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Natural Resource Management, Eds. R. Knight-S. Bates, Island Press 1995,189-208.
Çevre, Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, DPT,
Ankara 1994.
Gündling, Lothar: "Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making",
Trends in Environmental Policy and Law, ed. M. Bothe, Switzerland 1980,131-153.
Imber, Mark F.: "The United Nations' Role in Sustainable Development", in Rio:
Unravelling the Consequences, ed. C. Thomas, Frank Cass 1994,123-136.
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Law, v.4,1993,97-105.
Kiss, Alexander-Shelton, Dinah: International Environmental Law 1994 Supplemenet,New
York 1994.
Nanda, Ved P.: International Environmental Law and Policy, New York 1994.
Ortak Geleceğimiz, Dünya Çevre ve Kalkınma Komisyonu, Türkiye Çevre Sorunları
Vakfı Yayını, üçüncü baskı, Ankara 1991.
Otto, Dianne: "Nongovememental Organizations in the United Nations System: The
Emerging Role of International Civil Society", in Human Rights Quarterly, v.18, 1996,
Özkan, Noyan: Doğa Koruma Rehberi, Nar Yayınlan, Eylül 1995.
Prieur, Michel: Droit de L'environnement, 2e Ğdition, Dalloz, Paris 1991.
Stairs, Kevin-Taylor, Peten "NGOs and Legal Protection of the Oceans", The International
PoÛtics of the Environment, eds.: Hurrell. A.-Kingsbury, B., Oxford 1992, 110-
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, International Legal Materials,
vol. XXXI, no.4, July, 1992,876.
Tolentino, Amedo S.: "Environnement et Information", Environment et Droit de
1'homme, ed. P. Kromarek, Unesco 1987,29-38.
Turgut, Nükhet: Çevre ve Yurttaşlar, Savaş Yayınlan, Ankara 1993.
Turgut, Nükhet: "Çevre Davalan Engellenemez", Cumhuriyet 22.8.1996.
Turgut, Nükhet: "Kirleten Öder İlkesi ve Çevre Hukuku", A.Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi 70.
Yıl Armağanı (c.44, s.1-4,1995), 1996,607-654.
Uler, Yıldınm: "Yönetsel Yargıda Dava Süresi", I. Ulusal İdare Hukuku Kongresi,
Birinci Kitap, Danıştay Yayınlan, Ankara 1991, 209-262.
Werksman, Jacoop D.: "Greening Bretton Woods", in Greening International Law,
ed.P.Sands, 1993,65-84.
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