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Yıl 2022, , 407 - 428, 31.12.2022


People are spending more time in virtual worlds than in the real world due to the speed of digitalization and the development of virtual worlds. In order to exist in this virtual environment, firms try to separate from their competitors with the help of digital promotional methods. Guerrilla marketing, called "the opposition of promotional tools," has joined a group of other promotional mix components in the virtual environment. Digital guerrilla marketing activities were termed e-guerrilla marketing in this study, and their characteristics were attempted to be determined using examples. The study included a content analysis based on prior guerrilla marketing features, as well as an analysis of five e-guerrilla marketing activities conducted over the internet. As a result of the research, the features of e-guerrilla were also determined and described by examining the activities of e-guerrilla marketing. In comparison to other digital marketing activities, these features have been found to be achieved through more interactive, creative, and innovative methods. In light of these findings, several suggestions have been developed for organizations considering e-guerrilla marketing.


  • Ahmed, R. R., Qureshi, J. A., Štreimikiene, D., Vveinhardt, J. & Soomro, R. H. (2020). Guerrilla marketing trends for sustainable solutions: Evidence from SEM-based multivariate and conditional process approaches. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21 (3), 851-871.
  • Ahuja, V. (2015). Development of an optimal solution for digital marketing variables in an online tool. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 9 (1), 49-65.
  • Casadesus-Masanell, R., & Ricart, J. E. (2010). From Strategy to Business Models and onto Tactics. Long Range Planning, 43, 195-215.
  • Chionne, R. & Scozzese, G. (2014). Some evidence on unconventional marketing: Focus on guerrilla marketing. International Business Research, 7 (12), 153-166.
  • Coviello, N., Milley, R., & Marcolin, B. (2001). Understanding IT-enabled interactivity in contemporary marketing. Journal of interactive marketing, 15 (4), 18-33.
  • Dahlen, M., Granlund, A. & Grenros, M. (2009). The consumer-perceived value of non-traditional media: effects of brand reputation, appropriateness and expense. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26 (3), 155-163.
  • Deloitte Insights. (2020). 2021 global marketing trends: Find your focus. Deloitte Development LLC.
  • Dinh, T. D. & Mai, K. N. (2016). Guerrilla marketing’s effects on Gen Y’s word-of-mouth intention – a mediation of credibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28 (1), 4-22.
  • Downe-Wamboldt, B. (1992). Content analysis: Method, applications, and issues. Health Care for Women International, 13 (3), 313-321.
  • Fadhila, S. A. (2018). Penggunaan digital guerilla marketing dalam usaha kecil dan menengah. Jurnal Studi Manajemen dan Bisnis (JSMB), 5 (2), 95-100.
  • Gökerik, M., Gürbüz, A., Erkan, I., Mogaji, E. & Sap, S. (2018). Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, 30 (5), 1222-1238.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017a). Social media in contemporary marketing: YouTube advertising for the guerrillas. Media Watch, 8 (3), 413-422.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017b). Sustainable practices through green guerrilla marketing - An innovative approach. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS, 8 (2), 61-78.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2020). Evolution of guerrilla marketing as an emergent marketing strategy in global and Indian context. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 21 (2), 247-261.
  • Hürriyet. (2021). Ana Sayfa. 11 Aralık 2021,
  • Isohella, L., Oikarinen, E. L., Saarela, M., Muhos, M. & Nikunen, T. (2017). Perceptions of digital marketing tools in new microenterprises. In Management Challenges in a Network Economy: Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference. (ss. 85-95). Lublin: Technology, Innovation and Industrial Management.
  • Jährig, E., Ebner, K., Hornung, O. & Smolnik, S. (2017). Guerilla marketing using social media as a success strategy in crowdfunding campaigns: Towards a research model. Twenty-third Americas Conference on Information Systems. Boston.
  • Johnson, G. J., Bruner, G. C. & Kumar, A. (2006). Interactivity and its facets revisited: Theory and empirical test. Journal of Advertising, 35 (4), 35–52.
