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Yıl 2009, , 1 - 14, 01.04.2009



  • ABELL, J. D. (1990), “Twin Deficits during the 1980s: An Empirical Investigation,” Journal of Macroeconomics, 12: 81-96.
  • AKBOSTANCI, E./TUNÇ, G.İ. (2002), “Turkish Twin Deficits: An Error Correction Model of Trade Balance,” ERC Working Papers, WPN: 01/06.
  • AKSU, H./BAŞAR, S. (2005), “İkiz Açıklar Hipotezinin Türkiye AçıVından AraşWıUılması”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 20: 109-14.
  • BACHMAN, D. D. (1992), “Why is the US Current Account deficit so Large? Evidence from Vector Autoregressions,” Southern Economic Journal, 59: 232–40.
  • BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, M. (1989), “Effects of the U.S. Government Budget Deficits on its Current Account: An Empirical Inquiry,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 29/4: 76-91.
  • BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, M. (1992), “What are the Long-run Determinants of the US Trade Balance?,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 14: 85–97. BARRO, R. J. (1974), “Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?,” Journal of Political Economy, 82/6: 1095-117.
  • BARRO, R. J. (1989), “The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3/2: 37-54.
  • BAŞAR, S. (1999), Türkiye’de Bütçe ve Dış Ticaret Açıkları (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • CORSETTI, G./MULLER, J. M. (2006), “Budget Deficits and Current Accounts: Openness and Fiscal Persistence,” Economic Policy, 21/48: 598-638.
  • DARRAT, A. F. (1988), “Have Large Budget Deficits Caused Rising Trade Deficits?,” Southern Economic Journal, 54: 879-87.
  • DEWALD, W. G./ ULAN, M. (1990), “The Twin-deficit Illusion,” Cato Journal, 10: 689–707.
  • ENDERS, W./LEE, B. S. (1990), “Current account and budget deÀcits: twins or distant cousins?,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 72: 373-81.
  • EVANS, P. (1988), Do budget deficits affeect the current account (Unpublished paper, Ohio State University).
  • EVANS, P./HASAN I. (1994), “Are consumers Ricardian? Evidence for Canada,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 34: 25–40.
  • FELDSTEIN, M. (1992), “The Budget and Trade Deficits Aren’t Really Twins,” NBER Working Paper, 3966.
  • FIDRMUC, J. (2003), “The Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle and Twin DeÀcits in Selected Countries,” Economics of Planning, 36: 135-52.
  • GÖK, B./ALTAY, N. O. (2007), “Türkiye’de İkiz Açıklar Hipotezi: 1989-2005,” TİSK Akademi Dergisi, 2/3: 187-96.
  • GRANGER, C. J. W./NEWBOLD, P. (1974), “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics,” Journal of Econometrics, 2: 111-20.
  • KAUFMANN, S./SCHARLER, J./WINCKLER, G. (2002), “The Austrian current account deÀcit: Driven by Twin DeÀcits or by Intertemporal Expenditure Allocation?,” Empirical Economics, 27: 529-42.
  • KIM, K. H. (1995), “On the Long-run Determinants of the US Trade Balance: A Comment,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17: 447-55.
  • KUİTEPELİ, Y. R. (2001), “An Empirical Investigation of the Feldstein Chain for Turkey,” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 2/1: 99-108.
  • KUTLAR, A./İİ0İEK, M. (2001), “Türkiye’deki Bütçe AçıklarıQın Dış Ticaret Açıklarına Etkileri, Ekonometrik bir Yaklaşım: 1984(4)-2000(2),” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi,16/1: 1-13. KWIATKOWSKI, D./
  • PHILLIPS, P. C. B./SCHMIDT, P./SHIN, Y.(1992), “Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationarity Against the Alternative of a Unit Root: How Sure are We that Economic Time Series have a Unit Root?,” Journal of Econometrics, 54: 159-178.
  • MILLER, S. M./RUSSEK, F. S. (1989) “Are the Twin Deficits really Related?,” Contemporary Policy Issues, 7: 91-115.
  • NARAYAN, P. K./SMYTH, R. (2006), “What Determines Migration Flows from Low-Income to High Income Countries? An Empirical Investigation of Fiji-U.S. Migration 1972-2001,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 24,/2: 332-42.
  • PESARAN, M.H. & SHIN, Y. (1999), “An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Modelling Approach to Cointegration Analysis,” STORM, S. (ed.), Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th Century, The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,). (
  • PESARAN, M. H./SHIN, Y./SMITH, R. J. (2001), “Bounds Testing Approaches to the Analysis of Level Relationships,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16: 289-326.
  • ROSENWEIG, J. A./TALLMAN, E. W. (1993), “Fiscal Policy and Trade Adjustment: Are the Deficits really Twins?,” Economic Inquiry, 31: 580-94.
  • UTKULU, U. (2003), “Türkiye’de Bütçe Açıkları ve Dış Ticaret Açıkları Gerçekten İkiz mi? Koentegrasyon ve Nedensellik Bulguları,” D.E.Ü. İ.İ.B.F.Dergisi, 18/1: 45-61.
  • VAMVOUKAS, G. A. (1999), “The Twin Deficits Phenomenon: Evidence from Greece,” Applied Economics, 31: 1093-1100
  • YALDIZ, E. (2006), “İkiz Açık Hipotezi ve Türkiye,” İzmir İktisat Kongresi Araştırma Merkez Bilimsel Çalışma Raporları Serisi, 2006/01, 1-18.
  • YÜCEL, F./ATA, A.Y. (2003), “Eş-Bütünleşme ve Nedensellik Testleri Altinda İkiz Açiklar Hipotezi: Türkiye Uygulaması,” Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12/12: 97-110.
  • ZIETZ, J./PEMBERTON, D. K. (1990), “The US Budget and Ttrade deficits: A Simultaneous Equation Model,” Southern Economic Journal, 57: 23–34.


