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Caydırıcılık Teorisi Bağlamında Çin’in Kuzey Kore Nükleer Politikalarına Bakışı

Yıl 2023, , 260 - 282, 20.03.2023


Son 30 yılda, Kuzey Kore'nin nükleer sorunu, Kuzeydoğu Asya'daki güvenlik, kalkınma ve istikrara yönelik en önemli ve doğrudan tehditlerden birini oluşturmuştur. Üçlü ve altılı görüşmeler, yaptırımlar, diplomatik çabalar ve daha yakın tarihli Singapur ve Hanoi Zirveleri dahil olmak üzere uluslararası toplumun çabaları, şimdiye kadar herhangi somut bir sonuç üretememiştir. Kuzey Kore'nin temel amacı nükleer programını geliştirmek ve açıkça nükleer silah üretmek olmuştur. Uluslararası toplum, Çin'in Kuzey Kore'ye baskı yapma ve nükleer sorunu kolayca çözme yeteneğine aşırı derecede güvenmiştir. Çin, Kuzey Kore'yi nükleer programının geliştirilmesinden vazgeçirmeye çalışırken, Kuzey Kore'nin nükleer bir güç olmasına da yardımcı olmuştur. Bu makale, Çin'in caydırıcılık stratejisinin bir müttefik olarak Kuzey Kore üzerinde güvenilir olup olmadığını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çin caydırıcılık stratejisi kapsamında birinci ve ikinci vuruşları gerçekleştirmeme ilkesine bağlı kalmaktadır. Rakipleri bu garantiyi müttefiklerine sağlarken, Çin Kuzey Kore'ye herhangi bir nükleer garanti sunmamıştır. ABD-Çin rekabeti bağlamında Çin, Tayvan, Güney Kore ve Güney Çin Denizi'ndeki çıkarlarından endişe duymaktadır. Çin için Kuzey Kore nükleer krizi hiçbir zaman birinci öncelik olmamıştır. İki ülke arasındaki ittifak ilişkisindeki güven eksikliği, Çin'in Kuzey Kore'yi nükleer silahlardan arındırma sürecini tamamlamaya ikna etmesini imkânsız hale getirmiştir. Bu nedenle, Çin'in caydırıcı gücü sonuçsuz kalmıştır. Bu güven eksikliği, Kuzey Kore'nin nükleer programını geliştirme motivasyonunu daha net olarak açıklamaktadır.


  • Bi, Y. 2019. “Chaoxian Bandao Xin Xingshi xia Shenhua Zhong Han Anquang Hezuo de Sikao” (“Kore Yarımadası'ndaki Yeni Durumda Çin-Güney Kore Güvenlik İşbirliğini Derinleştirme Üzerine Düşünceler”). Xiandai Guoji Guanxi (Çağdaş Uluslararası İlişkiler).10:35-41.
  • Boc, A. ve G. Wacker. 2018. “China: Between Key Role and Marginalization”. Facets of the North Korea Conflict: Actors, Problems and Europe’s Interests. (Ed. Hilpert, H. Günther ve O. Meier). Berlin: German Institute for International and Security Affairs.62-67
  • Brown, W. 2018. “Special Report: North Korea’s Shackled Economy, National Committee on North Korea”. (Erişim Tarihi:22.06. 2022).
  • Burns, R. 2019. “US intel heads list North Korea, not border, as threat to US”. (Erişim Tarihi:01.06.2022)
  • Byman, D. ve Lind, J. 2010. Pyongyang’s Survival Strategy: Tools of Authoritarian Control in North Korea. International Security. 35(1): 44-74.
  • Cha, V. 2002. ‘North Korea’s Weapons of Mass Destruction: Badges, Shields, or Swords?’. Political Science Quarterly. 117(2):209–30.
  • Chan, A. 2022. Xi Jinping: Political Career, Governance, and Leadership, 1953-2018. Oxford University Press.
  • Chansoria, M. 2009. US China and North Korea Nuclear Triangle. Chinese WMD Proliferation in Asia: US Response. New Delhi: Knowledge World Publishers.101-150.
