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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 64 Sayı: 03, 117 - 147, 01.03.2009



  • AKSOY, inasi (1995), “Yeni Sa ve Kamu Yönetimi,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu Bildirileri II. Cilt (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 159-173.
  • ALEXANDER, A. Jeffrey/WEINER, J. Bryan (1998), “The Adoption of the Corporate Governance Model by Nonprofit Organizations,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 8/3: 223- 242.
  • AVRUPA KOM SYONU (2008), Türkiye 2008 lerleme Raporu,, 12 Haziran 2009.
  • AYYILDIZ, Musa (2000), Menkul K ymet Borsalar
  • n Kâr Amaçl irketlere Dönü meleri ve Türkiye
  • çin Öneriler (Ankara: SPK).
  • AZRAK, A. Ülkü (1976), Millile tirme ve dare Hukuku stanbul: stanbul Üniversitesi Yay nlar ).
  • BARNES, Marian/NEWMAN, Janet/KNOPS, Andrew/SULLIVAN, Helen (2003), “Constituting ‘The Public’ in the Public Participation,” Public Administration, 81/2: 379-399.
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (ed.) (2001), The New Mutualism in Public Policy (London: Routledge).
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (2002), “Mutual, Non-Profit or Public Interest Company? An Evaluation of Options for the Ownership and Control of Water Utilities,” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 73/2: 181-213.
  • BOZEMAN, Barry (1987), All Organizations Are Public: Bridging Public and Private Organizational Theories (San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers).
  • BRANSTON, Robert/COWLING, Keith/SUGDEN, Roger (2006), “Corporate Governance and the Public Interest,” International Review of Applied Economics, 20/2: 189–212.
  • BRECHER, Charles (2002), The Public Interest Company as a Mechanism to Improve Service Delivery (London: Public Management Foundation).
  • CABINET OFFICE (1999), Modernising Government (London).
  • CABINET OFFICE (2002), Private Action, Public Benefit: A Review of Charities and the Wider Not- For-Profit Sector (London: Strategy Unit Report).
  • CARINO, Ledivina V. (2001), “Private Action for Public Good? The Public Role of Voluntary Sector Organizations,” Public Organization Review, 1: 55-74.
  • DTI (2003), Enterprise for Communities: Proposals for a Community Interest Company (London: HM Treasury).
  • ERYILMAZ, Bilal (2002), Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime ( stanbul: Alfa Bas m).
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2004), “Distributed Public Governance in Britain,” Public Administration, 82/4: 883-909.
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2005), “The Politics of Public–Private Partnerships,” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7/2: 215-239.
  • GIBSON-SMITH, C. S. (2002), Public Interest Companies and Risk (London: IPPR).
  • GIDDENS, Anthony (2000), Üçüncü Yol: Sosyal Demokrasinin Yeniden Dirili i stanbul: Birey Yay nc k) (Çev.: M. Özay).
  • GREVE, C./FLINDERS, M./THIEL, V. (1999), “Quangos – What’s in a Name? Defining Quangos from a Comparative Perspective,” Governance, 12/2: 129-146.
  • GÜLER, Birgül A. (2003), “Yöneti im: Tüm ktidar Sermayeye,” Praksis, 9: 93-116.
  •, 10.09.2007.
  •, 11.08.2007.
  •, 10.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 20.09.2004.
  •, Say 42, 2006, 10.06.2009.
  •, 13.06.2007.
  •, 03.06.2007.
  •, 23.02.2009, 10.4.2009.
  •, 25.5.2008.
  •, 13.08.2007.
  • KARASU, Koray (2004), Kuram ve Uygulamada Kamu Örgütleri (yay mlanmam Doktora tezi) (Ankara: A.Ü. S.B.E.).
  • KAY, John (2007), “Helping Savers and Attending to Credit Risk,” Financial Times,, 25.09.2007.
  • KAY, John (2001), “A New Public Sector,” Prospect,, 25.09.2007.
  • MALTBY, Paul (2003), In the Public Interest?: Assessing the Potential for Public Interest Companies (London: Institute for Public Policy Research).
  • MARINE, Allix (2003), “The Politics of Quasi-Autonomous Organisations in France and Italy,” PSA Annual Conference: 1-38.
  • MATTHEWS, David (1984), “The Public in Practice and Theory,” Public Administration Review, 44: 120-125.
  • MAYO, Ed/MOORE, Henrietta (2001), The Mutual State: How Local Communities Can Run Public Services (London: New Economics Foundation).
  • OSBORNE, P. Stephen (2000), “Introduction: Understanding Public–Private Partnerships in International Perspective, Globally Convergent or Nationally Divergent Phenomena,” OSBORNE, P. Stephen (ed.), Public-Private Partnetships: Theory and Practice in International Perspective (London: Routledge): 1-8.
  • PALMAS, Karl (2005), The UK Public Interest Company: The Idea, Its Origins, and Its Relevance for Sweden, Göteborg University CBIS Discussion Paper 1, http://www.h f, 10.06.2006.
