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The Nagorna Karabakh Conflict As a Part Of The "New" Eurasıan Geopolitics

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 60 Sayı: 03, 1 - 32, 01.03.2005



  • ABASOV, Ali/ HAROUTLUN, Khachatrian (2002), "Variants for a solution of the Karabakh conflict," Central Asia and Caucasus Journal.
  • AKHUNDOV, Fuad (1998), "Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan: Chronology of major events," Azerbaijan InternationaL.
  • ALIYEV, Igrar (1989), "Upper Karabagh - history, facts, events, Baku: Elm Treaty of Kurekchay 1805,"
  • ALIEVA, Leyla (19.06.2003), "Geopolitics and Nagomo-Karabakh," 525cLcom
  • ASGEROV, i (16.11.1985), "Armenian Congress held in Athens," The Investia.
  • ATKIN, Muriel (1980), Russia and Iran 1780-1828 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
  • BAILES, Alyson (2003), Armament and disarmament in the Caucasus and Central Asia (Stockholm: Stockholm Intemational Peace Research Institute).
  • BARANOVSKY, Vladimir (2000), "Russia, a part of Europe or apart from Europe?," International Affairs, Vol. 76~3.
  • BARSEGHYAN, Kristine/ KARAEV, Zainiddin (2004), "Playing Cat-and-Mouse: Conflict and ThirdParty Mediation in Post-Soviet Space," The online journal of peace and conflict resolution,
  • BENNIGSEN, Alexandre/ WIMBUSH, Enders, S. (1985), Muslims of the Soviet Empire-A guide (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
  • BOURNOUTIAN, George A. (1996), "The ethnic composition and the socio-economic condition of Eastem Armenia in the first half of the nineteenth century," SUNY, Ronald Grigor (ed.), Transcaucasia; Nationalism and Social Change (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
  • BURKE, Justin (2001), "Azerbaijan, Russia to sign an agreement of controversial radar facility,"
  • CASTELLlNO, Joshua (2000), International lawand Self-determination. The Interplay of the Politics of Territorial Possession with Formulations of Post-Colonial 'National' Identity (Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). "Concepts and Reality," Journal of Central Asia and Caucasus (Stockholm).
  • CORNELL, Svante E. (1999), The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (Uppsala: Department of East European Studies).
  • CROISSANT, Michael/ ARAS, Bulent (1999), Oil and Geopolitics in the Caspian Sea Region (Westport).
  • DEHDASHTI, Rexane (2000), Internationale Organisationen als Vermittler in innenstaatlichen Konfiikten. Die OSZE und der Berg-Karabach Konflikt (Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag).
  • DE PAUW, Freddy (1996), "Turkey' s Policies in Transcaucasia," COPPIETERS,Bruno (ed.), Contested Borders in the Caucasus (VUB University Press).
  • DiKBAŞ, Kadir (1997), Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri: Olaylar Kronolojisi (istanbul: Doğu Türkistan Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği).
  • DRAGADZE, Tamara (1996), "Azerbaijani and Azerbaijanis," SMiTH, Graham (ed.), The Nationalities Question on the Post-Soviet States (New York: Longman).
  • EMERSON, Michael (2000), "Approaches to the stabilisation of the Caucasus," CEPS Journal (Brussels).
  • FEIGL, Erich (1991), Un My the de la Terreur-le Terrorisme Armenien, ses origines et ses Causes (Salzburg: Druckhaus Nonntal (in Azeri)).
  • FULLER, Elizabeth (1987), "Armenians demonstrate fôr return of territories from Azerbaijan," Radio Liberty Research Bul/etin.
  • FULLER, Elizabeth (1994), "Russian Strategy in the Transcaucasus since the Demise of the USSR," Radio Liberty Research Bul/etin.
  • GAUBLE, Paul (2002), "Karabakh Confliet: Comdors of Opportunity," RFE/RL Caucasus Report, Vol. 5, No. 23.
  • GÖTZ, Roland/HALBACH, Uwe (1993), Politisches Lexikon GUS (München: H.Beek).
  • HALBACH, Uwe (2002), "Erdoel und Indentitaet im Kaukasus," Friedrich £bert Stiftung Studie.
  • HALE, William (2000), Turkish Foreign Policy: 1774 - 2000 (London: Frank Cass).
  • HEISBOURG, François (2000), "European Ddefenee: Making it Work," Chail/ot Papers 42 (Paris: Institute for Security Studies of WEU).
  • HOWARTH, Tony (1997), Twentieth Century History (New York: Longman).
