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Yıl 2023, , 1 - 27, 30.09.2023


Bu çalışma, İskoçya ve Kazakistan'ın yer adlarını karşılaştırdı ve kelime yapılarını analiz ederek ve bu belirli yer adlarıyla ilişkili toponimik efsanelere bakarak etimolojilerini araştırdı. Bu çalışmalar 42 yer adını (20 İskoç ve 22 Kazak) içermektedir. Halk bilimi, dilbilim, tarih ve kültürel antropolojiden bir dizi teori ve metodoloji kullanan makale, efsanelerde bulunan ortak temaları, motifleri ve anlatı yapılarını tanımlar. Analiz, kahramanlık, cesaret ve özverilik, hafıza, tarih ve gelenek, tabu, atalara ve inançlara saygı ve fedakarlık fikri dahil olmak üzere hem İskoç hem de Kazak toponimik efsanelerinde ortaya çıkan birkaç temayı ortaya koyuyor. Folklordaki motiflerin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi, kültürler arasındaki benzerliklerin ve farklılıkların anlaşılmasına yardımcı olur. İskoçya ve Kazakistan'daki toponimik efsanelerin anlatı yapıları, farklı kültürlerin ve dillerin etkisini vurgulayarak kısa ve çekici olma eğilimindedir. Genel olarak makale, bu efsanelerin ortaya çıktığı toplumlar ve kültürlerin yanı sıra bu hikayelerin zaman içinde nasıl aktarıldığı ve korunduğu hakkında gözlemler sunmakta ve İskoçya ile Kazakistan arasında tarihsel bir bağlantı önermektedir.