  • PARKER, Kathryn/PASSEY, Andrew (2006), Proposals for a Community Interest Company (PIC) (University of Technology Sydney, Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management) communityic.html, 20.11.2006.
  • PESCH, Udo (2005), The Predicaments of Publicness: An Inquiry into the Conceptual Ambiguity of Public Administration (The Netherlands: Eburon Delft).
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004a), “Do Public Interest Companies Form a Third Way within Public Services,” The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 6/3: 353-369.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004b), “Commercialisation or Citizenship?,” Politics, 24/3: 215-220.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004c), “Whatever Happened to Stakeholding,” Public Administration, 82/3: 567- 584.
  • SA LIK BAKANLI I (2003), Sa kta Dönü üm (Ankara).
  • SHAW, Eric (2004), “What Matters is What Works: The Third Way and the Case of the Private Finance Initiative,” HALE, Sarah/LEGGETT, Will/MARTELL, Luke (eds.), The Third Way and Beyond; Criticisms, Futures and Alternatives (Manchester: Manchester University Press): 64-82.
  • SHAOUL, Jean (2003), “A Financial Analysis of the National Air Traffic Services PPP,” Public Money and Management, 23/3: 185-194.
  • SIGMA (2008), Peer Assistance in Public Procurement and Consessions/PPPs: Turkey, Final Report (Paris).
  • TAN, Turgut (1992), “Kamu Hizmeti mtiyaz ndan ‘Yap- let-Devret’ Modeline,” AÜSBF Dergisi, 47-3-4: 307-325.
  • TAN, Turgut (1995), “ darede Yeni Ussall k Aray lar ve Hukuk,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu, C.2 (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 175–183.
  • TÜS AD (1995), 21. Yüzy l çin Yeni Bir Devlet Modeline Do ru: Optimal Devlet ( stanbul).
  • UNISON (2003), Seven Reasons Why UNISON is Opposed to Foundation Trusts (London).
  • WHITEHOUSE, Lisa (2003), “Railtrack is Dead – Long Live Network Rail? Nationalization Under the Third Way,” Journal of Law and Society, 30/2: 217-235.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 64 Sayı: 03, 117 - 147, 01.03.2009



  • AKSOY, inasi (1995), “Yeni Sa ve Kamu Yönetimi,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu Bildirileri II. Cilt (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 159-173.
  • ALEXANDER, A. Jeffrey/WEINER, J. Bryan (1998), “The Adoption of the Corporate Governance Model by Nonprofit Organizations,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 8/3: 223- 242.
  • AVRUPA KOM SYONU (2008), Türkiye 2008 lerleme Raporu,, 12 Haziran 2009.
  • AYYILDIZ, Musa (2000), Menkul K ymet Borsalar
  • n Kâr Amaçl irketlere Dönü meleri ve Türkiye
  • çin Öneriler (Ankara: SPK).
  • AZRAK, A. Ülkü (1976), Millile tirme ve dare Hukuku stanbul: stanbul Üniversitesi Yay nlar ).
  • BARNES, Marian/NEWMAN, Janet/KNOPS, Andrew/SULLIVAN, Helen (2003), “Constituting ‘The Public’ in the Public Participation,” Public Administration, 81/2: 379-399.
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (ed.) (2001), The New Mutualism in Public Policy (London: Routledge).
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (2002), “Mutual, Non-Profit or Public Interest Company? An Evaluation of Options for the Ownership and Control of Water Utilities,” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 73/2: 181-213.
  • BOZEMAN, Barry (1987), All Organizations Are Public: Bridging Public and Private Organizational Theories (San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers).
  • BRANSTON, Robert/COWLING, Keith/SUGDEN, Roger (2006), “Corporate Governance and the Public Interest,” International Review of Applied Economics, 20/2: 189–212.
  • BRECHER, Charles (2002), The Public Interest Company as a Mechanism to Improve Service Delivery (London: Public Management Foundation).
  • CABINET OFFICE (1999), Modernising Government (London).
  • CABINET OFFICE (2002), Private Action, Public Benefit: A Review of Charities and the Wider Not- For-Profit Sector (London: Strategy Unit Report).
  • CARINO, Ledivina V. (2001), “Private Action for Public Good? The Public Role of Voluntary Sector Organizations,” Public Organization Review, 1: 55-74.
  • DTI (2003), Enterprise for Communities: Proposals for a Community Interest Company (London: HM Treasury).
  • ERYILMAZ, Bilal (2002), Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime ( stanbul: Alfa Bas m).
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2004), “Distributed Public Governance in Britain,” Public Administration, 82/4: 883-909.
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2005), “The Politics of Public–Private Partnerships,” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7/2: 215-239.
  • GIBSON-SMITH, C. S. (2002), Public Interest Companies and Risk (London: IPPR).
  • GIDDENS, Anthony (2000), Üçüncü Yol: Sosyal Demokrasinin Yeniden Dirili i stanbul: Birey Yay nc k) (Çev.: M. Özay).