  • Chen, J. 2018. “Zhōngguó shì qiānnián sùdí! Chuán cháoxiǎn shāndòng fǎn zhōng qíngxù” (“Çin bin yıllık düşman! Kuzey Kore'nin Çin karşıtı duyguları körüklediği söyleniyor”)şim Tarihi: 01.06.2022)
  • Chung, J.H. ve Choi, M. 2013. ‘Uncertain Allies or Uncomfortable Neighbors? Making Sense of China-North Korea Relations, 1949-2010’. The Pacific Review. 26(3): 243-264
  • Cimbala, S. 2012. “On nuclear war: Deterrence, escalation, and control”. Military and Strategic Affairs.4(3):25-44.
  • Cohen, A. 2019. North Korea Illegally Trades Oil, Coal, With China's Help. Forbes. (Erişim tarihi:21.11.2021)
  • Cordesman, A. H. ve Lin A. 2015. The Changing Military Balance in the Koreas and Northeast Asia. Rowman &Littlefield Publishers. Defense Intelligence Agency, 2019. China Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win, Washington.
  • Fravel, M.T ve Medeiros, E. 2010. “China’s Search for Assured Retaliation: The Evolution of Chinese Nuclear Strategy and Force Structure”. International Security. 35(2):48-87.
  • Griffiths, J. 2017. North Korea Blights China’s One Belt, One Road Party with Missile Launch. (Erişim tarihi: 24.11.2021).
  • Guo, R. 2012. Territorial Disputes and Conflict Management: The Art of Avoiding War. Routledge.
  • Han, Z. ve Zhao, Q. 2020. “Zhōng měi zài cháo hé wèntí shàng de fēnqí yǔ hézuò” (“Kuzey Kore nükleer meselesinde Çin ve ABD arasındaki farklılıklar ve iş birliği”). Guójì zhèngzhì kēxué (Uluslararası Siyaset Bilimi). 5(1):33-60.
  • Hastings J. ve Wang, Y. 2018. “Informal Trade along the China-North Korea Border”. Journal of East Asian Studies. 18(2):181-203.
  • Huth, P. K. 1999. Deterrence and International Conflict: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Debates. Annual Review of Political Science. 2(1):25-48.
  • Kim, S. 2006. The Two Koreas and the Great Powers. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kim, C. ve Chung, J. 2016. North Korea 2016 Economic Growth at 17-year High Despite Sanctions-South Korea. (Erişim tarihi:12.06.2022)
  • Kurata, H. 2007.A Conceptual Analysis of the Six-Party Talks: Building Peace through Security Assurances. Asian Security. 3(1):12-26. Lawrence F. 2013. Strategy: A History. Oxford University Press. New York
  • Lawrence, S. ve Manyin, M. ve Hammond K. 2017. Why Did March 2016 U.N. Sanctions Not Curb China's Imports of Coal from North Korea?. Congressional Research Service.
  • Li, Y. 2003.Zhōng měi liǎng guó de cháoxiǎn bàndǎo zhèngcè yǎnjìn lìchéng yánjiū (Çin ve ABD arasındaki Kore yarımadası politikasının evrimi üzerine bir araştırma). Xiānggǎng: Shèhuì kēxué chūbǎn shè (Hong Kong: Sosyal Bilimler Basını).
  • Lin, L. 2018.“Cháoxiǎn hé wèntí de zhànlüè běnzhí: Fǎn kuòsàn háishì dìyuán zhèngzhì bóyì?” (“Kuzey Kore nükleer sorununun stratejik doğası: Nükleer silahların yayılmasının önlenmesi mi yoksa jeopolitik bir oyun mu?”), Xiandai Guoji Guanxi, 2:13-16.
  • Lin, T. 2004.Toward a Nuclear Peace in East Asia: Facing North Korea’s Nuclear Reality. The Journal of East Asian Affairs. 18 (1): 49-77.
  • Ling, S. 2017. “Měiguó duì cháoxiǎn bàndǎo de xiē zǐ Zhànlüè” (“ABD'nin Kore Yarımadası'ndaki Kama Stratejisi”). Dongbei Ya Luntan. 5:46-57.