  • Abdurashidova, K.A. (2022). The comparison of two legends “Amir Temur and king Arthur” in the Uzbek and English literature. Экономика и социум, (10-1 (101)), 15-23.
  • Alderman, D. H. (2022). Commemorative place naming: To name place, to claim the past, to repair futures. The Politics of Place Naming: Naming the World, 29.
  • Baldick, C. (2008). The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford University Press, 361 p.
  • Bord, J., & Bord, C. (1995). The Enchanted Land: Myths and legends of Britain's landscape. Thorsons, 170 p.
  • Brummett, B. (2018). Techniques of close reading. Sage Publications, 152 p.
  • Campbell, J. (2008). The hero with a thousand faces (Vol. 17). New World Library, 418 p.
  • Caulfield, J. (2023, June 22). Textual Analysis | Guide, 3 Approaches & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 13, 2023, from
  • Definition of legend. (2023). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from
  • Fergusson, A. (1886). The Laird of Lag: A Life-sketch. D. Douglas, 271 p.
  • Forrester, K. (2016). Celtic Tales: Fairy Tales and Stories of Enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales. Chronicle Books, 176 p.
  • Guest, G., MacQueen, K. M., & Namey, E. (2012). Applied thematic analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Harte, J. (2019). Names and tales: On folklore and place names. Folklore, 130(4), 373-394.
  • Jennifer, W., & Sophia, K. (2009). The Lore of Scotland: A Guide to Scottish Legends. Random House Books, 576 p. ISBN 9781409061717
  • Kostanski, L. (2009). What’s in a name: Attachment and dependence in placename-based identity. Unpublished PhD, University of Ballarat, Australia.
  • MacInnes, Allan (1986). "Repression and Conciliation: The Highland Dimension 1660–1688". The Scottish Historical Review, 65 (180): 167–195.
  • Maslow, A. (1962). Toward a psychology of being. D Van Nostrand. Mills, D. A dictionary of British place-names. - Oxford university press, 2003. – P. 1184.
  • Nazarova, G.P. (2019). Women mythological characters in British and Uzbek literature. Экономика и социум, (2 (57)), 14-17.
  • Nicolaisen, W. F. H. (1976). Place-name legends: An onomastic mythology. Folklore, 87(2), 146-159.
  • Propp, V. I. (1968). Morphology of the Folktale (2nd ed., Vol. 9). Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Tent, J. (2019). Placename dictionaries and dictionaries of places: an Australian perspective. (ANPS Occasional Paper; No. 5).
  • The Gazetteer for Scotland. (n.d.). Retrieved from Williams, M. (1963). Folklore and Placenames. Folklore, 74(2), 361-376.
  • Atameken sıqyrly eliniń ańyzdary - Legendy volshebnoı strany Atameken. (2020). Qurast. O. Gýmırova; aýd.: B. Koıshıbaev (kaz. ıaz.), K. Bobrovskaıa (angl. ıaz.). Shymkent: ShugyIakitap, 200 b.
  • Afanas'ev, O. E., & Trocenko, A. V. (2014). Kategorija «legenda» v regional'nom toponimicheskom prostranstve (na primere Dnepropetrovskoj oblasti Ukrainy). Pskovskij regionologicheskij zhurnal, (17), 67-77.
  • Babalar sózi: Júztomdyq. (2011). T. 80: Toponımdik ańyzdar. Astana: Folıant, 416 b.
  • Borıbaeva, G.A., Madıeva, G.B. (2015). Toponımdik ańyzdar: halyqtyq etımologıa máselesi. Kókshetaý: Sh. Ýálıhanov atyndaǵy Kókshetaý memlekettik ýnıversıtetiniń habarshysy. Fılologıa serıasy, №4, 37-42 bb.
  • Zhanajdarov O. (2007). Legendy drevnego Kazahstana (Detskaja jenciklopedija Kazahstana). Almaty: Aruna, 248 s.
  • Januzaq T. (2008). Qazaq onomastıkasy. Pavlodar: S. Toraıǵyrov atyndaǵy Pavlodar memlekettik ýnıversıteti, 240 b.
  • Jer-sý ataýlarynyń anyqtamalyǵy. (2009). Almaty: "Arys" baspasy, 568 b.
  • Zhuchkevich, V. A. (1968). Obshhaja toponimika. Minsk: Vyshejsha shkola, 432 s.
  • Kravcov, N. I., & Lazutin, S. G. (1983). Toponimicheskie predanija. Legendy. Russkoe ustnoe narodnoe tvorchestvo. NI Kravcov, SG Lazutin. –M.: Vysshaja shkola, s.124-125.
  • Qasqabasov, S. (1984). Qazaqtyń halyq prozasy. Almaty: Ǵylym, 272 b.
  • Mergaliev, D. M. (2007). Fol'klorno-mifologicheskoe nasledie kazahskogo naroda. Izvestija Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (4-3), 129-131.
  • Murzaev, Je. M. (1964). Osnovnye napravlenija toponimicheskih issledovanij. Principy toponimiki: sbornik nauchnyh trudov. M.: Nauka, 23-34 pp.
  • Pospelov E. M. (1988). Turistu o geograficheskih nazvanijah. M.: Profizdat, 192 s.
  • Taspolatov B.T. (2010). Qazyǵurt óńiri toponımıasynyń etnolıngıvstıkalyq sıpaty. [Fılologıa ǵylymdaryna dısertasıa]. Almaty, 148 b.
  • Chernjahovskaja, E. M. (1970). Istorija razrabotki toponimicheskih klassifikacij. Razvitie metodov toponimicheskih issledovanii, s. 55-65.
  • Chatman, S. B. (1978). Story and discourse: Narrative structure in fiction and film. Cornell university press.
  • Carruthers, G., & McIlvanney, L. (Eds.). (2012). The Cambridge companion to Scottish literature. Cambridge University Press.


