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Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 78 Sayı: 3, 605 - 626, 19.09.2023


Jan-Werner Müller’in kendilerini açıkça popülist olarak tanımlamış olsalar bile Amerikan Popülistlerinin popülist olmadıklarını iddia etmesi sadece metodolojik değil, daha önemlisi, kavramsal bir
soruna işaret etmektedir. Müller, Soğuk Savaş liberalizminin ürettiği demokrasi modelinin asimetrik karşı kavramı olarak inşa ettiği popülizm kavramını olduğu gibi kabul etmekte ancak bu kavramı mümkün kılan kurucu ya da arketipik örneği dışlamaktadır. Bunun nedeni, Amerikan Popülistlerinin, 1950’lerde Richard Hofstadter’in Amerikan Popülistleri tarihi yorumunu benimseyen, çoğulcu-prosedürel ya da elitist demokrasi modelini savunanların iddia ettiği gibi anti-demokratik, ilerleme karşıtı, ırkçı, proto-faşist değil, demokratik, çoğulcu, ilerlemeci, kapsayıcı olmasıdır. Böyle olunca, Popülistler Müller ve diğer liberal eleştirilerin negatif, pejoratif bir popülizm tanımına uymamaktadır. Bu durumda iki seçenek vardır: ya popülizm kavramı terk edilmelidir ya da analitik bir değeri olduğu ölçüde otoriterleşmeden çıkış ve demokratikleşmenin ya da demokrasiyi demokratikleştirmenin politik mantığı olarak yeniden tanımlanmalıdır. Bu makale, ikinci seçeneğin değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini savunurken, Müller’in popülizm eleştirisini eleştirerek, genel olarak liberal popülizm eleştirisinin sınırlarını göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır.


Makaleyi okuyarak eleştirilerini ve katkılarını sunan Gülçin Özge Tan ve Mustafa Cem Oğuz'a teşekkür ederim.


  • Abts, Koen ve Stefan Rummens (2007) “Populism versus Democracy”, Political Studies, 55 (2): 405-424
  • Almond, Gabriel A. ve Sidney Verba (1963) The Civic Culture: Political Attritudes and Democracy in Five Nations (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
  • Amadae, S. M. (2003) Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: The Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
  • Bachrach, Peter (1967) The Theory of Democratic Elitism: A Critique (Boston: Little, Brown and Company)
  • Bachrach, Peter ve Morton S. Baratz (1962) “Two Faces of Power”, American Political Science Review, 56 (December): 947–52
  • Bell, Daniel (1956) “TheTheory of Mass Society: A Critique”, Commentary, 22(1): 75–83
  • Bell, Daniel (1960) The End of Ideology (Illinois: The Free Press Of Glencoe)
  • Bell, Daniel (1963) “The Dispossessed - 1962”, Daniel Bell (Der.), The Radical Right (New York: Doubleday & Company): 1-38
  • Berelson, Bernard R., Paul F. Lazasfeld ve William N. McPhee (1954) Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
  • Brubaker, Rogers (2017) “Why populism?”, Theory and Society, 46: 357–85
  • Cammack, Paul (2000) “The Resurgence of Populism in Latin America”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 19 (2): 149-61
  • Crozier, Michel, Samuel P. Huntington ve Joji Watanuki (1975) The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies (New York: New York University Press)
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1956) A Preface to Democratic Theory (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press) Dahl, Robert A. (1961a) “The Behavioral Approach in Political Science: Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest”, The American Political Science Review, 55 (4): 763-772
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1961b) Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City (New Haven: Yale University Press)
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1971) Poliarchy (New Haven: Yale University Press)
  • Ferkiss, Victor C. (1957) “Populist Influences On American Fascism”, Political Research Quarterly, 10 (2): 350-73
  • Finchelstein, Federico (2017) From Fascism to Populism in History (Oakland: University of California Press)
