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Ekonomi Tarihinde Zamanın Miktarlarla Mütalaası: 19.YY. İzmir (Smyrna) Limanı Dış Ticaret Verileri Dahilinde Box-Jenkins ARIMA Yaklaşımının Performansı

Yıl 2020, , 185 - 200, 20.11.2020


Zaman-serisi tahlilleri genelde araştırma konusunu temsil eden unsurlara dair farklı tahmin yönergeleri kullanmaktadır. Daha güncel uygulama alanları yanısıra, ekonomi tarihi araştırmaları, özellikle bulguları arasında sayısallaştırılabilir gözlemler söz konusu ise, aynı tahlil yöntemi için olumlu itibar görmeye başlamış bir diğer araştırma alanı olarak tanımlanabilir. Ancak, veri kümelerinin kabul edilebilir eşik değerler doğrultusunda gerekli örneklem büyüklüğüne sahip olduğu güncel araştırma alanlarına tezat bir biçimde, ekonomi tarihi araştırmalarında nadir olarak yeterli miktarda gözlem sayısına ulaşılabilmektedir. Bu türden kısıtlı miktarlar çoğunlukla çokdeğişkenli (multivariate) tekniklere işaret ediyor olsa dahi, yine de farklı tekdeğişkenli (univariate) teknikler aynı araştırmalar için olumlu sonuçlar üretebilmektedir. Benzeri biçimde, bu çalışmada, zaman serisi tahlili konusundaki bilinen ilklerden olan Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) yaklaşımı, Smyrna (İzmir) limanı dış ticareti üzerine derlenmiş tarihi bir veri kümesi olan 19. yüzyıl göstergelerine uygulanmakta ve uygulamaya konu tekdeğişkenli tekniklere dair performans incelenmektedir.


