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Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 25 - 29, 29.06.2018


Vejetaryenlik, kısaca diyette hayvansal hiçbir etin (kırmızı et, tavuk,
balık ve diğer deniz hayvanları) olmaması, sekonder hayvansal ürünlerinin (yumurta,
süt ve süt ürünleri) ise sınırlı miktarda ya da tercihe bağlı olması durumudur.
Veganlık ise sekonder hayvansal ürünler dahil hiçbir hayvansal ürünün tüketilmediği
ve kullanılmadığı (deri, yün, ipek dahil) bir beslenme biçimi ve bir yaşam
tarzıdır. Veganlar, deney hayvanların kullanıldığı ürünleri de (kozmetik, diş
macunu ve hatta bazen ilaç bile) almamakta, hayvanların kullanıldığı filmlere
ve sirklere gitmeyerek bunu bir dünya görüşü olarak kabul etmektedirler. Canlı
eşitliğini savunan ve biyoetik bir yaklaşım olarak benimsenen veganlığın günlük
yaşama olan yansımalarından sadece biri beslenme biçimidir. Canlı eşitliği,
canlı yaşamına saygı, hayvan hakları savunuculuğun ve ekoloji korunmayı
amaçlamanın yanı sıra sağlıklı bir yaşam biçimi
olduğuna inanma
gerekçesi ile vegan/vejetaryenliği tercih eden birey de
olmaktadır. Sağlıklı olmak özellikle vegan beslenmenin tek neden olmamakla
birlikte diğerlerinin yanına ek bir nedendir. Bu beslenme biçiminin sağlık
açısından olumlu etkilerinin olmasının yanı sıra sağlıksız olduğunu savunan
araştırmalarda bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede de vegan/vejetaryen sağlık yönüyle ele


  • 1. Best S, (2009). Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy. (1st ed.). In J. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman (Eds.), a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, (pp. 371). USA: Macmillan reference 2. Clarys P, et. al., (2014) “Comparison of Nutritional Quality of the Vegan, Vegetarian, Semi-Vegetarian, Pesco-Vegetarian and Omnivorous Diet” Nutrients, 6: 1318-1332. 3. Cramer H, Kessler CS, Sundberg T, Leach MJ, Schumann D, Adams J, Lauche R, (2017) “Characteristics of Americans Choosing Vegetarian and Vegan Diets for Health Reasons” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49 (7): 561-568. 4. Çetin Z, (2015). Vegetarian and vegan nutrition. [Vejetaryen ve vegan beslenmesi]. Available at http://www.medikalakademi.com.tr /vejetaryen-ve-vegan-beslenmesi/ Accessed 12 April 2017. 5. Dyett P, Rajaram S, Haddad EH, Sabate J, (2014). Evaluation of a validated food frequency questionnaire for self-defined vegans in the United States. Nutrients, 6, 2523–2539. 6. Fox N, Ward K, (2008) Health, ethics and environment: A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations, Research Report, Appetite 50: 422–429. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2007.09.007 7. Hoffman SR, et. al. (2013) “Differences between health and ethical vegetarians. Strength of conviction, nutrition knowledge, dietary restriction, and duration of adherence” Appetite, 65: 139–144. 8. Karabudak E, (2008). Vegetarian Nutrition. [Vejetaryen Beslenmesi]. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No: 726, Ankara: Klasmat Matbaacılık, s. 7-10. Available at http://beslenme.gov.tr/content/files/arastirmalar/uyelik/beslenme_bilgi_serisi/Kitaplar/a/a_13_vejeteryan_beslenmesi_48.pdf Accessed 14 March 2018. 9. Kınıkoğlu M, (2012). Kınıkoğlu Diyet. [Kınıkoğlu Diet] Sağlık İçin Yemek, Oğlak Yayıncılık, İstanbul, s. 31. 10. Kınıkoğlu M, (2015). Vegan Nutrition. [Vegan Beslenme]. (1st ed.). İstanbul: Oğlak Yayıncılık, p. 17, 19. 11. Kıran J, (2015). What eating, what do not eating. [Ne Yesem Ne Yemesem] Available at http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~demirsoy/Haberler_ files/beslenme.pdf, Accessed 25 April 2015. 