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Saha Tecrübesinde Ortaya Çıkmakta Olan İngilizce Öğretmen Adayı Kimliği ve Kapasitesinin Gelişimi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 842 - 855, 28.12.2022


Hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitiminin bir parçası olan saha tecrübesi, sürekli evrilmekte olan öğretmen kimliği ve kapasitesinin oluşumunda ve gelişiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Literatür taraması saha tecrübesinin İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen olarak kimliklerinin ve kapasitelerinin gelişimindeki yeri üzerine daha fazla çalışmaya gerek olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu nitel durum çalışması İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının (N= 10) öğretmen kimlik ve kapasitelerinin gelişmesinde saha deneyimlerini gerçekleştirdikleri bağlamın etkisini araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, katılımcıların İngilizce nasıl öğretilmeli üzerine olan düşüncelerinde saha tecrübesinden sonra değişiklikler olup olmadığını da araştırmaktadır. Veri derinlemesine görüşme, yansıtıcı günlük ve katılımcıların ürettiği metaforlardan toplanmıştır. Bulgular saha tecrübesinin İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının kimlik ve kapasitelerinin gelişiminde etkili olduğunu ve saha tecrübesinden sonra İngilizce nasıl öğretilmeli husussundaki görüşlülerinde değişiklik olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Çalışmanın hizmet öncesi İngilizce öğretmen eğitimi üzerine etkileri tartışılmıştır.


