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Tarihsel Bir Perspektiften Batı-Yunanistan İlişkisinin Siyasal Arka Planı [1821-1945]

Yıl 2007, , 165 - 195, 01.01.2007



  • ADAMTHWAITE, Anthony (1985), "Britain and the World 1945-49: The View From the Foreign Office," International Affairs (RoyalInstitute of International Affairs 1944-) (Cilt 61, Sayı 2): 223-235.
  • ADIYEKE, A~şe Nükhet / ADIYEKE, Nuri (2002), Kıbrıs Sorununun An/aşılmasında .r~r!hse/ Bir Ornek Olarak Girit'in Yunanistan'a Katı/ması, SAM Araştırma PraJelerı Dızısı 1/ 2002 (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi).
  • AKSU, Fuat (2001), "Türk-Yunan ilişkileri: ilişkHerin Yönelimini EtkHeyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir inceleme, ııı. Bölüm - Tarihsel Nedenler," (Ankara, SAEMK) yayin detay.asp?sbj=icerikdetay&id=29&dba=007 &dil=tr. 19.11.2006.
  • ANDREOPOULOS, George (1981), "State and Irridentism: Some Reflexions on the Case of Greece," The Histarical Journal (CHt 24, Sayı 4): 949-959.
  • ANDREOPOULOS, George (1988), "The International Financial Commission and Anglo-Greek Relations 1928-1933," The Histarical Journal (CHt 31, Sayı 2): 341-364.
  • APOSTOLAKOU, Lito (1997), "Greek Workers or Communist Others: The Contending Identities of Organized Labour in Greece, c. 1914-1936," Jaurnal of Contemporary History (CHt 32, Sayı 3): 409-424.
  • ATTREP, Abe (1978), "A State of Wretchedness and Impotence: A British View of Istanbul and Turkey, 1919," International Journalaf Middle East Studies (Cilt 9, Sayı 1): 1-9. BATOWSKI, Henryk (1966), "The FaHure of the Balkan Alliance of 1912," Balkan Studies (CHt 7, Sayı 1): 111-122.
  • BATOWSKI, Henryk (1979), "A Centenary, Two Partitions of European Turkey. San Stefano and Berlin: A Comparison," Balkan Studies (CHt 19, Sayı 2): 227-237.
  • BIKELAS, Demetrius (1868), "The Statistics of the Kingdom of Greece," Journalaf the Statistical Society of London (CHt 31, Sayı 3): 265-298.
  • BOTSFORD, David (1999), "The Case for a Non-Interventionist British Foreign Policy," Histarical Notes, Sayı 34, (London: Occassional Publication for Libertarian Alliance).
  • BOZlO, Luciano / RAGIONERI, Rodolfo (1995) "Regional Security in the Balkans and the Role of Turkey: An ıtalian Perspective", GÖKDOGAN, Günay Göksu / SAYBAŞILI, Kemali (Der.), Balkans: A Mirror of the International Order (istanbul: Eren Yayıncılık): 257-281.
  • ClIADAKIS, Harry (1979), "The Political and Diplomatic Background to the Metaxas Dictatorship, 1935-1936," Journalaf Contemporary History (CHt 14, Sayı 1): 117-138.
  • CLOGG, Richard (1992), A Concise History of Greece (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • CRAWLEY, C. N (1924), "A Forgotten Prophecy (Greece 1820-1821)," Cambridge Histarical Journal (CHt 1, Sayı 2): 209-213.
  • CRAWLEY, C. W (1929), "Anglo-Russian Relations 1815-1840," Cambridge Histarical Journal (CHt 3, Sayı 1): 47-73.
  • CRAWLEY, C.W (1957), "John Capodistrias and the Greeks before 1821," Cambridge Histarical Journal (CHt 13, Sayı: 2): 162-182.
  • CRAWlEY, C. W (1974), "Greece and Europe: 150 Years Ago," The Histarical Journal (Cilt 17, Sayı 1): 196-200.
  • DENNIS, Alfred L.P (1909), "Tendencies in British Foreign Policy Since Disraeli," Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, Sixth Annual Meeting (CHt 6): 109-120.
