Yıl 2023,
, 753 - 781, 30.12.2023
Mehmet Yaşar
Ender Gerede
Air transportation is a sector where more than one competitor faces each other in many markets simultaneously, and the competition is experienced based on the route. The study aims to classify the competitive actions performed by 26 airlines in the Turkish international airline market from 2014-2018. The study aims to classify the competitive actions performed by 26 airlines in the Turkish international airline market from 2014-2018. The evaluation of these actions will be conducted in the context of the rival pair. The study aims to classify the competitive actions performed by 26 airlines in the Turkish international airline market from 2014-2018. The study classified competitive actions based on their types and identified the preferred moves of airlines. The results indicate that traditional airlines tend to use schedule-based actions more frequently. Additionally, all airlines tend to use schedule and price-related actions the most. The analysis of the actions between competitors reveals an asymmetry of rivalry among the airlines.
- Albers, S. & Heuermann, C. (2013). Competitive dynamics across industries: An analysis of inter-industry competition in German passenger transportation. Schmalenbach Business Review, 65 (4), 431-453.
- Bakoğlu, R. & Dinç Özcan, E. (2010). İşletme düzeyinde strateji paradokslarının mintzberg’in on stratejik yönetim okulu açısından değerlendirilmesi. Öneri, 9 (34), 57-69.
- Barca, M. (2005). Stratejik yönetim düşüncesinin evrimi: Bilimsel bir disiplinin oluşum hikâyesi. Journal of Management Research/Yonetim Arastirmalari Dergisi, 5 (1), 7-38.
- Barca, M. & Hızıroğlu, M. (2009). 2000’li yıllarda Türkiye’de stratejik yönetim alanının entellektüel yapısı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İibf Dergisi, 4 (1), 113‐148.
- Baum, J. A. & Korn, H. J. (1996). Competitive dynamics of interfirm rivalry. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (2), 255-291.
- Beesley, M. E. (1986) Commitment, sunk costs and entry to the airline industry. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 20, 173–90.
- Bettis, R. A. & Weeks, D. (1987). Financial returns and strategic interaction: The case for instant photography. Strategic Management Journal, 8, 549-563.
- Burghouwt, G. & Redondi, R. (2013). Connectivity in air transport networks: An assessment of models and applications. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP), 47 (1), 35-53.
- Chen, M. J. (1996). Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration. Academy of Management Review, 21 (1), 100-134.
- Chen, M. J. & Hambrick, D. C. (1995). Speed, stealth, and selective attack: How small firms differ from large firms in competitive behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 38 (2), 453-482.
- Chen, M. J. & Miller, D. (1994). Competitive attack, retaliation and performance: An expectancy‐valence framework. Strategic Management Journal, 15 (2), 85-102.
- Chen, M. J. & Miller, D. (2012). Competitive dynamics: Themes, trends, and a prospective research platform. The Academy of Management Annals, 6 (1), 165-210.
- Chen, M. J., Su, K. H. & Tsai, W. (2007). Competitive tension: The awareness-motivation-capability perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 50 (1), 101-118.
- Chen, M.-J. & MacMillan, I. C. (1992). Nonresponse and delayed response to competitive moves: The roles of competitor dependence and action irreversibility. Academy of Management Journal, 35 (3), 539-570.
- Chen, M.-J., Smith, K. G. & Grimm, C. M. (1992). Action charateristics as predictors of competitive responses. Management Science, 38 (3), 439-455.
- D’Aveni, R. (1994). Hypercompetition: Managing the dynamics of strategic Maneuvering. Freedom Press.
- Danesi, A. (2006). Measuring airline hub timetable co-ordination and connectivity: Definition of a new index and application to a sample of European hubs. European Transport.
- Dobruszkes, F. & Peeters, D. (2019). The magnitude of detours faced by commercial flights: A global assessment. Journal of Transport Geography, 79, 102465.
- Dodgson, J.S., Katsoulacos, Y. & Pryke, R.W.S. (1990) Predatory behaviour in aviation. Commission of the European Communities.
- Doganis, R. (2005). Flying off course: The economics of international airlines. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Erol, Y., İnce, A. R. & Aras, M. (2013). Türk sanayi sektöründe stratejik yönetim yaklaşımları tercihi: ISO 1000 firmalarında bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 4 (3), 75-92.
- Ferrier, W. J., Smith, K. G. & Grimm, C. M. (1999). The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challengers. Academy of Management Journal, 42 (4), 372-388.
