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Ankara Sanayi Odası'na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler

Yıl 1994, Cilt: 49 Sayı: 03, 459 - 479, 01.03.1994



  • Aaby N. ve ES. Slater (1989), "Management Influences on Export Performance: A Review of the Empirical Literature 1987-1988", International Marketing
  • Review, Volume: 6, Number: 4.
  • Airaksinen, T. (1982), "Export Performance of the Firms in the Finnish Engineering Industry", Working Paper No: F-37, Helsinki Scholl of Economics, August. Alexandrides, C.G. (1971), "How the Major Obstacles to Expansion Can Be
  • Overcomed", Atlanta Economic Review, May. Bello, D. ve H.C. Barksdale (1986), "Exporting at Industrial Trade Shows", Industrial
  • Marketing Management, Volume: IS, Number: 2. Bilkey, WJ. ve G, Tesar (1977), "The Export Behavior of Smailer SizedWisconsin
  • Manufacturing Firms", Journal of International Business Studies, Spring. Bilkey, WJ. (1979) "An Attempted Investigation of the Literature on the Export
  • Behavior of. Firms", Journal of International Business Studies, Spring/Summer.
  • Bilkey, WJ. (1982) "Variables Associated With Export Profitability", Journal of International Business Studies, Fal!.
  • Bodur, M. ve S.T. Çavuşgil (1985), "Export Market Research Orientations of Turkish Firms", European Journal of Marketing, Volume: 19, Number: 2.
  • Business America (1987), "The First Steps in Exporting", February 2.
  • Czinkota, M.R. (1982), "Export Development Strategies: U.S. Promotion Policy", Preager Publishers, New York, 1982.
  • Czinkota, M.R. ve L.A.Ronkainen (1988), "International Marketing", The Dryden Press, New York.
  • Cullwick, T.D.C. ve PJ. Mellalieu (1981), "Business Attİludes to Government Export Services and Export Marketing Behavior", New Zealand Journal of Business, Volume: 3.
  • Çarıkçı, Emin (1991), "Türkiye'de ıhracau Teşvik Politikası Uygulamaları ve Sonuçları", Dış Ticaretle Durum, Sayı: 23-24, Ocak, 1991.
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. (1980), "On the Inıernaıionalization Process of Firms", European Rescarch, Volumc: 8, Number: 6. 478 M. MITHAT ÜNER
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. ve J.R. Nevin (1980), "Conceptualizations of the Intial Involvement in International Marketing", Theoretical Development in Marketing'in içinde, eds.: C.W. Lamb ve P.M. Dunne, A.M.A., Chicago, 1980.
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. ve J.R. Nevin (1984), "Differcnces Among Exporting Firms Based on Degree of Internationalization", Journal of Business Research, Volume: 12.
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. vel.R. Nevin (1986), "The State of the Art in International Marketing: An Assessment". International Marketing: Managerial Perspectives'in içinde 005.: S.C. Jain ve L.R. Tucker, Jr., ıkinci Baskı, Kent Publishing Company, Boston.
  • Dichü, E.-H.G. Koeglmayr ve S. Müeller (1990), "International Orientation As a Precondition for Export Suceess", Journal of International Business Studies, Volume: 21, Number: ı.
  • Hook, Jr. RC. ve MR Czinkota (1988), "Export Activities and Prospects of Hawaiin Firms" International Marketing Review, Volumc: 15, Number: 4.
  • lMEGE (1991), "IMEGE" 30. Yıl", Nurol Matbaacdık A.Ş., Ankara.
  • Johanson, J. ve F.P. WiOOersheim (1977), "The Internationalization of the Firm-Four Swedish Case Studies". Journal of Management Studies, October.
  • Kaikati, J.G. (1984), "The Anti - Export Policy of the U.S.", California Management Review, Volume: 23. Number: ı. .