  • Anderson, O.D.(1977) “The Box-Jenkins Approach to Time Series Analysis”, R.A.I.R.O. Operations Research, Vol(11/1):3-29.
  • Benham, F. (1940) "The Terms of Trade", Economica, Vol.(7/28):360-376
  • Bhagwati, J. & H.G. Johnson (1960) "Notes on Some Controversies in the Theory of International Trade", The Economic Journal, Vol.(70/277):74-93
  • Box, G.E.P. (1966) "Use and Abuse of Regression", Technometrics, Vol(8)4:625-629.
  • Box, G.E.P. and D.A. Pierce (1970) "Distribution of Residual Autocorrelations in Autoregressive-Integrated Moving Average Time Series Models", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol(65)332:1509-1526.
  • Box, G.E.P., G.M. Jenkins and G.C. Reinsel (1994) Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, UpperSaddleRiver, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 3rd ed.
  • Bratt, E.C. (1938) “The Divisibility of Time Series”, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol.(5/2):79-92
  • Burke III, E. (2013) "Toward a Comparative History of the Modern Mediterranean , 1750–1919", Journal of World History, Vol.(23/4):897-939.
  • Caldwell, J.G. (1971) "The Box-Jenkins Forecasting Technique", (Reformatted September 2006), Online Publication,
  • Currie,J.M. "The Concept of Economic Surplus and Its Use in Economic Analysis", The Economic Journal, Vol.(81/324):741-799
  • Das Gupta, A. K. (1954) "Marshall's Measure of "Net Benefit" From Foreign Trade", Indian Economic Review, Vol.(2/2):25-33
  • De Gooijer, J. G. and R. J. Hyndman (2006) "25 Years of Time Series Forecasting", International Journal of Forecasting, Vol(22)443–473
  • Dridi, J. and K. Zieschang (2004) “Export And Import Price indexes”, IMF Staff Papers, Vol(51/1):157-194
  • Durbin, J. & G.S. Watson (1950), “Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression I.”, Biometrika, Vol(37):409-428.
  • Durbin, J. & G.S. Watson (1951), “Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression II.”, Biometrika, Vol(38):159-178.
  • Enke, S. (1961) “Some Gains from Trade in Producer Goods”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.(75/4):635-642
  • Ezekiel, M. (1938) “The Cobweb Theorem”, Quarterly Journal Of Economics , 255-280.
  • Fels, R. (1951) “Methodology of Research on the Business Cycle”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol.(17/4):397-408
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1988a), “Trade Between Ottoman Empire and The Western Europe: The Case of İzmir in the Eighteenth Century”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.(2/1):1-18
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1988b), “The port of Smyrna in the nineteenth century”, in C.Svolopoulos vd. (ed.) Southeast European Maritime Commerce and Naval Policies, Thessaloniki, 261-272
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (2001), “The Making of an Ottoman port: The quay of İzmir in the nineteenth century”, Journal of Transport History, Vol.(22/1):23-46
  • George G. (1943) “Kondratieff's Theory of Long Cycles”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.(25/4):203-220
  • Graham, F.D. (1932) "The Theory of International Values", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.(46/4):581-616
  • Haberler, G. (1955) "A Survey Of International Trade Theory", Special Papers In International Economics, No. 1, Princeton University
  • Hibbs, D.A. Jr. (1973-1974) “Problems of Statistical Estimation and Causal Inference in Time-Series Regression Models”, Sociological Methodology, Vol.(5/1973 – 1974):252-308
  • Hines, W.W. and D.C. Montgomery (1990) Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Management Science, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Hood, W.C. (1948) “Some Aspects of the Treatment of Time in Economic Theory”, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique, Vol.(14/4):453-468
  • Iggers, G.G. (1997) Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown/USA (Türkçe çeviri, Güven G.Ç.(çev.) Bilimsel Nesnellikten Postmodernizme Yirminci Yüzyılda Tarihyazımı, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, No:96, 2003)
  • Issawi, C. (1980) The Economic History of Turkey 1800-¬1914, The University of Chicago Press, USA
  • Issawi, C. (1966) The Economic History of The Middle East, 1800-¬1914:A Book of Readings, (ed.) The University of Chicago Press, USA
