Serada topraksız domates yetiştiriciliğinde silisyumun tuz stresine etkisi
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 6 Özel Sayı, 243 - 256, 01.06.2017
Gölgen Bahar Öztekin
Yüksel Tüzel
İ. Hakkı Tüzel
2010 yılı sonbahar döneminde sera domates (cv. Duru F1) yetiştiriciliğinde tuz stresine karşı silisyumun (Si) etkisinin araştırılması amacıyla yürütülen çalışmada, bitkiler 2 farklı besin solüsyonu tuzluluk seviyesinde (2 dS/m:Kontrol ve 8 dS/m:Tuzlu) yetiştirilmiş ve her iki besin solüsyonuna ilave edilen 2.5 mM silisyum (K2SiO3) uygulaması (Si+), silisyumsuz (Si-) kontrol uygulaması ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Yetiştiricilik açık sistem ortam kültürü şeklinde saksılarda yürütülmüş ve denemede üç farklı ortam (perlit, Hindistan cevizi lifi ve klinoptilolit) kullanılmıştır. Bitki gelişimi için gerekli tüm besin elementleri damla sulama ile verilmiştir. Dikimden 3 hafta sonra besin solüsyonuna NaCl ilave edilerek bitkilere tuz uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Üç faktörlü bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre kurulan denemede, fide dikimleri 05.09.2010 tarihinde m2’de 3.48 bitki olacak şekilde yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler; tuzluluğun artan yaprak Na içeriği ile bitki gelişimi, verim, meyve adedi, yaprak K içeriği, bitki su tüketimi ve su kullanım randımanını azalttığını; besin solüsyonuna silisyum ilavesinin ise olumlu etki yaptığını göstermiş; tuzlu koşulda kök bölgesinde silisyum varlığı tuz stresinin olumsuz etkisini azaltıcı yönde etki yapmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, silisyumun tuz stresini azaltmada pratik ve ucuz bir alternatif uygulama olabilabileceği; topraksız yetiştiricilikte organik bir ortam olan Hindistan cevizi lifi kullanımının silisyumun tuz toleransını arttırmadaki etkisini arttırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
- Adak., N., Pekmezci, M., 2011. Farklı fide tipleri ve yetiştirme ortamlarının topraksız kültür çilek yetiştiriciliği üzerine etkileri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 17: 269‐278
- Adams, P., Ho, L.C., 1989. Effect of constant and fluctuating salinity on the yield, quality and calcium status of tomatoes. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 64(6): 725-732.
- Ali, A., Basra, S.M.A., Iqbal, J., Hussain, S., Subhani, M.N., Sarwar, M., Ahmed, M., 2012. Augmenting the salt tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) through exogenously applied silicon. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(3):642-649.
- Al-Karaki, G.N., 2000. Growth, water use efficiency and sodium and potassium acquisition by tomato cultivars grown under salt stres. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 23(1):1-8.
- Anaç, D., Eryüce, N., 2003. Nutrient Management in Protected Cropping in Turkey. Nutrient, Substrate and Water Management in Protected Cropping Systems. The 2003 Dahlia Greidinger Symposium (7-10 December 2003). Ege University, İzmir-Turkey.
- Anderson, D.L., Synder, G.H., Martin, F.G., 1991. Multi year response of sugarcane to calcium silicate slag on Everglades Histosols. Agronomy Journal, 83:870-874.
- Aranda, M.R.R., Oliva, J., Cuartero, J., 2005. Silicon alleviates the deleterious salt effect on tomato plant growth by improving plant water status. Journal of Plant Physiology, 5:10.
- Baille, A., 1996. Principles and methods for predicting crop water requirements in greenhouse environments, CIHEAM – Options Mediterraneennes, 31:177-187.
- Barcelo, J., Guevara, P., Poschenrieder, C., 1993. Silicon amelioration of aluminum toxicity in teosinte (Zea mays L. Spp. Mexicana). Plant Soil, 154:249-255.
- Bolarin, M. C., Estan, M. T., Caro, M., Romero-Cayuela, E., Estan, M. T., Parra, M., Caro, M., Bolarin, M. C., 2001. NaCl pre-treatment at the seedling stage enhances fruit yield of tomato plants irrigated with salt water. Plant and Soil, 230:231-238.
- Castilla, N., 2000. Improved irrigation management of greenhouse vegetables, FAO Regional Working Group Greenhouse Crop Production in The Mediterranean Region, Technical Paper, 46 p.