  • Luce, D. 2020.After a COVID-19 lull, North Korea gets back to sanctions-busting as China turns a Blind Eye, (Erişim tarihi: 15.11. 2021)
  • MOFA of Japan 2021. Diplomatic Bluebook 2021 (Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022)
  • Morgan, P. 2012. “The State of Deterrence in International Politics Today”. Contemporary Security Policy. 33(1):85-107.
  • Niksch, L. 2006. North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program, Crs Issue Brief For Congress. (Erişim tarihi: 25.09.2022)
  • Neves, M. S. 2020.China Policy towards North Korea and the Nuclear Question. The Journal of East Asian Affairs. 33(1):5-26.
  • Noland, M. 2004. Famine and Reform in North Korea. Asian Economic Papers.3(2):1-40.
  • Oberdorfer, D. ve Carlin R. 2013. The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History. Basic Books.
  • Paret, P. 1986.Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton University Press.
  • Peng G. ve Yao Y. 2001. Jūnshì zhànlüè kēxué (Askeri Strateji Bilimi). Beijing: Military Science Press.
  • Perlez, J. 2015. “Mystery Cloaks a North Korean Pop Band’s Cancelled Beijing Dates”. The New York Times (Erişim tarihi:25.12.2021)
  • Perlez, J. 2018.How Did Kim Jong-un Get to Singapore? With Some Help From China, (Erişim tarihi:18.03.2022)
  • Phil, J. 2017. Chinese Media's Shameless and Impudent Acts, (Erişim tarihi:25.04.2022)
  • Pritchard, C. 2007.Failed Diplomacy: The Tragic Story of How North Korea Got the Bomb. Brookings Institution.
  • Reilly, J. 2014.” The Curious Case of China’s Aid to North Korea”. Asian Survey. 54(6): 1158-1183.
  • Ross, R. 2022. “China Looks at the Korean Peninsula: The ‘Two Transitions’”, Survival, 63(6):129-158.
  • Huth, P. 1988. Extended Deterrence and the Prevention of War. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Huth, P. K. ve Russett, B. 1988. “Deterrence Failure and Crisis Escalation”.International Studies Quarterly.32(29):29-45.
  • Huth, P. ve Russett B. 1990. “Testing Deterrence Theory: Rigor Makes a Difference”. World Politics. 42:466–501.
  • Sang-Hun, C. 2017. “North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile a Day Before U.S.-China Summit,” (Erişim tarihi:25.04.2022)
  • Schelling, T. C. 1966. The Diplomacy of Violence. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1-34.
  • Schelling, T. C. 1980. The Strategy of Conflict. Harvard University Press. Cambridge.
  • Sethi, M. 2019. “Proliferation and the Korean Peninsula: the Making of North Korea’s ‘Mature’ Nuclear Enterprise”. Major Power and the Korean Peninsula: Politics, Policies and Perspectives. (Ed. T. Basu). New Delhi: KW Publishers.43-64.
  • Shen, Z. ve Yafeng, X. 2018. A Misunderstood Friendship: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung, and Sino-North Korean Relations 1949-1976. Columbia University Press.
  • Son, H. 2021. North Korean Traders Smuggle Coal to Power-Short China. (Erişim tarihi:25.06.2022).
  • The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. 2015. “Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China”.şim tarihi:24.08.2022)
  • The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. 2019. “China’s National Defense in the New Era”, (Erişim tarihi:24.08.2022)
  • UN Security Council. 2017. S/RES/2371 (2017),, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.08.2022)
  • Volpe, T. 2017. “The Unraveling of North Korea’s Proliferation Blackmail Strategy” North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Entering the New Era of Deterrence (Ed. S.C. Kim ve M. D. Cohen). Washington. DC: Georgetown University Press.73-88.
  • Wang, J. 2019. “Cháoměi fēnghuì: Dònglì, zhàng'ài yǔ chūlù” (“Kuzey Kore-ABD Zirvesi: İtici Güçler, Engeller ve Çıkış Yolları”). Yàtài ānquán yǔ hǎiyáng yánjiū (Asya-Pasifik Güvenliği ve Okyanus Araştırmaları).15-25.
  • Wang, X. 2019. “Wén zài yín zhèngfǔ de “liǎng zhóu wàijiāo” píngxī” (“Moon Jae-in Yönetiminin "İki Eksenli Diplomasisinin" Bir Analizi”). “Dāngdài Hánguó (Çağdaş Kore):15-23.