- Gal-Or, E. (1985). First mover and second mover advantages. International Economic Review, 649-653.
- Gal-Or, E. (1987). First mover disadvantages with private information. The Review of Economic Studies, 54 (2), 279-292.
- Goedeking, P. (2010). Networks in aviation, Strategies and Structures. Springer.
- Grimm, C. M., Lee, H., Smith, K. G. & Smith, K. G. (Eds.). (2006). Strategy as action: Competitive dynamics and
competitive advantage. Oxford University Press.
- Gündüz, E. (2013). The competitive tension as a moderator for strategic innovation. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 553-561.
- Gündüz, E. & Semerciöz, F. (2012). The relation between competitive tension and strategic innovation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 29-39.
- Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning.
- Kirzner, I. (1973). Competition and entrepreneurship. University of Chicago Press.
- Lee, H., Smith, K., Grimm, C., & Schomburg, A. (2000). Timing, order and durability of new product advantages with imitation. Strategic Management Journal, 21 (1), 23-30.
- Lieberman, M. B. & Montgomery, D. B. (1988). First‐mover advantages. Strategic Management Journal, 9 (1), 41-58.
- MacCrimmon, K. R. (1993). Do firm strategies exist? Strategic Management Journal, 14 (2), 113-130.
- MacMillan, I., McCaffery, M. L. & Wijk, G. V. (1985). Competitors' responses to easily imitated new products—exploring commercial banking product introductions. Strategic Management Journal, 6 (1), 75-86.
- Miller, D. & Chen, M (1994). Sources and consequences of competitive inertia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 391.
- Miller, D. & Chen, M. J. (1996a). Nonconformity in competitive repertoires: A sociological view of markets. Social Forces, 74 (4), 1209-1234.
- Miller, D. & Chen, M.J. (1996b). The simplicity of competitive repertoires: An empirical analysis. Strategic Management Journal, 17, 419-440.
- Mintzberg, H. & Waters, J. A. (1985). Of strategies, deliberate and emergent. Strategic Management Journal, 6 (3), 257-272.
- Porter, M. (1980). Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. The Free Press.
- Porter, M. (1985). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. The Free Press.
- Reinganum, J. F. (1985). A two-stage model of research and development with endogenous second-mover advantages. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 3 (3), 275-292.
- Smith K. G., Ferrier, W. J. & Ndofor, H. (2006). Competitive dynamics research: Critique and future directions. In M. A. Hitt, E. F. Freeman & J. S. Harrison, (eds.), The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management, (ss. 315–361. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. M., Chen, M. J. & Gannon, M. J. (1989). Predictors of response time to competitive strategic actions: Preliminary theory and evidence. Journal of Business Research, 18, 245-258.
- Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. M., Gannon, M. J. & Chen, M.-J. (1991). Organizational informatıon processing, competıtıve responses, and performance in the U.S. domestıc airline industry. Academy of Management Journal, 34 (1), 60-85.
- Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. & Gannon, M. (1992). Dynamics of competitive strategy. Sage Publications.
önmez, R. & Eroğlu, U. (2018). firmalar arası rekabetçi etkileşim: Rekabetçi hamlelerin özellikleri ve misilleme arasındaki ilişki. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13 (1-2), 41-69.
- Sönmez, R. & Eroğlu, U. (2020). Havayolu sektöründe rekabetçi hamlelerin belirlenmesi: Sektöre özgü bir tipoloji önerisi. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12 (1), 52-69.
- Tsai, W., Su, K. H. & Chen, M. J. (2011). Seeing through the eyes of a rival: Competitor acumen based on rival-centric perceptions. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (4), 761-778.
- Yaşar, M. (2017). Analysis of the competition between transportation modes from the perspective of competitive dynamics: A study on Ankara-İstanbul transportation line. The International Journal of Transport & Logistics, 17 (42), 9-19.
- Yaşar, M. & Gerede E. (2020). Identification of factors affecting competitive tension in the domestic air transport market in Turkey. International Journal of Management and Economics, 56 (2), 118–139.
- Young, G., Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. M. & Simon, D. (2000). Multimarket contact and resource dissimilarity: A competitive dynamics perspective. Journal of Management, 26 (6), 1217-123.
