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Neo-Conservatives, Democracy Promotoin and American Foreign Policy

Yıl 2012, , 159 - 187, 01.03.2012


Preservation and strengthening of American hegemony and spreading of democracy across the world are two important elements of foreign policy approach of neo-conservatives. Developments which generated the neo-conservatism as a new stream of thought also generated idea of democracy promotion in the neo-conservatism. Democracy promotion has been in foreign policy approach of the neo-conservatives as a realizable aim since 1980s. Democracy promotion was perceived by the neo-conservatives as the best option which can fill the ideological gap in the American foreign policy in post-Cold War era. The neoconservatives in George W. Bush administration were effective in making of active policies for spread democracy. Arab Spring is a test case to check sincerity of the neo-conservatives who supported democratization of the Middle East after the September 11 attacks. 


  • Abrams, Elliot (2011a), “American Options in Syria”, Policy Innovation Memorandum, 9/October, (19.01.2012).
  • Abrams, Elliot (2011b), “From 9/11 to Arab Spring”, The Daily, September 11, 1-2/ (19.01.2012).
  • Abrams, Elliot (2012), “A Forward Strategy of Freedom”, January 23, (19.01.2012).
  • Acharya, Sukanta (2006), “American Exceptionalism: A Neo-conservative Face to Future”, International Studies, 43/2: 185-202.
  • Bennett, William J. (2000), “Morality, Character and American Foreign Policy”, Robert Kagan and William Kristol (eds), Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy (San Francisco: Encounter Books): 289-305.
  • Bolton, John R. (2011a), “Obama’s Syrian Failure”, November 17, (19.01.2012).
  • Bolton, John R. (2011b), “Facing Facts on O’s Syria Miscues”, New York Post, August 24.
  • Bolton, John R. (2011c), “How Freedom’s Foes Exploit Arab Unrest”, New York Post, February 21.
  • Bolton, John R. (2011d), “How to Make Egypt Safe for Democracy”, Standpoint Magazine, February 25, (19.01.2012).
  • Bolton, John R. (2011e), “Libya Needs Action Now”, March 14, (19.01.2012).
  • Bolton, John R. (2011f), “While the White House Slept”, New York Daily News, March 6.
  • “Coffee House Interview: Paul Wolfowitz” (2011), (16.01.2012).
  • Cohen, Eliot A. (2011), “Shifting Sands: Political Transitions in the Middle East, Part I”, Testimony to House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, 13 April, (19.01.2012).
  • Dorrien, Garry (2004), Imperial Designs: Neoconservatism and the New Pax Americana (New York and London: Routledge).
  • Drolet, Jean-François (2010), “A Librealism Betrayed? American Neoconservatism and the Theory of International Relations”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 15/2: 89-118.
  • Feith, Douglas J. (2011), “Dictators and Hedgehogs”, National Review Online, February 8, (19.01.2012).
  • Feith, Douglas ve Seth Cropsey (2011), “The Obama Doctrine Defined”, Commentary, July, (16.01.2012).
  • Frum, David ve Richard Perle (2003), An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror (New York: Random House).
  • Fukuyama, Francis (1989), “The End of History?”, The National Interest, Summer, story%201989.pdf (19.10.2011).
  • Fukuyama, Francis (1992), The End of History and the Last Man (New York: The Free Press). Guelke, John (2005), “The Political Morality of the Neoconservatives: An Analysis”, International Politics, 42/1: 97-115.
  • Halper, Stefan ve Jonathan Clarke (2004), America Alone: The Neoconservatives and the Global Order (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Havers, Grant ve Mark Wexler (2001), “Is U.S. Neoconservatism Dead?”, The Quarterly Journal of Ideology, 24/3-4, htm (26.01.2012).
  • Ish-Shalom, Piki (2007-08), “‘The Civilization of Clashes’: Misapplying the Democratic Peace in the Middle East”, Political Science Quarterly, 122(4): 533-554.
  • İnsel, Ahmet (2003), “Amerika’da Yeni Muhafazakârlık”, Birikim, 169: 10-16.