  • Formisano, Ronals P. (2008) For the People: American Populist Movements from the Revolution to the 1850s (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press)
  • Grattan, Laura (2016) Populism’s Power: Radical Grassroots Democracy in America (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Gunnell, John G. (2013) “Social Science and Ideology: The Case of Behaviouralism in American Political Science”, Freeden, Michael, Lyman Tower Sargent ve Marc Stears, (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies (New York: Oxford University Press): 73-89
  • Hague, Rod ve Martin Harrop (2004) Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)
  • Hawkins, Kirk A. (2010) Venezuela’s Chavismo and Populism in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • Hawkins, Kirk A. ve Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser (2017) “The Ideational Approach to Populism”, Latin American Research Review, 52 (4): 513-528
  • Hicks, John D. (1931 [1961]) The Populist Revolt: A History of the Farmers' Alliance and the People's Party (Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press)
  • Hofstadter, Richard ([1955] 1963) The Age of Reform: From Bryan to F. D. R. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf)
  • Hofstadter, Richard ([1952] 2008) The Paranoid Style in American Politics (New York: Vintage Books)
  • Jäger, Anton (2017) “The semantic drift: Images of populism in post-war American historiography and their relevance for (European) political science”, Constellations, 24: 310–323
  • Knight, Alan (1998) “Populism and Neo-populism in Latin America, especially Mexico”, Journal of Latin American Studies, 30 (2): 223-48
  • Kornhauser, William (1959) The Politics of Mass Society (Illinois: The Free Press Of Glencoe)
  • Laclau, Ernesto (1977) Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory (London: NLB)
  • Lipset, Seymour M. (1960) Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics (New York: Doubleday & Company)
  • Lukes, Steven (1974) Power: A Radical View (London: Macmillan)
  • Mayo, Henry B. (1960) An Introduction to Democratic Theory (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • McCormick, John P. (2001) “Machiavellian Democracy: Controlling Elites with Ferocious Populism”, American Political Science Review, 95 (2): 297-313
  • McCormick, John P. (2011) Machiavellian Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • McCoy, Charles A. ve John Playford (1967) Apolitical Politics: A Critique of Behavioralism (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company)
  • Miliband, Ralph (1969) The State in Capitalist Society (New York: Basic Books) Mills, Charles W. (1959) The Power Elite (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Moffitt, Benjamin (2016) The Global Rise of Populism (Stanford: Stanford University Press)
  • Mouzelis, Nicos (1985) “On the Concept of Populism: Populist and Clientelist Modes of Incorporation in Semiperipheral Polities”, Politics & Society, 14 (3): 329-48
  • Mudde, Cas (2004) The Populist Zeitgeist, Government and Opposition, 4: 541-63
  • Mudde, Cas ve Cristóbal R. Kaltwasser (2017) Populism: A Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Müller, Jan-Werner (2016) What Is Populism? (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press)
  • Panizza, Francisco (2000) “Neopopulism and its limits in Collor's Brazil”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 19 (2): 177-92
  • Parsons, Talcott (1957) “The Distribution of Power in American Society”, World Politics, 10 (1): 123-43
  • Pollack, Norman (1960) “Hofstadter on Populism: A Critique of ‘The Age of Reform’”, The Journal of Southern History, 26 (4): 478-500
  • Pollack, Norman (1965) “Fear of Man: Populism, Authoritarianism, and the Historian”, Agricultural History, 39 (2): 59-67