  • DUGGAN, Stephen (1913), "European Diplomacy and the Balkan Problem," Political Science Quarterly (Cilt 28, Sayı 1): 95-122.
  • DUTTON, D. J (1979), "The Balkan Campaign and French Aims in the Great War," The English Histarical Review (CHt 94, Sayı 370): 97-113. EARLE, Edward Mead (1927), "American Interest in the Greek Cause, 1821-1827," The American Histarical Review (CHt 33, Sayı 1): 44-63
  • ELROD, Richard B. (1976), "The Concert of Europe: A Fresh Look At An International System," World Politics (CHt 28, Sayı 2): 159-174.
  • EXINTARIS, George (1944), "The Position in Greece," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) (CHt 20, Sayı 2): 204-214.
  • FIELDHOUSE, H .N (1938), "The Future of British Foreign Policy," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939) (CHt 17, Sayı 3): 408-417.
  • FINCH, Geo A. (1919), "The Peace Conference of Paris, 1919," The American Journal of International Law (CHt B, Sayı 2): 159-186.
  • FINEFROCK, Michael M (1980), "Atatürk, Lloyd George and the Megali Idea: Cause and Consequence of the Grek Plan to Seize Constantinople from the Allies, June.August 1922," The Journal of Modern History (CHt 52, Sayı 1): Dl 047 -Dl 066.
  • GAULD, William A. (1925), "The 'Dreikaiserbundnis' and the Eastern Question, 1871-6," The English Historical Review (CHt 40, Sayı 158): 207-ız 1.
  • GAVRIlIS, George (1999), "Understanding Greco-Ottoman Contıict: State Irridentism, Belligerent Democratization or a Synthesis?," The 1st Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop: New Approaches to Southeast Europe, 12 Şubat 1999, Panel 4, http://www.ksg.h( /GSWl /10%20GavrHis.pdf.
  • GEORGE, Lloyd (1925), "British Foreign Policy in East Asia and its Relation to India," Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs (Cilt 4, Sayı 3): 109-117.
  • GOLDSTEIN, Erik (1989), "Great Britain and Greater Greece 1917-1920," The Historical Journal (CHt 32, Sayı 2): 339-356.
  • GÖNLÜBOL, Mehmet / SAR, Cem (1996), "1919-1938 Arasında Türk Dış Politikası," Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası (Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 9. Yayım): 3-137.
  • GRIMSTED, Patricia Kennedy (1968), "Capodistrias and the 'New Order' for Restoration Europe: 'The Liberal Ideas' of a Russian Foreign Minister," The Journal of Modern History (CHt 40, Sayı 2): 166-192.
  • GÜREL, Şükrü (1993), Tarihsel Boyut Içinde Türk Yunan Ilişkileri 1821-1993 (Ankara: Ümit Yayıncılık).
  • HARRIS, Norman Dwight (1913), "The Effect of the Balkan Wars on European Alliances and the Future of the Ottoman Empire," Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, Tenth Annual Meeting (CHt 10): 105.116.
  • HOLBORN, Hajo (1949), "The Collapse of the European Political System 1914-1945," World Politics (CHt 1, Sayı 4): 442-466.
  • HOLDEN, David (1971), Greece Without Columns: The Making of the Modern Greeks (PhHadelphia: J.P.Lippincott Company). ION, Theodore P (1910), "The Cretan Question," The American Journalaf International Law (Cilt 4, Sayı 2): 276-284.
  • ION, Theodore P (1918), "Hellenic Crisis From the Point of Constitutional and International Law," The American Journalaf International Law (CHt 12, Sayı 3): 562-588. KITSIKIS, Dimitri (1996), Türk Yunan Imparatorluğu, AYTAR, Volkan (çev.) (istanbul: iletişim Yayınları).
  • KOFOS, Evangelos (1984), "Attempts at Mending the Greek-Bulgarian Ecclesiatical Schism 1875- 1902," Balkan Studies ((Ht 25, Sayı 2): 347-368.
  • KOllOPOULOS, John (1988), "Greek Foreign Policyand Strategy, 1939-1941," Balkan Studies ((Ht 29, Sayı 1): 89-98.
