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شُكوك أبي بكر الرازي على جالينوس سؤال النَّهج الإبستيمولوجي

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 2, 627 - 653, 30.11.2024


يُحاول البحث النَّظر في وَضعية العِلم العربي الإسلامي وعلاقته بالموروث اليوناني. وهذا من خلال مراجعة موقف أبي بكر الرازي الشَّكّي من آراء مُعلمه جالينوس. فرغم إفادة الرازي من مُصنفاته، إلا أنه نَقض أفكاره الطبية والفلسفية واستدرك عليه في كتابه " الشكوك على جالينوس". يَتقصَّى البحث المنهج الذي اتبعه أبو بكر الرازي في نقد مُعلمه. ويُحاول إثبات وُجود تناول إبستمولوجي نَوعي وجريء؛ يَظهر من رغبة الرازي في قطع النَّمطية الفكرية و وضْع الأبَوية المعرفية موضع السؤال. تَتبنّى الدراسة المنهج التحليلي النقدي والسّياقي والمقارن. وأما طبيعة المقاربة، فهي نوعية. ومِن أهمِّ ما تَوصَّل إليه البحث؛ هو تبنِيّ الرازي لمنهج ابستيمولوجي مُبتَكر في شكوكه، وَضَع من خلاله قضايا جالينوس الميتافيزيقيّة والمنطقيّة على المحك مُبيّناً هشاشة براهينه.