  • Kannan, P., & Li, H. “. (2017). Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (1), 22-45.
  • Kemp, S. (2021). Digital 2021: Global overview report. Hootsuit & We Are Social.
  • Khare, A. K. (2017). Guerrilla Marketing - Innovative and futuristic approach towards marketing. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), 3(5), 421-426.
  • Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of Markerting. (11. Baskı). Pearson.
  • Kraus, S., Harms, R. & Fink, M. (2010). Entrepreneurial marketing: Moving beyond marketing in new ventures. Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 11(1), 19-34.
  • Krishen, A. S., Dwivedi, Y. K., Bindu, N. & Kumar, K. S. (2021). A broad overview of interactive digital marketing: A bibliometric network analysis. Journal of Business Research, 131, 183-195.
  • Lui, Y. & Shrum, L. J. (2002). What is interactivity and is it always such a good thing? Implications of definition, person, and situation for the influence of interactivity on advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 31(4), 53-64.
  • Mad Over Marketing (M.O.M). (2021). Samsung created a brilliant bandersnatch style interactive game on their story. 12 Aralık 2021,
  • Makrides, A., Vrontis, D. & Christofi, M. (2020). The gold rush of digital marketing: Assessing prospects of building brand awareness overseas. Business Perspectives and Research, 8 (1), 4-20.
  • McMillan, S. J. (2002). Exploring models of interactivity from multiple research traditions: users, documents, and systems. Handbook of new media, 2, 205-229.
  • Miami Ad School. (2021). Netflix – The spoiler billboard. 28 Ocak 2021,
  • Mizanie, D. & Irwansyah, I. (2019). Penggunaan social network site (SNS) Instagram sebagai media pemasaran geriliya digital. Jurnal Komunikasi, 10 (2), 89-98.
  • Mudrik, M., Rigelsky, M., Gavurova, B., Bacik, R. & Fedorko, R. (2020). Comparison of influence of selected viral advertising attributes on shopping behavior of Millennials – empirical study. Innovative Marketing, 16 (3), 14-25.
  • Nardalı, S. (2009). Gerilla pazarlaması ve uygulamadaki bazı örnekleri. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 16 (2), 107-119.
  • Nufer, G. (2021). Innovative digital guerrilla marketing. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 12 (3), 40-44.
  • Onedio. (2021). The game awards 2021'den önce hatırlayalım: Yılın oyunu ödülünü son 13 yılda hangi oyunlar aldı?. 5 Aralık 2021,
  • Onedio. (2022). İzlemeyen çok şey kaybeder! Onedio editörleri olarak yılın son ayında izleyip önerdiğimiz dizi ve filmler. 1 Ocak 2022,
  • Özer, S., Oyman, M. & Uğurhan, Y. Z. (2020). The surprise effect of ambient ad on the path leading to purchase: Testing the role of attitude toward the brand. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26 (6), 615-635.
  • Park, M. & Yoo, J. (2020). Effects of perceived interactivity of augmented reality on consumer responses: A mental imagery perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101912.
  • Pintea, F. R. (2012). “Word-of-Mounth” and its impact on business activities. Quality-Access to Success 13, 66-72.
  • Poljić, M., Tešić, D. & Košutić, N. (2018). Participation of digital promotion in the promotional mix of small enterprises. Strategic Management, 23 (4), 32-39.
  • Purusothaman, U. R., Saravanan, P. & Rafic, A. M. (2019). An empirical research on rebooting of customer loyalty of bata product through guerrilla marketing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8 (2S8), 1528-1531.
  • Rauwers, F., Remmelswaal, P., Fransen, M. L., Dahlen, M. & Noort, G. V. (2018). The impact of creative media advertising on consumer responses: Two field experiments. International Journal of Advertising, 37 (5), 749-768.
  • Shawky, S., Kubacki, K., Dietrich, T. & Weaven, S. (2020). A dynamic framework for managing customer engagement on social media. Journal of Business Research, 121, 567-577.
