The Black Sea has been an important region for the international actors to consider with its countries with diverse backgrounds, complicated relations, and attempts to its region-building. European Union has been involved in Black Sea dynamics, yet the effectiveness of its role in the region is questionable. This study aims to show European Union’s limitations on a more significant role in the Black Sea region. The article explains three main limitations: seeing its role mainly from a trade perspective, the clashing interests of several international actors, and differences among member states. At first, the article focuses on European Union’s involvement in the Black Sea to acknowledge these limitations. The specific focus on the Russian-Ukrainian war provides a fresh look at the European Union’s role. How these limitations are reflected in this context can give a chance to the European Union for a more significant role while presenting new challenges to tackle. However, this study argues that current European Union policies do not provide a comprehensive approach. The article suggests that having a security dimension in its Black Sea policies, establishing more comprehensive relations with other international actors, and providing unanimity among member states about the Black Sea policies can help the European Union to overcome its limitations.
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Trenin, D. (2008). Russia’s perspective on the Wider Black Sea region. In D. Hamilton & G. Mangott (Eds.) The Wider Black Sea region in the 21st Century: Strategic, economic and energy perspectives (p. 103-120). Washington, D.C: Center for Transatlantic Relations
Triantaphyllou, D. (2014). The European Union and the Black Sea region in search of a narrative or a new Paradigm. Journal of Balkan and New Eastern Studies, 16(3), 286-299.
Weaver, C., and Henderson, K. (2016). The Black Sea region and EU policy the challenge of divergent agendas. London: Taylor and Francis.
Wilson, A., and Popescu, N. (2009). Russian and European neighbourhood policies compared. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 9(3), 317-331.
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 22 Sayı: 4, 1181 - 1198, 28.12.2022
As it happened: EU’s Von der Leyen promises to speed up Ukraine membership process. (2022a). France24. Retrieved from
Aurescu, B. (2011). The role of European Union in the Wider Black Sea region. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 10(1), 35-45. Retrieved from
Chakrabarti, M., and Kotsonis, S. (2022). China's place in the Russia-Ukraine war. Retrieved from
Cipek, T. (2008). Russia and the European Union: What remains the partnership? Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, (1)1, 11-29. Retrieved from
Çelikpala, M. (2010). Escalating rivalries and diverging interests: prospects for stability and security in the Black Sea region. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 10(3), 287-302, doi:
European Commission. (2007). Black Sea Synergy – A new regional cooperation initiative. COM (2007) 160 final. Retrieved from
European Commission. (2008). Eastern Partnership. COM (2008) 823 final. Retrieved from
European Commission. (2021). EU trade relations with Russia. Retrieved from
European Parliament. (2007). Report on a Black Sea regional policy approach. Retrieved from
Fischer, S. (2009). The European Union and security in the Black Sea region after the Georgia Crisis, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 9(3), 333-349, doi:
Garces de Los Fayos, F. (2013). The EU's Black Sea policy: Where do we stand?. Retrieved from
Hettne, B. and Söderbaum, F. (2000). Theorising the rise of Regionness. New Political Economy, 5(2), 457-472.
Khatu, J. (2022). The European Union’s status in the Russia-Ukraine crisis. E-International Relations. Retrieved from
Konoplyov, S., and Delanoë, I. (2014). Continuities and ruptures: Tracking the US interests in the Black Sea area in the context of the ‘Pivot to Asia.’ Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 16(3), 356-369.
Krastev, I. (2008). The crisis of the post-Cold War European order. Brussel Forum Paper Series. Retrieved from
Kratochvíl, P. and Tulmets E. (2017). Constructivist approaches to the study of the European Neighbourhood Policy. In The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy (p. 171-192). Abingdon: Routledge
Macron draws new wave of criticism over call not to 'humiliate' Russia. (2022b). France24. Retrieved from
Manners, I. (2002). Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?, Journal of Common Market Studies, 40(2), 235-258.
Manners, I. (2008). The normative ethics of the European Union. International Affairs. 84(1), p. 46-60.
Martin, A., Lilkov, D., Kaczmarski, M., Çolakoğlu, S., Prelec, T. and Forough, M. (2021) China in the broader Black Sea region. GLOBSEC. Retrieved from
Manoli, P. (2012). EU’s flexible regional multilateralism towards its Black Sea neighbourhood. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies. 12(3), 431-442.
Schunz, S., & Gstöhl, S. (2017). Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy. Routledge.
Trenin, D. (2008). Russia’s perspective on the Wider Black Sea region. In D. Hamilton & G. Mangott (Eds.) The Wider Black Sea region in the 21st Century: Strategic, economic and energy perspectives (p. 103-120). Washington, D.C: Center for Transatlantic Relations
Triantaphyllou, D. (2014). The European Union and the Black Sea region in search of a narrative or a new Paradigm. Journal of Balkan and New Eastern Studies, 16(3), 286-299.
Weaver, C., and Henderson, K. (2016). The Black Sea region and EU policy the challenge of divergent agendas. London: Taylor and Francis.
Wilson, A., and Popescu, N. (2009). Russian and European neighbourhood policies compared. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 9(3), 317-331.
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