Yıl 2023,
, 753 - 781, 30.12.2023
Mehmet Yaşar
Ender Gerede
Havayolu taşımacılığı aynı anda birden fazla rakibin birçok pazarda karşı karşıya geldiği ve rekabetin uçuş hattı temelinde yaşandığı bir sektördür. Bu çalışmanın amacı havayolu pazarında gerçekleştirilen rekabetçi eylemlerin sınıflandırılması ve bu eylemlerin rakip çifti bağlamında değerlendirilmesidir. Bu kapsamda Türk dış hatlar havayolu pazarında rekabet eden 26 havayolu işletmesinin rekabetçi eylemleri 2014-2018 dönemi için rakip çifti temelinde analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca gerçekleştirilen rekabetçi eylemler hamle türlerine göre sınıflandırılmış ve havayolu işletmelerinin hangi hamle türünü daha çok tercih ettiği de ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları geleneksel havayolu işletmelerinin tarife temelli hamlelere daha çok başvurduğunu göstermektedir. Ek olarak tüm havayolu işletmelerinin en fazla başvurduğu hamle tarife ve fiyat ile ilgili hamlelerdir. Rakip çifti temelindeki hamle analizleri havayolu işletmeleri arasında rekabet asimetrisinin var olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
- Albers, S. & Heuermann, C. (2013). Competitive dynamics across industries: An analysis of inter-industry competition in German passenger transportation. Schmalenbach Business Review, 65 (4), 431-453.
- Bakoğlu, R. & Dinç Özcan, E. (2010). İşletme düzeyinde strateji paradokslarının mintzberg’in on stratejik yönetim okulu açısından değerlendirilmesi. Öneri, 9 (34), 57-69.
- Barca, M. (2005). Stratejik yönetim düşüncesinin evrimi: Bilimsel bir disiplinin oluşum hikâyesi. Journal of Management Research/Yonetim Arastirmalari Dergisi, 5 (1), 7-38.
- Barca, M. & Hızıroğlu, M. (2009). 2000’li yıllarda Türkiye’de stratejik yönetim alanının entellektüel yapısı. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İibf Dergisi, 4 (1), 113‐148.
- Baum, J. A. & Korn, H. J. (1996). Competitive dynamics of interfirm rivalry. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (2), 255-291.
- Beesley, M. E. (1986) Commitment, sunk costs and entry to the airline industry. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 20, 173–90.
- Bettis, R. A. & Weeks, D. (1987). Financial returns and strategic interaction: The case for instant photography. Strategic Management Journal, 8, 549-563.
- Burghouwt, G. & Redondi, R. (2013). Connectivity in air transport networks: An assessment of models and applications. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP), 47 (1), 35-53.
- Chen, M. J. (1996). Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration. Academy of Management Review, 21 (1), 100-134.
- Chen, M. J. & Hambrick, D. C. (1995). Speed, stealth, and selective attack: How small firms differ from large firms in competitive behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 38 (2), 453-482.
- Chen, M. J. & Miller, D. (1994). Competitive attack, retaliation and performance: An expectancy‐valence framework. Strategic Management Journal, 15 (2), 85-102.
- Chen, M. J. & Miller, D. (2012). Competitive dynamics: Themes, trends, and a prospective research platform. The Academy of Management Annals, 6 (1), 165-210.
- Chen, M. J., Su, K. H. & Tsai, W. (2007). Competitive tension: The awareness-motivation-capability perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 50 (1), 101-118.
- Chen, M.-J. & MacMillan, I. C. (1992). Nonresponse and delayed response to competitive moves: The roles of competitor dependence and action irreversibility. Academy of Management Journal, 35 (3), 539-570.
- Chen, M.-J., Smith, K. G. & Grimm, C. M. (1992). Action charateristics as predictors of competitive responses. Management Science, 38 (3), 439-455.
- D’Aveni, R. (1994). Hypercompetition: Managing the dynamics of strategic Maneuvering. Freedom Press.
- Danesi, A. (2006). Measuring airline hub timetable co-ordination and connectivity: Definition of a new index and application to a sample of European hubs. European Transport.
- Dobruszkes, F. & Peeters, D. (2019). The magnitude of detours faced by commercial flights: A global assessment. Journal of Transport Geography, 79, 102465.
- Dodgson, J.S., Katsoulacos, Y. & Pryke, R.W.S. (1990) Predatory behaviour in aviation. Commission of the European Communities.
- Doganis, R. (2005). Flying off course: The economics of international airlines. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Erol, Y., İnce, A. R. & Aras, M. (2013). Türk sanayi sektöründe stratejik yönetim yaklaşımları tercihi: ISO 1000 firmalarında bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 4 (3), 75-92.