  • Soares, J. C., Sarquis, A. B., Cohen, E. D. & Soares, T. C. (2019). Social media marketing communication: Effect of interactivity and vividness on user engagement. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, 18 (4), 232-258.
  • Soomro, Y. A., Baeshen, Y., Alfarshouty, F., Kaimkhani, S. A. & Bhutto, M. Y. (2021). The impact of guerrilla marketing on brand image: Evidence from Millennial consumers in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), 917-928.
  • Soukalová, R. (2019). Marketing… is a creative science. (1. Baskı). Zlíně: Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
  • Subroto, V. K., Kusumajaya, R. A., Yunianto, I. & Endaryati, E. (2021). Peran social media dalam guerilla marketing pada era digital marketing. In Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU), 1 (1), 21-25.
  • Szabo, R. Z., Hortovanyi, L., Tarody, D. F., Ferincz, A. & Dobak, M. (2011). The role of knowledge in entrepreneurial marketing. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 3 (2), 149-167.
  • Wang, Y., Ahmed, S. C., Deng, S. & Wang, H. (2019). Success of social media marketing efforts in retaining sustainable online consumers: An empirical analysis on the online fashion retail market. Sustainability, 11 (13), 3596.
  • Wojciechowski, Ł. P. & Mago, Z. (2008). Advertainment - The relation between guerrilla marketing and digital games. Group, 2, 437-447.
  • Zavisic, Z. & Medic, M. (2006). The marketing of small enterprises, guerilla marketing. Interdisciplinary Management Research, 2, 414-425.


Yıl 2022, , 407 - 428, 31.12.2022


Dijitalleşmenin hız kazanması ve sanal evren uygulamalarının gelişmesi insanların gerçek dünyadan daha çok sanal evrenle vakit geçirmesine neden olmuştur. Markalar bu sanal dünyada da var olabilmek için dijital tutundurma araçları yardımıyla rakiplerinden farklılaşmaya çalışmaktadır. Tutundurma araçlarının aykırı elemanı olarak bilinen gerilla pazarlama da diğer tutundurma karması elemanları gibi sanal dünyaya adımını atmıştır. Bu araştırmada dijital gerilla pazarlama faaliyetleri, e-gerilla pazarlama olarak adlandırılmış olup sahip oldukları özellikler örnekler yardımıyla belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında önceki gerilla pazarlama özellikleri referans alınarak içerik analizi yapılmış ve internet üzerinden beş e-gerilla pazarlama faaliyeti incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda e-gerilla pazarlama faaliyetleri incelenerek e-gerilla pazarlamanın özellikleri saptanmış ve açıklanmıştır. Bu özelliklerin diğer dijital pazarlama faaliyetlerine nazaran daha etkileşimli, yaratıcı ve alışılmışın dışında yöntemlerle gerçekleştirildiği bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bu bulgular doğrultusunda e-gerilla pazarlama faaliyetlerini kullanmayı düşünen işletmelere yönelik çeşitli öneriler geliştirilmiştir.


  • Ahmed, R. R., Qureshi, J. A., Štreimikiene, D., Vveinhardt, J. & Soomro, R. H. (2020). Guerrilla marketing trends for sustainable solutions: Evidence from SEM-based multivariate and conditional process approaches. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21 (3), 851-871.
  • Ahuja, V. (2015). Development of an optimal solution for digital marketing variables in an online tool. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 9 (1), 49-65.
  • Casadesus-Masanell, R., & Ricart, J. E. (2010). From Strategy to Business Models and onto Tactics. Long Range Planning, 43, 195-215.
  • Chionne, R. & Scozzese, G. (2014). Some evidence on unconventional marketing: Focus on guerrilla marketing. International Business Research, 7 (12), 153-166.
  • Coviello, N., Milley, R., & Marcolin, B. (2001). Understanding IT-enabled interactivity in contemporary marketing. Journal of interactive marketing, 15 (4), 18-33.