  • KONDIS, B. (1987), "The 'Macedonian Question' as a Balkan Problem in the 19405," Balkan Studies ((Ht 28, Sayı 1): 151-160. KONDIS, B. (1988), "The Termination of the Greek CivH War: Its International Implications," Balkan Studies (CHt 29, Sayı 2): 299.307.
  • LEGG, Keith / ROBERTS, K (1997), Modern Greece (Colorado: Westview Press).
  • MACFIE, A. L. (1975), "The British Decision Regarding the Future of Constantinople, November 1918-January 1920," The Historical Journal (Cilt 18, Sayı 2): 391-400.
  • MAZOWER, Mark (1992), "The Messiah and the Bourgeoise: Venizelos and Politics in Greece, 1909- 1912," The Historical Journal (Cilt 35, Sayı 4): 885-904.
  • MAZOWER, Mark (2000), The Balkans: From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day (London: Phoenix Press).
  • MC LEAN, David (1981), "The Greek Revolution and the Anglo-French Entente 1843-4," The English Historical Review (CHt 96, Sayı 378): 117-129.
  • MERRIMAN, John (2004), A History of Modern Europe (Cilt ii) (New York: W.W.Norton & Company, II. Basım).
  • MILLER, W. (1901), "Europe and the Ottoman Power before the Nineteenth Century," The English Histarical Review (Cilt 16, Sayı 63): 452-471.
  • MiLAS, Herkül (1994), Yunan Ulusu'nun Doğuşu (istanbul: iletişim Yayınları).
  • MONTGOMERY, A. E. (1972), "The Making of the Treaty of Sevres of 10 August 1920," The Histarical Journal (Cilt 15, Sayı 4): 775-787.
  • NESTOR, Steli os (1962), "Greek Macedonia and the Convention of Neuilly (1919)," Balkan Studies (Cilt 3, Sayıl): 169-184.
  • PALLis, Alexander Anastasius (1997), Yunanlıların Anadolu Macerası (1915-1922) (istanbul: YKY Yayınları).
  • POWERS, Richard Howard (1954), "Winston Churchill's Parliamentary Commentary on British Foreign Policy, 1935-1938," The Journal of Modern History (Cilt 26, Sayı 2): 179-182.
  • Record of Political Events (RPE), (1918), "V. Continental Europe," Palitical Science Quarterly (Cilt 33, Sayı 3): 48.64.
  • RESIS, Albert (1978), "The Churchill-Stalin Secret 'Percentages' Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944," The American Histarical Review (Cilt: 83, Sayı 2): 368-387.
  • ROBSON, Maureen M (1960), "Lord Clarendon and the Cretan Question 1868-1869," The Historical Journal (Cilt 3, Sayı 1): 38-55.
  • ROUSSOS,N (1971), "Charilaos Tricoupes and the Greco.Serbian Alliance of 1867," Balkan Studies (CHt, 12 Sayı 1): 81-101.
  • SAAB, Ann Potinger (1977), "The Doctor's Dilemma: Britain and the Cretan Crisis 1866'1869," The Journalaf Modern History (Cilt 49, Sayı 4): D1383-1407.
  • SANDERS, M. L (1975), "Wellington House and British Propaganda during the First World War," The Historical Journal (Cilt 18, Sayı 1): 119.146.
  • SFlKAS, Thanasis D. (1991), "The People at the Top Can do These Things, Which Others Can't Do: Winston Churchill and the Greeks, 1940-1945," Journalaf Contemporary History (CHt 26, Sayı 2): 307.332.
  • SMITH, Raymond (1988), "A Climate of Opinion: British Officials and the Development of British Soviet Policy, 1945-47," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) (Cilt 64, Sayı 4): 631-647.
  • SYOLOPOULOS, Constantinos (1987), "Greece and Its Neighbours on the Eve of the German Invasion of the Balkans, 1941," Balkan Studies (CHt 28, Sayı 2): 355-371.
  • SYORONOS, Nikos (1988), Çağdaş Helen Tarihine Bakış, ABACı, Panayot (çev.), (istanbul: Belge Yayınları).
  • TEMPERLEY, Harold (1937), "The Documents Illustrating the Cession of lonian Islands to Greece, 1848 -1870," The Journal of Modern History (Cilt 9, Sayı 1): 48-55.
