Today, with changes and developments in technology, there are changes in concepts, uses, and even in daily life, and it is seen that this situation permeates all areas of life. In this context, many new types of technology have emerged. Blockchain is one of these technologies and is one of the applications in the tourism sector in human life. Therefore, it is necessary to examine this phenomenon by focusing on the studies carried out to perceive the possible results of both software and hardware applications realized with technologies developed on blockchain, and to understand the opportunities that may arise in the tourism sector. Accordingly, in this study, particularly studies on the areas where tourism and blockchain intersect are examined and a conceptual analysis is conducted on these topics by determining the topics of blockchain use in Europe and the USA from the perspective of basic accommodation services, tourist data, medical tourism, and global application areas. Based on this academic framework, an application suggestion for Türkiye is also provided.
Aghaei, H., Naderibeni, N., & Karimi, A. (2021). Designing a Tourism Business Model on Block Chain Platform. Tourism Management Perspectives, 39, 1-12.
Bjelobaba, G., Savić, A., Tošić, T., Stefanović, I., & Kocić, B. (2023). Collaborative Learning Supported by Blockchain Technology as a Model for Improving the Educational Process. Sustainability,15(6), 1-23.
Bhatia, S., & Hernandez, A. W. (2019). Blockchain is Already Here. What does That Mean for Records Management and Archives? Journal of Archival Organization, 16(1), 75-84.
Calvaresi, D., Leis, M., Dubovitskaya, A., Schegg, R., & Schumacher, M. (2019). Trust in Tourism via Blockchain Technology: Results from a Systematic Review. In: J. Pesonen, J. Neidhardt (Eds), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2019 (pp. 304-317). Springer, Cham.
Çilingir, T. (2018). Turizmin Geleceği Blockchain Teknolojileriyle Değişiyor. Dijital Biz Dergisi, (1), 76-77.
Dalton, M. (2020). Burgers and Bitcoin: Five Fast Food Restaurants That Are Working With Crypto. Retrieved on April 18, 2023 from Bitrates:
Dayi, F. (2019). The Global Financial System’s New Tool: Digital Money. In: Hacioglu, U. (Eds) Blockchain Economics and Financial Market Innovation. Contributions to Economics (pp.17-39). Springer, Cham.
Deloitte. (2019). Deloitte’s 2019 Global Blockchain Survey-Blockchain Gets down to Business. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Deloitte. (2020). Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey-From Promise to Rality. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Draganov, R. (2021). Innovative Perspectives to Apply Blockchain Model for the Saints Cyril and Methodius and Saint Sophronius of Vratsa Historical Sights in the Context of European Cultural Routes. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 9(1), 53-63.
Erceg, A., Damoska Sekuloska, J., & Kelić, I. (2020). Blockchain in the Tourism Industry-A Review of the Situation in Croatia and Macedonia. Informatics, 7 (5), 1-16.
Esmer, Y. and Şaylan, O. (2021). A Qualitative Research on the Use of New Digital Technologies in Customer Relationship Management. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4), 71-78.
Filippi, P. D. (2017). What Blockchain Means for the Sharing Economy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Flecha-Barrio, M.D., Palomo, J., Figueroa-Domecq, C., Segovia-Perez, M. (2020). Blockchain Implementation in Hotel Management. In: Neidhardt, J., Wörndl, W. (Eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2020. Springer, Cham.
Globaldata Travel and Tourism. (2022). Blockchain has the Potential to Disrupt the Tourism Industry. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from Hotel Management Network:
Hardy, K. (2018). Explaining the Rise of Blockchain in Restaurants. Retrieved on April 18, 2023 from QSR:
Hayes, A., Brown, J. R. and Kvilhaug, S. (2022). Blockchain Facts: What is It, How It Works, and How It can be Used. Retrieved on March 15, 2023 from Investopedia:
Karagöz, Z. S. & Demirel, E. (2020). New Trend in Tourism Industry: Blockchain Startup Projects. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 3(2), 169-188.