Yıl 2009, , 1 - 14, 01.04.2009



  • ABELL, J. D. (1990), “Twin Deficits during the 1980s: An Empirical Investigation,” Journal of Macroeconomics, 12: 81-96.
  • AKBOSTANCI, E./TUNÇ, G.İ. (2002), “Turkish Twin Deficits: An Error Correction Model of Trade Balance,” ERC Working Papers, WPN: 01/06.
  • AKSU, H./BAŞAR, S. (2005), “İkiz Açıklar Hipotezinin Türkiye AçıVından AraşWıUılması”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 20: 109-14.
  • BACHMAN, D. D. (1992), “Why is the US Current Account deficit so Large? Evidence from Vector Autoregressions,” Southern Economic Journal, 59: 232–40.
  • BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, M. (1989), “Effects of the U.S. Government Budget Deficits on its Current Account: An Empirical Inquiry,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 29/4: 76-91.
  • BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, M. (1992), “What are the Long-run Determinants of the US Trade Balance?,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 14: 85–97. BARRO, R. J. (1974), “Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?,” Journal of Political Economy, 82/6: 1095-117.
  • BARRO, R. J. (1989), “The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3/2: 37-54.
  • BAŞAR, S. (1999), Türkiye’de Bütçe ve Dış Ticaret Açıkları (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • CORSETTI, G./MULLER, J. M. (2006), “Budget Deficits and Current Accounts: Openness and Fiscal Persistence,” Economic Policy, 21/48: 598-638.
  • DARRAT, A. F. (1988), “Have Large Budget Deficits Caused Rising Trade Deficits?,” Southern Economic Journal, 54: 879-87.
  • DEWALD, W. G./ ULAN, M. (1990), “The Twin-deficit Illusion,” Cato Journal, 10: 689–707.
  • ENDERS, W./LEE, B. S. (1990), “Current account and budget deÀcits: twins or distant cousins?,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 72: 373-81.
  • EVANS, P. (1988), Do budget deficits affeect the current account (Unpublished paper, Ohio State University).
  • EVANS, P./HASAN I. (1994), “Are consumers Ricardian? Evidence for Canada,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 34: 25–40.
  • FELDSTEIN, M. (1992), “The Budget and Trade Deficits Aren’t Really Twins,” NBER Working Paper, 3966.
  • FIDRMUC, J. (2003), “The Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle and Twin DeÀcits in Selected Countries,” Economics of Planning, 36: 135-52.
  • GÖK, B./ALTAY, N. O. (2007), “Türkiye’de İkiz Açıklar Hipotezi: 1989-2005,” TİSK Akademi Dergisi, 2/3: 187-96.
  • GRANGER, C. J. W./NEWBOLD, P. (1974), “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics,” Journal of Econometrics, 2: 111-20.
  • KAUFMANN, S./SCHARLER, J./WINCKLER, G. (2002), “The Austrian current account deÀcit: Driven by Twin DeÀcits or by Intertemporal Expenditure Allocation?,” Empirical Economics, 27: 529-42.
  • KIM, K. H. (1995), “On the Long-run Determinants of the US Trade Balance: A Comment,” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17: 447-55.
  • KUİTEPELİ, Y. R. (2001), “An Empirical Investigation of the Feldstein Chain for Turkey,” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 2/1: 99-108.
  • KUTLAR, A./İİ0İEK, M. (2001), “Türkiye’deki Bütçe AçıklarıQın Dış Ticaret Açıklarına Etkileri, Ekonometrik bir Yaklaşım: 1984(4)-2000(2),” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi,16/1: 1-13. KWIATKOWSKI, D./