- Ferrier, W. J., Smith, K. G. & Grimm, C. M. (1999). The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challengers. Academy of Management Journal, 42 (4), 372-388.
- Gal-Or, E. (1985). First mover and second mover advantages. International Economic Review, 649-653.
- Gal-Or, E. (1987). First mover disadvantages with private information. The Review of Economic Studies, 54 (2), 279-292.
- Goedeking, P. (2010). Networks in aviation, Strategies and Structures. Springer.
- Grimm, C. M., Lee, H., Smith, K. G. & Smith, K. G. (Eds.). (2006). Strategy as action: Competitive dynamics and
competitive advantage. Oxford University Press.
- Gündüz, E. (2013). The competitive tension as a moderator for strategic innovation. Procedia-social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 553-561.
- Gündüz, E. & Semerciöz, F. (2012). The relation between competitive tension and strategic innovation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 29-39.
- Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D. & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic management: Concepts and cases: Competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning.
- Kirzner, I. (1973). Competition and entrepreneurship. University of Chicago Press.
- Lee, H., Smith, K., Grimm, C., & Schomburg, A. (2000). Timing, order and durability of new product advantages with imitation. Strategic Management Journal, 21 (1), 23-30.
- Lieberman, M. B. & Montgomery, D. B. (1988). First‐mover advantages. Strategic Management Journal, 9 (1), 41-58.
- MacCrimmon, K. R. (1993). Do firm strategies exist? Strategic Management Journal, 14 (2), 113-130.
- MacMillan, I., McCaffery, M. L. & Wijk, G. V. (1985). Competitors' responses to easily imitated new products—exploring commercial banking product introductions. Strategic Management Journal, 6 (1), 75-86.
- Miller, D. & Chen, M (1994). Sources and consequences of competitive inertia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 391.
- Miller, D. & Chen, M. J. (1996a). Nonconformity in competitive repertoires: A sociological view of markets. Social Forces, 74 (4), 1209-1234.
- Miller, D. & Chen, M.J. (1996b). The simplicity of competitive repertoires: An empirical analysis. Strategic Management Journal, 17, 419-440.
- Mintzberg, H. & Waters, J. A. (1985). Of strategies, deliberate and emergent. Strategic Management Journal, 6 (3), 257-272.
- Porter, M. (1980). Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. The Free Press.
- Porter, M. (1985). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. The Free Press.
- Reinganum, J. F. (1985). A two-stage model of research and development with endogenous second-mover advantages. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 3 (3), 275-292.
- Smith K. G., Ferrier, W. J. & Ndofor, H. (2006). Competitive dynamics research: Critique and future directions. In M. A. Hitt, E. F. Freeman & J. S. Harrison, (eds.), The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management, (ss. 315–361. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. M., Chen, M. J. & Gannon, M. J. (1989). Predictors of response time to competitive strategic actions: Preliminary theory and evidence. Journal of Business Research, 18, 245-258.
- Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. M., Gannon, M. J. & Chen, M.-J. (1991). Organizational informatıon processing, competıtıve responses, and performance in the U.S. domestıc airline industry. Academy of Management Journal, 34 (1), 60-85.
- Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. & Gannon, M. (1992). Dynamics of competitive strategy. Sage Publications.
önmez, R. & Eroğlu, U. (2018). firmalar arası rekabetçi etkileşim: Rekabetçi hamlelerin özellikleri ve misilleme arasındaki ilişki. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13 (1-2), 41-69.
- Sönmez, R. & Eroğlu, U. (2020). Havayolu sektöründe rekabetçi hamlelerin belirlenmesi: Sektöre özgü bir tipoloji önerisi. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12 (1), 52-69.
- Tsai, W., Su, K. H. & Chen, M. J. (2011). Seeing through the eyes of a rival: Competitor acumen based on rival-centric perceptions. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (4), 761-778.
- Yaşar, M. (2017). Analysis of the competition between transportation modes from the perspective of competitive dynamics: A study on Ankara-İstanbul transportation line. The International Journal of Transport & Logistics, 17 (42), 9-19.
- Yaşar, M. & Gerede E. (2020). Identification of factors affecting competitive tension in the domestic air transport market in Turkey. International Journal of Management and Economics, 56 (2), 118–139.
- Young, G., Smith, K. G., Grimm, C. M. & Simon, D. (2000). Multimarket contact and resource dissimilarity: A competitive dynamics perspective. Journal of Management, 26 (6), 1217-123.