Yıl 2023, , 1 - 27, 30.09.2023


Бұл зерттеу Шотландия мен Қазақстанның жер-су атауларын салыстырып, олардың сөз құрылымын талдау және осы нақты жер атауларымен байланысты топонимикалық аңыздарды қарастыру арқылы этимологиясын зерттеді. Зерттеу 42 топонимнен тұрады (20 шотланд және 22 қазақ). Мақалада фольклористика, лингвистика, тарих және мәдени антропологияның бірқатар теориялары мен әдістемелерін пайдалана отырып, аңыздарда кездесетін ортақ тақырыптарды, мотивтерді және баяндау құрылымдарын анықтайды. Талдау шотланд және қазақ топонимикалық аңыздарында кездесетін бірнеше тақырыптарды, соның ішінде ерлік, батылдық пен жанқиярлық, есте сақтау, тарих пен дәстүр, тыйым салу, ата-баба мен наным-сенімдерді құрметтеу, және құрбандық шалу идеясын ашады. Фольклордағы мотивтерді салыстырмалы түрде зерттеу мәдениеттер арасындағы ұқсастық пен айырмашылықты түсінуге көмектеседі. Шотландия мен Қазақстандағы топонимикалық аңыздардың баяндау құрылымдары әртүрлі мәдениеттер мен тілдердің әсеріне баса назар аудара отырып, қысқа және тартымды болып келеді. Жалпы, мақалада бұл аңыздар пайда болған қоғамдар мен мәдениеттер, сондай-ақ бұл оқиғалардың уақыт өте келе берілу және сақталу жолдары туралы бақылаулар берілген және оған қоса Шотландия мен Қазақстан арасындағы тарихи байланыс ұсынылған.


  • Abdurashidova, K.A. (2022). The comparison of two legends “Amir Temur and king Arthur” in the Uzbek and English literature. Экономика и социум, (10-1 (101)), 15-23.
  • Alderman, D. H. (2022). Commemorative place naming: To name place, to claim the past, to repair futures. The Politics of Place Naming: Naming the World, 29.
  • Baldick, C. (2008). The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford University Press, 361 p.
  • Bord, J., & Bord, C. (1995). The Enchanted Land: Myths and legends of Britain's landscape. Thorsons, 170 p.
  • Brummett, B. (2018). Techniques of close reading. Sage Publications, 152 p.
  • Campbell, J. (2008). The hero with a thousand faces (Vol. 17). New World Library, 418 p.
  • Caulfield, J. (2023, June 22). Textual Analysis | Guide, 3 Approaches & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 13, 2023, from
  • Definition of legend. (2023). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from
  • Fergusson, A. (1886). The Laird of Lag: A Life-sketch. D. Douglas, 271 p.
  • Forrester, K. (2016). Celtic Tales: Fairy Tales and Stories of Enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales. Chronicle Books, 176 p.
  • Guest, G., MacQueen, K. M., & Namey, E. (2012). Applied thematic analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Harte, J. (2019). Names and tales: On folklore and place names. Folklore, 130(4), 373-394.
  • Jennifer, W., & Sophia, K. (2009). The Lore of Scotland: A Guide to Scottish Legends. Random House Books, 576 p. ISBN 9781409061717
  • Kostanski, L. (2009). What’s in a name: Attachment and dependence in placename-based identity. Unpublished PhD, University of Ballarat, Australia.
  • MacInnes, Allan (1986). "Repression and Conciliation: The Highland Dimension 1660–1688". The Scottish Historical Review, 65 (180): 167–195.