  • Karafakiogıu M. ve T.D. Harcar (1990). "Intcrnal Determinants Affccting Interest in Exporting: An Empricial Analysis of Turkish Nonexporting Companies", Journal of Global Marketing, Volume: 3, Number: 2.
  • Kaynak. E. ve L. Stevenson (1982). "Export Orientation of Nova Scotia Manufacturers", Export Managemenı: International Context içerisinde, OOs.:M.R Czinkota ve G. Tesar. Preager Publishers. New York. '
  • Kaynak. E. ve M.N. Gürol (1987), "Export Marketing Management in Less-Developed Countries: A Case Study of Turkey in Light of the Japanese Experience". Management International Review. Volume: 27, Number: 3.
  • Keng, K.A. ve T.S. Jivan (1989), "Differences Between Smail and Medium Sized Exporting and Non-Exporting Firms: Nature and Nuturc", International Marketing Review. Volume: 6. .
  • McGuiness. N.W. ve B. Little (1981), "The Influence of Product Characterislics on thc Export Performance of New Industrial Producıs, Journal of Marketing, Spring.
  • Pavard R. Bogart (1977), "The Dynamics of the Dccision to Export", Alıon Business and Economic Review, Volume: 6, Spring. . ışLETMELERı ıHRACATTAN ALıKOYAN NEDENLER 479
  • Piercy, N. (1982), "Export Strategy: Markets and Compelition", George Aııen and unwin Publishers, london.
  • Rabino, S. (1980), "An Examination of Barriers to Exporting Encountered By SmaIl Manufacturing Companies", Management International Review, Volume: 20, Number: ı. Rao, C.P. ve D.D. Weinrauch (1974), "Extemal Problems of Exporters an~ Potantial", Paper Presented at the Midwest Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Spring, Chicago.
  • Root, F.R. (1987), "Entry Strategies For International Markets", Lexington Books, Lexington.
  • Rosson, PJ. ve DL Ford (1982) "Manufacturer-Overseas Distributor Relations and Export Performance", Journal of International Business Studies, Fal!.
  • Sullivan D. ve A. Bauerschmidt (1987), "Common Factors Underlying Barriers to Export: A Comparative Study in the European and U.S. Paper Industry", Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business, Chicago.
  • Tuncer, D. ve M. M. Üner (1993), "Ankara Sanayi Odası'na Kayıtlı ıhracatçdşletmelerin Dış Satırnda Karşılaştıkları Sorunlar", Hacettepe Üniversitesi, ıktisadi ve ıdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: IIli 993.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce (1978), ".A Survey of Business Needs in Export Marketing: Federal and Non-Federal Sources of Assistance", The Industry and Trade Administralion, Washington D.C.
  • U.S. General Accounting office (1983), "F;fforts To Promote Exports By Smail, NonExporting Man ufac turers ", GAO.ID. 83.21, January 18. Üner, M.M. (1990), "Firmaların ıhracat Davranışlarıyla ııgili Literatürün Entegrasyonu ve Türkiye için Davranışsal Bir Model Denemesi", Yayınlanmamış Doktora
  • Tezi, G.Ü.S.B.E. Ankara.
  • Üner, M.M. (1991), "Export Trading Companies", G.Ü.ı.ı.,B.F. Dergisi, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 2
  • Üner, M.M. (1992), "Export Promotion in the Uni.ted States and South Korea: An Important Observation for Turkey", G.Ü.t.l.B.F. Dergisi, Cil: 8, Sayı: 2,
  • Üner, M.M. (1993), "Dış Ticaret Sermaye Şirketlerinin Bazı Özellikleri ve önemli Problemleri", Dış Ticarette Durum, Temmuz.
  • Wiedcrshcim - Paul E, H.C. Olson ve L.S. Welch (1978), "Pre - Export Activity: The First Step in Internationalization" Journal of International BusinessStudies; Volumc: I, Number: 2.