  • Aduano, J. D., & Heinrich, C. J. (2018). The role of teacher capacity and instructional practice in the integration of educational technology for emergent bilingual students. Computers & Education, 126, 417-432.
  • Beauchamp, C., & Thomas, L. (2009). Understanding teacher identity: An overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(2), 175-189.
  • Brown, R., & Heck, D. (2018). The construction of teacher identity in an alternative education context. Teaching and Teacher Education, 76, 50-57.
  • Bukor, E. (2013). Exploring teacher identity from a holistic perspective: Reconstructing and reconnecting personal and professional selves. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 21(3), 305-327.
  • Bullough Jr., R. V. B. (2015). Theorizing teacher identity: self-narratives and finding place in an audit society. Teacher Development, 19(1), 79-96.
  • Clarke, M. (2009). The ethico-politics of teacher identity. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 41(2), 185-200.
  • Claro, M., Salinas, A., Hutt, T. C., Martin, E. S., Preiss, D. D., Valenzuela, S., & Jara, I. (2018). Teaching in a Digital Environment (TIDE): Defining and measuring teachers' capacity to develop students' digital information and communication skills. Computers & Education, 121, 162-174.
  • Chua, B. L., Liu, W. C., & Chia, S. Y. (2018). Teacher identity, professional practice, and inquiry (PPI) in teacher education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 38(4), 550-564.
  • Cobb, D. J., Harlow, A., & Clark, L. (2018). Examining the teacher identity-agency relationship through legitimate peripheral participation: A longitudinal investigation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 46(5), 495-510.
  • Derry, S. (1999) “A fish called peer learning: Searching for common themes”. In O’Donnell, A. & King, A. (Eds), Cognitive perspectives on peer learning (pp. 197-211). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Edwards, F. C.E., & Edwards, R. J. (2017). A story of culture and teaching: the complexity of teacher identity formation. The Curriculum Journal, 28(2), 190-211.
  • Fadjukoff, P., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2016). Identity formation in adulthood: A longitudinal study from age 27 to 50. Identity, 16(1), 8-23.
  • Friesen, M. D., & Besley, S. C. (2013). Teacher identity development in the first year of teacher education: A developmental and social psychological perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 23-32.
  • Gallchóir, C. Ó., O’Flaherty, J., & Hinchion, C. (2017). Identity development: What I notice about myself as a teacher. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 138-156.
  • Gratch, A. (2000). Becoming Teacher: Student teaching as identity construction. Teaching Education, 11(1), 119-126.
  • Greenleaf, C., Litman, C., & Marple, S. (2018). The impact of inquiry-based professional development on teachers’ capacity to integrate literacy instruction in secondary subject areas. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 226-240.
  • Hammack, P. L. (2015). Theoretical foundations of identity. In K. C. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of identity development (pp. 11-33). OUP.
  • He, P., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2013). Tensions in school–university partnership and EFL pre-service teacher identity formation: A case in mainland China. The Language Learning Journal, 41(2), 205-218. ,
  • Johnston, J., & George, S. (2018). A tool for capacity building: teacher professional learning about teaching writing. Teacher Development, 22(5), 685-702.
  • Karimi, M. N., & Mofidi, M. (2019). L2 teacher identity development: An activity theoretic perspective. System, 81, 122-134.
  • Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self: A process conception for ego psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 8, 5–38.
  • Knowles, G. J. (1992). Models for understanding pre-service and beginning teachers’ biographies: Illustrations from case studies. In I. F. Goodson (Ed.), Studying teachers’ lives (pp. 99–152). Routledge.
  • Kroger, J. (2015). Identity development through adulthood: The move toward “wholeness.” In K. C. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of identity Development (pp. 65–80). OUP.
  • Miller, E. R., Morgan, B., & Medina, A. L. (2017). Exploring language teacher identity work as ethical self-formation. The Modern Language Journal, 101, 91-105.
  • Ministry of National Education. (2012).
  • Morgan, B. (2016). Language teacher identity and the domestication of dissent: An exploratory account. TESOL Quarterly, 50(3), 708-734.
  • Nguyen, M. H. (2017). Negotiating contradictions in developing teacher identity during the EAL practicum in Australia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 399-415.
  • Owens, T. J. (2006). Self and identity. In J. Delameter (Ed.), Handbook of social psychology (pp. 205–232). Springer.
  • Pelini, E. S. (2017). Analysing the socio-psychological construction of identity among pre-service teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(1), 61-70.
  • Pritchard, A., & Woollard, J. (2010). Psychology for the Classroom: Constructivism and Social Learning. Routledge.
  • Reeves, J. (2009). Teacher investment in learner identity. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(1), 34–41.
  • Santoro, N. (1997). The construction of teacher Identity: An analysis of school practicum discourse. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 25(1), 91-99. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(2), 204-29.
  • Schutz, P. A., Francis, D. C., & Hong, J. (2018). Research on teacher identity: Introduction to mapping challenges and innovations. In P. A. Schmitz, J. Hong, & Francis, D. C. (Eds.) Research on teacher identity: Mapping Challenges and Innovations (pp. 3-13). Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Song, J. (2016). Emotions and Language Teacher Identity: Conflicts, Vulnerability, and Transformation. TESOL Quarterly, 50(3), 631-654.
  • Sternberg, K., Karlsson, L., Pitkaniemi, H., & Maaranen, K. (2014). Beginning student teachers’ teacher identities based on their practical theories. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(2), 204-2019.
  • Trent, J. (2010). Teacher education as identity construction. Journal of Education for Teaching, 36(2), 153-168.
  • Trent, J. (2011). Learning, teaching, and constructing identities: ESL pre-service teacher experiences during a short-term international experience programme. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 31(2), 177-194. ,
  • Trent, J. (2013). From learner to teacher: Practice, language, and identity in a teaching practicum. Asis-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41(4), 426-440.
  • Trent, J. (2018). When communities collide: The shared construction and defence of community and identity during a teaching practicum. Teacher Development, 18(1), 29-45.
  • Turnbull, M. (2005). Student teacher professional agency in the practicum. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 33(2), 195-208.
  • Ulvik, M., & Smith, K. (2011). What characterises a good practicum in teacher education? Education Inquiry, 2(3), 517-536.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press.
  • Walkington, J. (2005). Becoming a teacher: Encouraging development of teacher identity through reflective practice. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 33(1), 53-64.
  • Wernicke, M. (2018). Plurilingualism as agentive resource in L2 teacher identity. System, 79, 91-102.
  • Yazan, B. (2018). Being and becoming an ESOL teacher through coursework and internship: Three teacher candidates’ identity negotiation. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 15(3), 205-227.
  • Yuan, R., & Burns, A. (2017). Teacher identity development through action research: A Chinese experience. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 23(6), 729-749.
  • Yuan, R. Lee, I. (2015). The cognitive, social and emotional processes of teacher identity construction in a pre-service teacher education programme. Research Papers in Education, 30(4), 469-491.
  • Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2016). ‘I need to be strong and competent’: A narrative inquiry of a student-teacher’s emotions and identities in teaching practicum. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(7), 819-841.
  • Zhu, G. (2017). Chinese student teachers’ perspectives on becoming a teacher in the practicum: emotional and ethical dimensions o identity shaping. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(4), 491-495.