  • Maslow, A. (1962). Toward a psychology of being. D Van Nostrand. Mills, D. A dictionary of British place-names. - Oxford university press, 2003. – P. 1184.
  • Nazarova, G.P. (2019). Women mythological characters in British and Uzbek literature. Экономика и социум, (2 (57)), 14-17.
  • Nicolaisen, W. F. H. (1976). Place-name legends: An onomastic mythology. Folklore, 87(2), 146-159.
  • Propp, V. I. (1968). Morphology of the Folktale (2nd ed., Vol. 9). Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Tent, J. (2019). Placename dictionaries and dictionaries of places: an Australian perspective. (ANPS Occasional Paper; No. 5).
  • The Gazetteer for Scotland. (n.d.). Retrieved from Williams, M. (1963). Folklore and Placenames. Folklore, 74(2), 361-376.
  • Atameken sıqyrly eliniń ańyzdary - Legendy volshebnoı strany Atameken. (2020). Qurast. O. Gýmırova; aýd.: B. Koıshıbaev (kaz. ıaz.), K. Bobrovskaıa (angl. ıaz.). Shymkent: ShugyIakitap, 200 b.
  • Afanas'ev, O. E., & Trocenko, A. V. (2014). Kategorija «legenda» v regional'nom toponimicheskom prostranstve (na primere Dnepropetrovskoj oblasti Ukrainy). Pskovskij regionologicheskij zhurnal, (17), 67-77.
  • Babalar sózi: Júztomdyq. (2011). T. 80: Toponımdik ańyzdar. Astana: Folıant, 416 b.
  • Borıbaeva, G.A., Madıeva, G.B. (2015). Toponımdik ańyzdar: halyqtyq etımologıa máselesi. Kókshetaý: Sh. Ýálıhanov atyndaǵy Kókshetaý memlekettik ýnıversıtetiniń habarshysy. Fılologıa serıasy, №4, 37-42 bb.
  • Zhanajdarov O. (2007). Legendy drevnego Kazahstana (Detskaja jenciklopedija Kazahstana). Almaty: Aruna, 248 s.
  • Januzaq T. (2008). Qazaq onomastıkasy. Pavlodar: S. Toraıǵyrov atyndaǵy Pavlodar memlekettik ýnıversıteti, 240 b.
  • Jer-sý ataýlarynyń anyqtamalyǵy. (2009). Almaty: "Arys" baspasy, 568 b.
  • Zhuchkevich, V. A. (1968). Obshhaja toponimika. Minsk: Vyshejsha shkola, 432 s.
  • Kravcov, N. I., & Lazutin, S. G. (1983). Toponimicheskie predanija. Legendy. Russkoe ustnoe narodnoe tvorchestvo. NI Kravcov, SG Lazutin. –M.: Vysshaja shkola, s.124-125.
  • Qasqabasov, S. (1984). Qazaqtyń halyq prozasy. Almaty: Ǵylym, 272 b.
  • Mergaliev, D. M. (2007). Fol'klorno-mifologicheskoe nasledie kazahskogo naroda. Izvestija Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (4-3), 129-131.
  • Murzaev, Je. M. (1964). Osnovnye napravlenija toponimicheskih issledovanij. Principy toponimiki: sbornik nauchnyh trudov. M.: Nauka, 23-34 pp.
  • Pospelov E. M. (1988). Turistu o geograficheskih nazvanijah. M.: Profizdat, 192 s.
  • Taspolatov B.T. (2010). Qazyǵurt óńiri toponımıasynyń etnolıngıvstıkalyq sıpaty. [Fılologıa ǵylymdaryna dısertasıa]. Almaty, 148 b.
  • Chernjahovskaja, E. M. (1970). Istorija razrabotki toponimicheskih klassifikacij. Razvitie metodov toponimicheskih issledovanii, s. 55-65.
  • Chatman, S. B. (1978). Story and discourse: Narrative structure in fiction and film. Cornell university press.
  • Carruthers, G., & McIlvanney, L. (Eds.). (2012). The Cambridge companion to Scottish literature. Cambridge University Press.