  • GREVE, C./FLINDERS, M./THIEL, V. (1999), “Quangos – What’s in a Name? Defining Quangos from a Comparative Perspective,” Governance, 12/2: 129-146.
  • GÜLER, Birgül A. (2003), “Yöneti im: Tüm ktidar Sermayeye,” Praksis, 9: 93-116.
  •, 10.09.2007.
  •, 11.08.2007.
  •, 10.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 20.09.2004.
  •, Say 42, 2006, 10.06.2009.
  •, 13.06.2007.
  •, 03.06.2007.
  •, 23.02.2009, 10.4.2009.
  •, 25.5.2008.
  •, 13.08.2007.
  • KARASU, Koray (2004), Kuram ve Uygulamada Kamu Örgütleri (yay mlanmam Doktora tezi) (Ankara: A.Ü. S.B.E.).
  • KAY, John (2007), “Helping Savers and Attending to Credit Risk,” Financial Times,, 25.09.2007.
  • KAY, John (2001), “A New Public Sector,” Prospect,, 25.09.2007.
  • MALTBY, Paul (2003), In the Public Interest?: Assessing the Potential for Public Interest Companies (London: Institute for Public Policy Research).
  • MARINE, Allix (2003), “The Politics of Quasi-Autonomous Organisations in France and Italy,” PSA Annual Conference: 1-38.
  • MATTHEWS, David (1984), “The Public in Practice and Theory,” Public Administration Review, 44: 120-125.
  • MAYO, Ed/MOORE, Henrietta (2001), The Mutual State: How Local Communities Can Run Public Services (London: New Economics Foundation).
  • OSBORNE, P. Stephen (2000), “Introduction: Understanding Public–Private Partnerships in International Perspective, Globally Convergent or Nationally Divergent Phenomena,” OSBORNE, P. Stephen (ed.), Public-Private Partnetships: Theory and Practice in International Perspective (London: Routledge): 1-8.
  • PALMAS, Karl (2005), The UK Public Interest Company: The Idea, Its Origins, and Its Relevance for Sweden, Göteborg University CBIS Discussion Paper 1, http://www.h f, 10.06.2006.
  • PARKER, Kathryn/PASSEY, Andrew (2006), Proposals for a Community Interest Company (PIC) (University of Technology Sydney, Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management) communityic.html, 20.11.2006.
  • PESCH, Udo (2005), The Predicaments of Publicness: An Inquiry into the Conceptual Ambiguity of Public Administration (The Netherlands: Eburon Delft).
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004a), “Do Public Interest Companies Form a Third Way within Public Services,” The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 6/3: 353-369.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004b), “Commercialisation or Citizenship?,” Politics, 24/3: 215-220.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004c), “Whatever Happened to Stakeholding,” Public Administration, 82/3: 567- 584.
  • SA LIK BAKANLI I (2003), Sa kta Dönü üm (Ankara).
  • SHAW, Eric (2004), “What Matters is What Works: The Third Way and the Case of the Private Finance Initiative,” HALE, Sarah/LEGGETT, Will/MARTELL, Luke (eds.), The Third Way and Beyond; Criticisms, Futures and Alternatives (Manchester: Manchester University Press): 64-82.
  • SHAOUL, Jean (2003), “A Financial Analysis of the National Air Traffic Services PPP,” Public Money and Management, 23/3: 185-194.
  • SIGMA (2008), Peer Assistance in Public Procurement and Consessions/PPPs: Turkey, Final Report (Paris).
  • TAN, Turgut (1992), “Kamu Hizmeti mtiyaz ndan ‘Yap- let-Devret’ Modeline,” AÜSBF Dergisi, 47-3-4: 307-325.
  • TAN, Turgut (1995), “ darede Yeni Ussall k Aray lar ve Hukuk,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu, C.2 (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 175–183.
  • TÜS AD (1995), 21. Yüzy l çin Yeni Bir Devlet Modeline Do ru: Optimal Devlet ( stanbul).
  • UNISON (2003), Seven Reasons Why UNISON is Opposed to Foundation Trusts (London).
  • WHITEHOUSE, Lisa (2003), “Railtrack is Dead – Long Live Network Rail? Nationalization Under the Third Way,” Journal of Law and Society, 30/2: 217-235.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Koray Karasu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 64 Sayı: 03

Kaynak Göster

APA Karasu, K. (2009). YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 64(03), 117-147.
AMA Karasu K. YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. SBF Dergisi. Mart 2009;64(03):117-147. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002115
Chicago Karasu, Koray. “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64, sy. 03 (Mart 2009): 117-47.
EndNote Karasu K (01 Mart 2009) YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64 03 117–147.
IEEE K. Karasu, “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”, SBF Dergisi, c. 64, sy. 03, ss. 117–147, 2009, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002115.
ISNAD Karasu, Koray. “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64/03 (Mart 2009), 117-147.
MLA Karasu, Koray. “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 64, sy. 03, 2009, ss. 117-4, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002115.
Vancouver Karasu K. YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. SBF Dergisi. 2009;64(03):117-4.