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Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region

Yıl 2022, , 53 - 58, 16.05.2022


Mammillaria elongata is a species of Cactaceae family, native to central Mexico. In Turkey, it is grown as cultivated plant. The succulent plants have pink and red fruits. In this study, we investigated the protein content, sugar content, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effect in fruit extract. According to the results, in the fruit with a total wet weight of 0.252 g 15.5215 mg protein was found with Lowry method. Besides, the extract contains high amounts of reducing sugar such as glucose. Bacterial growth (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on bloody agar) and fungal colonization (Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on PDA) were not affected by plant extract. However, in all control media, that contain only plant extract, pink colored organism growth was observed. After DNA ısolation and 18S rRNA PCR from this organism, its species name determined as Rhodotorula glutinis according to % 100 sequence similarity.

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We would like to thanks Prof. Dr. Hamdi Güray Kutbay from Ondokuz Mayıs University.


  • Ahearn DG, Roth FJ, Jr., Meyers SP. (1962). A comparative study of marine and terrestrial strains of Rhodotorula. Can J Microbiol. 8:121-32.
  • Bravo-Hollis H. (1978). Las Cactaceas de Mexico (Vol 1), Direccion General de Publicaciones. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico D.F. pp 1-5, 20-61.
  • Brotto, T. L., Andrade, M. C. R., Gonçalves, M. A. B., Gimenis, F., & Pina, A. (2005). Identification of fungi microflora in the ear conducts of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) kept in captivity. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci, 42(6), 459-464.
  • Costa, A. K., Sidrim, J. J., Cordeiro, R. A., Brilhante, R. S., Monteiro, A. J., & Rocha, M. F. (2010). Urban pigeons (Columba livia) as a potential source of pathogenic yeasts: a focus on antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus strains in Northeast Brazil. Mycopathologia, 169(3), 207-213.
  • El‐Tarabily, K. A. (2004). Suppression of Rhizoctonia solani diseases of sugar beet by antagonistic and plant growth‐promoting yeasts. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96 (1), 69-75.
  • Fell JW, Boekhout T, Fonseca A, Scorzetti G, Statzell-Tallman A. (2000). Biodiversity and systematics of basidiomycetous yeasts as determined by large-subunit rDNA D1/D2 domain sequence analysis. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 50 Pt 3:1351-71.
  • Heidenreich, M. M., Corral-Garcia, M. R., Momol, E. A., & Burr, T. J. (1997). Russet of apple fruit caused by Aureobasidium pullulans and Rhodotorula glutinis. Plant Disease, 81(4), 337-342.
  • Hildreth, A. C., & Brown, G. B. (1942). Modification of Lane-Eynon method for sugar determination. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 25, 775-778.
  • Kutty SN, Philip R. (2008). Marine yeasts-a review. Yeast.; 25:465-83
  • Lord, A. T., Mohandas, K., Somanath, S., & Ambu, S. (2010). Multidrug resistant yeasts in synanthropic wild birds. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials, 9(1), 1-5.
  • Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL and Randall RJ. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 193: 265-275.
  • Marova, M. Carnecka, A. Halienova, M.Certik, T. Dvorakova, A. Haronikova. (2012). Use of several waste substrates for carotenoid-rich yeast biomass production Journal of Environmental Management, 95 pp. S338-S342.
  • Melville, P. A., Cogliati, B., Mangiaterra, M. B. B. C. D., Peres, M. R., Moura, S. C. A., Matsuda, L., ... & Benites, N. R. (2004). Determinação da microbiota presente na cloaca e orofaringe de avestruzes (Struthio camelus) clinicamente sadios. Ciência Rural, 34, 1871-1876.
  • Nagy, J. K., Sule, S., & Sampaio, J. P. (2005). Apple tissue culture contamination by Rhodotorula spp.: identification and prevention. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant; 41(4), 520-524.
  • Pilbeam, J. (1999). Mammillaria. The Cactus File Handbook 6.1 st.
  • Roadjnakamolson M. & Suntornsuk W. (2010). Production of β-carotene-enriched rice bran using solid-state fermentation of Rhodotorula glutinis Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20 (3) pp.525-531. Seoane, G., Moresco, H., & Sansón, P. (2008). Simple potentiometric determination of reducing sugars. Journal of chemical education, 85(8), 1091.
  • Serrano, C. R., & da Silva, J. A. T. (2008). Micropropagation of Cactus Plants (Cactaceae). Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology, 5, 119-226.
  • Shokri, H., Khosravi, A., Sharifzadeh, A., & Tootian, Z. (2010). Isolation and identification of yeast flora from genital tract in healthy female camels (Camelus dromedarius). Veterinary microbiology, 144(1-2), 183-186.
  • Tang CQ, Leasi F, Obertegger U, Kieneke A, Barraclough TG, Fontaneto D. (2012). The widely used small subunit 18S rDNA molecule greatly underestimates true diversity in biodiversity surveys of the meiofauna. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012 Oct 2; 109(40): 16208–16212. pmid:22988084.
  • Vazquez, J. A. (2011). Rhodotorula, saccharomyces, malassezia, trichosporon, blastoschizomyces, and sporobolomyces. In Essentials of Clinical Mycology, Springer, New York, NY. (pp. 227-239).
  • Vishniac HS, Takashima M. (2010). Rhodotorula arctica sp. nov., a basidiomycetous yeast from Arctic soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 60(Pt 5):1215-8.
  • Weyland, H. (1981). Characteristics of actinomycetes isolated from marine sediments. Zentralbl, Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Suppl, 11, 309-314.
  • Wirth, F., & Goldani, L. Z. (2012). Epidemiology of Rhodotorula: an emerging pathogen. Interdisciplinary perspectives on infectious diseases, 2012.
  • Wu, S., Xiong, J., & Yu, Y., (2015). Taxonomic resolutions based on 18S rRNA genes: a case study of subclass Copepoda. PLoS One, 10 (6).

Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18S rRNA Gene Region

Yıl 2022, , 53 - 58, 16.05.2022


Mammilaria elongata Cactaceae failyasına ait ve ana vatanı Meksika olan bir kaktüs türüdür. Türkiye de ise kültür bitkisi olarak yetiştirilmektedir. Bu sukkulent bitkinin pembe ve kırmızı meyveleri bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; bu bitkinin meyvelerinden elde edilen özütlerin şeker ve protein içerikleri, anti-bakteriyel ve anti-fungal etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre; toplam yaş ağırlığı 0,252 g olan meyvelerde Lowry metodu ile 15,5215 mg protein bulunmaktadır. Bitki özütü yüksek miktarda glikoz gibi indirgen şeker içermektedir. Bitki özütü, kanlı agarda, Esherichia coli ve Pseudomonas aeruginosa üzerinde antibakteriyel; patates desktroz agarda (PDA) Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum üzerinde antifungal bir etki göstermemiştir. Ancak, tüm kontrol besiyerlerinde pembe renkli bir organizmanın geliştiği gözlemlenmiştir. DNA izolasyonu ve 18S rRNA PCR’ı takiben bu organizmanın Rhodotorula glutinis ile % 100 sekans benzerliği gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.


  • Ahearn DG, Roth FJ, Jr., Meyers SP. (1962). A comparative study of marine and terrestrial strains of Rhodotorula. Can J Microbiol. 8:121-32.
  • Bravo-Hollis H. (1978). Las Cactaceas de Mexico (Vol 1), Direccion General de Publicaciones. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico D.F. pp 1-5, 20-61.
  • Brotto, T. L., Andrade, M. C. R., Gonçalves, M. A. B., Gimenis, F., & Pina, A. (2005). Identification of fungi microflora in the ear conducts of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) kept in captivity. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci, 42(6), 459-464.
  • Costa, A. K., Sidrim, J. J., Cordeiro, R. A., Brilhante, R. S., Monteiro, A. J., & Rocha, M. F. (2010). Urban pigeons (Columba livia) as a potential source of pathogenic yeasts: a focus on antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus strains in Northeast Brazil. Mycopathologia, 169(3), 207-213.
  • El‐Tarabily, K. A. (2004). Suppression of Rhizoctonia solani diseases of sugar beet by antagonistic and plant growth‐promoting yeasts. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96 (1), 69-75.
  • Fell JW, Boekhout T, Fonseca A, Scorzetti G, Statzell-Tallman A. (2000). Biodiversity and systematics of basidiomycetous yeasts as determined by large-subunit rDNA D1/D2 domain sequence analysis. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 50 Pt 3:1351-71.
  • Heidenreich, M. M., Corral-Garcia, M. R., Momol, E. A., & Burr, T. J. (1997). Russet of apple fruit caused by Aureobasidium pullulans and Rhodotorula glutinis. Plant Disease, 81(4), 337-342.
  • Hildreth, A. C., & Brown, G. B. (1942). Modification of Lane-Eynon method for sugar determination. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 25, 775-778.
  • Kutty SN, Philip R. (2008). Marine yeasts-a review. Yeast.; 25:465-83
  • Lord, A. T., Mohandas, K., Somanath, S., & Ambu, S. (2010). Multidrug resistant yeasts in synanthropic wild birds. Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials, 9(1), 1-5.
  • Lowry OH, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL and Randall RJ. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 193: 265-275.
  • Marova, M. Carnecka, A. Halienova, M.Certik, T. Dvorakova, A. Haronikova. (2012). Use of several waste substrates for carotenoid-rich yeast biomass production Journal of Environmental Management, 95 pp. S338-S342.
  • Melville, P. A., Cogliati, B., Mangiaterra, M. B. B. C. D., Peres, M. R., Moura, S. C. A., Matsuda, L., ... & Benites, N. R. (2004). Determinação da microbiota presente na cloaca e orofaringe de avestruzes (Struthio camelus) clinicamente sadios. Ciência Rural, 34, 1871-1876.
  • Nagy, J. K., Sule, S., & Sampaio, J. P. (2005). Apple tissue culture contamination by Rhodotorula spp.: identification and prevention. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant; 41(4), 520-524.