Proje Numarası



  • A. Anees, Munawar. « Ibn Zuhr », dans Helaine Selin, Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures, Springer, 2008.
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. al-Ṭibb al-Rūhāni. Rémi BRAGUE (trad. fr. de l’arabe, introd., notes et bibliogr.). Paris : Flammarion, 2003. 160 p. Garnier Flammarion ; n°1136.
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb al-Murchid aw al-Fuṣūl : maʻa nuṣūṣ ṭibbiyah mukhtārah, Albert Zaki Iskandar (ed.), (Cairo : Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, 1995).
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb al-Shukūk ʻalā Jālīnūs, Mehdi Mohaghegh (ed.), (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Malaysia et Institute of Islamic Studies, Téhran University, Tehran 1993).
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb Mā al-Farq aw al-Furūq. Salman KATTAYA (éd.), Alep : Institute for the History of Arabic Science (Aleppo), 1978.
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb mʼl-Farq aw al-Furūq. Salmān Qatāya (ed.), (Alep : Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 1978).
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb Sirr ṣināʻat al-ṭibb. Kuhne Brabant Rosa (ed.), (Madrid : al-Qantara, 1982), (1-2).
  • Adamson, Peter, 2021, Great Medieval Thinkers: al-Rāzī, New York: Oxford University Press. al-Bīrūnī, Risālah fī fihrist kutub Mohammad b. Zakariyyāʼ al-Rāzī, Paul Kraus (ed.). (Paris : Maṭbaʻat al-Qalam, 1936).
  • al-Jāḥiẓ, Kitāb al-Ḥayawān, ʻAbd al-Salām Moḥammed (ed.), vol. V, (Cairo : Maktabat Mustafa al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī, 1938).
  • al-Kurdī, Muḥyyī al-dīn Ṣabrī. Jāmiʻ al-badā’iʻ (Cairo: Maṭbaʻat al-Saʻādah, 1917)
  • al-Mutanabbī, Abū al-Ṭayyib. Dīwān Abī al-Ṭayyib al-Mutanabbī, Naṣīf al-Yāzijī (ed.), 2 vols, vol. II, (Beyrouth : Dar Ṣdir, [S.d]).
  • al-Nashār, ʻAli Sāmī ; Ibrahim, Moḥammed ʻAbūdī ; Moḥammed, ʻAli ʻAbd al-Muʻṭī. Dīmūqriṭs : faylsūf al-dharrah wa atharuhū fīʼl-fikr al-falsafī ḥattā ʻuṣūrinā al-ḥadīthah, (Alexandrie : al-Hayʼah al-ʻāmmah lʼl-taʼlīf, 1972), pp. 448-449.
  • Aristote, & Guthrie, W. K. C. (2014). On the Heavens.
  • Brague, Rémi. « Présentation et traduction », in : La Médecine spirituelle, (Paris : Flammarion, 2003).
  • Canguilhem, Georges. Etude d’histoire et de philosophie de science, 2e éd. (Paris : Vrin, 1970).
  • Chatel, Claude et Cenac, Arnaud. Histoire de la médecine : introduction à l'épistémologie, (Paris, France : Ellipses, 1998).
  • D’arcy de Vaulx, Guillaume. « Koetschet, Pauline, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, “Doutes sur Galien ”. Introduction, édition et traduction », MIDEO [En ligne], 35 | 2020, (24.01.2023). Djebbar, Ahmed, Une histoire de la science arabe, Seuil, 2001.
  • Djenane, Okba, (2010). Le corps souffrant au regard de la philosophie médicale chez al-Râzî (865 ? - 925 ?)" Essai intégrant la philosophie, la médecine et le spirituel ".
  • Fabian, Käs. (2020). Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Doutes sur Galien, introduction, edition and French translation by Pauline Koetschet (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019), cxxxviii-347 p.. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 30(1):155-158. doi: 10.1017/S0957423919000134
  • Galen, C. M. (2023). Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī’s doubts about Galen: The case of medical crisis theory. In M. C. Kaya, N. Özdemir & G. Aksoy (Eds.), The 2nd International Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Symposium on History of Science in Islam Proceedings Book (pp. 263-270).
  • Galen. (2011). Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic: A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, and Historical Introduction of Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq, Kitāb ayyām al-buḥrān. London: Ashgate. Cooper, GM (2023).
  • Ḥusayn, Moḥammed Kāmil. “Ṭib al-Rāzī,” in : Abū Bakr Moḥammad bin Zakariyyāʼ al-Rāzī, Kitāb al-Murchid aw al-Fuṣūl : mʻa nuṣūṣ ṭibbiyah mukhtārah, Albert Zaki Iskandar (ed.), (Cairo : Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, 1995).
  • Ibn abī Uṣaybiʻah. ʻUyūn al-anbāʼ fī ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbāʼ, Nizār Riḍā (ed.), (Beyrouth : Dār Maktabat al-Ḥayāt, 1965).
  • Ibn al-Nadīm, Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq. al-Fihrist, Ridha Tajadoud (ed.), (Téhéran : Marvi Offset printing, 1971).
  • Ibn Ḥazm al-andalusī. Al-Iḥkām fī Uṣūl al-Aḥkām, Aḥmad Muḥammad Shākir (ed.), vol. I, (Cairo : Maktabat al-Imām al-Būkhārī linnashr wa al-tawzīʼ, 2008).
  • Ibn Juljul, Sulaymān ibn Ḥassān. “Ṭabaqāt al-aṭibā’ wa’l-’ḥukamā’,” Fu’ād Sayyid (ed.), in : Fuat Sezgin (Collected and reprinted by), vol. LVII : Studies Islamic Philosophy Publication, (Frankfurt am Main: Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science 1999), p.10-138.