Yıl 2023, , 1 - 27, 30.09.2023


This study compared place names of Scotland and Kazakhstan, and explored their etymology by means of analyzing their word structure, and by considering toponymic legends related to these particular toponyms. The data of the study are 42 place names (20 Scottish, and 22 Kazakh place names). Using a range of theories and methodologies from folklore studies, linguistics, history, and cultural anthropology, the article identifies common themes, motifs, and narrative structures present in the legends. The analysis reveals several themes that appear in both Scottish and Kazakh toponymic legends, including heroism, bravery and selflessness, remembrance, history and tradition, taboo, respect for ancestors and beliefs, and the idea of sacrifice. Comparative study of motifs in folklore helps understand the similarities and differences between cultures. The narrative structures of toponymic legends in Scotland and Kazakhstan tend to be short and exciting, highlighting the influence of various cultures and languages. Overall, the article provides observations into the societies and cultures in which these legends originated, as well as the ways in which these stories were passed down and preserved over time, and suggests a historical connection between Scotland and Kazakhstan.


  • Abdurashidova, K.A. (2022). The comparison of two legends “Amir Temur and king Arthur” in the Uzbek and English literature. Экономика и социум, (10-1 (101)), 15-23.
  • Alderman, D. H. (2022). Commemorative place naming: To name place, to claim the past, to repair futures. The Politics of Place Naming: Naming the World, 29.
  • Baldick, C. (2008). The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford University Press, 361 p.
  • Bord, J., & Bord, C. (1995). The Enchanted Land: Myths and legends of Britain's landscape. Thorsons, 170 p.
  • Brummett, B. (2018). Techniques of close reading. Sage Publications, 152 p.
  • Campbell, J. (2008). The hero with a thousand faces (Vol. 17). New World Library, 418 p.
  • Caulfield, J. (2023, June 22). Textual Analysis | Guide, 3 Approaches & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 13, 2023, from
  • Definition of legend. (2023). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from
  • Fergusson, A. (1886). The Laird of Lag: A Life-sketch. D. Douglas, 271 p.
  • Forrester, K. (2016). Celtic Tales: Fairy Tales and Stories of Enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales. Chronicle Books, 176 p.
  • Guest, G., MacQueen, K. M., & Namey, E. (2012). Applied thematic analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Harte, J. (2019). Names and tales: On folklore and place names. Folklore, 130(4), 373-394.
  • Jennifer, W., & Sophia, K. (2009). The Lore of Scotland: A Guide to Scottish Legends. Random House Books, 576 p. ISBN 9781409061717
  • Kostanski, L. (2009). What’s in a name: Attachment and dependence in placename-based identity. Unpublished PhD, University of Ballarat, Australia.
  • MacInnes, Allan (1986). "Repression and Conciliation: The Highland Dimension 1660–1688". The Scottish Historical Review, 65 (180): 167–195.
  • Maslow, A. (1962). Toward a psychology of being. D Van Nostrand. Mills, D. A dictionary of British place-names. - Oxford university press, 2003. – P. 1184.
  • Nazarova, G.P. (2019). Women mythological characters in British and Uzbek literature. Экономика и социум, (2 (57)), 14-17.
  • Nicolaisen, W. F. H. (1976). Place-name legends: An onomastic mythology. Folklore, 87(2), 146-159.
  • Propp, V. I. (1968). Morphology of the Folktale (2nd ed., Vol. 9). Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Tent, J. (2019). Placename dictionaries and dictionaries of places: an Australian perspective. (ANPS Occasional Paper; No. 5).
  • The Gazetteer for Scotland. (n.d.). Retrieved from Williams, M. (1963). Folklore and Placenames. Folklore, 74(2), 361-376.
  • Atameken sıqyrly eliniń ańyzdary - Legendy volshebnoı strany Atameken. (2020). Qurast. O. Gýmırova; aýd.: B. Koıshıbaev (kaz. ıaz.), K. Bobrovskaıa (angl. ıaz.). Shymkent: ShugyIakitap, 200 b.
  • Afanas'ev, O. E., & Trocenko, A. V. (2014). Kategorija «legenda» v regional'nom toponimicheskom prostranstve (na primere Dnepropetrovskoj oblasti Ukrainy). Pskovskij regionologicheskij zhurnal, (17), 67-77.
  • Babalar sózi: Júztomdyq. (2011). T. 80: Toponımdik ańyzdar. Astana: Folıant, 416 b.
  • Borıbaeva, G.A., Madıeva, G.B. (2015). Toponımdik ańyzdar: halyqtyq etımologıa máselesi. Kókshetaý: Sh. Ýálıhanov atyndaǵy Kókshetaý memlekettik ýnıversıtetiniń habarshysy. Fılologıa serıasy, №4, 37-42 bb.
  • Zhanajdarov O. (2007). Legendy drevnego Kazahstana (Detskaja jenciklopedija Kazahstana). Almaty: Aruna, 248 s.
  • Januzaq T. (2008). Qazaq onomastıkasy. Pavlodar: S. Toraıǵyrov atyndaǵy Pavlodar memlekettik ýnıversıteti, 240 b.
  • Jer-sý ataýlarynyń anyqtamalyǵy. (2009). Almaty: "Arys" baspasy, 568 b.
  • Zhuchkevich, V. A. (1968). Obshhaja toponimika. Minsk: Vyshejsha shkola, 432 s.
  • Kravcov, N. I., & Lazutin, S. G. (1983). Toponimicheskie predanija. Legendy. Russkoe ustnoe narodnoe tvorchestvo. NI Kravcov, SG Lazutin. –M.: Vysshaja shkola, s.124-125.
  • Qasqabasov, S. (1984). Qazaqtyń halyq prozasy. Almaty: Ǵylym, 272 b.
  • Mergaliev, D. M. (2007). Fol'klorno-mifologicheskoe nasledie kazahskogo naroda. Izvestija Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (4-3), 129-131.
  • Murzaev, Je. M. (1964). Osnovnye napravlenija toponimicheskih issledovanij. Principy toponimiki: sbornik nauchnyh trudov. M.: Nauka, 23-34 pp.
  • Pospelov E. M. (1988). Turistu o geograficheskih nazvanijah. M.: Profizdat, 192 s.
  • Taspolatov B.T. (2010). Qazyǵurt óńiri toponımıasynyń etnolıngıvstıkalyq sıpaty. [Fılologıa ǵylymdaryna dısertasıa]. Almaty, 148 b.
  • Chernjahovskaja, E. M. (1970). Istorija razrabotki toponimicheskih klassifikacij. Razvitie metodov toponimicheskih issledovanii, s. 55-65.
  • Chatman, S. B. (1978). Story and discourse: Narrative structure in fiction and film. Cornell university press.
  • Carruthers, G., & McIlvanney, L. (Eds.). (2012). The Cambridge companion to Scottish literature. Cambridge University Press.