12. Kocaoğlu Ç, et. al. (2014) “Cerebral Atrophy in a Vitamin 12-deficient Infant of a Vegetarian Mother” J Health Popul Nutr, Jun; 32 (2): 367-371. 13. Le L T, Sabaté J, (2014). Beyond meatless, the health Effects of vegan diets: Findings from the adventist cohorts. Nutrients, 6, 2131–2147. 14. Michalak J, Zhang XC, Frank JF, (2016). Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9,67, doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-67 15. Ongan D, Ersoy G, (2015). Vegetarian athletes: Special requirements. International Journal of Human Sciences, 9 (1): 261-270. Available at https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/ijhs/article/download/1668/843. Accessed 21 March 2018. 16. Orlich MJ, et. al., (2015). Vegetarian dietary patterns and the risk of colorectal cancers. JAMA Intern Med. 175 (5): 767–776. 17. Özyiğit G, (2016). İşlenmiş Etlerde ve Kırmızı Ette Kanser Tehlikesi. [Cancer risk about Processed Meat and Red Meat] Journal of Science and Technique, 579; February, p. 29. Available at http://bilimteknik.tubitak.gov.tr/content/islenmis-etlerde-ve-kirmizi-ette-kanser-tehlikesi Accessed 08 June 2017. 18. Pollan M, (2009). Etobur-Otobur İkilemi [Omnivore’s Dilemma]. The New York Times Bestseller, 1. Baskı, Türkçeden çeviren: İlke Önelge, Pegasus Yayınları, İstanbul, 361-395. 19. Philips F, (2005). Vegetarian nutrition. British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, Briefing Paper, 30: 132-167. Available at https://www.nutrition.org.uk /attachments/106_Vegetarian%20nutrition.pdf. Accessed 21 March 2018. 20. Pilis W, Stec K, Zych M, Pilis A, (2014). Health benefits and risk associated with adopting a vegetarian diet. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2014; 65(1): 9-14 21. Radnitz C, et. al. (2015) “Investigation of lifestyle choices of individuals following a vegan diet for health and ethical reasons” Appetite, Jul 25; 90: 31-6. 22. Ramaray, S, (2015) Sri Govinda Math Yoga ve Meditasyon Eğitim Merkezi Tanıtım Kitapçığı. [Yoga and Meditation Training Center] 23. Sharon G, (2015) Yoga ve Vejetaryenlik, Aydınlatma Diyeti, [Yoga and Vegetarianism] Çev.: Yeliz Utku Konca, İstanbul, Paloma Yayınevi, s. 31, 28-36. 24. Sutapa A, et. al., (2014) “Type of vegetarian diet, obesity and diabetes in adult Indian population” Nutr J., Sep 5; 13: 89. 25. Tantamango-Bartley Y, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Fan J, Fraser G, (2013). Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 22 (2): 286–294. 26. Tunçay GY, Bulut M, (2016). Bir Yaşam Tarzı Olarak Vejeteryan Ve Vejeteryanlık. [Vegan and vegetarianism as a lifestyle] Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi 13 (1), 831-843. 27. Vegan Derneği. [Vegan Association] http://tvd.org.tr Accessed 6 May 2018. 28. Türkmen AB, (2015). Topyekûn ve bütünsel bir özgürlük talebi: Veganlığın felsefesi. [Philosophy of Veganizm] Gaia Dergi, Available at https://gaiadergi.com/topyekun-ve-butunsel-bir-ozgurluk-talebi-veganligin-felsefesi/ Accessed 20 Dec. 2015. 29. VEBU - Vegetarierbund Deutschland, Vegetarisch für Profis, Die vegetarische Küche, [Vegetarian to Pros, The vegetarian cooking] Available at http://vebu.de/attachments /vebu_veg_fuer_profis.pdf Accessed 15 May 2015. 30. Vegetarian Society. Available at https://www.vegsoc.org. Accessed 14 March 2018. 31. Yee-Wen Huang, et. al., (2014) “Vegan diet and blood lipid profiles: a cross-sectional study of pre and postmenopausal women” BMC Women's Health, 14 (55): 2-6. 32. Yokoyama Y, Barnard ND, Levin SM, Watanabe M, (2014). Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 4 (5), 373-382.