Ankara Sanayi Odası'na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler

Yıl 1994, Cilt: 49 Sayı: 03, 459 - 479, 01.03.1994




  • Aaby N. ve ES. Slater (1989), "Management Influences on Export Performance: A Review of the Empirical Literature 1987-1988", International Marketing
  • Review, Volume: 6, Number: 4.
  • Airaksinen, T. (1982), "Export Performance of the Firms in the Finnish Engineering Industry", Working Paper No: F-37, Helsinki Scholl of Economics, August. Alexandrides, C.G. (1971), "How the Major Obstacles to Expansion Can Be
  • Overcomed", Atlanta Economic Review, May. Bello, D. ve H.C. Barksdale (1986), "Exporting at Industrial Trade Shows", Industrial
  • Marketing Management, Volume: IS, Number: 2. Bilkey, WJ. ve G, Tesar (1977), "The Export Behavior of Smailer SizedWisconsin
  • Manufacturing Firms", Journal of International Business Studies, Spring. Bilkey, WJ. (1979) "An Attempted Investigation of the Literature on the Export
  • Behavior of. Firms", Journal of International Business Studies, Spring/Summer.
  • Bilkey, WJ. (1982) "Variables Associated With Export Profitability", Journal of International Business Studies, Fal!.
  • Bodur, M. ve S.T. Çavuşgil (1985), "Export Market Research Orientations of Turkish Firms", European Journal of Marketing, Volume: 19, Number: 2.
  • Business America (1987), "The First Steps in Exporting", February 2.
  • Czinkota, M.R. (1982), "Export Development Strategies: U.S. Promotion Policy", Preager Publishers, New York, 1982.
  • Czinkota, M.R. ve L.A.Ronkainen (1988), "International Marketing", The Dryden Press, New York.
  • Cullwick, T.D.C. ve PJ. Mellalieu (1981), "Business Attİludes to Government Export Services and Export Marketing Behavior", New Zealand Journal of Business, Volume: 3.
  • Çarıkçı, Emin (1991), "Türkiye'de ıhracau Teşvik Politikası Uygulamaları ve Sonuçları", Dış Ticaretle Durum, Sayı: 23-24, Ocak, 1991.
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. (1980), "On the Inıernaıionalization Process of Firms", European Rescarch, Volumc: 8, Number: 6. 478 M. MITHAT ÜNER
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. ve J.R. Nevin (1980), "Conceptualizations of the Intial Involvement in International Marketing", Theoretical Development in Marketing'in içinde, eds.: C.W. Lamb ve P.M. Dunne, A.M.A., Chicago, 1980.
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. ve J.R. Nevin (1984), "Differcnces Among Exporting Firms Based on Degree of Internationalization", Journal of Business Research, Volume: 12.
  • Çavuşgil, T.S. vel.R. Nevin (1986), "The State of the Art in International Marketing: An Assessment". International Marketing: Managerial Perspectives'in içinde 005.: S.C. Jain ve L.R. Tucker, Jr., ıkinci Baskı, Kent Publishing Company, Boston.
  • Dichü, E.-H.G. Koeglmayr ve S. Müeller (1990), "International Orientation As a Precondition for Export Suceess", Journal of International Business Studies, Volume: 21, Number: ı.
  • Hook, Jr. RC. ve MR Czinkota (1988), "Export Activities and Prospects of Hawaiin Firms" International Marketing Review, Volumc: 15, Number: 4.
  • lMEGE (1991), "IMEGE" 30. Yıl", Nurol Matbaacdık A.Ş., Ankara.
  • Johanson, J. ve F.P. WiOOersheim (1977), "The Internationalization of the Firm-Four Swedish Case Studies". Journal of Management Studies, October.
  • Kaikati, J.G. (1984), "The Anti - Export Policy of the U.S.", California Management Review, Volume: 23. Number: ı. .
  • Karafakiogıu M. ve T.D. Harcar (1990). "Intcrnal Determinants Affccting Interest in Exporting: An Empricial Analysis of Turkish Nonexporting Companies", Journal of Global Marketing, Volume: 3, Number: 2.
  • Kaynak. E. ve L. Stevenson (1982). "Export Orientation of Nova Scotia Manufacturers", Export Managemenı: International Context içerisinde, OOs.:M.R Czinkota ve G. Tesar. Preager Publishers. New York. '
  • Kaynak. E. ve M.N. Gürol (1987), "Export Marketing Management in Less-Developed Countries: A Case Study of Turkey in Light of the Japanese Experience". Management International Review. Volume: 27, Number: 3.