  • Postel, Charles (2007) The Populist Vision (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Postel, Charles (2017) “The American Populist and Anti-Populist Legacy”, Abromeit, John, Bridget María Chesterton, Gary Marotta ve York Norman (Der.), Transformations of Populism in Europe and the Americas: History and Recent Tendencies (London: Bloomsbury Academic): 116-135
  • Postel, Charles (2019) “Populism as a Concept and the Challenge of U.S. History”, IdeAs [Online], 14,
  • Roberts, Kenneth (1995) “Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Populism in Latin America: The Peruvian Case”, World Politics, 48 (1): 82-116
  • Rogin, M. Paul (1967) The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter, (Cambridge: The M.I.T Press)
  • Saloutos, Theodore (1966) “The Professors and the Populists”, Agricultural History, 40 (4): 235-254
  • Sanders, M. Elizabeth (1999) Roots of Reform: Farmers, Workers, and the American State, 1877-1917 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
  • Sartori, Giovanni (1962) Democratic Theory (Detroit: Wayne State University Press)
  • Schumpeter, Joseph (2003) Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, (New York: Routledge)
  • Shils, Edward ([1956] 1996) The Torment of Secrecy (Chicago: Elephants Paperbacks)
  • Shils, Edward (1957) “Daydreams and Nightmares: Reflections on the Criticism of Mass Culture”, Swanee Review, 65: 587–608
  • Stanley, Ben (2008) “The thin ideology of populism”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 13 (1): 95-110
  • Stavrakakis, Yannis ve Anton Jäger (2018) “Accomplishments and limitations of the ‘new’ mainstream in contemporary populism studies”, European Journal of Social Theory, 21(4): 547–565
  • Taggart, Paul (2000) Populism (Buckingham: Open University Press)
  • Urbinati, Nadia (1998) “Democracy and Populism”, Constellations, 5 (1): 110-124 Urbinati, Nadia (2014) Democracy Disfigured (Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
  • Urbinati, Nadia (2019) Me the People: How populism transforms democracy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
  • van der Brug, Wouter ve Anthony Mughan (2007) “Charisma, Leader Effects and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties”, Party Politics, 13: 29-51
  • Weyland, Kurt (1996) “Neopopulism and Neoliberalism in Latin America: Unexpected Affinities”, Studies in Comparative International Development, 31 (3): 3-31
  • Woodward, Comer Vann ([1960] 2008) The Burden of Southern History (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press)


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 78 Sayı: 3, 605 - 626, 19.09.2023


Jan-Werner Müller’s claim that it is possible to exclude from the category of populism the American Populists even if they explicitly called themselves populists indicates not only a methodological problem but also, more importantly, a conceptual one. Müller accepts the definition of populism constructed by the Cold War liberals as the counter-concept against their democracy model but excludes the constitutive or archetypical case that constitutes the category. This is because the American Populists were not anti-democratic, reactionary, racist, or proto-fascist as the proponents of pluralist-procedural democracy who embraced the frame drawn by Richard Hofstadter’s interpretation of the history of American Populists in the 1950s claim, but on the contrary, theirs was a democratic pluralist, progressive, and inclusionary movement. With this in mind, the Populists do not fit into the concept of populism as defined pejoratively by Müller and the liberals. In this situation, there appear to be two choices: the concept of populism will be abandoned or will be redefined as the political logic for democratizing democracy or transition to democracy. While defending the second choice, this article aims at displaying the limits of the liberal critique of populism by criticizing Müller’s critique of populism.