  • VAN CREVELD, Martin (1974), "Prelude to Disaster: The British Decision to Aid Greece, 1940-41," Journal of Contemporary History (CHt 9, Sayı 3): 65-92.
  • WEllER, Peter (1987), "British labor and the Cold War: The Foreign Policy of the labor Govemments, 1945-1951," The Journalaf British Studies (Cilt 26, Sayı 1): 54-82.
  • WilLIAMS, F.W (1899), "The Russian Advance in Asia," The Yale Law Journal (Cilt 8, Sayı 7): 306- 319.
  • XYDIS, Stephen G. (1963), "America, Britain and the U.S.S.R in the Greek Arena, 1944-1947," Political Science Quarterly (Cilt 78, Sayı 4): 581-596.


Yıl 2007, , 165 - 195, 01.01.2007


1821-1945 döneminde Yunanistan'ın Batı dünyasıyla olan ilişkisinin siyasal arka planı, tarafların kendi öncelikleri, çıkarları ve tehdit algılamaları ekseninde şekillenmiştir. Batı dünyası Yunanistan'a yönelik siyasetini küresel ve bölgesel güç siyasetinin gereklerine göre belirlerken, Yunanistan Batı dünyası ile olan ilişkisini 1922'ye kadar romantik ulusçuluktan kaynaklanan yayılmacı siyaset zemini üzerinden tanımlamaya çalışmıştır. 1821-1843 dönemi tarafların aralarındaki inşa sürecini içermektedir. Bu süreç aynı zamanda gelecekteki dönemlerin siyasal alt yapısını da oluşturmaktadır. 1821-1843 dönemi ilişkilerin karşılıklı inşa sürecini içermektedir. 1843- 1875 ve 1875-1914 dönemleri açıkça tanımlanabilecek bir takım benzerlikler göstermektedir. Her iki dönem de güç siyaseti ile romantik ulusçuluk arasındaki çatışmadan kaynaklanan ve tansiyonu arttıran konuların ortaya çıkışma şahitlik etmiştir. Yunanistan'ın Batı ile ilişkilerini romantik ulusçuluk zemininde tanımlama siyaseti, Anadolu bozgunu sonrasında sona ermiş ve 1922-1945 dönemi ilişkileri yeniden güç siyaseti üzerine kurulmuştur. Çalışma, bu ilişkide yer alan tarafların yönelimlerinin altında yatan unsurları ve tarafların ilişkinin siyasal arka planını biçimlendirme çabalarını iç ve dış siyasi dinamikler çerçevesinde incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • ADAMTHWAITE, Anthony (1985), "Britain and the World 1945-49: The View From the Foreign Office," International Affairs (RoyalInstitute of International Affairs 1944-) (Cilt 61, Sayı 2): 223-235.
  • ADIYEKE, A~şe Nükhet / ADIYEKE, Nuri (2002), Kıbrıs Sorununun An/aşılmasında .r~r!hse/ Bir Ornek Olarak Girit'in Yunanistan'a Katı/ması, SAM Araştırma PraJelerı Dızısı 1/ 2002 (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi).
  • AKSU, Fuat (2001), "Türk-Yunan ilişkileri: ilişkHerin Yönelimini EtkHeyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir inceleme, ııı. Bölüm - Tarihsel Nedenler," (Ankara, SAEMK) yayin detay.asp?sbj=icerikdetay&id=29&dba=007 &dil=tr. 19.11.2006.
  • ANDREOPOULOS, George (1981), "State and Irridentism: Some Reflexions on the Case of Greece," The Histarical Journal (CHt 24, Sayı 4): 949-959.
  • ANDREOPOULOS, George (1988), "The International Financial Commission and Anglo-Greek Relations 1928-1933," The Histarical Journal (CHt 31, Sayı 2): 341-364.
  • APOSTOLAKOU, Lito (1997), "Greek Workers or Communist Others: The Contending Identities of Organized Labour in Greece, c. 1914-1936," Jaurnal of Contemporary History (CHt 32, Sayı 3): 409-424.