  • Pilbeam, J. (1999). Mammillaria. The Cactus File Handbook 6.1 st.
  • Roadjnakamolson M. & Suntornsuk W. (2010). Production of β-carotene-enriched rice bran using solid-state fermentation of Rhodotorula glutinis Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20 (3) pp.525-531. Seoane, G., Moresco, H., & Sansón, P. (2008). Simple potentiometric determination of reducing sugars. Journal of chemical education, 85(8), 1091.
  • Serrano, C. R., & da Silva, J. A. T. (2008). Micropropagation of Cactus Plants (Cactaceae). Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology, 5, 119-226.
  • Shokri, H., Khosravi, A., Sharifzadeh, A., & Tootian, Z. (2010). Isolation and identification of yeast flora from genital tract in healthy female camels (Camelus dromedarius). Veterinary microbiology, 144(1-2), 183-186.
  • Tang CQ, Leasi F, Obertegger U, Kieneke A, Barraclough TG, Fontaneto D. (2012). The widely used small subunit 18S rDNA molecule greatly underestimates true diversity in biodiversity surveys of the meiofauna. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012 Oct 2; 109(40): 16208–16212. pmid:22988084.
  • Vazquez, J. A. (2011). Rhodotorula, saccharomyces, malassezia, trichosporon, blastoschizomyces, and sporobolomyces. In Essentials of Clinical Mycology, Springer, New York, NY. (pp. 227-239).
  • Vishniac HS, Takashima M. (2010). Rhodotorula arctica sp. nov., a basidiomycetous yeast from Arctic soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 60(Pt 5):1215-8.
  • Weyland, H. (1981). Characteristics of actinomycetes isolated from marine sediments. Zentralbl, Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Suppl, 11, 309-314.
  • Wirth, F., & Goldani, L. Z. (2012). Epidemiology of Rhodotorula: an emerging pathogen. Interdisciplinary perspectives on infectious diseases, 2012.
  • Wu, S., Xiong, J., & Yu, Y., (2015). Taxonomic resolutions based on 18S rRNA genes: a case study of subclass Copepoda. PLoS One, 10 (6).
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Şeyma Gökdemir 0000-0003-2951-848X

Fatma Gönül Solmaz 0000-0002-9400-5173

Sumer Aras 0000-0003-3474-9493

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökdemir, F. Ş., Solmaz, F. G., & Aras, S. (2022). Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 53-58.
AMA Gökdemir FŞ, Solmaz FG, Aras S. Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region. AvrasyaSBD. Mayıs 2022;5(2):53-58. doi:10.53493/avrasyasbd.1006290
Chicago Gökdemir, Fatma Şeyma, Fatma Gönül Solmaz, ve Sumer Aras. “Isolation of Rhodotorula Glutinis from Mammillaria Elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination With 18 S RRNA Gene Region”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2022): 53-58.
EndNote Gökdemir FŞ, Solmaz FG, Aras S (01 Mayıs 2022) Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 5 2 53–58.
IEEE F. Ş. Gökdemir, F. G. Solmaz, ve S. Aras, “Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region”, AvrasyaSBD, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 53–58, 2022, doi: 10.53493/avrasyasbd.1006290.
ISNAD Gökdemir, Fatma Şeyma vd. “Isolation of Rhodotorula Glutinis from Mammillaria Elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination With 18 S RRNA Gene Region”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 5/2 (Mayıs 2022), 53-58.
JAMA Gökdemir FŞ, Solmaz FG, Aras S. Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region. AvrasyaSBD. 2022;5:53–58.
MLA Gökdemir, Fatma Şeyma vd. “Isolation of Rhodotorula Glutinis from Mammillaria Elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination With 18 S RRNA Gene Region”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 53-58, doi:10.53493/avrasyasbd.1006290.
Vancouver Gökdemir FŞ, Solmaz FG, Aras S. Isolation of Rhodotorula glutinis from Mammillaria elongata Fruit Extract and Its Determination with 18 S rRNA Gene Region. AvrasyaSBD. 2022;5(2):53-8.