Maliwal, C. (2018). Real Estate on the Blockchain. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Medeni, T., Yücesan, E., & Medeni, İ.T. (2022). ORBIT (Order Bitcoin) Project Proposal. Ankara: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Parekh, J., Jaffer, A., Bhanushali, U., & Shukla, S. (2021). Disintermediation in Medical Tourism Through Blockchain Technology: An Analysis Using Value-Focused Thinking Approach. Information Technology & Tourism, 23, 69-96.
PYMNTS. (2021). NFTs Flip the Script on Fast-Food Toys With Crypto Collectibles. Retrieved on April 18, 2023 from
Ramos, C. M. (2021). Blockchain Technology in Tourism Management: Potentialities, Challenges, and Implications. In R. Bansal, P. Malyadri, A. Singh, & A. Pervez (Eds), Blockchain Technology and Applications for Digital Marketing (pp. 84-109). IGI Global.
Rashideh, W. (2020). Blockchain Technology Framework: Current and Future Perspectives for The Tourism Industry. Tourism Management, 80, 1-13.
Rejeb, A., Keogh, J. G., & Treiblmaier, H. (2019) The Impact of Blockchain on Medical Tourism. WeB2019 Workshop on e-Business (18th Workshop on e-Business), December 14, Munich, Germany.
Rejeb, A., Keogh, J. G., & Treiblmaier, H. (2020). The Impact of Blockchain on Medical Tourism. In: K. R. Lang, J. Xu, B. Zhu, X. Liu, M. J. Shaw, H. Zhang, M. Fan (Eds), Smart Business: Technology and Data Enabled Innovative Business Models and Practices. WeB 2019. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Vol. 403, pp. 29-40). Springer, Cham.
SAI360. (2019). ICO Strikes Again, Slapping Marriott with £99m Fine Over GDPR Breach. Retrieved on April 15, 2023 from
Schneck, P., Tumasjan, A., & Welpe , I. M. (2020). Next Generation Home Sharing: Disrupting Platform Organizations with Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things? In: H. Treiblmaier, T. Clohessy (Eds), Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases. Progress in IS (pp. 267-287). Springer, Cham.
Schneiders, A., Fell, M. J., & Nolden, C. (2022). Peer-To-Peer Electricity Trading and The Sharing Economy: Social, Markets and Regulatory Perspectives. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 17(1), 1-17.
Sundararajan, S. (2017). Air New Zealand, Winding Tree Team Up for Blockchain Exploration. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from CoinDesk:
Thees, H., Erschbamer, G., & Pechlaner, H. (2020). The application of blockchain in tourism: Use cases in the tourism value system. European Journal of Tourism Research, 26, 1-21.
Topping, S. (2022). How Blockchain Technology is Being Used in the Travel Industry. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from UBC Digital Magazine:
Tyan, I., Guevara-Plaza, A., & Yagüe, M. I. (2021). The Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Medical Tourism. Sustainability, 13(22), 1-12.
Tyan, I., Yagüe, M.I., & Guevara-Plaza, A. (2021). Blockchain Technology’s Potential for Sustainable Tourism. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021
Yazıcı, S. (2021). The Process of Transition from Information and Communication Technologies to Blockchain Technology in Tourism Management and Application Examples. European Journal of Science and Technology, (21), 136-146.
Viano, C., Avanzo, S., Cerutti, M., Cordero, A., Schifanella, C., & Boella, G. (2022). Blockchain Tools for Socio-Economic Interactions in Local Communities. Policy and Society, 41(3), 373-385.
Willie, P. (2019). Can All Sectors of The Hospitality and Tourism Industry Be Influenced by The Innovation of Blockchain Technology? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11(2), 112-120.
Zhang, X. (2021). A Commentary of Data Trusts in MIT Technology Review 2021. Fundamental Research, 1(6), 834-835.