  • ATTREP, Abe (1978), "A State of Wretchedness and Impotence: A British View of Istanbul and Turkey, 1919," International Journalaf Middle East Studies (Cilt 9, Sayı 1): 1-9. BATOWSKI, Henryk (1966), "The FaHure of the Balkan Alliance of 1912," Balkan Studies (CHt 7, Sayı 1): 111-122.
  • BATOWSKI, Henryk (1979), "A Centenary, Two Partitions of European Turkey. San Stefano and Berlin: A Comparison," Balkan Studies (CHt 19, Sayı 2): 227-237.
  • BIKELAS, Demetrius (1868), "The Statistics of the Kingdom of Greece," Journalaf the Statistical Society of London (CHt 31, Sayı 3): 265-298.
  • BOTSFORD, David (1999), "The Case for a Non-Interventionist British Foreign Policy," Histarical Notes, Sayı 34, (London: Occassional Publication for Libertarian Alliance).
  • BOZlO, Luciano / RAGIONERI, Rodolfo (1995) "Regional Security in the Balkans and the Role of Turkey: An ıtalian Perspective", GÖKDOGAN, Günay Göksu / SAYBAŞILI, Kemali (Der.), Balkans: A Mirror of the International Order (istanbul: Eren Yayıncılık): 257-281.
  • ClIADAKIS, Harry (1979), "The Political and Diplomatic Background to the Metaxas Dictatorship, 1935-1936," Journalaf Contemporary History (CHt 14, Sayı 1): 117-138.
  • CLOGG, Richard (1992), A Concise History of Greece (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • CRAWLEY, C. N (1924), "A Forgotten Prophecy (Greece 1820-1821)," Cambridge Histarical Journal (CHt 1, Sayı 2): 209-213.
  • CRAWLEY, C. W (1929), "Anglo-Russian Relations 1815-1840," Cambridge Histarical Journal (CHt 3, Sayı 1): 47-73.
  • CRAWLEY, C.W (1957), "John Capodistrias and the Greeks before 1821," Cambridge Histarical Journal (CHt 13, Sayı: 2): 162-182.
  • CRAWlEY, C. W (1974), "Greece and Europe: 150 Years Ago," The Histarical Journal (Cilt 17, Sayı 1): 196-200.
  • DENNIS, Alfred L.P (1909), "Tendencies in British Foreign Policy Since Disraeli," Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, Sixth Annual Meeting (CHt 6): 109-120.
  • DUGGAN, Stephen (1913), "European Diplomacy and the Balkan Problem," Political Science Quarterly (Cilt 28, Sayı 1): 95-122.
  • DUTTON, D. J (1979), "The Balkan Campaign and French Aims in the Great War," The English Histarical Review (CHt 94, Sayı 370): 97-113. EARLE, Edward Mead (1927), "American Interest in the Greek Cause, 1821-1827," The American Histarical Review (CHt 33, Sayı 1): 44-63
  • ELROD, Richard B. (1976), "The Concert of Europe: A Fresh Look At An International System," World Politics (CHt 28, Sayı 2): 159-174.
  • EXINTARIS, George (1944), "The Position in Greece," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) (CHt 20, Sayı 2): 204-214.
  • FIELDHOUSE, H .N (1938), "The Future of British Foreign Policy," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939) (CHt 17, Sayı 3): 408-417.
  • FINCH, Geo A. (1919), "The Peace Conference of Paris, 1919," The American Journal of International Law (CHt B, Sayı 2): 159-186.
  • FINEFROCK, Michael M (1980), "Atatürk, Lloyd George and the Megali Idea: Cause and Consequence of the Grek Plan to Seize Constantinople from the Allies, June.August 1922," The Journal of Modern History (CHt 52, Sayı 1): Dl 047 -Dl 066.
  • GAULD, William A. (1925), "The 'Dreikaiserbundnis' and the Eastern Question, 1871-6," The English Historical Review (CHt 40, Sayı 158): 207-ız 1.
  • GAVRIlIS, George (1999), "Understanding Greco-Ottoman Contıict: State Irridentism, Belligerent Democratization or a Synthesis?," The 1st Annual Kokkalis Graduate Student Workshop: New Approaches to Southeast Europe, 12 Şubat 1999, Panel 4, http://www.ksg.h( /GSWl /10%20GavrHis.pdf.
