Elektrik Enerjisi Ticaretinin Finansal Piyasalar İçindeki Yeri: Türkiye İçin Öneriler
Yıl 2015,
, 135 - 143, 01.09.2015
Fatih Temizel
Ali Can Koç
1980’lerden itibaren elektrik ticaretinde serbestleşme adımlarının atılmasıyla birlikte yatırımcılar elektrik üretimi ve dağıtımı sektörlerine girmiştir. Böylece elektrik piyasaları rekabetçi bir yapıya kavuşmuştur. Elektrik enerjisi, piyasaların serbestleşmesi sürecinin bir parçası olarak yalnızca bir tüketim maddesi olmaktan çıkmış ve finansal piyasaların bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Bunun başlıca nedenleri olarak elektrik pazarında serbest fiyat hareketlerinin oluşması ve buna bağlı olarak fiyatlarda oluşan oynaklık ve risk gösterilebilir. Bu yüzden elektriğin fiziksel olarak toptan ya da perakende günlük ticaretinin yanında futures, forward ve opsiyon kontratları da alınıp satılmaya başlanmıştır. Özellikle ABD ve Avrupa’da yalnızca enerji ve enerji türev ürünlerinin alınıp satıldığı borsalar kurulmuştur. Son yıllarda Türkiye’de de enerji sektöründe serbestleşme yönünde önemli adımlar atılmış ve ayrı bir enerji borsası kurma safhasına geçilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Avrupa ve Amerika’daki enerji borsaları araştırılarak elektrik ticaretinin enerji borsaları içindeki konumu, elektrik kontratlarının özellikleri ve bu borsaların işleyişleri araştırılarak, Türkiye için öneriler oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir.
- Agora Energiwende (2015). The Energiewende in the Power Sector: State of Affairs 2014.
- Boisseleau, F. (2004). The Role of Power Exchanges for the Creation of a Single European Electricity Mar- ket: Market Design and Market Regulation. Doktora Tezi, University of Paris IX Dauphine, Delft Uni- versity Press.
- Dahl, C. A. (2004). International Energy Markets Un- derstanding Pricing, Policies and Profits, PennWell.
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- Hausman, E., Hornby, R., Smith, A. (2008). Bilateral Contracting in Deregulated Electricity Markets. A Report to the American Power Association. Synap- se Energy Economics, Inc.
- Haylen, A. (2014). Electricity Prices, Demand and Supply in NSW. New South Wales Parliamentary Research Service Briefing Paper No 3/2014.
- Herraiz, A.C., Monroy, C.R. (2009). Analysis of the efficiency of the Iberian power futures market. Energy Policy, 37, 3566-3579.
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- IDEX (2013). Italian Derivatives Energy Exchange: where power meets transparency. Borsa Italiana S.p.A.
- Krapels, E. N. (2002). Electricity Trading and Hedging, Risk Books.
- Lewis, R., Dawson, P. (2004). The Development of European Electricity Markets. Vincent Kaminski (Ed.) Managing Energy Price Risk The New Challen- ges and Solutions içinde (s.325-349). Risk Books.
- Market Observatory for Energy of the European Com- mission (2014). Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets, DG Energy, 7, 3.
- Maxant R., Tanenbaum R., Travers G. (1997). Clarity in Understanding Electricity Contracts and their As- sociated Risks. Robert Jameson (Ed.), The U.S. Po- wer Market: Restructuring and Risk Management içinde. Risk Books, London
- Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Repub- lic (2013). Power Exchange Central Europe. http:// www.mpo.cz/dokument119994.html (Erişim Tari- hi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Nasdaq (2015). Nasdaq Clearing as a Counterparty. http:// www.nasdaqomx.com/digitalAssets/98/98491_ nasdaq-clearing-as-a-counterparty-april-2015.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Nicholson, C. (2010). Russian Power Privatization and Development. Apex:Russia Power.
- Nordic Energy Regulators (2014). Nordic Market Re- port 2014. http://www.nordicenergyregulators.org/ wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Nordic-Market-Re- port-2014.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Peljo J. (2013). Futures Pricing in the Nordic Electricity Market. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aalto University Scho- ol of Business
- Pineda S., Conejo A. (2013). Using Electricity Options to Hedge Against Financial Risks of Power Produ- cers. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2013 1(2). s.101-109.
- Piyasa Mali Uzlaştırma Merkezi (2013). Gün Öncesi Piyasası Kullanıcı Klavuzu. Elektrik Piyasaları İş- letme Dairesi Başkanlığı.
- Sevil, G., Başar, M., Coşkun, M. (2013). Finansal Yö- netim 2. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir.
