From the middle of the nineteenth century, and especially after the loss of
the war with Prussia, in order to gain more power in the German world,
Austro-Hungary oriented its foreign policy towards the Balkans. In this respect
of the Austro-Hungary diplomacy, of particular importance will be the Albanian
According to the Kultusprotektorat, the government of Vienna had stretched an impact in Albania, with which it
had also gained the sympathy of the people. This comradship with the Albanians
would be a personal interest for it. The only sea outlet from which
Austro-Hungary could have access to, was the Adriatic. Major part of the trade
with other countries was done through this sea. If on its east coast an enemy
force was ever to be placed, then Austro-Hungarys trade would be confronted
with difficulties. Also, the Adriatic had a political and strategic importance.
The establishement of a foreign fleet on the east coast of the Adriatic, would
turn it into a closed sea for the Austro-Hungary ships. For this reason, it
opposed with determination towards handing over an Albanian port to Serbia, which
it regarded as a Russian policy spokesman on the Ballkans.
In order to maintain its own personal trade,
political-strategic and prestige interests, the government of Vienna supported
the idea of the creation of an Albanian state, which it intended as an ally.
The Albanian patriots, lead by Ismail Qemali, only after recieving needed
assurance from Vienna, announced the independence of Albania. Even the
territorial expansion of the new Albanian state, which was recognized from the
Conference of Ambassadors in London, was a result at first hand, of the
commitment to diplomacy of the Ballhausplatz.
From the nineteenth century, Vienna was and
remained, even after the announcement of national independence, the most
reliable and most important ally for the Albanian nation. Without the help and
support of Austro-Hungary, the Albanians would have suffered even greater loss
than those of the years 1912-1913.
the war with Prussia, in order to gain more power in the German world,
Austro-Hungary oriented its foreign policy towards the Balkans. In this respect
of the Austro-Hungary diplomacy, of particular importance will be the Albanian
According to the Kultusprotektorat, the government of Vienna had stretched an impact in Albania, with which it
had also gained the sympathy of the people. This comradship with the Albanians
would be a personal interest for it. The only sea outlet from which
Austro-Hungary could have access to, was the Adriatic. Major part of the trade
with other countries was done through this sea. If on its east coast an enemy
force was ever to be placed, then Austro-Hungarys trade would be confronted
with difficulties. Also, the Adriatic had a political and strategic importance.
The establishement of a foreign fleet on the east coast of the Adriatic, would
turn it into a closed sea for the Austro-Hungary ships. For this reason, it
opposed with determination towards handing over an Albanian port to Serbia, which
it regarded as a Russian policy spokesman on the Ballkans.
In order to maintain its own personal trade,
political-strategic and prestige interests, the government of Vienna supported
the idea of the creation of an Albanian state, which it intended as an ally.
The Albanian patriots, lead by Ismail Qemali, only after recieving needed
assurance from Vienna, announced the independence of Albania. Even the
territorial expansion of the new Albanian state, which was recognized from the
Conference of Ambassadors in London, was a result at first hand, of the
commitment to diplomacy of the Ballhausplatz.
From the nineteenth century, Vienna was and
remained, even after the announcement of national independence, the most
reliable and most important ally for the Albanian nation. Without the help and
support of Austro-Hungary, the Albanians would have suffered even greater loss
than those of the years 1912-1913.
XX. asrın başlarında Avrupalı büyük
güçlerden Arnavut meselesine en ilgili olan devlet Avusturya-Macaristan’dı.
Viyana politikası Balkan Yarımadası’ndaki bilhassa Arnavutluk’taki siyasi
gelişmelerle yakından ilgiliydi. Bu ilgi yalnız coğrafi yakınlık ya da onun
Güneydoğu Avrupa’ya olan stratejik pozisyonundan kaynaklanmıyor aynı zamanda
Viyana hükümetinin Adriyatik denizinin doğu tarafında serbest hareket etme
niyeti ve çıkarlardan da ileri geliyordu.
Prusya’yla Alman dünyasına nüfuz etme
savaşını kaybettiği XIX. asrın ortalarından itibaren Avusturya-Macaristan,
Arnavutluk ile ilgilenmeye başlamıştı. Bu zamandan itibaren imparatorluğun
Balkan politikasındaki Arnavutluk meselesi önemli bir yer teşkil etmiştir. Zira
Balkanlar, Viyana’nın nüfuzunu arttırabileceği tek bölgeydi. Fakat bu maksadına
nail olabilmesi için Viyana hükümetinin bölgede yaşayan halklardan en az
birinin gönlünü kazanması gerekiyordu. Slav halklar kökenleri, Yunanlar ise
dinlerinden dolayı Rusya`ya bağlıydılar. Balkanlarda Rusya’nın yardımını
beklemeyen tek halk Arnavutlardı.
Yukarıda zikredilen şartlar dolayısıyla
Avusturya-Macaristan’ın nüfuzunu arttırabileceği tek ülke Arnavutluktu. Viyana
hükümeti bakımından rahatlatıcı bir diğer unsur da Kultusprotektorat
idi. Osmanlı
hükümetiyle yapılan antlaşmaya göre Habsburg hükümeti Arnavutlukta, diğer tüm
büyük güçlerden daha avantajlıydı. Bu nedenle Avusturya-Macaristan hükümeti bu
önceliğini XIX. yüzyıl ortalarında Arnavutlukta açtığı ilkokullarıyla
kullanmaya başladı.
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Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Aralık 2012 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2012 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 |