  • İnsel, Ahmet (2005), “Yeni-muhafazakârlığın Siyasal Felsefesi”, Birikim, 189: 12-18.
  • Johnson, Alan (2007), “The Neoconservative Persuasion and Foreign Policy: An Interview with Joshua Muravchik”, Democratiya, 11: 260-287.
  • Kagan, Robert (2004), “A Tougher War for the U.S. is One of Legitimacy”, The New York Times, January 24.
  • Kagan, Robert (2011a), “A Foreign Policy That Needs Realism and Pragmatism”, The Washington Post, April 28.
  • Kagan, Robert (2011b), “An Imperfect Triumph in Libya”, The Washington Post, August 26.
  • Kagan, Robert (2011c), “Big Changes in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya and Beyond”, ABC News, October 23, (16.01.2012).
  • Kagan, Robert (2012a), “Reflections of the Revolution in Egypt”, Testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, February 15, (18.02.2012).
  • Kagan, Robert (2012b), “Obama’s Foreign Policy”, January 23, (18.02.2012).
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2004), “In Defense of Democratic Realism”, The National Interest, 77: 15- 25.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011a), “From Baghdad to Benghazi”, The Washington Post, March 3.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011b), “From Freedom Agenda to Freedom Doctrine”, The Washington Post, February 11.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011c), “Toward a Soft Landing in Egypt”, The Washington Post, February 4.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011d), “Syria’s ‘Reformer’”, The Washington Post, April 1.
  • Kristol, Irving (2003), “The Neoconservative Persuasion”, The Weekly Standard, 8/47, August 25, =1 (26.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011a), “Beyond Mubarak: ‘Twere Well It were Done Quickly”, January 30, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011b), “Obama’s Opportunity”, Janury 31, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011c), “Give War a Chance”, The Weekly Standard, 16/28, April 4, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011d), “Stand for Freedom”, The Weekly Standard, 16/21, February 14, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011e), “The Arabs’ Spring-and Ours”, The Weekly Standard, 16/29, April 11, (16.01.2012).
  • Lowbeer-Lewis, Nathaniel (2009), “A Neo World? Neoconservatism, International Relations and the Iraq War”, Paterson Review, 10: 71-84.
  • Lynch, Timothy J. (2008), “Kristol Balls: Neoconservative Visions of Islam and the Middle East”, International Politics, 45/2: 182-211.
  • McClelland, Mark J. L. (2011), “Exporting Virtue: Neoconservatism, Democracy Promotion and the End of History”, The International Journal of Human Rights, 15/4: 520-531.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (1992), “Conservatives for Clinton”, The New Republic, November 2: 22.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (1993), “Lament of a Clinton Supporter”, Commentary, August: 15-22.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2007), “The Past, Present, and Future of Neoconservatism”, Commentary, October: 19-29.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011a), “Libya: The Next Great Betrayal?”, 7 March, (16.01.2012).
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011b), “Neoconservatives and the Arab Spring”, Commentary, September: 28-35.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011c), “Obama’s Trap in Syria”, March 25, (16.01.2012).
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011d), “Trashing Dictatorship in Cairo”, Jewish Review of Books, 5/Spring: 51.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011e), “Why Tunisia’s Revolution Must Have Been a Mirage”, 21 January, (16.01.2012).
  • NPR (2012), “Commentators Consider Solutions in Syria”, March 14, (19.01.2012).
  • PBS (2003), “The War Behind Closed Doors: Transcript”, Frontline, February 20, (11.03.2012).
  • Peters, Michael A. (2008), “Leo Strauss and the Neoconservative Critique of Liberal University: Postmodernism, Relativism and the Culture Wars”, Critical Studies in Education, 49(1): 11-82.
  • Podhoretz, Norman (1996), “Neoconservatism: A Eulogy”, Commentary, March: 19-27.
  • Rapport, Aaron (2008), “Unexpected Affinities? Neoconservatism’s Place in IR Theory”, Security Studies, 17(2): 257-293.
  • “Richard Perle: The Making of a Neoconservative”, (11.03.2012).
  • Taranto, James (2011), “The Bin Laden Raid and the ‘Virtues of Boldness’”, Weekend Interview, The Wall Street Journal, May 7.