  • Wang, J. ve Lin, Z. 1992. “Chinese Perceptions in the Post-Cold War Era”, Asian Survey, 32(10):902-917.
  • White Paper 2019. “China's National Defense in the New Era”. (Erişim tarihi: 15.09.2022).
  • Wohlstetter, A. 1959. “The Delicate Balance of Terror”. Foreign Affairs. 37(2):211–234.
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China's Perspective on North Korean Nuclear Policies in The Context of Deterrence Theory

Yıl 2023, , 260 - 282, 20.03.2023


Over the past 30 years, North Korea’s nuclear problem has posed one of the most significant and direct threats to the security, development, and stability in Northeast Asia. The efforts of the international community, including trilateral and six-party talks, sanctions, diplomatic efforts, and the more recent Singapore and Hanoi Summits, have so far failed to produce any tangible outcomes. The main objective of North Korea is to develop its nuclear program and openly produce nuclear weapons. The international community has placed undue reliance on China's ability to put pressure on North Korea and easily resolve the nuclear issue. To this end, while trying to get North Korea to forgo the development of its nuclear program, China also helped North Korea become a nuclear power. This article seeks to examine whether China’s deterrence strategy is reliable for North Korea. Under the Chinese deterrence strategy, China adheres to the principle of not launching the first and second strikes. While its rivals have provided it to its allies, China has not offered any nuclear guarantees to North Korea. In the context of the US-China rivalry, China is concerned about its interests in Taiwan, South Korea, and the South China Sea. For China, the North Korea nuclear crisis has never been a top priority. The lack of credibility in the alliance relationship between the two countries has made it impossible for China to convince North Korea to complete its denuclearization. Therefore, China's deterrent power has been inconclusive. This lack of credibility more clearly explains North Korea's motivation to develop its nuclear program.


  • Bi, Y. 2019. “Chaoxian Bandao Xin Xingshi xia Shenhua Zhong Han Anquang Hezuo de Sikao” (“Kore Yarımadası'ndaki Yeni Durumda Çin-Güney Kore Güvenlik İşbirliğini Derinleştirme Üzerine Düşünceler”). Xiandai Guoji Guanxi (Çağdaş Uluslararası İlişkiler).10:35-41.
  • Boc, A. ve G. Wacker. 2018. “China: Between Key Role and Marginalization”. Facets of the North Korea Conflict: Actors, Problems and Europe’s Interests. (Ed. Hilpert, H. Günther ve O. Meier). Berlin: German Institute for International and Security Affairs.62-67
  • Brown, W. 2018. “Special Report: North Korea’s Shackled Economy, National Committee on North Korea”. (Erişim Tarihi:22.06. 2022).
  • Burns, R. 2019. “US intel heads list North Korea, not border, as threat to US”. (Erişim Tarihi:01.06.2022)
  • Byman, D. ve Lind, J. 2010. Pyongyang’s Survival Strategy: Tools of Authoritarian Control in North Korea. International Security. 35(1): 44-74.
  • Cha, V. 2002. ‘North Korea’s Weapons of Mass Destruction: Badges, Shields, or Swords?’. Political Science Quarterly. 117(2):209–30.
  • Chan, A. 2022. Xi Jinping: Political Career, Governance, and Leadership, 1953-2018. Oxford University Press.
  • Chansoria, M. 2009. US China and North Korea Nuclear Triangle. Chinese WMD Proliferation in Asia: US Response. New Delhi: Knowledge World Publishers.101-150.
  • Chen, J. 2018. “Zhōngguó shì qiānnián sùdí! Chuán cháoxiǎn shāndòng fǎn zhōng qíngxù” (“Çin bin yıllık düşman! Kuzey Kore'nin Çin karşıtı duyguları körüklediği söyleniyor”)şim Tarihi: 01.06.2022)
  • Chung, J.H. ve Choi, M. 2013. ‘Uncertain Allies or Uncomfortable Neighbors? Making Sense of China-North Korea Relations, 1949-2010’. The Pacific Review. 26(3): 243-264
  • Cimbala, S. 2012. “On nuclear war: Deterrence, escalation, and control”. Military and Strategic Affairs.4(3):25-44.