Health-Wise Vegan/Vegetarianism

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 25 - 29, 29.06.2018


Vegetarianism is simply
that diet does not include any animal meat (red meat, chicken, fish and other
marine animals) and contains limited amount or optionally as for secondary
animal products (egg, milk and milk products). On the other hand, Veganism is a
life-style and a nutrition form in which any animal products (leather, wool and
silk) including secondary animal ones cannot be used and consumed. They do not
buy the products that experimental animals are utilized (cosmetics,
tooth-paste, and even sometimes drug or pill) and also accept that as a
World-view by not getting involved in or going to the films and circus which
the animals are utilized. Just one of the reflections to Daily life of Veganism
adopted as bioethics approach and defending living equality is the nutrition
form. There are also some individuals who prefer Veganism/Vegetarianism on
account of being healthy besides living equality, respect to living life, advocacy
of animal rights, and the aim of ecology protection. Being healthy is not only
reason of vegan-diet but also additional cause as well as others. In spite of
the fact that this eating style has positive effects to health, there are also
some researches defending that it’s
unhealthy. In this article, Vegan/Vegetarianism is going to be considered on


  • 1. Best S, (2009). Encyclopedia of environmental ethics and philosophy. (1st ed.). In J. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman (Eds.), a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, (pp. 371). USA: Macmillan reference 2. Clarys P, et. al., (2014) “Comparison of Nutritional Quality of the Vegan, Vegetarian, Semi-Vegetarian, Pesco-Vegetarian and Omnivorous Diet” Nutrients, 6: 1318-1332. 3. Cramer H, Kessler CS, Sundberg T, Leach MJ, Schumann D, Adams J, Lauche R, (2017) “Characteristics of Americans Choosing Vegetarian and Vegan Diets for Health Reasons” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49 (7): 561-568. 4. Çetin Z, (2015). Vegetarian and vegan nutrition. [Vejetaryen ve vegan beslenmesi]. Available at http://www.medikalakademi.com.tr /vejetaryen-ve-vegan-beslenmesi/ Accessed 12 April 2017. 5. Dyett P, Rajaram S, Haddad EH, Sabate J, (2014). Evaluation of a validated food frequency questionnaire for self-defined vegans in the United States. Nutrients, 6, 2523–2539. 6. Fox N, Ward K, (2008) Health, ethics and environment: A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations, Research Report, Appetite 50: 422–429. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2007.09.007 7. Hoffman SR, et. al. (2013) “Differences between health and ethical vegetarians. Strength of conviction, nutrition knowledge, dietary restriction, and duration of adherence” Appetite, 65: 139–144. 8. Karabudak E, (2008). Vegetarian Nutrition. [Vejetaryen Beslenmesi]. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No: 726, Ankara: Klasmat Matbaacılık, s. 7-10. Available at http://beslenme.gov.tr/content/files/arastirmalar/uyelik/beslenme_bilgi_serisi/Kitaplar/a/a_13_vejeteryan_beslenmesi_48.pdf Accessed 14 March 2018. 9. Kınıkoğlu M, (2012). Kınıkoğlu Diyet. [Kınıkoğlu Diet] Sağlık İçin Yemek, Oğlak Yayıncılık, İstanbul, s. 31. 10. Kınıkoğlu M, (2015). Vegan Nutrition. [Vegan Beslenme]. (1st ed.). İstanbul: Oğlak Yayıncılık, p. 17, 19. 11. Kıran J, (2015). What eating, what do not eating. [Ne Yesem Ne Yemesem] Available at http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~demirsoy/Haberler_ files/beslenme.pdf, Accessed 25 April 2015. 12. Kocaoğlu Ç, et. al. (2014) “Cerebral Atrophy in a Vitamin 12-deficient Infant of a Vegetarian Mother” J Health Popul Nutr, Jun; 32 (2): 367-371. 13. Le L T, Sabaté J, (2014). Beyond meatless, the health Effects of vegan diets: Findings from the adventist cohorts. Nutrients, 6, 2131–2147. 14. Michalak J, Zhang XC, Frank JF, (2016). Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9,67, doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-67 15. Ongan D, Ersoy G, (2015). Vegetarian athletes: Special requirements. International Journal of Human Sciences, 9 (1): 261-270. Available at https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/ijhs/article/download/1668/843. Accessed 21 March 2018. 