  • Ibn Riḍwān, ʻAlī al-Miṣrī. Khamsu rasā’il, Youssef Shakht ; Max Meyerhof (ed.), al-Qahirah : Paul Barbey, 1937).
  • Ibn Ṣāʻid al-Andalusī, Abū al-Qāsim. Kitāb ṭabaqāt al-Umam, Louis Cheikho (texte par) ; Régis Blachère (trad.).
  • Réimpr. (de.) : (Paris, Larose Editeurs, 1935), (Publications de l'Institut des hautes études marocaines ; 28). In: Fuat Sezgin (Collected and reprinted by), vol. I: Islamic Philosophy, 1999, pp. 5-161.
  • Iskandar, Albert Zaki, 1962, “Al-Rāzī, al-Ṭabīb al-Iklīnīkī”, Al-Mashreq 56: 217–82; English translation by Zakia and Peter E. Pormann in Islamic Medical and Scientific Tradition, Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies, 4 vols, Peter E. Pormann (ed.), London: 2011, vol. 1, 207–253.4
  • Katouzian-Safadi, Mehrnaz. « La cornue et l’alambic, instrument d’analyse et de preuve dans Les doutes sur Galien de Rāzī », De Zénon d’Elée à Poincaré, Recueil d’études en hommage à Roshdi Raseh (ed. by), R. Morelon et A. Hasnawi, PEETERS, Louvain-paris, 2004, pp. 377-390.
  • Koetschet, Pauline, (2022). What Level of Certainty Can Medical Sign-Inference Reach? 275-289. doi: 10.1017/9781009072670.013
  • Koetschet, Pauline, 2017, “Abū Bakr al-Rāzī on Vision”, in Philosophy and Medicine in the Formative Period of Islam, Peter Adamson and Peter E. Pormann (eds.), London: Warburg Institute, 170–189.
  • Koetschet, Pauline. (2015). Galien, al-Rāzī, et l’éternité du monde. Les fragments du traité sur la démonstration, iv, dans les doutes sur galien. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 25(2):167-198. doi: 10.1017/S0957423915000016
  • Koetschet, Pauline. Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, « Doutes sur Galien », Introduction, édition et traduction (coll. Scientia Graeco-Arabica), Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019, 560 p.
  • Kraus, Paul. « Raziana II : extraits du Kitāb a'lām al-nubuwwa / D'Abū Ḥātim al-Rāzī ». In: [FS], vol. XVIII : Islamic Philosophy, 1999. pp. 189-232.
  • Kraus, Paul. Abi Bakr Mohammadi Filii Zachariae Raghensis (Razis) Opera Philosophica Fragmentaque quae supersunt. Le Caire : Université Fouad I, 1939. (Litterarum Facultatis Publicationum ; 22), IV-316-11 p.
  • Kraus, Paul. Jābir Ibn Hayyān, Contribution à l'histoire des idées scientifiques dans l'islam, Jābir et la science grecque, éd. (Paris : Les Belles Lettres,1986).
  • Le Coz, Raymond Les Médecins nestoriens, Les Maîtres des Arabes, L'Harmattan, 2003.
  • Maïmonide, Moïse. Le Guide des égarés, Salomon Munk, Jules Wolf (trad. de l'arabe), C. Birman ; F. Rausky (préf.), C. Mopsik (nouv. éd., revue par), (Lagrasse : Verdier, 1979).
  • Meyerhof, Max. “Thirty-three clinical observations by Rhazes (circa 900 A. D.)” Studies in medieval Arabic medicine, ed. Penelope Johnstone, 321-356, London: Variorum Reprints, 1984.
  • Mohaghegh, Mehdi. “Muqadimat Kitāb al-Shukūk ʻalā Jālīnūs,”in: Al-Rāzī, Moḥammad bin Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb al-Shukūk ʻalā Jālīnūs, Mehdi Mohaghegh (ed.), (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Malaysia et Institute of Islamic Studies, Téhran University, Téhran 1993).
  • Moulin, Anne-Marie. Histoire de la médecine arabe : dialogues du passé avec le présent (Paris : Confluent, 1996).
  • Nutton, Vivian, La médecine antique, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2016, 562 p.
  • Pines, Shlomo, “Rāzī critique de Galien”, in: Actes du VIIIe Congrès International d’Histoire des Sciences, Paris 1953, p 480-487, dans : Studies in arabic version of greek texts and in mediaeval science, The magnes press, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1986 (The collected Works of Shlomo Pines 2).
  • Pormann, Peter E., 2008, “Medical Methodology and Hospital Practice: the Case of Fourth-/Tenth-Century Baghdad”, in Adamson 2008b: 95–118.
  • Sarton, George. Introduction to the History of Science. Baltimore. Maryland Etats-Unis d’Amérique: The Williams and Wilkins Company Baltimore, 1927, p. 587.
  • Smith, Emilie Savage-, “La Médecine”, in : G.-C. Anawati ; T. Fahd ; R. Halleux et al. (ed.) Histoire des sciences arabes. 3, Technologie, alchimie et sciences de la vie. Roshdi Rashed (sous la dir.) ; Régis Morelon (avec la collab.), (Paris : Seuil, 1997), pp. 155-212.
  • Strohmaier, Gotthard. “BEKANNTE UND UNBEKANNTE ZITATE IN DEN ZWEIFELN AN GALEN DES RHAZES”, in Text and Tradition, studies in Ancient Medicine and its Transmission, presented to Jutta Kollesch, Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (ed. by), Diethard Nickel, Paul Potter, (Leiden; Boston; Köln : Brill, 1998), in Studies Ancient Medicine, vol. 18. John Scarborough (ed. By).