  • ICG Report N 156 Azerbaijan: Turning Over a New Leaf, 13 May 2004.
  • ICG Report N 158 Armenia: Internallnstability Ahead, 18 Oetober 2004.
  • KAUFMAN, Stuart J. (1998), £thnic Fears and £thnic Fears in Karabakh (Kentucky: University of Kentucky).
  • KURBANOV, Erjan (1997), "The right for self-deterrnination in internationallawand the eonfliet in NK," £thnopolitical Conflicts in the Transcaucasus: Their Roots and Solutions (Maryland: University of Maryland).
  • LEE, Gary (28.02.1988), "Gorbaehev Reportedly Makes Pledge in Session With 2 Dissenters," The Washington Post.
  • MALEK, Martin (2000), Determinanten der Sicherheitspolitik Armen/ens (Hamburg: Beriehte des Bundesinstituts für ostwissensehaftliehe und internationale Studien).
  • MANGOTT, Gerhard (1999), Brennpunkt Südkaukasus (Wien: Braumueller).
  • MCCARTHY, Justin (1984), Armen/an Terronsm: History as Po/son and ..ı.nt/dote (Ankara: Ankara University Press).
  • MCCORQUODALE, Robert (2000), Self-determ/nat/on in International Law (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate).
  • MACFARLANE, Neil S. / MINEAR, Larry (1997), Humanitar/an action and politics: The case of Nagorno-Karabakh, Providence (RI: TJ Watson Institute for International Studies, Oeeasional paper No. 25).
  • MEHDI, Parvizi Amineh (1999), Towards the Control of O/i Resources in the Caspian Region (New York).
  • MOMMSEN, Margareta (1992), Nat/onalismus /n Osteuropo (München: Gefahrvolle Wege in die Demokratie) .
  • NASIBZADE, Nasib (2000), "The Azeri Question in Iran: A Crucial Issue for Iran's Future,"
  • NN (06.03.1992), "Massaere in Karabakh," The Inzvestia.
  • NN (2002), "Arrnenian Defence Minister Threatens Azerbaijan," The Zerkalo (in Russian):
  • NN (15.03.2002), "Armenian Officials Threaten Azerbaijan Again," The Zerkalo.
  • NN (21.06.2003), "Banks Are Established in Karabakh," The Zerkalo.
  • NN (08.07.2004), "Musharraf in Baku for Landmark Visit," www.newscentralasia.eom
  • NN (04.08.2003), " 'NKR' For Secretary Naira Malkoumian Conversation With Russian Journalists: The Future of "NKR" is Reunifieation With Arrnenia," The £kho.
  • NN (17.02.04), "Compromise Variant for Nagorno-Karabakh From the EU Rapporter," The Zerkalo.
  • NOLYAIN, Igor (1994), "Moseow's Initiation of the Azeri-Arrnenian Conflid," Central Asian Survey, Vol. 13, No. 4.
  • OLlKER, Olga (2003), "Conflict in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Implications of Foreign Interests and Involvement," OLlKER/SZAYNA (eds.), Faultilines of conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus (RAND).
  • OSCEHandbook 1992.
  • PASHAYEV, Hafiz (1998), "Peace Proposal in Jeopardy," Azerbaijan InternationaL.
  • RAMEZANZADEH, Abdollah (1996), "Iran's Role as Mediator in the Nagomo-Karabakh Crisis,"
  • COPPIETERS, Bruno (ed.), Contested Borders in the Caucasus (VUB University Press).
  • SCHMIDT-HAUER, Christian (26.06.1995), "Kalter Krieg ums Öl," Die Zeit.
  • SHEETS, Lawrence (9.11.1998), "OSCE Karabakh Proposals," Reuters.
  • State Archives of the Azerbaijan Republic 2003.
  • TÜTÜNCÜ, Mehmet (1997), "Turkey's foreign policy in the Caucasus," Turkistan-Newsletter, 97/1: 14a, Special Analysis Issue.

"Yeni" Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 60 Sayı: 03, 1 - 32, 01.03.2005



  • ABASOV, Ali/ HAROUTLUN, Khachatrian (2002), "Variants for a solution of the Karabakh conflict," Central Asia and Caucasus Journal.
  • AKHUNDOV, Fuad (1998), "Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan: Chronology of major events," Azerbaijan InternationaL.
  • ALIYEV, Igrar (1989), "Upper Karabagh - history, facts, events, Baku: Elm Treaty of Kurekchay 1805,"
  • ALIEVA, Leyla (19.06.2003), "Geopolitics and Nagomo-Karabakh," 525cLcom
  • ASGEROV, i (16.11.1985), "Armenian Congress held in Athens," The Investia.