16. Orlich MJ, et. al., (2015). Vegetarian dietary patterns and the risk of colorectal cancers. JAMA Intern Med. 175 (5): 767–776. 17. Özyiğit G, (2016). İşlenmiş Etlerde ve Kırmızı Ette Kanser Tehlikesi. [Cancer risk about Processed Meat and Red Meat] Journal of Science and Technique, 579; February, p. 29. Available at http://bilimteknik.tubitak.gov.tr/content/islenmis-etlerde-ve-kirmizi-ette-kanser-tehlikesi Accessed 08 June 2017. 18. Pollan M, (2009). Etobur-Otobur İkilemi [Omnivore’s Dilemma]. The New York Times Bestseller, 1. Baskı, Türkçeden çeviren: İlke Önelge, Pegasus Yayınları, İstanbul, 361-395. 19. Philips F, (2005). Vegetarian nutrition. British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, Briefing Paper, 30: 132-167. Available at https://www.nutrition.org.uk /attachments/106_Vegetarian%20nutrition.pdf. Accessed 21 March 2018. 20. Pilis W, Stec K, Zych M, Pilis A, (2014). Health benefits and risk associated with adopting a vegetarian diet. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2014; 65(1): 9-14 21. Radnitz C, et. al. (2015) “Investigation of lifestyle choices of individuals following a vegan diet for health and ethical reasons” Appetite, Jul 25; 90: 31-6. 22. Ramaray, S, (2015) Sri Govinda Math Yoga ve Meditasyon Eğitim Merkezi Tanıtım Kitapçığı. [Yoga and Meditation Training Center] 23. Sharon G, (2015) Yoga ve Vejetaryenlik, Aydınlatma Diyeti, [Yoga and Vegetarianism] Çev.: Yeliz Utku Konca, İstanbul, Paloma Yayınevi, s. 31, 28-36. 24. Sutapa A, et. al., (2014) “Type of vegetarian diet, obesity and diabetes in adult Indian population” Nutr J., Sep 5; 13: 89. 25. Tantamango-Bartley Y, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Fan J, Fraser G, (2013). Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 22 (2): 286–294. 26. Tunçay GY, Bulut M, (2016). Bir Yaşam Tarzı Olarak Vejeteryan Ve Vejeteryanlık. [Vegan and vegetarianism as a lifestyle] Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi 13 (1), 831-843. 27. Vegan Derneği. [Vegan Association] http://tvd.org.tr Accessed 6 May 2018. 28. Türkmen AB, (2015). Topyekûn ve bütünsel bir özgürlük talebi: Veganlığın felsefesi. [Philosophy of Veganizm] Gaia Dergi, Available at https://gaiadergi.com/topyekun-ve-butunsel-bir-ozgurluk-talebi-veganligin-felsefesi/ Accessed 20 Dec. 2015. 29. VEBU - Vegetarierbund Deutschland, Vegetarisch für Profis, Die vegetarische Küche, [Vegetarian to Pros, The vegetarian cooking] Available at http://vebu.de/attachments /vebu_veg_fuer_profis.pdf Accessed 15 May 2015. 30. Vegetarian Society. Available at https://www.vegsoc.org. Accessed 14 March 2018. 31. Yee-Wen Huang, et. al., (2014) “Vegan diet and blood lipid profiles: a cross-sectional study of pre and postmenopausal women” BMC Women's Health, 14 (55): 2-6. 32. Yokoyama Y, Barnard ND, Levin SM, Watanabe M, (2014). Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 4 (5), 373-382.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Güzin Yasemin Tunçay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tunçay, G. Y. (2018). Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 25-29.
AMA Tunçay GY. Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik. AvrasyaSBD. Haziran 2018;1(1):25-29.
Chicago Tunçay, Güzin Yasemin. “Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 1, sy. 1 (Haziran 2018): 25-29.
EndNote Tunçay GY (01 Haziran 2018) Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 1 1 25–29.
IEEE G. Y. Tunçay, “Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik”, AvrasyaSBD, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 25–29, 2018.
ISNAD Tunçay, Güzin Yasemin. “Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 1/1 (Haziran 2018), 25-29.
JAMA Tunçay GY. Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik. AvrasyaSBD. 2018;1:25–29.
MLA Tunçay, Güzin Yasemin. “Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 25-29.
Vancouver Tunçay GY. Sağlık Yönüyle Vegan/Vejetaryenlik. AvrasyaSBD. 2018;1(1):25-9.