  • The Foreign Policy Initiative ve Foundation for Defense of Democracies (2011), “Open Letter to President Barack Obama on Syria”, December 19, (19.01.2012).
  • The Foreign Policy Initiative ve Foundation for Defense of Democracies (2012), “Open Letter to President Barack Obama on Syria”, February 17, (26.02.2012).
  • Williams, Michael C. (2005), “What is the National Interest? The Neoconservative Challenge in IR Theory”, European Journal of International Relations, 11(3): 307-337.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011a), “America’s Opportunity in Libya”, The Wall Street Journal, November 3.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011b), “Egypt Could Reclaim Leadership of the Arab World”, February 14, (09.03.2012).
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011c), “The Case for Backing Libya’s Rebels”, The Wall Street Journal, March 11.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011d), “The US Can Help Libyans Defeat Gadhafi”, The Wall Street Journal, February 22.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011e), “Transition Figure Emerges in Egypt”, February 10, (09.01.2012).
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011f), “What Happens Next in Egypt?”, February 14, (16.01.2012).
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2012), “Egyptian Revolution, One Year Later: Uncertainty of the ‘Arab Awakening’”, January 25, (01.02.2012).

Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası

Yıl 2012, , 159 - 187, 01.03.2012


Amerikan hegemonyasının korunması ve güçlendirilmesi ile demokrasinin dünya geneline yayılması yeni muhafazakârların dış politika yaklaşımının iki önemli unsurdur. Yeni muhafazakârlığın yeni bir düşünce akımı olarak ortaya çıkmasına yol açan gelişmeler, yeni muhafazakârlıkta demokrasinin yayılması düşüncesinin de ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Demokrasinin yayılması yeni muhafazakârların dış politika yaklaşımında gerçekleştirilebilir bir amaç olarak 1980’lerden itibaren yer almaya başlamıştır. Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde ise demokrasinin yayılması Amerikan dış politikasında oluşan ideolojik boşluğu doldurabilecek en iyi alternatif olarak görülmüştür. 11 Eylül sonrası dönemde George W. Bush’un demokrasinin yayılmasına yönelik aktif politikasında yönetim içinde görev yapan yeni muhafazakârlar etkili olmuştur. Arap Baharı ise bu dönemde Ortadoğu’nun demokratikleştirilmesini savunan yeni muhafazakârlar için bir samimiyet testi olmuştur.


  • Abrams, Elliot (2011a), “American Options in Syria”, Policy Innovation Memorandum, 9/October, (19.01.2012).
  • Abrams, Elliot (2011b), “From 9/11 to Arab Spring”, The Daily, September 11, 1-2/ (19.01.2012).
  • Abrams, Elliot (2012), “A Forward Strategy of Freedom”, January 23, (19.01.2012).
  • Acharya, Sukanta (2006), “American Exceptionalism: A Neo-conservative Face to Future”, International Studies, 43/2: 185-202.
  • Bennett, William J. (2000), “Morality, Character and American Foreign Policy”, Robert Kagan and William Kristol (eds), Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy (San Francisco: Encounter Books): 289-305.
  • Bolton, John R. (2011a), “Obama’s Syrian Failure”, November 17, (19.01.2012).
  • Bolton, John R. (2011b), “Facing Facts on O’s Syria Miscues”, New York Post, August 24.
  • Bolton, John R. (2011c), “How Freedom’s Foes Exploit Arab Unrest”, New York Post, February 21.
  • Bolton, John R. (2011d), “How to Make Egypt Safe for Democracy”, Standpoint Magazine, February 25, (19.01.2012).
  • Bolton, John R. (2011e), “Libya Needs Action Now”, March 14, (19.01.2012).
  • Bolton, John R. (2011f), “While the White House Slept”, New York Daily News, March 6.
  • “Coffee House Interview: Paul Wolfowitz” (2011), (16.01.2012).
  • Cohen, Eliot A. (2011), “Shifting Sands: Political Transitions in the Middle East, Part I”, Testimony to House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, 13 April, (19.01.2012).