  • ATKIN, Muriel (1980), Russia and Iran 1780-1828 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
  • BAILES, Alyson (2003), Armament and disarmament in the Caucasus and Central Asia (Stockholm: Stockholm Intemational Peace Research Institute).
  • BARANOVSKY, Vladimir (2000), "Russia, a part of Europe or apart from Europe?," International Affairs, Vol. 76~3.
  • BARSEGHYAN, Kristine/ KARAEV, Zainiddin (2004), "Playing Cat-and-Mouse: Conflict and ThirdParty Mediation in Post-Soviet Space," The online journal of peace and conflict resolution,
  • BENNIGSEN, Alexandre/ WIMBUSH, Enders, S. (1985), Muslims of the Soviet Empire-A guide (Bloomington: Indiana University Press).
  • BOURNOUTIAN, George A. (1996), "The ethnic composition and the socio-economic condition of Eastem Armenia in the first half of the nineteenth century," SUNY, Ronald Grigor (ed.), Transcaucasia; Nationalism and Social Change (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
  • BURKE, Justin (2001), "Azerbaijan, Russia to sign an agreement of controversial radar facility,"
  • CASTELLlNO, Joshua (2000), International lawand Self-determination. The Interplay of the Politics of Territorial Possession with Formulations of Post-Colonial 'National' Identity (Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers). "Concepts and Reality," Journal of Central Asia and Caucasus (Stockholm).
  • CORNELL, Svante E. (1999), The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (Uppsala: Department of East European Studies).
  • CROISSANT, Michael/ ARAS, Bulent (1999), Oil and Geopolitics in the Caspian Sea Region (Westport).
  • DEHDASHTI, Rexane (2000), Internationale Organisationen als Vermittler in innenstaatlichen Konfiikten. Die OSZE und der Berg-Karabach Konflikt (Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag).
  • DE PAUW, Freddy (1996), "Turkey' s Policies in Transcaucasia," COPPIETERS,Bruno (ed.), Contested Borders in the Caucasus (VUB University Press).
  • DiKBAŞ, Kadir (1997), Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri: Olaylar Kronolojisi (istanbul: Doğu Türkistan Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği).
  • DRAGADZE, Tamara (1996), "Azerbaijani and Azerbaijanis," SMiTH, Graham (ed.), The Nationalities Question on the Post-Soviet States (New York: Longman).
  • EMERSON, Michael (2000), "Approaches to the stabilisation of the Caucasus," CEPS Journal (Brussels).
  • FEIGL, Erich (1991), Un My the de la Terreur-le Terrorisme Armenien, ses origines et ses Causes (Salzburg: Druckhaus Nonntal (in Azeri)).
  • FULLER, Elizabeth (1987), "Armenians demonstrate fôr return of territories from Azerbaijan," Radio Liberty Research Bul/etin.
  • FULLER, Elizabeth (1994), "Russian Strategy in the Transcaucasus since the Demise of the USSR," Radio Liberty Research Bul/etin.
  • GAUBLE, Paul (2002), "Karabakh Confliet: Comdors of Opportunity," RFE/RL Caucasus Report, Vol. 5, No. 23.
  • GÖTZ, Roland/HALBACH, Uwe (1993), Politisches Lexikon GUS (München: H.Beek).
  • HALBACH, Uwe (2002), "Erdoel und Indentitaet im Kaukasus," Friedrich £bert Stiftung Studie.
  • HALE, William (2000), Turkish Foreign Policy: 1774 - 2000 (London: Frank Cass).
  • HEISBOURG, François (2000), "European Ddefenee: Making it Work," Chail/ot Papers 42 (Paris: Institute for Security Studies of WEU).
  • HOWARTH, Tony (1997), Twentieth Century History (New York: Longman).
  • ICG Report N 156 Azerbaijan: Turning Over a New Leaf, 13 May 2004.
  • ICG Report N 158 Armenia: Internallnstability Ahead, 18 Oetober 2004.
  • KAUFMAN, Stuart J. (1998), £thnic Fears and £thnic Fears in Karabakh (Kentucky: University of Kentucky).
  • KURBANOV, Erjan (1997), "The right for self-deterrnination in internationallawand the eonfliet in NK," £thnopolitical Conflicts in the Transcaucasus: Their Roots and Solutions (Maryland: University of Maryland).
