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— Business Week «At the Summit Talks; Creeping Cartelization» Special
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— Clairmonte, Frederick F.: «Bananas» Payer (ed.) içinde.
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Press, 1975.
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— Pekin, Tevfik,: Ekonomiye Giriş, Ege Üniversitesi İkt. ve Tic. Bil. Fak.
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— Pincus, John : Economic Aid and International Cost Sharing, The Rand
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— Stigler, George J.: The Theory of Price (gözd.geç.bs.) New York 1964.
— Streeten, Paul : «The Dynamics of the New Poor Power» Helleiner ,(ed.)
içinde, pp. 77-88. •
— UN, Review of International Trade and Development 1967, New York 1968.
— UN, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-second
Session - New Delhi, Vol. II, Commodity Problems and Policies.
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— UN/Department of Economic and Social Affairs, VVorld Economic Survey
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— Al-Otabia, Mana Saeed r OPEC and the Petroleum Industry, Croom Helm
(London 1975).
— Boratav, Korkut: «Temel Maddeler ve Yeni Uluslararası Ekonomik Düzen»
Gelişme Dergisi, 1976 Sayısı, ODTÜ (Ankara 1976) ss. 59-79.
— Business Week «At the Summit Talks; Creeping Cartelization» Special
Report, (9 May 1977) pp. 64-83.
— Clairmonte, Frederick F.: «Bananas» Payer (ed.) içinde.
— The Conf erence Board-World Business Perspectives, Nr. 38 «Commodities
in the 'New International Econpmic Order» (August 1977) pp. 4.
— Cooper, Richard N. «A New intemational Econömic Order for Mutual
Gain» Foreign Policy, Spring 1977, pp. 66-120.
— Donges, B. Jürgen: «The Third WorId Demand for a New International
Econömic Order: Governmental Surveillance versus Market
Decision-taking in Trade and Investment», Kyklos, Vol. 30, Fas. 2
1977) pp. 235-58.
—• Financial Times, «Crucial Talks on UNCTAD's Common Fund Plans»
November 7, 1977.
— Helleiner, G.K. (ed.) : A World Divided - The Less Developed Countries in
the International Economy, Cambridge University Press, 1976.
— IBRD - World Tables 1976, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
and London, 1976.
— IMF Survey, Vol. 6, Nr. 11 (June 6, 1977) ve Supplement on International
— îlkin, Akın: Kalkınma ve Sanayi Ekonomisi, İ. Ü. îkt. Fak. Yay. istanbul
— Johnson, Harry G.: Economic Policies Towards Less Developed Countrics,
The Brookings Institution, 1967.
— Kindleberger, Charles P.: International Economics, Homewood, Illinois
(3.bs.) 1963.
— Maizels, Alfred : «A New International Strategy or Primary Commodities»
Helleiner (ed.) içinde, pp, 31-51.
— Payer, Cheryl (ed.) : Commodity Trade of the Third World, The Chaucer
Press, 1975.
— Payer, Cheryl: «Coffee», Payer ,(ed.) içinde.
— Pekin, Tevfik,: Ekonomiye Giriş, Ege Üniversitesi İkt. ve Tic. Bil. Fak.
Yay. Bornova, 1975.
— Pincus, John : Economic Aid and International Cost Sharing, The Rand
Corporation, The John Hopkins Press (Baltimore, Maryland 1965).
— Radetzki, Marian : «The Potential lor Monopolistic Commodity Pricing by
Developing Countries», Helleiner (ed.) içinde, pp. 53-76.
— Singer, HAV. : «The Distribution of Gains between Investing and Borrowing
Countries», American Economic Revieıv, Vol. XL (1950).
— Stewart, Frances : «The Direction of International Trade : Gains and
Losses for the Third World», Helleiner (ed.) içinde, pp. 89-110.
— Stigler, George J.: The Theory of Price (gözd.geç.bs.) New York 1964.
— Streeten, Paul : «The Dynamics of the New Poor Power» Helleiner ,(ed.)
içinde, pp. 77-88. •
— UN, Review of International Trade and Development 1967, New York 1968.
— UN, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-second
Session - New Delhi, Vol. II, Commodity Problems and Policies.
New York (1968) (TD/97.Vol.II).
— UN/Department of Economic and Social Affairs, VVorld Economic Survey
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— UN, Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development-Fourth Session, Nairobi (5-31 May. 1976) Vol. 1-Report
and Annexes, New York 1977.
— Vaitsos, Constantine V. : «Power, Knowledge and Development Policy :
Relations between Transnational Enterprises and Developing
Countries» Helleiner (ed.) içinde, pp. 113-46.
Gökdere, Ahmet Y. “TEMEL MADDE ÜRETİCİSİ ÜLKELERDE KARTELLEŞME EĞİLİMLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 34, sy. 1 (Mayıs 1977). https://doi.org/10.1501/Hukfak_0000000915.