  • PHILLIPS, P. C. B./SCHMIDT, P./SHIN, Y.(1992), “Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationarity Against the Alternative of a Unit Root: How Sure are We that Economic Time Series have a Unit Root?,” Journal of Econometrics, 54: 159-178.
  • MILLER, S. M./RUSSEK, F. S. (1989) “Are the Twin Deficits really Related?,” Contemporary Policy Issues, 7: 91-115.
  • NARAYAN, P. K./SMYTH, R. (2006), “What Determines Migration Flows from Low-Income to High Income Countries? An Empirical Investigation of Fiji-U.S. Migration 1972-2001,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 24,/2: 332-42.
  • PESARAN, M.H. & SHIN, Y. (1999), “An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Modelling Approach to Cointegration Analysis,” STORM, S. (ed.), Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th Century, The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,). (
  • PESARAN, M. H./SHIN, Y./SMITH, R. J. (2001), “Bounds Testing Approaches to the Analysis of Level Relationships,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16: 289-326.
  • ROSENWEIG, J. A./TALLMAN, E. W. (1993), “Fiscal Policy and Trade Adjustment: Are the Deficits really Twins?,” Economic Inquiry, 31: 580-94.
  • UTKULU, U. (2003), “Türkiye’de Bütçe Açıkları ve Dış Ticaret Açıkları Gerçekten İkiz mi? Koentegrasyon ve Nedensellik Bulguları,” D.E.Ü. İ.İ.B.F.Dergisi, 18/1: 45-61.
  • VAMVOUKAS, G. A. (1999), “The Twin Deficits Phenomenon: Evidence from Greece,” Applied Economics, 31: 1093-1100
  • YALDIZ, E. (2006), “İkiz Açık Hipotezi ve Türkiye,” İzmir İktisat Kongresi Araştırma Merkez Bilimsel Çalışma Raporları Serisi, 2006/01, 1-18.
  • YÜCEL, F./ATA, A.Y. (2003), “Eş-Bütünleşme ve Nedensellik Testleri Altinda İkiz Açiklar Hipotezi: Türkiye Uygulaması,” Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12/12: 97-110.
  • ZIETZ, J./PEMBERTON, D. K. (1990), “The US Budget and Ttrade deficits: A Simultaneous Equation Model,” Southern Economic Journal, 57: 23–34.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Selim Başar Bu kişi benim

Hayati Aksu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009

Kaynak Göster

APA Başar, S., & Aksu, H. (2009). TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 64(04), 1-14.
AMA Başar S, Aksu H. TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI. SBF Dergisi. Nisan 2009;64(04):1-14. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002144
Chicago Başar, Selim, ve Hayati Aksu. “TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64, sy. 04 (Nisan 2009): 1-14.
EndNote Başar S, Aksu H (01 Nisan 2009) TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64 04 1–14.
IEEE S. Başar ve H. Aksu, “TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI”, SBF Dergisi, c. 64, sy. 04, ss. 1–14, 2009, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002144.
ISNAD Başar, Selim - Aksu, Hayati. “TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64/04 (Nisan 2009), 1-14.
MLA Başar, Selim ve Hayati Aksu. “TÜRKİYE İÇİN İKİZ AÇIKLAR HİPOTEZİ’NİN TAHMİNİ: BİR SINIR TESTİ YAKLAŞIMI”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 64, sy. 04, 2009, ss. 1-14, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002144.

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