Turizm Sektöründe Blockchain Kullanımı ve Güncel Eğilimler: Kavramsal Bir Araştırma
Günümüzde teknolojide meydana gelen değişme ve gelişmeler ile birlikte kavramlarda, kullanımlarda ve hatta günlük hayatta değişimler olmakta ve bu durumun hayatın her alanına nüfuz ettiği görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda birçok yeni teknoloji türleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. Blokzincir bu teknolojilerden biri olup, turizm sektöründe insanların hayatında yer alan uygulamalardan biridir. Dolayısıyla blokzincir üzerine geliştirilen teknolojiler ile gerçekleştirilen gerek yazılım gerekse donanımsal uygulamaların olası sonuçlarını algılamak ve turizm sektörü ile doğabilecek fırsatları anlamak için yapılan çalışmalara odaklanarak bu olguyu incelemek gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmada öncelikle turizm ve blokzincirin kesiştiği alanlara yönelik çalışmalar incelenmekte ve temel konaklama hizmetleri, turistik veriler, sağlık turizmi ve küresel uygulama alanları perspektifinden Avrupa ve ABD'de blokzincir kullanımının konu başlıkları belirlenerek bu başlıklar üzerinde kavramsal bir inceleme yapılmaktadır. Bu akademik çerçeve üzerine, Türkiye için bir uygulama önerisi de sunulmaktadır.
Aghaei, H., Naderibeni, N., & Karimi, A. (2021). Designing a Tourism Business Model on Block Chain Platform. Tourism Management Perspectives, 39, 1-12.
Bjelobaba, G., Savić, A., Tošić, T., Stefanović, I., & Kocić, B. (2023). Collaborative Learning Supported by Blockchain Technology as a Model for Improving the Educational Process. Sustainability,15(6), 1-23.
Bhatia, S., & Hernandez, A. W. (2019). Blockchain is Already Here. What does That Mean for Records Management and Archives? Journal of Archival Organization, 16(1), 75-84.
Calvaresi, D., Leis, M., Dubovitskaya, A., Schegg, R., & Schumacher, M. (2019). Trust in Tourism via Blockchain Technology: Results from a Systematic Review. In: J. Pesonen, J. Neidhardt (Eds), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2019 (pp. 304-317). Springer, Cham.
Çilingir, T. (2018). Turizmin Geleceği Blockchain Teknolojileriyle Değişiyor. Dijital Biz Dergisi, (1), 76-77.
Dalton, M. (2020). Burgers and Bitcoin: Five Fast Food Restaurants That Are Working With Crypto. Retrieved on April 18, 2023 from Bitrates:
Dayi, F. (2019). The Global Financial System’s New Tool: Digital Money. In: Hacioglu, U. (Eds) Blockchain Economics and Financial Market Innovation. Contributions to Economics (pp.17-39). Springer, Cham.
Deloitte. (2019). Deloitte’s 2019 Global Blockchain Survey-Blockchain Gets down to Business. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Deloitte. (2020). Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey-From Promise to Rality. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Draganov, R. (2021). Innovative Perspectives to Apply Blockchain Model for the Saints Cyril and Methodius and Saint Sophronius of Vratsa Historical Sights in the Context of European Cultural Routes. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 9(1), 53-63.
Erceg, A., Damoska Sekuloska, J., & Kelić, I. (2020). Blockchain in the Tourism Industry-A Review of the Situation in Croatia and Macedonia. Informatics, 7 (5), 1-16.
Esmer, Y. and Şaylan, O. (2021). A Qualitative Research on the Use of New Digital Technologies in Customer Relationship Management. Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4), 71-78.
Filippi, P. D. (2017). What Blockchain Means for the Sharing Economy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Flecha-Barrio, M.D., Palomo, J., Figueroa-Domecq, C., Segovia-Perez, M. (2020). Blockchain Implementation in Hotel Management. In: Neidhardt, J., Wörndl, W. (Eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2020. Springer, Cham.
Globaldata Travel and Tourism. (2022). Blockchain has the Potential to Disrupt the Tourism Industry. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from Hotel Management Network:
Hardy, K. (2018). Explaining the Rise of Blockchain in Restaurants. Retrieved on April 18, 2023 from QSR:
Hayes, A., Brown, J. R. and Kvilhaug, S. (2022). Blockchain Facts: What is It, How It Works, and How It can be Used. Retrieved on March 15, 2023 from Investopedia:
Karagöz, Z. S. & Demirel, E. (2020). New Trend in Tourism Industry: Blockchain Startup Projects. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 3(2), 169-188.