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Electricity Trading in Financial Markets: Suggestions For Turkey
Yıl 2015,
, 135 - 143, 01.09.2015
Fatih Temizel
Ali Can Koç
Since 1980’s liberalization in electricity trading has begun. Thus investors have entered electricity generation and distribution sectors and created a competitive environment. Liberalization policies on energy industry change the nature of electricity. It is not just an ordinary consumable item anymore, but also an important part of the financial markets. The main reason of that is price volatility and risks depending on free market conditions. Therefore besides day ahead and intraday spot markets, electricity futures, forwards and options are part of electricity trading. America and some European countries have power exchanges intended for only energy and energy derivatives. Also Turkey has a goal of opening an power exchange in the near future. Aim of this paper is making suggestions for improving electricity market in Turkey through researching role of electricity trading in power exchanges and features of electricity contracts used in the power exchanges located in Europe and United States.
- Agora Energiwende (2015). The Energiewende in the Power Sector: State of Affairs 2014.
- Boisseleau, F. (2004). The Role of Power Exchanges for the Creation of a Single European Electricity Mar- ket: Market Design and Market Regulation. Doktora Tezi, University of Paris IX Dauphine, Delft Uni- versity Press.
- Dahl, C. A. (2004). International Energy Markets Un- derstanding Pricing, Policies and Profits, PennWell.
- Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu (2014). Elektrik Piyasası 2013 Yılı Piyasa Gelişim Raporu, Ankara.
- Hausman, E., Hornby, R., Smith, A. (2008). Bilateral Contracting in Deregulated Electricity Markets. A Report to the American Power Association. Synap- se Energy Economics, Inc.
- Haylen, A. (2014). Electricity Prices, Demand and Supply in NSW. New South Wales Parliamentary Research Service Briefing Paper No 3/2014.
- Herraiz, A.C., Monroy, C.R. (2009). Analysis of the efficiency of the Iberian power futures market. Energy Policy, 37, 3566-3579.
- http://www.bigpara.com/viop-varant/viop-verileri Bigpara VİOP Verileri, (Erişim Tarihi: 30 Haziran 2015)
- ICE Futures U.S. (2015). https://www.theice.com/ futures-us (Erişim Tarihi: 30.06.2015)
- IDEX (2013). Italian Derivatives Energy Exchange: where power meets transparency. Borsa Italiana S.p.A.
- Krapels, E. N. (2002). Electricity Trading and Hedging, Risk Books.
- Lewis, R., Dawson, P. (2004). The Development of European Electricity Markets. Vincent Kaminski (Ed.) Managing Energy Price Risk The New Challen- ges and Solutions içinde (s.325-349). Risk Books.
- Market Observatory for Energy of the European Com- mission (2014). Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets, DG Energy, 7, 3.
- Maxant R., Tanenbaum R., Travers G. (1997). Clarity in Understanding Electricity Contracts and their As- sociated Risks. Robert Jameson (Ed.), The U.S. Po- wer Market: Restructuring and Risk Management içinde. Risk Books, London
- Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Repub- lic (2013). Power Exchange Central Europe. http:// www.mpo.cz/dokument119994.html (Erişim Tari- hi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Nasdaq (2015). Nasdaq Clearing as a Counterparty. http:// www.nasdaqomx.com/digitalAssets/98/98491_ nasdaq-clearing-as-a-counterparty-april-2015.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Nicholson, C. (2010). Russian Power Privatization and Development. Apex:Russia Power.
- Nordic Energy Regulators (2014). Nordic Market Re- port 2014. http://www.nordicenergyregulators.org/ wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Nordic-Market-Re- port-2014.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Peljo J. (2013). Futures Pricing in the Nordic Electricity Market. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Aalto University Scho- ol of Business
- Pineda S., Conejo A. (2013). Using Electricity Options to Hedge Against Financial Risks of Power Produ- cers. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2013 1(2). s.101-109.
- Piyasa Mali Uzlaştırma Merkezi (2013). Gün Öncesi Piyasası Kullanıcı Klavuzu. Elektrik Piyasaları İş- letme Dairesi Başkanlığı.
- Sevil, G., Başar, M., Coşkun, M. (2013). Finansal Yö- netim 2. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir.
- TEİAŞ (2015). Türkiye’de Elektrik Enerjisi Kurulu Gücü. www.teias.gov.tr/yukdagitim/kuruluguc.xls (Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2015).
- Wilkens, S., Wimschulte, J. (2007). The Pricing of Elect- ricity Futures: Evidence from the European Energy Exchange. Journal of Futures Market, 27, 4, 387-407.