  • GEORGE, Lloyd (1925), "British Foreign Policy in East Asia and its Relation to India," Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs (Cilt 4, Sayı 3): 109-117.
  • GOLDSTEIN, Erik (1989), "Great Britain and Greater Greece 1917-1920," The Historical Journal (CHt 32, Sayı 2): 339-356.
  • GÖNLÜBOL, Mehmet / SAR, Cem (1996), "1919-1938 Arasında Türk Dış Politikası," Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası (Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 9. Yayım): 3-137.
  • GRIMSTED, Patricia Kennedy (1968), "Capodistrias and the 'New Order' for Restoration Europe: 'The Liberal Ideas' of a Russian Foreign Minister," The Journal of Modern History (CHt 40, Sayı 2): 166-192.
  • GÜREL, Şükrü (1993), Tarihsel Boyut Içinde Türk Yunan Ilişkileri 1821-1993 (Ankara: Ümit Yayıncılık).
  • HARRIS, Norman Dwight (1913), "The Effect of the Balkan Wars on European Alliances and the Future of the Ottoman Empire," Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, Tenth Annual Meeting (CHt 10): 105.116.
  • HOLBORN, Hajo (1949), "The Collapse of the European Political System 1914-1945," World Politics (CHt 1, Sayı 4): 442-466.
  • HOLDEN, David (1971), Greece Without Columns: The Making of the Modern Greeks (PhHadelphia: J.P.Lippincott Company). ION, Theodore P (1910), "The Cretan Question," The American Journalaf International Law (Cilt 4, Sayı 2): 276-284.
  • ION, Theodore P (1918), "Hellenic Crisis From the Point of Constitutional and International Law," The American Journalaf International Law (CHt 12, Sayı 3): 562-588. KITSIKIS, Dimitri (1996), Türk Yunan Imparatorluğu, AYTAR, Volkan (çev.) (istanbul: iletişim Yayınları).
  • KOFOS, Evangelos (1984), "Attempts at Mending the Greek-Bulgarian Ecclesiatical Schism 1875- 1902," Balkan Studies ((Ht 25, Sayı 2): 347-368.
  • KOllOPOULOS, John (1988), "Greek Foreign Policyand Strategy, 1939-1941," Balkan Studies ((Ht 29, Sayı 1): 89-98.
  • KONDIS, B. (1987), "The 'Macedonian Question' as a Balkan Problem in the 19405," Balkan Studies ((Ht 28, Sayı 1): 151-160. KONDIS, B. (1988), "The Termination of the Greek CivH War: Its International Implications," Balkan Studies (CHt 29, Sayı 2): 299.307.
  • LEGG, Keith / ROBERTS, K (1997), Modern Greece (Colorado: Westview Press).
  • MACFIE, A. L. (1975), "The British Decision Regarding the Future of Constantinople, November 1918-January 1920," The Historical Journal (Cilt 18, Sayı 2): 391-400.
  • MAZOWER, Mark (1992), "The Messiah and the Bourgeoise: Venizelos and Politics in Greece, 1909- 1912," The Historical Journal (Cilt 35, Sayı 4): 885-904.
  • MAZOWER, Mark (2000), The Balkans: From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day (London: Phoenix Press).
  • MC LEAN, David (1981), "The Greek Revolution and the Anglo-French Entente 1843-4," The English Historical Review (CHt 96, Sayı 378): 117-129.
  • MERRIMAN, John (2004), A History of Modern Europe (Cilt ii) (New York: W.W.Norton & Company, II. Basım).
  • MILLER, W. (1901), "Europe and the Ottoman Power before the Nineteenth Century," The English Histarical Review (Cilt 16, Sayı 63): 452-471.
  • MiLAS, Herkül (1994), Yunan Ulusu'nun Doğuşu (istanbul: iletişim Yayınları).
  • MONTGOMERY, A. E. (1972), "The Making of the Treaty of Sevres of 10 August 1920," The Histarical Journal (Cilt 15, Sayı 4): 775-787.
  • NESTOR, Steli os (1962), "Greek Macedonia and the Convention of Neuilly (1919)," Balkan Studies (Cilt 3, Sayıl): 169-184.