Abū Bakr al-Rāzī's Doubts About Galen: The Question of the Epistemological Approach

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 2, 627 - 653, 30.11.2024


This research examines the status of Arab-Muslim science in the Islamic world and its relationship with the Greek heritage. This is done by reviewing the sceptical position of Abū Bakr al-Rāzī towards the conclusions of his teacher Galen. Although al-Rāzī gained something from Galen's work, he refuted his medical and philosophical ideas and cor-rected them in his book Doubts About Galen. The research examines the approach taken by Abū Bakr al-Rāzī in criticising his teacher. He attempts to prove the existence of a qualitative and audacious epistemological approach. This is due to al-Rāzī's wish to breach intellectual stereotypes and challenge epistemological paternalism. The study adopts a critical, contextual and comparative analytical approach. The nature of the ap-proach is qualitative. One of the most important conclusions of the research is that al-Rāzī adopted an innovative epistemological approach to his scepticism, through which he put to the test Galen's metaphysical and logical assumptions, thereby demonstrating the fragility of his argument.

Destekleyen Kurum

this study has received no financial support

Proje Numarası





  • A. Anees, Munawar. « Ibn Zuhr », dans Helaine Selin, Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures, Springer, 2008.
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. al-Ṭibb al-Rūhāni. Rémi BRAGUE (trad. fr. de l’arabe, introd., notes et bibliogr.). Paris : Flammarion, 2003. 160 p. Garnier Flammarion ; n°1136.
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb al-Murchid aw al-Fuṣūl : maʻa nuṣūṣ ṭibbiyah mukhtārah, Albert Zaki Iskandar (ed.), (Cairo : Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, 1995).
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb al-Shukūk ʻalā Jālīnūs, Mehdi Mohaghegh (ed.), (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Malaysia et Institute of Islamic Studies, Téhran University, Tehran 1993).
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb Mā al-Farq aw al-Furūq. Salman KATTAYA (éd.), Alep : Institute for the History of Arabic Science (Aleppo), 1978.
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb mʼl-Farq aw al-Furūq. Salmān Qatāya (ed.), (Alep : Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 1978).
  • Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Moḥammad b. Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb Sirr ṣināʻat al-ṭibb. Kuhne Brabant Rosa (ed.), (Madrid : al-Qantara, 1982), (1-2).
  • Adamson, Peter, 2021, Great Medieval Thinkers: al-Rāzī, New York: Oxford University Press. al-Bīrūnī, Risālah fī fihrist kutub Mohammad b. Zakariyyāʼ al-Rāzī, Paul Kraus (ed.). (Paris : Maṭbaʻat al-Qalam, 1936).
  • al-Jāḥiẓ, Kitāb al-Ḥayawān, ʻAbd al-Salām Moḥammed (ed.), vol. V, (Cairo : Maktabat Mustafa al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī, 1938).
  • al-Kurdī, Muḥyyī al-dīn Ṣabrī. Jāmiʻ al-badā’iʻ (Cairo: Maṭbaʻat al-Saʻādah, 1917)
  • al-Mutanabbī, Abū al-Ṭayyib. Dīwān Abī al-Ṭayyib al-Mutanabbī, Naṣīf al-Yāzijī (ed.), 2 vols, vol. II, (Beyrouth : Dar Ṣdir, [S.d]).
  • al-Nashār, ʻAli Sāmī ; Ibrahim, Moḥammed ʻAbūdī ; Moḥammed, ʻAli ʻAbd al-Muʻṭī. Dīmūqriṭs : faylsūf al-dharrah wa atharuhū fīʼl-fikr al-falsafī ḥattā ʻuṣūrinā al-ḥadīthah, (Alexandrie : al-Hayʼah al-ʻāmmah lʼl-taʼlīf, 1972), pp. 448-449.
  • Aristote, & Guthrie, W. K. C. (2014). On the Heavens.
  • Brague, Rémi. « Présentation et traduction », in : La Médecine spirituelle, (Paris : Flammarion, 2003).