- Chaves, M.M., Osorio, J., Pereira, J.S., 2004. Water use efficiency and photosynthesis, 42 – 74, Water Use Efficiency in Plant Biology, Bacon, M.A., (Ed.), Blacwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 327 p.
- Cherif, M., Benhamou, N., Menzies, J.G., Belanger, R.R., 1992. Studies of silicon distribution in wounded and Pythium ultimum infected cucumber plants. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 41:371-385.
- Cuartero, J., Romero Aranta, R., Yeo, A. R., Flowers, T. J., 2002. Variability for some physiological characters affecting salt tolerance in tomato. Acta Horticulture, 573:435-441.
- Day, D., 1991. Growing in Perlite. Grower Pub. Ltd., No.12, London, 36 p.
- Dorais, M., Papadopoulos, A.P., Gosselin, A., 2001. Influence of electric conductivity management on greenhouse tomato yield and fruit quality. Agronomic, 21:367-383.
- Epstein, E., 1994. The anomaly of silicon in plant biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences-USA,91:11-17.
- Epstein, E., 1999. Silicon. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 50:641-644.
- Gong, H., Chen, G., Chen, G., Wang, S., Zhang, C., 2003. Effects of silicon on growth of wheat under drought. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 26:1055–1063.
- Gong, H., Chen, G., Chen, G., Wang, S., Zhang, C., 2005. Silicon alleviates oxidative damage of wheat plants in pots under drought. Plant Science, 169:313–321.
- Gül, A., 2008. Topraksız Tarım, Hasad Yayıncılık.
- Hao, X., Papadopoulos, A. P., Dorais, M., Ehret, D. L., Turcotte, G., Gosselin, A., Soneveld, C., Berhoyen, M. N. J., 2000. Improving tomato fruit quality by raising the EC of NFT nutrient solutions and calcium spraying effects on growth photosynthesis yield and quality. Acta Horticulture, 511:213-221.
- Hattori, T., Inanaga, S., Araki, H., Morita, S., Luxova, M., Lux, A., 2005. Application of silicon enhanced drought tolerance in Sorghum bicolor. Physiologia Plantarum, 123(4):459-466.
- Horiguchi, T., 1988. Mechanism of manganese toxicity and tolerance of plants. IV. Effect of silicon on alleviation of manganese toxicity of rice plants. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 34:63-73.
- Howell, T.A., 2006. Chalenges in increasing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture, 53 – 63, In: International Symposium on Water and Land Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, (Eds.: A. Yazar, B. Gencel and S. Tekin), 4 – 8 April 2006, Çukurova University, Adana – Turkey.
- Kacar, B., 1989. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayını, No: 1:153-323.
- Kanber, R., Kırda, C., Tekinel, O., 1992. Sulama Suyu Niteliği ve Sulamada Tuzluluk Sorunları. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yay. No. 21, Ders Kitapları Yay. No. 6, Adana, 241 s.
- Kaplan, M., Sönmez, S., Tokmak, S., 1999. Antalya–Kumluca yöresi kuyu sularının nitratiçerikleri. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23: 309–313.
- Lee, D.B., Kwon, T.O., Park, K.H., 1990. Influence of nitrogen and silica on the yield and the lodging related traits of paddy rice. Research Reports of the Rural Development Administration, Soil & Fertilizer, 32(2):12-23.
- Lewit, J., 1980. Ressponses of Plants to Environmental Stresses. Volume II. AcadermicPres, New York. 607 p.
Li, Y. L., 2000. Analysis of Greenhouse Tomato Production in Relation to Salinity and Shoot Environment. PhD thesis. Insititute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (IMAG), Wageningen.
- Liang, Y.C., Shen, Q., Shen, Z., Ma, T., 1996. Effects of silicon on salinity tolerance of two barley cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 19:173-183.
- Liang, Y.C., Zhang, W.H., Chen, Q., Ding, R., 2005. Effects of silicon on H+-ATPase and H+-P Pase activity, fatty acid composition and fluidity of tonoplast vesicles from roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 53:29–37.
- Lieth, J. H., 1996. Irrigation systems, 1-29, Water, Media and Nutrition for Greenhouse Crops, Reed D.W. (Ed.), Ball Publishing Inc., Illinois, USA, 305 p.