  • Dorrien, Garry (2004), Imperial Designs: Neoconservatism and the New Pax Americana (New York and London: Routledge).
  • Drolet, Jean-François (2010), “A Librealism Betrayed? American Neoconservatism and the Theory of International Relations”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 15/2: 89-118.
  • Feith, Douglas J. (2011), “Dictators and Hedgehogs”, National Review Online, February 8, (19.01.2012).
  • Feith, Douglas ve Seth Cropsey (2011), “The Obama Doctrine Defined”, Commentary, July, (16.01.2012).
  • Frum, David ve Richard Perle (2003), An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror (New York: Random House).
  • Fukuyama, Francis (1989), “The End of History?”, The National Interest, Summer, story%201989.pdf (19.10.2011).
  • Fukuyama, Francis (1992), The End of History and the Last Man (New York: The Free Press). Guelke, John (2005), “The Political Morality of the Neoconservatives: An Analysis”, International Politics, 42/1: 97-115.
  • Halper, Stefan ve Jonathan Clarke (2004), America Alone: The Neoconservatives and the Global Order (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Havers, Grant ve Mark Wexler (2001), “Is U.S. Neoconservatism Dead?”, The Quarterly Journal of Ideology, 24/3-4, htm (26.01.2012).
  • Ish-Shalom, Piki (2007-08), “‘The Civilization of Clashes’: Misapplying the Democratic Peace in the Middle East”, Political Science Quarterly, 122(4): 533-554.
  • İnsel, Ahmet (2003), “Amerika’da Yeni Muhafazakârlık”, Birikim, 169: 10-16.
  • İnsel, Ahmet (2005), “Yeni-muhafazakârlığın Siyasal Felsefesi”, Birikim, 189: 12-18.
  • Johnson, Alan (2007), “The Neoconservative Persuasion and Foreign Policy: An Interview with Joshua Muravchik”, Democratiya, 11: 260-287.
  • Kagan, Robert (2004), “A Tougher War for the U.S. is One of Legitimacy”, The New York Times, January 24.
  • Kagan, Robert (2011a), “A Foreign Policy That Needs Realism and Pragmatism”, The Washington Post, April 28.
  • Kagan, Robert (2011b), “An Imperfect Triumph in Libya”, The Washington Post, August 26.
  • Kagan, Robert (2011c), “Big Changes in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya and Beyond”, ABC News, October 23, (16.01.2012).
  • Kagan, Robert (2012a), “Reflections of the Revolution in Egypt”, Testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, February 15, (18.02.2012).
  • Kagan, Robert (2012b), “Obama’s Foreign Policy”, January 23, (18.02.2012).
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2004), “In Defense of Democratic Realism”, The National Interest, 77: 15- 25.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011a), “From Baghdad to Benghazi”, The Washington Post, March 3.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011b), “From Freedom Agenda to Freedom Doctrine”, The Washington Post, February 11.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011c), “Toward a Soft Landing in Egypt”, The Washington Post, February 4.
  • Krauthammer, Charles (2011d), “Syria’s ‘Reformer’”, The Washington Post, April 1.
  • Kristol, Irving (2003), “The Neoconservative Persuasion”, The Weekly Standard, 8/47, August 25, =1 (26.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011a), “Beyond Mubarak: ‘Twere Well It were Done Quickly”, January 30, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011b), “Obama’s Opportunity”, Janury 31, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011c), “Give War a Chance”, The Weekly Standard, 16/28, April 4, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011d), “Stand for Freedom”, The Weekly Standard, 16/21, February 14, (16.01.2012).
  • Kristol, William (2011e), “The Arabs’ Spring-and Ours”, The Weekly Standard, 16/29, April 11, (16.01.2012).
  • Lowbeer-Lewis, Nathaniel (2009), “A Neo World? Neoconservatism, International Relations and the Iraq War”, Paterson Review, 10: 71-84.
  • Lynch, Timothy J. (2008), “Kristol Balls: Neoconservative Visions of Islam and the Middle East”, International Politics, 45/2: 182-211.