  • Jackson, M. (2012) “Cosmopolitan Smyrna: Illuminating Or Obscuring Cultural Histories?", The Geographical Review, Vol(102/3):337-349
  • Jaffé, W. (1948) "Discussion - Papers and Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1948)", The American Economic Review, Vol.(38/2):19-32
  • Koopmans, T.C. (1947) “Measurement Without Theory”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.(29/3):161-172
  • Küçükkalay, A. M. (2008), “Imports to Smyrna between 1794 and 1802: New Statistics from the Ottoman Sources”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, V.(51):487-512
  • Küçükkalay, A. M. and N. Elibol (2006), “Ottoman Imports in the Eighteenth Century: Smyrna (1771–72)”, Middle Eastern Studies, V.(42/5):723 – 740
  • Kurmuş, O. (2007), Emperyalizmin Türkiye'ye Girişi, 1. Ed. Bilim Yayınları (1974), 3. Ed. Savaş Yayınları (1982), 4. Ed. Yordam Yayınları.
  • Kuznets, S. (1940) “Schumpeter's Business Cycles”, The American Economic Review, Vol.(30/2):257-271.
  • Kuznets, S. (1928) “On the Analysis of Time Series”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol.(23/164):398-410.
  • Matridakis, S. and M. Hibon (1997) "ARMA Models and the Box-Jenkins Methodology", Journal of Forecasting, Vol(16)147:163
  • Newbold, P. (1975) "The Principles of the Box-Jenkins Approach", Operational Research Quarterly Vol(26)2(ii):397-412
  • NIST (2003) Engineering Statistics Handbook, NIST-SEMATECH.
  • North, D.C., (1977) “The New Economic History After Twenty Years”, The American Behavioral Scientist, Vol(21/2):187.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2010), The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism, 1820-1913:Trade, Investment and Production, Cambridge (Türkçe Baskı : Osmanlı Ekonomisi ve Dünya Kapitalizmi:1820-1913, 1984 Yurt Yayınları, Ankara)
  • Paul, M.T. (2018) “The Issues and Implications About the Volatility of the Stock and the Bond Prices and Their Returns and the Volatility of Interest Rates and Inflation - Which Are Being Researched in Finance and Macro-Monetary Economics Literature: A Survey”, Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. (5/2):125-142.
  • Ramsey, F.L. (1974) "Characterization of The Partial Autocorrelation Function", The Annals of Statistics Vol(2/6):1296-1301.
  • Rostow, W.W. (1951) “The Historical Analysis of the Terms of Trade”, The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol.(4/1):53-76
  • Rostow, W.W. (1975) “Kondratieff, Schumpeter, and Kuznets: Trend Periods Revisited”, The Journal of Economic History, Vol.(35/4):719-753
  • Schroeder, L.D., D.L. Sjoquist and P. E. Stephan (1986) Understanding Regression Analysis:An Introductory Guide, Sage University Paper Series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences(07-057), Sage.
  • Schumpeter, J.A.(1935) “The Analysis of Economic Change”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.(17/4):2-10.
  • Stevens, R.W. (1951) "New Ideas in the Theory of International Trade", The American Economic Review, Vol.(41/3):369-388
  • Tintner, G. (1940) “The Analysis of Economic Time Series”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, (35/209-Part1):93-100
  • Tukey, J.W., (1961) “Discussion, Emphasizing The Connection Between Analysis Of Variance And Spectrum Analysis”, Technometrics, Vol(3):191-219.
  • Wold, H.A. (1938) Study in the Analysis of Stationary Time Series, Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell
  • Yılmaz, Ş. (2010) Dış Ticaret Kuramlarının Evrimi, Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Young, A.A. (1924) "Marshall On Consumers' Surplus in International Trade", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.(39/1):144-150
  • Yule, G. U., (1927) "On a Method of Investigating Periodicities in Disturbed Series, with Special Reference to Wolfer's Sunspot Numbers," Philosophical Transactions, (A 226 July 1927):267-98
  • Yürekli, S. (2019) 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Dış Ticareti Üzerine Bir Deneme: İzmir Limanı Örneği (1865-1912), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany [(1992) 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Dış Ticareti Üzerine Bir Deneme: İzmir Limanı Örneği (1865-1912), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara].

Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data

Yıl 2020, , 185 - 200, 20.11.2020


The time-series analysis usually undertakes various estimation procedures by utilizing the quantifiable representations of the research phenomenon. The economic history research, beside the contemporary others, gradually becomes another well repudiated discipline for the same approach especially in cases where the quantifiable observations reside within their findings. However, contrasting with the research areas for which the availability of data sets succinctly reach to the threshold values in terms of sample sizes, in economic history research rarely sufficient amount of observations would be found available. The limiting quantities is often about the multivariate considerations where still various univariate techniques would yield beneficial results. In the same favor, herein, one of the leading approaches, namely the Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) approach to the time-series analysis is applied to the 19th century foreign trade figures compiled for the Smyrna (İzmir) harbor as a historical data-set and the performance of utilized univariate techniques is questioned.


  • Anderson, O.D.(1977) “The Box-Jenkins Approach to Time Series Analysis”, R.A.I.R.O. Operations Research, Vol(11/1):3-29.
  • Benham, F. (1940) "The Terms of Trade", Economica, Vol.(7/28):360-376
  • Bhagwati, J. & H.G. Johnson (1960) "Notes on Some Controversies in the Theory of International Trade", The Economic Journal, Vol.(70/277):74-93
  • Box, G.E.P. (1966) "Use and Abuse of Regression", Technometrics, Vol(8)4:625-629.
  • Box, G.E.P. and D.A. Pierce (1970) "Distribution of Residual Autocorrelations in Autoregressive-Integrated Moving Average Time Series Models", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol(65)332:1509-1526.
  • Box, G.E.P., G.M. Jenkins and G.C. Reinsel (1994) Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, UpperSaddleRiver, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 3rd ed.
  • Bratt, E.C. (1938) “The Divisibility of Time Series”, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol.(5/2):79-92
  • Burke III, E. (2013) "Toward a Comparative History of the Modern Mediterranean , 1750–1919", Journal of World History, Vol.(23/4):897-939.
  • Caldwell, J.G. (1971) "The Box-Jenkins Forecasting Technique", (Reformatted September 2006), Online Publication,
  • Currie,J.M. "The Concept of Economic Surplus and Its Use in Economic Analysis", The Economic Journal, Vol.(81/324):741-799
  • Das Gupta, A. K. (1954) "Marshall's Measure of "Net Benefit" From Foreign Trade", Indian Economic Review, Vol.(2/2):25-33
  • De Gooijer, J. G. and R. J. Hyndman (2006) "25 Years of Time Series Forecasting", International Journal of Forecasting, Vol(22)443–473
  • Dridi, J. and K. Zieschang (2004) “Export And Import Price indexes”, IMF Staff Papers, Vol(51/1):157-194
  • Durbin, J. & G.S. Watson (1950), “Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression I.”, Biometrika, Vol(37):409-428.
  • Durbin, J. & G.S. Watson (1951), “Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression II.”, Biometrika, Vol(38):159-178.
  • Enke, S. (1961) “Some Gains from Trade in Producer Goods”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.(75/4):635-642
  • Ezekiel, M. (1938) “The Cobweb Theorem”, Quarterly Journal Of Economics , 255-280.
  • Fels, R. (1951) “Methodology of Research on the Business Cycle”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol.(17/4):397-408
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1988a), “Trade Between Ottoman Empire and The Western Europe: The Case of İzmir in the Eighteenth Century”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.(2/1):1-18
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (1988b), “The port of Smyrna in the nineteenth century”, in C.Svolopoulos vd. (ed.) Southeast European Maritime Commerce and Naval Policies, Thessaloniki, 261-272
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E. (2001), “The Making of an Ottoman port: The quay of İzmir in the nineteenth century”, Journal of Transport History, Vol.(22/1):23-46
  • George G. (1943) “Kondratieff's Theory of Long Cycles”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.(25/4):203-220
  • Graham, F.D. (1932) "The Theory of International Values", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.(46/4):581-616
  • Haberler, G. (1955) "A Survey Of International Trade Theory", Special Papers In International Economics, No. 1, Princeton University
  • Hibbs, D.A. Jr. (1973-1974) “Problems of Statistical Estimation and Causal Inference in Time-Series Regression Models”, Sociological Methodology, Vol.(5/1973 – 1974):252-308
  • Hines, W.W. and D.C. Montgomery (1990) Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Management Science, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Hood, W.C. (1948) “Some Aspects of the Treatment of Time in Economic Theory”, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique, Vol.(14/4):453-468
  • Iggers, G.G. (1997) Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown/USA (Türkçe çeviri, Güven G.Ç.(çev.) Bilimsel Nesnellikten Postmodernizme Yirminci Yüzyılda Tarihyazımı, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, No:96, 2003)
  • Issawi, C. (1980) The Economic History of Turkey 1800-¬1914, The University of Chicago Press, USA
  • Issawi, C. (1966) The Economic History of The Middle East, 1800-¬1914:A Book of Readings, (ed.) The University of Chicago Press, USA
  • Jackson, M. (2012) “Cosmopolitan Smyrna: Illuminating Or Obscuring Cultural Histories?", The Geographical Review, Vol(102/3):337-349