Maliwal, C. (2018). Real Estate on the Blockchain. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from
Medeni, T., Yücesan, E., & Medeni, İ.T. (2022). ORBIT (Order Bitcoin) Project Proposal. Ankara: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Parekh, J., Jaffer, A., Bhanushali, U., & Shukla, S. (2021). Disintermediation in Medical Tourism Through Blockchain Technology: An Analysis Using Value-Focused Thinking Approach. Information Technology & Tourism, 23, 69-96.
PYMNTS. (2021). NFTs Flip the Script on Fast-Food Toys With Crypto Collectibles. Retrieved on April 18, 2023 from
Ramos, C. M. (2021). Blockchain Technology in Tourism Management: Potentialities, Challenges, and Implications. In R. Bansal, P. Malyadri, A. Singh, & A. Pervez (Eds), Blockchain Technology and Applications for Digital Marketing (pp. 84-109). IGI Global.
Rashideh, W. (2020). Blockchain Technology Framework: Current and Future Perspectives for The Tourism Industry. Tourism Management, 80, 1-13.
Rejeb, A., Keogh, J. G., & Treiblmaier, H. (2019) The Impact of Blockchain on Medical Tourism. WeB2019 Workshop on e-Business (18th Workshop on e-Business), December 14, Munich, Germany.
Rejeb, A., Keogh, J. G., & Treiblmaier, H. (2020). The Impact of Blockchain on Medical Tourism. In: K. R. Lang, J. Xu, B. Zhu, X. Liu, M. J. Shaw, H. Zhang, M. Fan (Eds), Smart Business: Technology and Data Enabled Innovative Business Models and Practices. WeB 2019. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Vol. 403, pp. 29-40). Springer, Cham.
SAI360. (2019). ICO Strikes Again, Slapping Marriott with £99m Fine Over GDPR Breach. Retrieved on April 15, 2023 from
Schneck, P., Tumasjan, A., & Welpe , I. M. (2020). Next Generation Home Sharing: Disrupting Platform Organizations with Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things? In: H. Treiblmaier, T. Clohessy (Eds), Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases. Progress in IS (pp. 267-287). Springer, Cham.
Schneiders, A., Fell, M. J., & Nolden, C. (2022). Peer-To-Peer Electricity Trading and The Sharing Economy: Social, Markets and Regulatory Perspectives. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 17(1), 1-17.
Sundararajan, S. (2017). Air New Zealand, Winding Tree Team Up for Blockchain Exploration. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from CoinDesk:
Thees, H., Erschbamer, G., & Pechlaner, H. (2020). The application of blockchain in tourism: Use cases in the tourism value system. European Journal of Tourism Research, 26, 1-21.
Topping, S. (2022). How Blockchain Technology is Being Used in the Travel Industry. Retrieved on January 27, 2023 from UBC Digital Magazine:
Tyan, I., Guevara-Plaza, A., & Yagüe, M. I. (2021). The Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Medical Tourism. Sustainability, 13(22), 1-12.
Tyan, I., Yagüe, M.I., & Guevara-Plaza, A. (2021). Blockchain Technology’s Potential for Sustainable Tourism. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021
Yazıcı, S. (2021). The Process of Transition from Information and Communication Technologies to Blockchain Technology in Tourism Management and Application Examples. European Journal of Science and Technology, (21), 136-146.
Viano, C., Avanzo, S., Cerutti, M., Cordero, A., Schifanella, C., & Boella, G. (2022). Blockchain Tools for Socio-Economic Interactions in Local Communities. Policy and Society, 41(3), 373-385.
Willie, P. (2019). Can All Sectors of The Hospitality and Tourism Industry Be Influenced by The Innovation of Blockchain Technology? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11(2), 112-120.
Zhang, X. (2021). A Commentary of Data Trusts in MIT Technology Review 2021. Fundamental Research, 1(6), 834-835.
Medeni, T. D., Esmer, Y., Medeni, T., Erol, İ. (2023). The Blockchain Usage and Current Trends in the Tourism Sector: A Conceptual Research. Külliye, 4(2), 112-124.