  • Abts, Koen ve Stefan Rummens (2007) “Populism versus Democracy”, Political Studies, 55 (2): 405-424
  • Almond, Gabriel A. ve Sidney Verba (1963) The Civic Culture: Political Attritudes and Democracy in Five Nations (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
  • Amadae, S. M. (2003) Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: The Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
  • Bachrach, Peter (1967) The Theory of Democratic Elitism: A Critique (Boston: Little, Brown and Company)
  • Bachrach, Peter ve Morton S. Baratz (1962) “Two Faces of Power”, American Political Science Review, 56 (December): 947–52
  • Bell, Daniel (1956) “TheTheory of Mass Society: A Critique”, Commentary, 22(1): 75–83
  • Bell, Daniel (1960) The End of Ideology (Illinois: The Free Press Of Glencoe)
  • Bell, Daniel (1963) “The Dispossessed - 1962”, Daniel Bell (Der.), The Radical Right (New York: Doubleday & Company): 1-38
  • Berelson, Bernard R., Paul F. Lazasfeld ve William N. McPhee (1954) Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
  • Brubaker, Rogers (2017) “Why populism?”, Theory and Society, 46: 357–85
  • Cammack, Paul (2000) “The Resurgence of Populism in Latin America”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 19 (2): 149-61
  • Crozier, Michel, Samuel P. Huntington ve Joji Watanuki (1975) The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies (New York: New York University Press)
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1956) A Preface to Democratic Theory (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press) Dahl, Robert A. (1961a) “The Behavioral Approach in Political Science: Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest”, The American Political Science Review, 55 (4): 763-772
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1961b) Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City (New Haven: Yale University Press)
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1971) Poliarchy (New Haven: Yale University Press)
  • Ferkiss, Victor C. (1957) “Populist Influences On American Fascism”, Political Research Quarterly, 10 (2): 350-73
  • Finchelstein, Federico (2017) From Fascism to Populism in History (Oakland: University of California Press)
  • Formisano, Ronals P. (2008) For the People: American Populist Movements from the Revolution to the 1850s (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press)
  • Grattan, Laura (2016) Populism’s Power: Radical Grassroots Democracy in America (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Gunnell, John G. (2013) “Social Science and Ideology: The Case of Behaviouralism in American Political Science”, Freeden, Michael, Lyman Tower Sargent ve Marc Stears, (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies (New York: Oxford University Press): 73-89
  • Hague, Rod ve Martin Harrop (2004) Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)
  • Hawkins, Kirk A. (2010) Venezuela’s Chavismo and Populism in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • Hawkins, Kirk A. ve Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser (2017) “The Ideational Approach to Populism”, Latin American Research Review, 52 (4): 513-528
  • Hicks, John D. (1931 [1961]) The Populist Revolt: A History of the Farmers' Alliance and the People's Party (Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press)
  • Hofstadter, Richard ([1955] 1963) The Age of Reform: From Bryan to F. D. R. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf)
  • Hofstadter, Richard ([1952] 2008) The Paranoid Style in American Politics (New York: Vintage Books)
  • Jäger, Anton (2017) “The semantic drift: Images of populism in post-war American historiography and their relevance for (European) political science”, Constellations, 24: 310–323
  • Knight, Alan (1998) “Populism and Neo-populism in Latin America, especially Mexico”, Journal of Latin American Studies, 30 (2): 223-48
  • Kornhauser, William (1959) The Politics of Mass Society (Illinois: The Free Press Of Glencoe)
  • Laclau, Ernesto (1977) Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory (London: NLB)
  • Lipset, Seymour M. (1960) Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics (New York: Doubleday & Company)
  • Lukes, Steven (1974) Power: A Radical View (London: Macmillan)
  • Mayo, Henry B. (1960) An Introduction to Democratic Theory (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • McCormick, John P. (2001) “Machiavellian Democracy: Controlling Elites with Ferocious Populism”, American Political Science Review, 95 (2): 297-313
  • McCormick, John P. (2011) Machiavellian Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  • McCoy, Charles A. ve John Playford (1967) Apolitical Politics: A Critique of Behavioralism (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company)
  • Miliband, Ralph (1969) The State in Capitalist Society (New York: Basic Books) Mills, Charles W. (1959) The Power Elite (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Moffitt, Benjamin (2016) The Global Rise of Populism (Stanford: Stanford University Press)