- Lorenzo, P., Sanchez-Guerrero, M.C., Medrano, E., Garcia, M. L., Caparros, I., Gimenez, M., 2003. External greenhouse mobile shading: Effect on microclimate, water use efficiency and yield of tomato crop grown under different salinity levels of the nutrient solution. Acta Horticulture, 609:181-186.
- Lux, A., Luxova, M., Hattori, T., Inanaga, S., Sugimoto, Y., 2002. Silicification in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars with different drought tolerance, Physiologia Plantarum, 115:87-92.
- Ma, T.S., Wang, D.P., Liung, Y.T., Chen, S.H., Zhang, F.S., Wang, S.F., Chieng, Z.Z., Liu, L.Z., 1992. Effect of high efficiency silicate fertilizer on rice. Turang 24(2):168-169.
- Ma, J.F., Takahashi, E., 2002. Soil, Fertilizer and Plant Silicon Research in Japan. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
Maas, E. V., Hoffman, G. J., 1977. Crop Salt Tolerance-Current Assesment, Journal of Irrigation Drain, 103 IR3:115-134.
- Mavrogianopoulos, G., Savvas, D., Vogli, V., 2002. Influence of NaCl-salinity imposed on half of the root system of hydronically grown tomato on growt, yield and tissue mineral composition. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 775:557-564.
- Menzies, J.G., Belanger, R.R., 1996. Recent advances in cultural management of diseases of greenhouse crops. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 18:186-193.
- Meunier, J., 2003. The role of plants in the transfer of silicon from theplant surface into the cytosol. Comptes rendus Geoscience, 335:1199-1206.
- Miyake, Y., Takahashi, E., 1983. Effect of silicon on the growth of solution cultured cucumber plant. Plant Nutrition, 29:71-83.
- Miyake, Y., 1993. Silica in soils and plants. Science report of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University, 81:61-79.
- Munns, R., Termaat, A., 1986. Whole plant responses to salinity. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 13:143-160.
- Navarro, M.J., Martinez, V., Carvajal, M., 2000. Amonium, bicarbonate and calsium effects on tomato plants grown under saline conditions. Plant Science, 157:89-96.
- Qian, Q. Q., Zai, W.S., Zhu, Z.J, Yu, J.Q., 2006. Effects of exogenoussilicon on active oxygen scavenging systems in chloroplastsof cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings under salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 32:107- 112.
- Oztekin, G.B., 2009. Aşılı Domates Bitkilerinde Tuz Stresine Karşı Anaçların Etkisi. Doktora Tezi. Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Bornova, İzmir-Turkey, 342 s.
- Öztekin, G.B., Tüzel, Y., Gül, A., Tüzel, İ. H., 2007. Effects of grafting in saline conditions. Acta Horticulture, 761:349-355.
- Pasternak, D., 1987. Salt Tolerance and Crop Production-A Comprehensive Approach. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 25:271-291.
- Perez Alfocea, F., Estan, M. T., Caro, M., Bolarin, M. C., 1993. Response of tomato cultivars to salinity. Plant and Soil, 150:203-211.
- Raviv, M., Wallach, R., Silber, A., Bar-Tal, A., 2002, Substrates and their analysis, 2:25-102, In: Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals. Eds. D. Savvas and H. Passam, Embryo Publications, Greece.
- Romero-Aranda, R., Soria, T., Cuartero, J., 2000. Tomato water uptake and plant water relationships under saline growth conditions. Plant Science, 160:265-272.
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Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 6 Özel Sayı, 243 - 256, 01.06.2017
Gölgen Bahar Öztekin
Yüksel Tüzel
İ. Hakkı Tüzel
- Adak., N., Pekmezci, M., 2011. Farklı fide tipleri ve yetiştirme ortamlarının topraksız kültür çilek yetiştiriciliği üzerine etkileri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 17: 269‐278
- Adams, P., Ho, L.C., 1989. Effect of constant and fluctuating salinity on the yield, quality and calcium status of tomatoes. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 64(6): 725-732.
- Ali, A., Basra, S.M.A., Iqbal, J., Hussain, S., Subhani, M.N., Sarwar, M., Ahmed, M., 2012. Augmenting the salt tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) through exogenously applied silicon. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(3):642-649.
- Al-Karaki, G.N., 2000. Growth, water use efficiency and sodium and potassium acquisition by tomato cultivars grown under salt stres. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 23(1):1-8.