  • Canguilhem, Georges. Etude d’histoire et de philosophie de science, 2e éd. (Paris : Vrin, 1970).
  • Chatel, Claude et Cenac, Arnaud. Histoire de la médecine : introduction à l'épistémologie, (Paris, France : Ellipses, 1998).
  • D’arcy de Vaulx, Guillaume. « Koetschet, Pauline, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, “Doutes sur Galien ”. Introduction, édition et traduction », MIDEO [En ligne], 35 | 2020, (24.01.2023). Djebbar, Ahmed, Une histoire de la science arabe, Seuil, 2001.
  • Djenane, Okba, (2010). Le corps souffrant au regard de la philosophie médicale chez al-Râzî (865 ? - 925 ?)" Essai intégrant la philosophie, la médecine et le spirituel ".
  • Fabian, Käs. (2020). Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, Doutes sur Galien, introduction, edition and French translation by Pauline Koetschet (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019), cxxxviii-347 p.. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 30(1):155-158. doi: 10.1017/S0957423919000134
  • Galen, C. M. (2023). Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī’s doubts about Galen: The case of medical crisis theory. In M. C. Kaya, N. Özdemir & G. Aksoy (Eds.), The 2nd International Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Symposium on History of Science in Islam Proceedings Book (pp. 263-270).
  • Galen. (2011). Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic: A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, and Historical Introduction of Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq, Kitāb ayyām al-buḥrān. London: Ashgate. Cooper, GM (2023).
  • Ḥusayn, Moḥammed Kāmil. “Ṭib al-Rāzī,” in : Abū Bakr Moḥammad bin Zakariyyāʼ al-Rāzī, Kitāb al-Murchid aw al-Fuṣūl : mʻa nuṣūṣ ṭibbiyah mukhtārah, Albert Zaki Iskandar (ed.), (Cairo : Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, 1995).
  • Ibn abī Uṣaybiʻah. ʻUyūn al-anbāʼ fī ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbāʼ, Nizār Riḍā (ed.), (Beyrouth : Dār Maktabat al-Ḥayāt, 1965).
  • Ibn al-Nadīm, Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq. al-Fihrist, Ridha Tajadoud (ed.), (Téhéran : Marvi Offset printing, 1971).
  • Ibn Ḥazm al-andalusī. Al-Iḥkām fī Uṣūl al-Aḥkām, Aḥmad Muḥammad Shākir (ed.), vol. I, (Cairo : Maktabat al-Imām al-Būkhārī linnashr wa al-tawzīʼ, 2008).
  • Ibn Juljul, Sulaymān ibn Ḥassān. “Ṭabaqāt al-aṭibā’ wa’l-’ḥukamā’,” Fu’ād Sayyid (ed.), in : Fuat Sezgin (Collected and reprinted by), vol. LVII : Studies Islamic Philosophy Publication, (Frankfurt am Main: Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science 1999), p.10-138.
  • Ibn Riḍwān, ʻAlī al-Miṣrī. Khamsu rasā’il, Youssef Shakht ; Max Meyerhof (ed.), al-Qahirah : Paul Barbey, 1937).
  • Ibn Ṣāʻid al-Andalusī, Abū al-Qāsim. Kitāb ṭabaqāt al-Umam, Louis Cheikho (texte par) ; Régis Blachère (trad.).
  • Réimpr. (de.) : (Paris, Larose Editeurs, 1935), (Publications de l'Institut des hautes études marocaines ; 28). In: Fuat Sezgin (Collected and reprinted by), vol. I: Islamic Philosophy, 1999, pp. 5-161.
  • Iskandar, Albert Zaki, 1962, “Al-Rāzī, al-Ṭabīb al-Iklīnīkī”, Al-Mashreq 56: 217–82; English translation by Zakia and Peter E. Pormann in Islamic Medical and Scientific Tradition, Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies, 4 vols, Peter E. Pormann (ed.), London: 2011, vol. 1, 207–253.4
  • Katouzian-Safadi, Mehrnaz. « La cornue et l’alambic, instrument d’analyse et de preuve dans Les doutes sur Galien de Rāzī », De Zénon d’Elée à Poincaré, Recueil d’études en hommage à Roshdi Raseh (ed. by), R. Morelon et A. Hasnawi, PEETERS, Louvain-paris, 2004, pp. 377-390.