  • Dahlen, M., Granlund, A. & Grenros, M. (2009). The consumer-perceived value of non-traditional media: effects of brand reputation, appropriateness and expense. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26 (3), 155-163.
  • Deloitte Insights. (2020). 2021 global marketing trends: Find your focus. Deloitte Development LLC.
  • Dinh, T. D. & Mai, K. N. (2016). Guerrilla marketing’s effects on Gen Y’s word-of-mouth intention – a mediation of credibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28 (1), 4-22.
  • Downe-Wamboldt, B. (1992). Content analysis: Method, applications, and issues. Health Care for Women International, 13 (3), 313-321.
  • Fadhila, S. A. (2018). Penggunaan digital guerilla marketing dalam usaha kecil dan menengah. Jurnal Studi Manajemen dan Bisnis (JSMB), 5 (2), 95-100.
  • Gökerik, M., Gürbüz, A., Erkan, I., Mogaji, E. & Sap, S. (2018). Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, 30 (5), 1222-1238.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017a). Social media in contemporary marketing: YouTube advertising for the guerrillas. Media Watch, 8 (3), 413-422.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017b). Sustainable practices through green guerrilla marketing - An innovative approach. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS, 8 (2), 61-78.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2020). Evolution of guerrilla marketing as an emergent marketing strategy in global and Indian context. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 21 (2), 247-261.
  • Hürriyet. (2021). Ana Sayfa. 11 Aralık 2021,
  • Isohella, L., Oikarinen, E. L., Saarela, M., Muhos, M. & Nikunen, T. (2017). Perceptions of digital marketing tools in new microenterprises. In Management Challenges in a Network Economy: Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference. (ss. 85-95). Lublin: Technology, Innovation and Industrial Management.
  • Jährig, E., Ebner, K., Hornung, O. & Smolnik, S. (2017). Guerilla marketing using social media as a success strategy in crowdfunding campaigns: Towards a research model. Twenty-third Americas Conference on Information Systems. Boston.
  • Johnson, G. J., Bruner, G. C. & Kumar, A. (2006). Interactivity and its facets revisited: Theory and empirical test. Journal of Advertising, 35 (4), 35–52.
  • Kannan, P., & Li, H. “. (2017). Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34 (1), 22-45.
  • Kemp, S. (2021). Digital 2021: Global overview report. Hootsuit & We Are Social.
  • Khare, A. K. (2017). Guerrilla Marketing - Innovative and futuristic approach towards marketing. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), 3(5), 421-426.
  • Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of Markerting. (11. Baskı). Pearson.
  • Kraus, S., Harms, R. & Fink, M. (2010). Entrepreneurial marketing: Moving beyond marketing in new ventures. Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 11(1), 19-34.
  • Krishen, A. S., Dwivedi, Y. K., Bindu, N. & Kumar, K. S. (2021). A broad overview of interactive digital marketing: A bibliometric network analysis. Journal of Business Research, 131, 183-195.
  • Lui, Y. & Shrum, L. J. (2002). What is interactivity and is it always such a good thing? Implications of definition, person, and situation for the influence of interactivity on advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 31(4), 53-64.
  • Mad Over Marketing (M.O.M). (2021). Samsung created a brilliant bandersnatch style interactive game on their story. 12 Aralık 2021,
  • Makrides, A., Vrontis, D. & Christofi, M. (2020). The gold rush of digital marketing: Assessing prospects of building brand awareness overseas. Business Perspectives and Research, 8 (1), 4-20.
  • McMillan, S. J. (2002). Exploring models of interactivity from multiple research traditions: users, documents, and systems. Handbook of new media, 2, 205-229.
  • Miami Ad School. (2021). Netflix – The spoiler billboard. 28 Ocak 2021,
  • Mizanie, D. & Irwansyah, I. (2019). Penggunaan social network site (SNS) Instagram sebagai media pemasaran geriliya digital. Jurnal Komunikasi, 10 (2), 89-98.