  • PALLis, Alexander Anastasius (1997), Yunanlıların Anadolu Macerası (1915-1922) (istanbul: YKY Yayınları).
  • POWERS, Richard Howard (1954), "Winston Churchill's Parliamentary Commentary on British Foreign Policy, 1935-1938," The Journal of Modern History (Cilt 26, Sayı 2): 179-182.
  • Record of Political Events (RPE), (1918), "V. Continental Europe," Palitical Science Quarterly (Cilt 33, Sayı 3): 48.64.
  • RESIS, Albert (1978), "The Churchill-Stalin Secret 'Percentages' Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944," The American Histarical Review (Cilt: 83, Sayı 2): 368-387.
  • ROBSON, Maureen M (1960), "Lord Clarendon and the Cretan Question 1868-1869," The Historical Journal (Cilt 3, Sayı 1): 38-55.
  • ROUSSOS,N (1971), "Charilaos Tricoupes and the Greco.Serbian Alliance of 1867," Balkan Studies (CHt, 12 Sayı 1): 81-101.
  • SAAB, Ann Potinger (1977), "The Doctor's Dilemma: Britain and the Cretan Crisis 1866'1869," The Journalaf Modern History (Cilt 49, Sayı 4): D1383-1407.
  • SANDERS, M. L (1975), "Wellington House and British Propaganda during the First World War," The Historical Journal (Cilt 18, Sayı 1): 119.146.
  • SFlKAS, Thanasis D. (1991), "The People at the Top Can do These Things, Which Others Can't Do: Winston Churchill and the Greeks, 1940-1945," Journalaf Contemporary History (CHt 26, Sayı 2): 307.332.
  • SMITH, Raymond (1988), "A Climate of Opinion: British Officials and the Development of British Soviet Policy, 1945-47," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) (Cilt 64, Sayı 4): 631-647.
  • SYOLOPOULOS, Constantinos (1987), "Greece and Its Neighbours on the Eve of the German Invasion of the Balkans, 1941," Balkan Studies (CHt 28, Sayı 2): 355-371.
  • SYORONOS, Nikos (1988), Çağdaş Helen Tarihine Bakış, ABACı, Panayot (çev.), (istanbul: Belge Yayınları).
  • TEMPERLEY, Harold (1937), "The Documents Illustrating the Cession of lonian Islands to Greece, 1848 -1870," The Journal of Modern History (Cilt 9, Sayı 1): 48-55.
  • VAN CREVELD, Martin (1974), "Prelude to Disaster: The British Decision to Aid Greece, 1940-41," Journal of Contemporary History (CHt 9, Sayı 3): 65-92.
  • WEllER, Peter (1987), "British labor and the Cold War: The Foreign Policy of the labor Govemments, 1945-1951," The Journalaf British Studies (Cilt 26, Sayı 1): 54-82.
  • WilLIAMS, F.W (1899), "The Russian Advance in Asia," The Yale Law Journal (Cilt 8, Sayı 7): 306- 319.
  • XYDIS, Stephen G. (1963), "America, Britain and the U.S.S.R in the Greek Arena, 1944-1947," Political Science Quarterly (Cilt 78, Sayı 4): 581-596.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2007
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007

Kaynak Göster

APA Ovalı, A. Ş. (2007). TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 62(01), 165-195.
AMA Ovalı AŞ. TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]. SBF Dergisi. Ocak 2007;62(01):165-195. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002013
Chicago Ovalı, A. Şevket. “TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 62, sy. 01 (Ocak 2007): 165-95.
EndNote Ovalı AŞ (01 Ocak 2007) TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 62 01 165–195.
IEEE A. Ş. Ovalı, “TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]”, SBF Dergisi, c. 62, sy. 01, ss. 165–195, 2007, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002013.
ISNAD Ovalı, A. Şevket. “TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 62/01 (Ocak 2007), 165-195.
MLA Ovalı, A. Şevket. “TARİHSEL BİR PERSPEKTİFTEN BATI-YUNANİSTAN İLİŞKİSİNİN SİYASAL ARKA PLANI [1821-1945]”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 62, sy. 01, 2007, ss. 165-9, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002013.