  • Koetschet, Pauline, (2022). What Level of Certainty Can Medical Sign-Inference Reach? 275-289. doi: 10.1017/9781009072670.013
  • Koetschet, Pauline, 2017, “Abū Bakr al-Rāzī on Vision”, in Philosophy and Medicine in the Formative Period of Islam, Peter Adamson and Peter E. Pormann (eds.), London: Warburg Institute, 170–189.
  • Koetschet, Pauline. (2015). Galien, al-Rāzī, et l’éternité du monde. Les fragments du traité sur la démonstration, iv, dans les doutes sur galien. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 25(2):167-198. doi: 10.1017/S0957423915000016
  • Koetschet, Pauline. Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, « Doutes sur Galien », Introduction, édition et traduction (coll. Scientia Graeco-Arabica), Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019, 560 p.
  • Kraus, Paul. « Raziana II : extraits du Kitāb a'lām al-nubuwwa / D'Abū Ḥātim al-Rāzī ». In: [FS], vol. XVIII : Islamic Philosophy, 1999. pp. 189-232.
  • Kraus, Paul. Abi Bakr Mohammadi Filii Zachariae Raghensis (Razis) Opera Philosophica Fragmentaque quae supersunt. Le Caire : Université Fouad I, 1939. (Litterarum Facultatis Publicationum ; 22), IV-316-11 p.
  • Kraus, Paul. Jābir Ibn Hayyān, Contribution à l'histoire des idées scientifiques dans l'islam, Jābir et la science grecque, éd. (Paris : Les Belles Lettres,1986).
  • Le Coz, Raymond Les Médecins nestoriens, Les Maîtres des Arabes, L'Harmattan, 2003.
  • Maïmonide, Moïse. Le Guide des égarés, Salomon Munk, Jules Wolf (trad. de l'arabe), C. Birman ; F. Rausky (préf.), C. Mopsik (nouv. éd., revue par), (Lagrasse : Verdier, 1979).
  • Meyerhof, Max. “Thirty-three clinical observations by Rhazes (circa 900 A. D.)” Studies in medieval Arabic medicine, ed. Penelope Johnstone, 321-356, London: Variorum Reprints, 1984.
  • Mohaghegh, Mehdi. “Muqadimat Kitāb al-Shukūk ʻalā Jālīnūs,”in: Al-Rāzī, Moḥammad bin Zakariyyāʼ. Kitāb al-Shukūk ʻalā Jālīnūs, Mehdi Mohaghegh (ed.), (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Malaysia et Institute of Islamic Studies, Téhran University, Téhran 1993).
  • Moulin, Anne-Marie. Histoire de la médecine arabe : dialogues du passé avec le présent (Paris : Confluent, 1996).
  • Nutton, Vivian, La médecine antique, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2016, 562 p.
  • Pines, Shlomo, “Rāzī critique de Galien”, in: Actes du VIIIe Congrès International d’Histoire des Sciences, Paris 1953, p 480-487, dans : Studies in arabic version of greek texts and in mediaeval science, The magnes press, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1986 (The collected Works of Shlomo Pines 2).
  • Pormann, Peter E., 2008, “Medical Methodology and Hospital Practice: the Case of Fourth-/Tenth-Century Baghdad”, in Adamson 2008b: 95–118.
  • Sarton, George. Introduction to the History of Science. Baltimore. Maryland Etats-Unis d’Amérique: The Williams and Wilkins Company Baltimore, 1927, p. 587.
  • Smith, Emilie Savage-, “La Médecine”, in : G.-C. Anawati ; T. Fahd ; R. Halleux et al. (ed.) Histoire des sciences arabes. 3, Technologie, alchimie et sciences de la vie. Roshdi Rashed (sous la dir.) ; Régis Morelon (avec la collab.), (Paris : Seuil, 1997), pp. 155-212.
  • Strohmaier, Gotthard. “BEKANNTE UND UNBEKANNTE ZITATE IN DEN ZWEIFELN AN GALEN DES RHAZES”, in Text and Tradition, studies in Ancient Medicine and its Transmission, presented to Jutta Kollesch, Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (ed. by), Diethard Nickel, Paul Potter, (Leiden; Boston; Köln : Brill, 1998), in Studies Ancient Medicine, vol. 18. John Scarborough (ed. By).