  • Mudrik, M., Rigelsky, M., Gavurova, B., Bacik, R. & Fedorko, R. (2020). Comparison of influence of selected viral advertising attributes on shopping behavior of Millennials – empirical study. Innovative Marketing, 16 (3), 14-25.
  • Nardalı, S. (2009). Gerilla pazarlaması ve uygulamadaki bazı örnekleri. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 16 (2), 107-119.
  • Nufer, G. (2021). Innovative digital guerrilla marketing. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 12 (3), 40-44.
  • Onedio. (2021). The game awards 2021'den önce hatırlayalım: Yılın oyunu ödülünü son 13 yılda hangi oyunlar aldı?. 5 Aralık 2021,
  • Onedio. (2022). İzlemeyen çok şey kaybeder! Onedio editörleri olarak yılın son ayında izleyip önerdiğimiz dizi ve filmler. 1 Ocak 2022,
  • Özer, S., Oyman, M. & Uğurhan, Y. Z. (2020). The surprise effect of ambient ad on the path leading to purchase: Testing the role of attitude toward the brand. Journal of Marketing Communications, 26 (6), 615-635.
  • Park, M. & Yoo, J. (2020). Effects of perceived interactivity of augmented reality on consumer responses: A mental imagery perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101912.
  • Pintea, F. R. (2012). “Word-of-Mounth” and its impact on business activities. Quality-Access to Success 13, 66-72.
  • Poljić, M., Tešić, D. & Košutić, N. (2018). Participation of digital promotion in the promotional mix of small enterprises. Strategic Management, 23 (4), 32-39.
  • Purusothaman, U. R., Saravanan, P. & Rafic, A. M. (2019). An empirical research on rebooting of customer loyalty of bata product through guerrilla marketing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8 (2S8), 1528-1531.
  • Rauwers, F., Remmelswaal, P., Fransen, M. L., Dahlen, M. & Noort, G. V. (2018). The impact of creative media advertising on consumer responses: Two field experiments. International Journal of Advertising, 37 (5), 749-768.
  • Shawky, S., Kubacki, K., Dietrich, T. & Weaven, S. (2020). A dynamic framework for managing customer engagement on social media. Journal of Business Research, 121, 567-577.
  • Soares, J. C., Sarquis, A. B., Cohen, E. D. & Soares, T. C. (2019). Social media marketing communication: Effect of interactivity and vividness on user engagement. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, 18 (4), 232-258.
  • Soomro, Y. A., Baeshen, Y., Alfarshouty, F., Kaimkhani, S. A. & Bhutto, M. Y. (2021). The impact of guerrilla marketing on brand image: Evidence from Millennial consumers in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), 917-928.
  • Soukalová, R. (2019). Marketing… is a creative science. (1. Baskı). Zlíně: Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
  • Subroto, V. K., Kusumajaya, R. A., Yunianto, I. & Endaryati, E. (2021). Peran social media dalam guerilla marketing pada era digital marketing. In Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU), 1 (1), 21-25.
  • Szabo, R. Z., Hortovanyi, L., Tarody, D. F., Ferincz, A. & Dobak, M. (2011). The role of knowledge in entrepreneurial marketing. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 3 (2), 149-167.
  • Wang, Y., Ahmed, S. C., Deng, S. & Wang, H. (2019). Success of social media marketing efforts in retaining sustainable online consumers: An empirical analysis on the online fashion retail market. Sustainability, 11 (13), 3596.
  • Wojciechowski, Ł. P. & Mago, Z. (2008). Advertainment - The relation between guerrilla marketing and digital games. Group, 2, 437-447.
  • Zavisic, Z. & Medic, M. (2006). The marketing of small enterprises, guerilla marketing. Interdisciplinary Management Research, 2, 414-425.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Ebru Çil 0000-0002-8748-3548

Sinan Nardalı 0000-0003-1574-1891

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Çil, E., & Nardalı, S. (2022). DİJİTAL ÇAĞDA ÖNE ÇIKAN ETKİLEŞİMLİ E-GERİLLA PAZARLAMA UYGULAMALARI. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 13(2), 407-428.