  • McClelland, Mark J. L. (2011), “Exporting Virtue: Neoconservatism, Democracy Promotion and the End of History”, The International Journal of Human Rights, 15/4: 520-531.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (1992), “Conservatives for Clinton”, The New Republic, November 2: 22.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (1993), “Lament of a Clinton Supporter”, Commentary, August: 15-22.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2007), “The Past, Present, and Future of Neoconservatism”, Commentary, October: 19-29.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011a), “Libya: The Next Great Betrayal?”, 7 March, (16.01.2012).
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011b), “Neoconservatives and the Arab Spring”, Commentary, September: 28-35.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011c), “Obama’s Trap in Syria”, March 25, (16.01.2012).
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011d), “Trashing Dictatorship in Cairo”, Jewish Review of Books, 5/Spring: 51.
  • Muravchik, Joshua (2011e), “Why Tunisia’s Revolution Must Have Been a Mirage”, 21 January, (16.01.2012).
  • NPR (2012), “Commentators Consider Solutions in Syria”, March 14, (19.01.2012).
  • PBS (2003), “The War Behind Closed Doors: Transcript”, Frontline, February 20, (11.03.2012).
  • Peters, Michael A. (2008), “Leo Strauss and the Neoconservative Critique of Liberal University: Postmodernism, Relativism and the Culture Wars”, Critical Studies in Education, 49(1): 11-82.
  • Podhoretz, Norman (1996), “Neoconservatism: A Eulogy”, Commentary, March: 19-27.
  • Rapport, Aaron (2008), “Unexpected Affinities? Neoconservatism’s Place in IR Theory”, Security Studies, 17(2): 257-293.
  • “Richard Perle: The Making of a Neoconservative”, (11.03.2012).
  • Taranto, James (2011), “The Bin Laden Raid and the ‘Virtues of Boldness’”, Weekend Interview, The Wall Street Journal, May 7.
  • The Foreign Policy Initiative ve Foundation for Defense of Democracies (2011), “Open Letter to President Barack Obama on Syria”, December 19, (19.01.2012).
  • The Foreign Policy Initiative ve Foundation for Defense of Democracies (2012), “Open Letter to President Barack Obama on Syria”, February 17, (26.02.2012).
  • Williams, Michael C. (2005), “What is the National Interest? The Neoconservative Challenge in IR Theory”, European Journal of International Relations, 11(3): 307-337.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011a), “America’s Opportunity in Libya”, The Wall Street Journal, November 3.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011b), “Egypt Could Reclaim Leadership of the Arab World”, February 14, (09.03.2012).
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011c), “The Case for Backing Libya’s Rebels”, The Wall Street Journal, March 11.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011d), “The US Can Help Libyans Defeat Gadhafi”, The Wall Street Journal, February 22.
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011e), “Transition Figure Emerges in Egypt”, February 10, (09.01.2012).
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2011f), “What Happens Next in Egypt?”, February 14, (16.01.2012).
  • Wolfowitz, Paul (2012), “Egyptian Revolution, One Year Later: Uncertainty of the ‘Arab Awakening’”, January 25, (01.02.2012).
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gökhan Telatar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

APA Telatar, G. (2012). Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 67(03), 159-187.
AMA Telatar G. Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası. SBF Dergisi. Mart 2012;67(03):159-187. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002258
Chicago Telatar, Gökhan. “Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması Ve Amerikan Dış Politikası”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 67, sy. 03 (Mart 2012): 159-87.
EndNote Telatar G (01 Mart 2012) Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 67 03 159–187.
IEEE G. Telatar, “Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası”, SBF Dergisi, c. 67, sy. 03, ss. 159–187, 2012, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002258.
ISNAD Telatar, Gökhan. “Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması Ve Amerikan Dış Politikası”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 67/03 (Mart 2012), 159-187.
JAMA Telatar G. Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası. SBF Dergisi. 2012;67:159–187.
MLA Telatar, Gökhan. “Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması Ve Amerikan Dış Politikası”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 67, sy. 03, 2012, ss. 159-87, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002258.
Vancouver Telatar G. Yeni Muhafazakarlar, Demokrasinin Yayılması ve Amerikan Dış Politikası. SBF Dergisi. 2012;67(03):159-87.