ronald Dworkin", COHEN,
Marshall (ed.), Ronald Dworkin & Contemporary Jurisprudence,
Duckworth, London, s.247-300.
DWORKIN, Ronald. (2002), "Thirty Years On", Harvard Law Review
(Vol.l 15), s.1655-1687.
FULLER, Lon L. (1958), "Positivism and Fidelity to Law-A Reply to
Professor Hart", Harvard Law Review (Vol.71), s.630-672.
HART, H.L.A. (1993), Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy,
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
HART, H.L.A. (1997), The Concept of Law, Oxford University Press,
HART, H.L.A. (2000); Hukuk, Özgürlük ve Ahlâk, Dost Kitabevi,
Ankara, (Çev.E. Öz).
KERRUISH, Valerie. (1991), Jurisprudence as Ideology, Routledge,
LYONS, David. (1977), "Principles, Positivism and Legal Theory", The
Yale Law Journal (Vol.87), s.415-435.
LYONS, David. (1984), "Founders and Foundations of Legal
Positivism", Michigan Lavv Revievv (Vol.82), s.722-739.
LYONS, David. (2001), "Moral Aspects of Legal Theory", COHEN,
Marshall (ed.), Ronald Dworkin & Contemporary Jurisprudence,
Duckvvorth, London, s.49-69.
MACCORMICK, Neil. (1981), "Law, Morality and
Positivism", Legal Studies, s.131-145.
MACCORMICK, Neil. (1999), "My Philosophy of Law", WINTGENS,
Luc J. (ed.), The Law in Philosophical Perspectives, Kluvver Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, s.121-145.
RAZ, Joseph. (1972), "Legal Principles and the Limits of Lavv", The
Yale Lavv Journal (Vol.81), s.823-854.
RAZ, Joseph. (1990), The Concept of a Legal System: An Introduction
to the Theory of Legal System, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
RAZ, Joseph (2002), The Authority of Law-Essays on Law and
Morality, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SCHAUER, Frederick. (1998), "Positivism Through Thick and Thin",
BIX, Brian (ed.), Analyzing Law: New Essays in Legal Theory, Clarendon
Press, Oxford,s.65-78.
SHAPIRO, Scott J. (1998), "The Difference That Rules Make", BIX,
Brian (ed.), Analyzing Law: New Essays in Legal Theory, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, s.33-62.
SHAPIRO, Scott J. (1999), "On Harf s Way Out", COLEMAN, Jules
L. (ed.), Readings in the Philosophy of Lavv, Garland Publishing, Nevv York,
WALUCHOW, W.J. (1992), "Law, Morality, and The Weak Social
Thesis", PEDEN, Creighton / ROTH, John K. (eds.) Rights, Justice and
Community, The Edvvin Mellen Press, Levviston, s.451-459.
WALUCHOW, W.J. (1998), "The Many Faces Of Legal Positivism",
University of Toronto Lavv Journal.
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