Ebû Bekir er-Rāzī 'nin Galen Hakkındaki Şüpheleri: Epistemolojik Yöntem Sorunu

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 65 Sayı: 2, 627 - 653, 30.11.2024


Bu araştırma Arap-Müslüman biliminin durumunu ve Yunan mirasıyla ilişkisini incelemektedir. Bu inceleme, Ebû Bekir er-Râzî'nin, hocası Galen'in vardığı sonuçlara yönelik şüpheci yaklaşımının gözden geçirilmesiyle yapılmaktadır. Râzî, Galen'in eserinden istifade etmiş olsa da onun tıbbi ve felsefi fikirlerini çürütmüş ve bunları "Galen Hakkında Şüpheler" adlı kitabında düzeltmiştir. Araştırma, Ebû Bekir er-Râzî'nin hocasını eleştirirken benimsediği yöntemi inceleyerek, niteliksel ve cesur bir epistemolojik yaklaşımın varlığını kanıtlamaya çalışmaktadır. Razi’nin bu yaklaşımı, onun entelektüel stereotipleri yıkma ve epistemolojik paternalizme meydan okuma arzusundan kaynaklanmaktadır. Çalışma eleştirel, bağlamsal ve karşılaştırmalı analitik bir yaklaşımı benimsemiştir. Yaklaşımın doğası ise nitelikseldir. Araştırmanın en önemli sonuçlarından biri, Râzî'nin şüpheciliğiyle yenilikçi bir epistemolojik yöntem benimseyerek, Galen'in metafizik ve mantıksal delillendirmelerinin kırılganlığını ortaya koymasıdır.

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Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Okba Djenane 0000-0003-2654-9870

Proje Numarası Nought
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 65 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Djenane, Okba. “شُكوك أبي بكر الرازي على جالينوس سؤال النَّهج الإبستيمولوجي”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 65, sy. 2 (Kasım 2024): 627-53.

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