Yıl 2023, , 1 - 27, 30.09.2023


В этом исследовании сравнивались топонимы Шотландии и Казахстана и изучалась их этимология посредством анализа структуры их слов и рассмотрения топонимических легенд, связанных с этими конкретными топонимами. Данные исследования составляют 42 топонима (20 шотландских и 22 казахских). Используя ряд теорий и методологий фольклористики, лингвистики, истории и культурной антропологии, в статье определяются общие темы, мотивы и повествовательные структуры, присутствующие в легендах. Анализ раскрывает несколько тем, которые появляются как в шотландских, так и в казахских топонимических легендах, включая героизм, храбрость и самоотверженность, память, историю и традиции, табу, уважение к предкам и верованиям, а также идею жертвоприношения. Сравнительное изучение мотивов в фольклоре помогает понять сходства и различия между культурами. Нарративные структуры топонимических легенд в Шотландии и Казахстане, как правило, короткие и захватывающие, подчеркивающие влияние различных культур и языков. В целом, в статье представлены наблюдения за обществами и культурами, в которых возникли эти легенды, а также способы, которыми эти истории передавались и сохранялись с течением времени, и предлагается историческая связь между Шотландией и Казахстаном.


  • Abdurashidova, K.A. (2022). The comparison of two legends “Amir Temur and king Arthur” in the Uzbek and English literature. Экономика и социум, (10-1 (101)), 15-23.
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Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Assylbek Meiirbekov 0000-0003-4609-1035

Arujan Kurban 0000-0002-0527-4911

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Eylül 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Meiirbekov, A., & Kurban, A. (2023). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS. Türkoloji(115), 1-27.
AMA Meiirbekov A, Kurban A. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS. Türkoloji. Eylül 2023;(115):1-27. doi:10.59358/ayt.1287507
Chicago Meiirbekov, Assylbek, ve Arujan Kurban. “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS”. Türkoloji, sy. 115 (Eylül 2023): 1-27.
EndNote Meiirbekov A, Kurban A (01 Eylül 2023) COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS. Türkoloji 115 1–27.
IEEE A. Meiirbekov ve A. Kurban, “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS”, Türkoloji, sy. 115, ss. 1–27, Eylül 2023, doi: 10.59358/ayt.1287507.
ISNAD Meiirbekov, Assylbek - Kurban, Arujan. “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS”. Türkoloji 115 (Eylül 2023), 1-27.
MLA Meiirbekov, Assylbek ve Arujan Kurban. “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS”. Türkoloji, sy. 115, 2023, ss. 1-27, doi:10.59358/ayt.1287507.
Vancouver Meiirbekov A, Kurban A. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCOTTISH AND KAZAKH TOPONYMIC LEGENDS. Türkoloji. 2023(115):1-27.