  • Cohen, A. 2019. North Korea Illegally Trades Oil, Coal, With China's Help. Forbes. (Erişim tarihi:21.11.2021)
  • Cordesman, A. H. ve Lin A. 2015. The Changing Military Balance in the Koreas and Northeast Asia. Rowman &Littlefield Publishers. Defense Intelligence Agency, 2019. China Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win, Washington.
  • Fravel, M.T ve Medeiros, E. 2010. “China’s Search for Assured Retaliation: The Evolution of Chinese Nuclear Strategy and Force Structure”. International Security. 35(2):48-87.
  • Griffiths, J. 2017. North Korea Blights China’s One Belt, One Road Party with Missile Launch. (Erişim tarihi: 24.11.2021).
  • Guo, R. 2012. Territorial Disputes and Conflict Management: The Art of Avoiding War. Routledge.
  • Han, Z. ve Zhao, Q. 2020. “Zhōng měi zài cháo hé wèntí shàng de fēnqí yǔ hézuò” (“Kuzey Kore nükleer meselesinde Çin ve ABD arasındaki farklılıklar ve iş birliği”). Guójì zhèngzhì kēxué (Uluslararası Siyaset Bilimi). 5(1):33-60.
  • Hastings J. ve Wang, Y. 2018. “Informal Trade along the China-North Korea Border”. Journal of East Asian Studies. 18(2):181-203.
  • Huth, P. K. 1999. Deterrence and International Conflict: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Debates. Annual Review of Political Science. 2(1):25-48.
  • Kim, S. 2006. The Two Koreas and the Great Powers. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kim, C. ve Chung, J. 2016. North Korea 2016 Economic Growth at 17-year High Despite Sanctions-South Korea. (Erişim tarihi:12.06.2022)
  • Kurata, H. 2007.A Conceptual Analysis of the Six-Party Talks: Building Peace through Security Assurances. Asian Security. 3(1):12-26. Lawrence F. 2013. Strategy: A History. Oxford University Press. New York
  • Lawrence, S. ve Manyin, M. ve Hammond K. 2017. Why Did March 2016 U.N. Sanctions Not Curb China's Imports of Coal from North Korea?. Congressional Research Service.
  • Li, Y. 2003.Zhōng měi liǎng guó de cháoxiǎn bàndǎo zhèngcè yǎnjìn lìchéng yánjiū (Çin ve ABD arasındaki Kore yarımadası politikasının evrimi üzerine bir araştırma). Xiānggǎng: Shèhuì kēxué chūbǎn shè (Hong Kong: Sosyal Bilimler Basını).
  • Lin, L. 2018.“Cháoxiǎn hé wèntí de zhànlüè běnzhí: Fǎn kuòsàn háishì dìyuán zhèngzhì bóyì?” (“Kuzey Kore nükleer sorununun stratejik doğası: Nükleer silahların yayılmasının önlenmesi mi yoksa jeopolitik bir oyun mu?”), Xiandai Guoji Guanxi, 2:13-16.
  • Lin, T. 2004.Toward a Nuclear Peace in East Asia: Facing North Korea’s Nuclear Reality. The Journal of East Asian Affairs. 18 (1): 49-77.
  • Ling, S. 2017. “Měiguó duì cháoxiǎn bàndǎo de xiē zǐ Zhànlüè” (“ABD'nin Kore Yarımadası'ndaki Kama Stratejisi”). Dongbei Ya Luntan. 5:46-57.
  • Luce, D. 2020.After a COVID-19 lull, North Korea gets back to sanctions-busting as China turns a Blind Eye, (Erişim tarihi: 15.11. 2021)
  • MOFA of Japan 2021. Diplomatic Bluebook 2021 (Erişim tarihi:15.02.2022)
  • Morgan, P. 2012. “The State of Deterrence in International Politics Today”. Contemporary Security Policy. 33(1):85-107.
  • Niksch, L. 2006. North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program, Crs Issue Brief For Congress. (Erişim tarihi: 25.09.2022)
  • Neves, M. S. 2020.China Policy towards North Korea and the Nuclear Question. The Journal of East Asian Affairs. 33(1):5-26.