- Anaç, D., Eryüce, N., 2003. Nutrient Management in Protected Cropping in Turkey. Nutrient, Substrate and Water Management in Protected Cropping Systems. The 2003 Dahlia Greidinger Symposium (7-10 December 2003). Ege University, İzmir-Turkey.
- Anderson, D.L., Synder, G.H., Martin, F.G., 1991. Multi year response of sugarcane to calcium silicate slag on Everglades Histosols. Agronomy Journal, 83:870-874.
- Aranda, M.R.R., Oliva, J., Cuartero, J., 2005. Silicon alleviates the deleterious salt effect on tomato plant growth by improving plant water status. Journal of Plant Physiology, 5:10.
- Baille, A., 1996. Principles and methods for predicting crop water requirements in greenhouse environments, CIHEAM – Options Mediterraneennes, 31:177-187.
- Barcelo, J., Guevara, P., Poschenrieder, C., 1993. Silicon amelioration of aluminum toxicity in teosinte (Zea mays L. Spp. Mexicana). Plant Soil, 154:249-255.
- Bolarin, M. C., Estan, M. T., Caro, M., Romero-Cayuela, E., Estan, M. T., Parra, M., Caro, M., Bolarin, M. C., 2001. NaCl pre-treatment at the seedling stage enhances fruit yield of tomato plants irrigated with salt water. Plant and Soil, 230:231-238.
- Castilla, N., 2000. Improved irrigation management of greenhouse vegetables, FAO Regional Working Group Greenhouse Crop Production in The Mediterranean Region, Technical Paper, 46 p.
- Chaves, M.M., Osorio, J., Pereira, J.S., 2004. Water use efficiency and photosynthesis, 42 – 74, Water Use Efficiency in Plant Biology, Bacon, M.A., (Ed.), Blacwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 327 p.
- Cherif, M., Benhamou, N., Menzies, J.G., Belanger, R.R., 1992. Studies of silicon distribution in wounded and Pythium ultimum infected cucumber plants. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 41:371-385.
- Cuartero, J., Romero Aranta, R., Yeo, A. R., Flowers, T. J., 2002. Variability for some physiological characters affecting salt tolerance in tomato. Acta Horticulture, 573:435-441.
- Day, D., 1991. Growing in Perlite. Grower Pub. Ltd., No.12, London, 36 p.
- Dorais, M., Papadopoulos, A.P., Gosselin, A., 2001. Influence of electric conductivity management on greenhouse tomato yield and fruit quality. Agronomic, 21:367-383.
- Epstein, E., 1994. The anomaly of silicon in plant biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences-USA,91:11-17.
- Epstein, E., 1999. Silicon. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 50:641-644.
- Gong, H., Chen, G., Chen, G., Wang, S., Zhang, C., 2003. Effects of silicon on growth of wheat under drought. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 26:1055–1063.
- Gong, H., Chen, G., Chen, G., Wang, S., Zhang, C., 2005. Silicon alleviates oxidative damage of wheat plants in pots under drought. Plant Science, 169:313–321.
- Gül, A., 2008. Topraksız Tarım, Hasad Yayıncılık.
- Hao, X., Papadopoulos, A. P., Dorais, M., Ehret, D. L., Turcotte, G., Gosselin, A., Soneveld, C., Berhoyen, M. N. J., 2000. Improving tomato fruit quality by raising the EC of NFT nutrient solutions and calcium spraying effects on growth photosynthesis yield and quality. Acta Horticulture, 511:213-221.
- Hattori, T., Inanaga, S., Araki, H., Morita, S., Luxova, M., Lux, A., 2005. Application of silicon enhanced drought tolerance in Sorghum bicolor. Physiologia Plantarum, 123(4):459-466.
- Horiguchi, T., 1988. Mechanism of manganese toxicity and tolerance of plants. IV. Effect of silicon on alleviation of manganese toxicity of rice plants. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 34:63-73.
- Howell, T.A., 2006. Chalenges in increasing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture, 53 – 63, In: International Symposium on Water and Land Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, (Eds.: A. Yazar, B. Gencel and S. Tekin), 4 – 8 April 2006, Çukurova University, Adana – Turkey.
- Kacar, B., 1989. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayını, No: 1:153-323.
- Kanber, R., Kırda, C., Tekinel, O., 1992. Sulama Suyu Niteliği ve Sulamada Tuzluluk Sorunları. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yay. No. 21, Ders Kitapları Yay. No. 6, Adana, 241 s.