  • Keng, K.A. ve T.S. Jivan (1989), "Differences Between Smail and Medium Sized Exporting and Non-Exporting Firms: Nature and Nuturc", International Marketing Review. Volume: 6. .
  • McGuiness. N.W. ve B. Little (1981), "The Influence of Product Characterislics on thc Export Performance of New Industrial Producıs, Journal of Marketing, Spring.
  • Pavard R. Bogart (1977), "The Dynamics of the Dccision to Export", Alıon Business and Economic Review, Volume: 6, Spring. . ışLETMELERı ıHRACATTAN ALıKOYAN NEDENLER 479
  • Piercy, N. (1982), "Export Strategy: Markets and Compelition", George Aııen and unwin Publishers, london.
  • Rabino, S. (1980), "An Examination of Barriers to Exporting Encountered By SmaIl Manufacturing Companies", Management International Review, Volume: 20, Number: ı. Rao, C.P. ve D.D. Weinrauch (1974), "Extemal Problems of Exporters an~ Potantial", Paper Presented at the Midwest Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Spring, Chicago.
  • Root, F.R. (1987), "Entry Strategies For International Markets", Lexington Books, Lexington.
  • Rosson, PJ. ve DL Ford (1982) "Manufacturer-Overseas Distributor Relations and Export Performance", Journal of International Business Studies, Fal!.
  • Sullivan D. ve A. Bauerschmidt (1987), "Common Factors Underlying Barriers to Export: A Comparative Study in the European and U.S. Paper Industry", Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business, Chicago.
  • Tuncer, D. ve M. M. Üner (1993), "Ankara Sanayi Odası'na Kayıtlı ıhracatçdşletmelerin Dış Satırnda Karşılaştıkları Sorunlar", Hacettepe Üniversitesi, ıktisadi ve ıdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: IIli 993.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce (1978), ".A Survey of Business Needs in Export Marketing: Federal and Non-Federal Sources of Assistance", The Industry and Trade Administralion, Washington D.C.
  • U.S. General Accounting office (1983), "F;fforts To Promote Exports By Smail, NonExporting Man ufac turers ", GAO.ID. 83.21, January 18. Üner, M.M. (1990), "Firmaların ıhracat Davranışlarıyla ııgili Literatürün Entegrasyonu ve Türkiye için Davranışsal Bir Model Denemesi", Yayınlanmamış Doktora
  • Tezi, G.Ü.S.B.E. Ankara.
  • Üner, M.M. (1991), "Export Trading Companies", G.Ü.ı.ı.,B.F. Dergisi, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 2
  • Üner, M.M. (1992), "Export Promotion in the Uni.ted States and South Korea: An Important Observation for Turkey", G.Ü.t.l.B.F. Dergisi, Cil: 8, Sayı: 2,
  • Üner, M.M. (1993), "Dış Ticaret Sermaye Şirketlerinin Bazı Özellikleri ve önemli Problemleri", Dış Ticarette Durum, Temmuz.
  • Wiedcrshcim - Paul E, H.C. Olson ve L.S. Welch (1978), "Pre - Export Activity: The First Step in Internationalization" Journal of International BusinessStudies; Volumc: I, Number: 2.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

M. Mithat Üner Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 1994
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1994 Cilt: 49 Sayı: 03

Kaynak Göster

APA Üner, M. M. (1994). Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 49(03), 459-479.
AMA Üner MM. Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler. SBF Dergisi. Mart 1994;49(03):459-479. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000001711
Chicago Üner, M. Mithat. “Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 49, sy. 03 (Mart 1994): 459-79.
EndNote Üner MM (01 Mart 1994) Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 49 03 459–479.
IEEE M. M. Üner, “Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler”, SBF Dergisi, c. 49, sy. 03, ss. 459–479, 1994, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000001711.
ISNAD Üner, M. Mithat. “Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 49/03 (Mart 1994), 459-479.
JAMA Üner MM. Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler. SBF Dergisi. 1994;49:459–479.
MLA Üner, M. Mithat. “Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 49, sy. 03, 1994, ss. 459-7, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000001711.
Vancouver Üner MM. Ankara Sanayi Odası’na Kayıtlı İşletmeleri İhracattan Alıkoyan Nedenler. SBF Dergisi. 1994;49(03):459-7.