  • Noland, M. 2004. Famine and Reform in North Korea. Asian Economic Papers.3(2):1-40.
  • Oberdorfer, D. ve Carlin R. 2013. The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History. Basic Books.
  • Paret, P. 1986.Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton University Press.
  • Peng G. ve Yao Y. 2001. Jūnshì zhànlüè kēxué (Askeri Strateji Bilimi). Beijing: Military Science Press.
  • Perlez, J. 2015. “Mystery Cloaks a North Korean Pop Band’s Cancelled Beijing Dates”. The New York Times (Erişim tarihi:25.12.2021)
  • Perlez, J. 2018.How Did Kim Jong-un Get to Singapore? With Some Help From China, (Erişim tarihi:18.03.2022)
  • Phil, J. 2017. Chinese Media's Shameless and Impudent Acts, (Erişim tarihi:25.04.2022)
  • Pritchard, C. 2007.Failed Diplomacy: The Tragic Story of How North Korea Got the Bomb. Brookings Institution.
  • Reilly, J. 2014.” The Curious Case of China’s Aid to North Korea”. Asian Survey. 54(6): 1158-1183.
  • Ross, R. 2022. “China Looks at the Korean Peninsula: The ‘Two Transitions’”, Survival, 63(6):129-158.
  • Huth, P. 1988. Extended Deterrence and the Prevention of War. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Huth, P. K. ve Russett, B. 1988. “Deterrence Failure and Crisis Escalation”.International Studies Quarterly.32(29):29-45.
  • Huth, P. ve Russett B. 1990. “Testing Deterrence Theory: Rigor Makes a Difference”. World Politics. 42:466–501.
  • Sang-Hun, C. 2017. “North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile a Day Before U.S.-China Summit,” (Erişim tarihi:25.04.2022)
  • Schelling, T. C. 1966. The Diplomacy of Violence. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1-34.
  • Schelling, T. C. 1980. The Strategy of Conflict. Harvard University Press. Cambridge.
  • Sethi, M. 2019. “Proliferation and the Korean Peninsula: the Making of North Korea’s ‘Mature’ Nuclear Enterprise”. Major Power and the Korean Peninsula: Politics, Policies and Perspectives. (Ed. T. Basu). New Delhi: KW Publishers.43-64.
  • Shen, Z. ve Yafeng, X. 2018. A Misunderstood Friendship: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung, and Sino-North Korean Relations 1949-1976. Columbia University Press.
  • Son, H. 2021. North Korean Traders Smuggle Coal to Power-Short China. (Erişim tarihi:25.06.2022).
  • The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. 2015. “Ministry of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China”.şim tarihi:24.08.2022)
  • The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. 2019. “China’s National Defense in the New Era”, (Erişim tarihi:24.08.2022)
  • UN Security Council. 2017. S/RES/2371 (2017),, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.08.2022)
  • Volpe, T. 2017. “The Unraveling of North Korea’s Proliferation Blackmail Strategy” North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Entering the New Era of Deterrence (Ed. S.C. Kim ve M. D. Cohen). Washington. DC: Georgetown University Press.73-88.
  • Wang, J. 2019. “Cháoměi fēnghuì: Dònglì, zhàng'ài yǔ chūlù” (“Kuzey Kore-ABD Zirvesi: İtici Güçler, Engeller ve Çıkış Yolları”). Yàtài ānquán yǔ hǎiyáng yánjiū (Asya-Pasifik Güvenliği ve Okyanus Araştırmaları).15-25.
  • Wang, X. 2019. “Wén zài yín zhèngfǔ de “liǎng zhóu wàijiāo” píngxī” (“Moon Jae-in Yönetiminin "İki Eksenli Diplomasisinin" Bir Analizi”). “Dāngdài Hánguó (Çağdaş Kore):15-23.
  • Wang, J. ve Lin, Z. 1992. “Chinese Perceptions in the Post-Cold War Era”, Asian Survey, 32(10):902-917.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Zerrin Keyvan 0000-0003-2072-3655

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Keyvan, Ö. Z. (2023). Caydırıcılık Teorisi Bağlamında Çin’in Kuzey Kore Nükleer Politikalarına Bakışı. Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(34), 260-282.

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