  • Jaffé, W. (1948) "Discussion - Papers and Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1948)", The American Economic Review, Vol.(38/2):19-32
  • Koopmans, T.C. (1947) “Measurement Without Theory”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.(29/3):161-172
  • Küçükkalay, A. M. (2008), “Imports to Smyrna between 1794 and 1802: New Statistics from the Ottoman Sources”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, V.(51):487-512
  • Küçükkalay, A. M. and N. Elibol (2006), “Ottoman Imports in the Eighteenth Century: Smyrna (1771–72)”, Middle Eastern Studies, V.(42/5):723 – 740
  • Kurmuş, O. (2007), Emperyalizmin Türkiye'ye Girişi, 1. Ed. Bilim Yayınları (1974), 3. Ed. Savaş Yayınları (1982), 4. Ed. Yordam Yayınları.
  • Kuznets, S. (1940) “Schumpeter's Business Cycles”, The American Economic Review, Vol.(30/2):257-271.
  • Kuznets, S. (1928) “On the Analysis of Time Series”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol.(23/164):398-410.
  • Matridakis, S. and M. Hibon (1997) "ARMA Models and the Box-Jenkins Methodology", Journal of Forecasting, Vol(16)147:163
  • Newbold, P. (1975) "The Principles of the Box-Jenkins Approach", Operational Research Quarterly Vol(26)2(ii):397-412
  • NIST (2003) Engineering Statistics Handbook, NIST-SEMATECH.
  • North, D.C., (1977) “The New Economic History After Twenty Years”, The American Behavioral Scientist, Vol(21/2):187.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2010), The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism, 1820-1913:Trade, Investment and Production, Cambridge (Türkçe Baskı : Osmanlı Ekonomisi ve Dünya Kapitalizmi:1820-1913, 1984 Yurt Yayınları, Ankara)
  • Paul, M.T. (2018) “The Issues and Implications About the Volatility of the Stock and the Bond Prices and Their Returns and the Volatility of Interest Rates and Inflation - Which Are Being Researched in Finance and Macro-Monetary Economics Literature: A Survey”, Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. (5/2):125-142.
  • Ramsey, F.L. (1974) "Characterization of The Partial Autocorrelation Function", The Annals of Statistics Vol(2/6):1296-1301.
  • Rostow, W.W. (1951) “The Historical Analysis of the Terms of Trade”, The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol.(4/1):53-76
  • Rostow, W.W. (1975) “Kondratieff, Schumpeter, and Kuznets: Trend Periods Revisited”, The Journal of Economic History, Vol.(35/4):719-753
  • Schroeder, L.D., D.L. Sjoquist and P. E. Stephan (1986) Understanding Regression Analysis:An Introductory Guide, Sage University Paper Series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences(07-057), Sage.
  • Schumpeter, J.A.(1935) “The Analysis of Economic Change”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.(17/4):2-10.
  • Stevens, R.W. (1951) "New Ideas in the Theory of International Trade", The American Economic Review, Vol.(41/3):369-388
  • Tintner, G. (1940) “The Analysis of Economic Time Series”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, (35/209-Part1):93-100
  • Tukey, J.W., (1961) “Discussion, Emphasizing The Connection Between Analysis Of Variance And Spectrum Analysis”, Technometrics, Vol(3):191-219.
  • Wold, H.A. (1938) Study in the Analysis of Stationary Time Series, Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell
  • Yılmaz, Ş. (2010) Dış Ticaret Kuramlarının Evrimi, Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Young, A.A. (1924) "Marshall On Consumers' Surplus in International Trade", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.(39/1):144-150
  • Yule, G. U., (1927) "On a Method of Investigating Periodicities in Disturbed Series, with Special Reference to Wolfer's Sunspot Numbers," Philosophical Transactions, (A 226 July 1927):267-98
  • Yürekli, S. (2019) 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Dış Ticareti Üzerine Bir Deneme: İzmir Limanı Örneği (1865-1912), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany [(1992) 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Dış Ticareti Üzerine Bir Deneme: İzmir Limanı Örneği (1865-1912), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara].
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sıtkı Yürekli Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6999-2448

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Kasım 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Mart 2020
Kabul Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Yürekli, S. (2020). Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 20(2), 185-200.
AMA Yürekli S. Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. Kasım 2020;20(2):185-200. doi:10.25294/auiibfd.827492
Chicago Yürekli, Sıtkı. “Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 20, sy. 2 (Kasım 2020): 185-200.
EndNote Yürekli S (01 Kasım 2020) Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 20 2 185–200.
IEEE S. Yürekli, “Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, ss. 185–200, 2020, doi: 10.25294/auiibfd.827492.
ISNAD Yürekli, Sıtkı. “Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 20/2 (Kasım 2020), 185-200.
JAMA Yürekli S. Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2020;20:185–200.
MLA Yürekli, Sıtkı. “Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 185-00, doi:10.25294/auiibfd.827492.
Vancouver Yürekli S. Considering Time by Quantities in Economic History: The Performance of the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Approach on the 19th Century Smyrna Harbor Foreign Trade Data. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2020;20(2):185-200.

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