  • LEE, Gary (28.02.1988), "Gorbaehev Reportedly Makes Pledge in Session With 2 Dissenters," The Washington Post.
  • MALEK, Martin (2000), Determinanten der Sicherheitspolitik Armen/ens (Hamburg: Beriehte des Bundesinstituts für ostwissensehaftliehe und internationale Studien).
  • MANGOTT, Gerhard (1999), Brennpunkt Südkaukasus (Wien: Braumueller).
  • MCCARTHY, Justin (1984), Armen/an Terronsm: History as Po/son and ..ı.nt/dote (Ankara: Ankara University Press).
  • MCCORQUODALE, Robert (2000), Self-determ/nat/on in International Law (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate).
  • MACFARLANE, Neil S. / MINEAR, Larry (1997), Humanitar/an action and politics: The case of Nagorno-Karabakh, Providence (RI: TJ Watson Institute for International Studies, Oeeasional paper No. 25).
  • MEHDI, Parvizi Amineh (1999), Towards the Control of O/i Resources in the Caspian Region (New York).
  • MOMMSEN, Margareta (1992), Nat/onalismus /n Osteuropo (München: Gefahrvolle Wege in die Demokratie) .
  • NASIBZADE, Nasib (2000), "The Azeri Question in Iran: A Crucial Issue for Iran's Future,"
  • NN (06.03.1992), "Massaere in Karabakh," The Inzvestia.
  • NN (2002), "Arrnenian Defence Minister Threatens Azerbaijan," The Zerkalo (in Russian):
  • NN (15.03.2002), "Armenian Officials Threaten Azerbaijan Again," The Zerkalo.
  • NN (21.06.2003), "Banks Are Established in Karabakh," The Zerkalo.
  • NN (08.07.2004), "Musharraf in Baku for Landmark Visit," www.newscentralasia.eom
  • NN (04.08.2003), " 'NKR' For Secretary Naira Malkoumian Conversation With Russian Journalists: The Future of "NKR" is Reunifieation With Arrnenia," The £kho.
  • NN (17.02.04), "Compromise Variant for Nagorno-Karabakh From the EU Rapporter," The Zerkalo.
  • NOLYAIN, Igor (1994), "Moseow's Initiation of the Azeri-Arrnenian Conflid," Central Asian Survey, Vol. 13, No. 4.
  • OLlKER, Olga (2003), "Conflict in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Implications of Foreign Interests and Involvement," OLlKER/SZAYNA (eds.), Faultilines of conflict in Central Asia and the South Caucasus (RAND).
  • OSCEHandbook 1992.
  • PASHAYEV, Hafiz (1998), "Peace Proposal in Jeopardy," Azerbaijan InternationaL.
  • RAMEZANZADEH, Abdollah (1996), "Iran's Role as Mediator in the Nagomo-Karabakh Crisis,"
  • COPPIETERS, Bruno (ed.), Contested Borders in the Caucasus (VUB University Press).
  • SCHMIDT-HAUER, Christian (26.06.1995), "Kalter Krieg ums Öl," Die Zeit.
  • SHEETS, Lawrence (9.11.1998), "OSCE Karabakh Proposals," Reuters.
  • State Archives of the Azerbaijan Republic 2003.
  • TÜTÜNCÜ, Mehmet (1997), "Turkey's foreign policy in the Caucasus," Turkistan-Newsletter, 97/1: 14a, Special Analysis Issue.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kavus Abushev Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 60 Sayı: 03

Kaynak Göster

APA Abushev, K. (2005). "Yeni" Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 60(03), 1-32.
AMA Abushev K. "Yeni" Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu. SBF Dergisi. Mart 2005;60(03):1-32. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000001435
Chicago Abushev, Kavus. “‘Yeni’ Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 60, sy. 03 (Mart 2005): 1-32.
EndNote Abushev K (01 Mart 2005) "Yeni" Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 60 03 1–32.
IEEE K. Abushev, “‘Yeni’ Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu”, SBF Dergisi, c. 60, sy. 03, ss. 1–32, 2005, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000001435.
ISNAD Abushev, Kavus. “‘Yeni’ Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 60/03 (Mart 2005), 1-32.
JAMA Abushev K. "Yeni" Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu. SBF Dergisi. 2005;60:1–32.
MLA Abushev, Kavus. “‘Yeni’ Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 60, sy. 03, 2005, ss. 1-32, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000001435.
Vancouver Abushev K. "Yeni" Avrasya Jeopolitiğinin Bir Parçası Olarak Dağlık Karabağ Sorunu. SBF Dergisi. 2005;60(03):1-32.