- Kaplan, M., Sönmez, S., Tokmak, S., 1999. Antalya–Kumluca yöresi kuyu sularının nitratiçerikleri. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23: 309–313.
- Lee, D.B., Kwon, T.O., Park, K.H., 1990. Influence of nitrogen and silica on the yield and the lodging related traits of paddy rice. Research Reports of the Rural Development Administration, Soil & Fertilizer, 32(2):12-23.
- Lewit, J., 1980. Ressponses of Plants to Environmental Stresses. Volume II. AcadermicPres, New York. 607 p.
Li, Y. L., 2000. Analysis of Greenhouse Tomato Production in Relation to Salinity and Shoot Environment. PhD thesis. Insititute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (IMAG), Wageningen.
- Liang, Y.C., Shen, Q., Shen, Z., Ma, T., 1996. Effects of silicon on salinity tolerance of two barley cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 19:173-183.
- Liang, Y.C., Zhang, W.H., Chen, Q., Ding, R., 2005. Effects of silicon on H+-ATPase and H+-P Pase activity, fatty acid composition and fluidity of tonoplast vesicles from roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 53:29–37.
- Lieth, J. H., 1996. Irrigation systems, 1-29, Water, Media and Nutrition for Greenhouse Crops, Reed D.W. (Ed.), Ball Publishing Inc., Illinois, USA, 305 p.
- Lorenzo, P., Sanchez-Guerrero, M.C., Medrano, E., Garcia, M. L., Caparros, I., Gimenez, M., 2003. External greenhouse mobile shading: Effect on microclimate, water use efficiency and yield of tomato crop grown under different salinity levels of the nutrient solution. Acta Horticulture, 609:181-186.
- Lux, A., Luxova, M., Hattori, T., Inanaga, S., Sugimoto, Y., 2002. Silicification in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars with different drought tolerance, Physiologia Plantarum, 115:87-92.
- Ma, T.S., Wang, D.P., Liung, Y.T., Chen, S.H., Zhang, F.S., Wang, S.F., Chieng, Z.Z., Liu, L.Z., 1992. Effect of high efficiency silicate fertilizer on rice. Turang 24(2):168-169.
- Ma, J.F., Takahashi, E., 2002. Soil, Fertilizer and Plant Silicon Research in Japan. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
Maas, E. V., Hoffman, G. J., 1977. Crop Salt Tolerance-Current Assesment, Journal of Irrigation Drain, 103 IR3:115-134.
- Mavrogianopoulos, G., Savvas, D., Vogli, V., 2002. Influence of NaCl-salinity imposed on half of the root system of hydronically grown tomato on growt, yield and tissue mineral composition. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 775:557-564.
- Menzies, J.G., Belanger, R.R., 1996. Recent advances in cultural management of diseases of greenhouse crops. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 18:186-193.
- Meunier, J., 2003. The role of plants in the transfer of silicon from theplant surface into the cytosol. Comptes rendus Geoscience, 335:1199-1206.
- Miyake, Y., Takahashi, E., 1983. Effect of silicon on the growth of solution cultured cucumber plant. Plant Nutrition, 29:71-83.
- Miyake, Y., 1993. Silica in soils and plants. Science report of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University, 81:61-79.
- Munns, R., Termaat, A., 1986. Whole plant responses to salinity. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 13:143-160.
- Navarro, M.J., Martinez, V., Carvajal, M., 2000. Amonium, bicarbonate and calsium effects on tomato plants grown under saline conditions. Plant Science, 157:89-96.
- Qian, Q. Q., Zai, W.S., Zhu, Z.J, Yu, J.Q., 2006. Effects of exogenoussilicon on active oxygen scavenging systems in chloroplastsof cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings under salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 32:107- 112.
- Oztekin, G.B., 2009. Aşılı Domates Bitkilerinde Tuz Stresine Karşı Anaçların Etkisi. Doktora Tezi. Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Bornova, İzmir-Turkey, 342 s.
- Öztekin, G.B., Tüzel, Y., Gül, A., Tüzel, İ. H., 2007. Effects of grafting in saline conditions. Acta Horticulture, 761:349-355.
- Pasternak, D., 1987. Salt Tolerance and Crop Production-A Comprehensive Approach. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 25:271-291.
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