Development of Pre-Service English Teacher Emerging Teacher Identity and Capacity in Field Experience

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 842 - 855, 28.12.2022


Teacher identity and capacity are constantly evolving constructs in the formation and development of which field experience (FE) in initial teacher preparation programs performs a pivotal role. The review of related literature unveils that more research is needed to scrutinize the place of FE in the development of pre-service English teachers’ (PSETs) identity and capacity as teachers. For this reason, this qualitative case study is conducted in an attempt to explore the place of the context in which pre-service English teachers (N = 10) had their FE in the development of their teacher identity and capacity. Additionally, it investigates if any changes in the beliefs they had held about how English should be taught occurred after having completed their FE. The data was obtained from in-depth interviews, reflective journals, and metaphors created by the participants for the teaching profession. The findings revealed that the FE exerted impact on the development of the PSETs’ emerging teacher identity and capacity, and changes took place in their views about how English should be taught after having completed the FE. The implications of the findings for initial English language teacher education are discussed.


  • Aduano, J. D., & Heinrich, C. J. (2018). The role of teacher capacity and instructional practice in the integration of educational technology for emergent bilingual students. Computers & Education, 126, 417-432.
  • Beauchamp, C., & Thomas, L. (2009). Understanding teacher identity: An overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(2), 175-189.
  • Brown, R., & Heck, D. (2018). The construction of teacher identity in an alternative education context. Teaching and Teacher Education, 76, 50-57.
  • Bukor, E. (2013). Exploring teacher identity from a holistic perspective: Reconstructing and reconnecting personal and professional selves. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 21(3), 305-327.
  • Bullough Jr., R. V. B. (2015). Theorizing teacher identity: self-narratives and finding place in an audit society. Teacher Development, 19(1), 79-96.
  • Clarke, M. (2009). The ethico-politics of teacher identity. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 41(2), 185-200.
  • Claro, M., Salinas, A., Hutt, T. C., Martin, E. S., Preiss, D. D., Valenzuela, S., & Jara, I. (2018). Teaching in a Digital Environment (TIDE): Defining and measuring teachers' capacity to develop students' digital information and communication skills. Computers & Education, 121, 162-174.
  • Chua, B. L., Liu, W. C., & Chia, S. Y. (2018). Teacher identity, professional practice, and inquiry (PPI) in teacher education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 38(4), 550-564.
  • Cobb, D. J., Harlow, A., & Clark, L. (2018). Examining the teacher identity-agency relationship through legitimate peripheral participation: A longitudinal investigation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 46(5), 495-510.
  • Derry, S. (1999) “A fish called peer learning: Searching for common themes”. In O’Donnell, A. & King, A. (Eds), Cognitive perspectives on peer learning (pp. 197-211). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Edwards, F. C.E., & Edwards, R. J. (2017). A story of culture and teaching: the complexity of teacher identity formation. The Curriculum Journal, 28(2), 190-211.
  • Fadjukoff, P., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2016). Identity formation in adulthood: A longitudinal study from age 27 to 50. Identity, 16(1), 8-23.
  • Friesen, M. D., & Besley, S. C. (2013). Teacher identity development in the first year of teacher education: A developmental and social psychological perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 23-32.
  • Gallchóir, C. Ó., O’Flaherty, J., & Hinchion, C. (2017). Identity development: What I notice about myself as a teacher. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 138-156.
  • Gratch, A. (2000). Becoming Teacher: Student teaching as identity construction. Teaching Education, 11(1), 119-126.
  • Greenleaf, C., Litman, C., & Marple, S. (2018). The impact of inquiry-based professional development on teachers’ capacity to integrate literacy instruction in secondary subject areas. Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 226-240.
  • Hammack, P. L. (2015). Theoretical foundations of identity. In K. C. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of identity development (pp. 11-33). OUP.
  • He, P., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2013). Tensions in school–university partnership and EFL pre-service teacher identity formation: A case in mainland China. The Language Learning Journal, 41(2), 205-218. ,
  • Johnston, J., & George, S. (2018). A tool for capacity building: teacher professional learning about teaching writing. Teacher Development, 22(5), 685-702.
  • Karimi, M. N., & Mofidi, M. (2019). L2 teacher identity development: An activity theoretic perspective. System, 81, 122-134.
  • Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self: A process conception for ego psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 8, 5–38.
  • Knowles, G. J. (1992). Models for understanding pre-service and beginning teachers’ biographies: Illustrations from case studies. In I. F. Goodson (Ed.), Studying teachers’ lives (pp. 99–152). Routledge.
  • Kroger, J. (2015). Identity development through adulthood: The move toward “wholeness.” In K. C. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of identity Development (pp. 65–80). OUP.
  • Miller, E. R., Morgan, B., & Medina, A. L. (2017). Exploring language teacher identity work as ethical self-formation. The Modern Language Journal, 101, 91-105.
  • Ministry of National Education. (2012).
  • Morgan, B. (2016). Language teacher identity and the domestication of dissent: An exploratory account. TESOL Quarterly, 50(3), 708-734.
  • Nguyen, M. H. (2017). Negotiating contradictions in developing teacher identity during the EAL practicum in Australia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 399-415.
  • Owens, T. J. (2006). Self and identity. In J. Delameter (Ed.), Handbook of social psychology (pp. 205–232). Springer.
  • Pelini, E. S. (2017). Analysing the socio-psychological construction of identity among pre-service teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(1), 61-70.
  • Pritchard, A., & Woollard, J. (2010). Psychology for the Classroom: Constructivism and Social Learning. Routledge.
  • Reeves, J. (2009). Teacher investment in learner identity. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(1), 34–41.
  • Santoro, N. (1997). The construction of teacher Identity: An analysis of school practicum discourse. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 25(1), 91-99. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(2), 204-29.
  • Schutz, P. A., Francis, D. C., & Hong, J. (2018). Research on teacher identity: Introduction to mapping challenges and innovations. In P. A. Schmitz, J. Hong, & Francis, D. C. (Eds.) Research on teacher identity: Mapping Challenges and Innovations (pp. 3-13). Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Song, J. (2016). Emotions and Language Teacher Identity: Conflicts, Vulnerability, and Transformation. TESOL Quarterly, 50(3), 631-654.
  • Sternberg, K., Karlsson, L., Pitkaniemi, H., & Maaranen, K. (2014). Beginning student teachers’ teacher identities based on their practical theories. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37(2), 204-2019.
  • Trent, J. (2010). Teacher education as identity construction. Journal of Education for Teaching, 36(2), 153-168.
  • Trent, J. (2011). Learning, teaching, and constructing identities: ESL pre-service teacher experiences during a short-term international experience programme. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 31(2), 177-194. ,
  • Trent, J. (2013). From learner to teacher: Practice, language, and identity in a teaching practicum. Asis-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41(4), 426-440.
  • Trent, J. (2018). When communities collide: The shared construction and defence of community and identity during a teaching practicum. Teacher Development, 18(1), 29-45.
  • Turnbull, M. (2005). Student teacher professional agency in the practicum. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 33(2), 195-208.
  • Ulvik, M., & Smith, K. (2011). What characterises a good practicum in teacher education? Education Inquiry, 2(3), 517-536.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard University Press.
  • Walkington, J. (2005). Becoming a teacher: Encouraging development of teacher identity through reflective practice. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 33(1), 53-64.
  • Wernicke, M. (2018). Plurilingualism as agentive resource in L2 teacher identity. System, 79, 91-102.
  • Yazan, B. (2018). Being and becoming an ESOL teacher through coursework and internship: Three teacher candidates’ identity negotiation. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 15(3), 205-227.
  • Yuan, R., & Burns, A. (2017). Teacher identity development through action research: A Chinese experience. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 23(6), 729-749.
  • Yuan, R. Lee, I. (2015). The cognitive, social and emotional processes of teacher identity construction in a pre-service teacher education programme. Research Papers in Education, 30(4), 469-491.
  • Yuan, R., & Lee, I. (2016). ‘I need to be strong and competent’: A narrative inquiry of a student-teacher’s emotions and identities in teaching practicum. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(7), 819-841.
  • Zhu, G. (2017). Chinese student teachers’ perspectives on becoming a teacher in the practicum: emotional and ethical dimensions o identity shaping. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(4), 491-495.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Gülten Koşar 0000-0002-4687-4382

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Koşar, G. (2022). Development of Pre-Service English Teacher Emerging Teacher Identity and Capacity in Field Experience. Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 842-855.