  • Mouzelis, Nicos (1985) “On the Concept of Populism: Populist and Clientelist Modes of Incorporation in Semiperipheral Polities”, Politics & Society, 14 (3): 329-48
  • Mudde, Cas (2004) The Populist Zeitgeist, Government and Opposition, 4: 541-63
  • Mudde, Cas ve Cristóbal R. Kaltwasser (2017) Populism: A Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Müller, Jan-Werner (2016) What Is Populism? (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press)
  • Panizza, Francisco (2000) “Neopopulism and its limits in Collor's Brazil”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 19 (2): 177-92
  • Parsons, Talcott (1957) “The Distribution of Power in American Society”, World Politics, 10 (1): 123-43
  • Pollack, Norman (1960) “Hofstadter on Populism: A Critique of ‘The Age of Reform’”, The Journal of Southern History, 26 (4): 478-500
  • Pollack, Norman (1965) “Fear of Man: Populism, Authoritarianism, and the Historian”, Agricultural History, 39 (2): 59-67
  • Postel, Charles (2007) The Populist Vision (New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Postel, Charles (2017) “The American Populist and Anti-Populist Legacy”, Abromeit, John, Bridget María Chesterton, Gary Marotta ve York Norman (Der.), Transformations of Populism in Europe and the Americas: History and Recent Tendencies (London: Bloomsbury Academic): 116-135
  • Postel, Charles (2019) “Populism as a Concept and the Challenge of U.S. History”, IdeAs [Online], 14,
  • Roberts, Kenneth (1995) “Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Populism in Latin America: The Peruvian Case”, World Politics, 48 (1): 82-116
  • Rogin, M. Paul (1967) The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter, (Cambridge: The M.I.T Press)
  • Saloutos, Theodore (1966) “The Professors and the Populists”, Agricultural History, 40 (4): 235-254
  • Sanders, M. Elizabeth (1999) Roots of Reform: Farmers, Workers, and the American State, 1877-1917 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
  • Sartori, Giovanni (1962) Democratic Theory (Detroit: Wayne State University Press)
  • Schumpeter, Joseph (2003) Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, (New York: Routledge)
  • Shils, Edward ([1956] 1996) The Torment of Secrecy (Chicago: Elephants Paperbacks)
  • Shils, Edward (1957) “Daydreams and Nightmares: Reflections on the Criticism of Mass Culture”, Swanee Review, 65: 587–608
  • Stanley, Ben (2008) “The thin ideology of populism”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 13 (1): 95-110
  • Stavrakakis, Yannis ve Anton Jäger (2018) “Accomplishments and limitations of the ‘new’ mainstream in contemporary populism studies”, European Journal of Social Theory, 21(4): 547–565
  • Taggart, Paul (2000) Populism (Buckingham: Open University Press)
  • Urbinati, Nadia (1998) “Democracy and Populism”, Constellations, 5 (1): 110-124 Urbinati, Nadia (2014) Democracy Disfigured (Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
  • Urbinati, Nadia (2019) Me the People: How populism transforms democracy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
  • van der Brug, Wouter ve Anthony Mughan (2007) “Charisma, Leader Effects and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties”, Party Politics, 13: 29-51
  • Weyland, Kurt (1996) “Neopopulism and Neoliberalism in Latin America: Unexpected Affinities”, Studies in Comparative International Development, 31 (3): 3-31
  • Woodward, Comer Vann ([1960] 2008) The Burden of Southern History (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press)
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kazım Ateş 0000-0002-7284-9017

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Eylül 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 78 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ateş, K. (2023). Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 78(3), 605-626.
AMA Ateş K. Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine. SBF Dergisi. Eylül 2023;78(3):605-626. doi:10.33630/ausbf.1293608
Chicago Ateş, Kazım. “Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 78, sy. 3 (Eylül 2023): 605-26.
EndNote Ateş K (01 Eylül 2023) Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 78 3 605–626.
IEEE K. Ateş, “Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine”, SBF Dergisi, c. 78, sy. 3, ss. 605–626, 2023, doi: 10.33630/ausbf.1293608.
ISNAD Ateş, Kazım. “Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 78/3 (Eylül 2023), 605-626.
JAMA Ateş K. Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine. SBF Dergisi. 2023;78:605–626.
MLA Ateş, Kazım. “Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, c. 78, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 605-26, doi:10.33630/ausbf.1293608.
Vancouver Ateş K. Amerikan Popülistleri Popülist Miydi? Liberal Popülizm Eleştirisinin Sınırları Üzerine. SBF Dergisi. 2023;78(3):605-26.