Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 269 - 296, 01.07.2022


Siber suç veya bilgisayarla ilgili suç, sosyal ve ekonomik özellikleri bakımından geleneksel ve organize suçlardan önemli ölçüde farklı olan, sınıraşan suçun en yaygın biçimidir. Siber uzay, ekonomik kalkınma, sosyal etkileşim ve siyasi işbirliği için sayısız fırsat sunar, ancak aynı zamanda yasadışı gözetim, kişisel veri toplama, demokratik süreçleri etkileme, suç işleme ve çeşitli savaş yöntemleri ve yöntemlerinin değiş tokuş edilmesi için araçlar sağlar. Bu makale, 2021-2026 için Sırbistan Cumhuriyeti’nde Bilgi Toplumu Geliştirme ve Bilgi Güvenliği Stratejisinin analizine özel vurgu yaparak, siber uzayda bilgi güvenliği, veri güvenliği ve sapkın davranışlarla ilgili Sırbistan Cumhuriyeti’ndeki yasal belgelere genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Kriminolojik yaklaşımı kullanan bu çalışma, siber suçlar ve çeşitli diğer suç faaliyetleriyle ilgili mevcut cezai suçlarla ilgili mevzuata ve aynı zamanda Sırbistan'ın bilgi ve siber güvenlik alanında gerçekleştirdiği uluslararası işbirliğine odaklanmaktadır.


  • “Act on Special Measures for Preventing the Commission of Sex Crimes against Minors”, Official Gazette of the RS, no. 32/13.
  • ANDREW, M. Colarik, and JANCZEWSKI, Lech, “Establishing Cyber Warfare Doctrine”, Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012, pp. 31-48.
  • BUKVIĆ, Rajo and PETROVIĆ, Dragan, “Manufacturing and Information Society in Serbia: Current Status and Prospects”, 11th International Conference “Economics and Management-Based on New Technologies”, 20-23 June 2021, Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia), pp. 1-10.
  • BURTON, Joe, “NATO’s cyber defence: strategic challenges and institutional adaptation”, Defence Studies, Volume 15, Number 4, 2015, pp. 297-319.
  • CARR, Madeline, “Public-private partnerships in national cyber-security strategies”, International Affairs, Volume 92, Number 1, 2016, pp. 43-62.
  • ČEKEREVAC, Zoran, PRIGODA, Ludmila, BOGAVAC, Milanka and ČEKEREVAC, Petar, “Digital administration in the Republic of Serbia”, Biblioteka, pp. 1-12,, (08/03/2022).
  • “Criminal Code”, Republic of Serbia, 2019,, (03/02/2022).
  • “Criminal Procedure Code”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 72/2011, 101/2011, 121/2012, 32/2013, 45/2013, 55/2014, 35/2019, 27/2021- Constitutional Court Decision, 62/2021. “Data Secrecy Law”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 2009,, (06/02/2022).
  • GOSPIĆ, Nataša, MURIĆ, Goran and BOGOJEVIC, Dragan, “Managing Critical Infrastructure for Sustainable Development in the Telecommunications Sector in the Republic of Serbia”, E-society Journal: Research and Applications, Volume 3, Number 2, 2012, pp. 51-59.
  • GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, “Decree on Safety and Protection of Children When Using Information and Communication Technologies”, Official Gazette RS, 2016.
  • GOVERNMENT OF SERBIA STRATEGIES, “Information Society Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia until year 2020”, Serbian Government General Secretariat,, (07/02/2022).
  • “Information Security Law”, Official Gazette RS 77/2019, 2019,, (09/02/2022).
  • “Information Society and Information Security Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2021-2026”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 30/18, 2021,, (08/02/2022).
  • “Law on Information Security”, Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia, 2019,, (05/02/2022).
  • MINISTRY OF DEFENSE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, “Exercise Cyber Tesla 2021 Successfully Completed”, 09/12/2021,, (05/02/2022).
  • “On The Organisation and Competences of Government Authorities Combating Cyber Crime”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 2009, No 61/2005 and 104/2009.
  • OSCE, “Decision no. 1039 Development of confidence – building measures to reduce the risks of conflict stemming from the use of information and communication Technologies”, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Permanent Council, 2012,, (10/02/2022).
  • “Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace”, 2021,, (09/02/2022).
  • PAVIĆEVIĆ, Marko, OBRADOVIĆ, Maja, and OBRADOVIĆ, Ana, “Information and Communication Technologies: Use by Companies in the Republic of Serbia”, International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, Sinteza, 2021, pp. 214-219,, (10/03/2022).
  • RATEL, “Exercise Cyber Tesla 2021”, 10/12/2021,, (05/02/2022).
  • REPUBLICAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS, “Use of information and communication technologies in the Republic of Serbia”, Republic of Serbia, 2021,, (09/02/2022).
  • “Regulation on the procedure for data submission, lists, types and importance of incidents and importance of incidents and procedures of notification on incidents in information-communication systems of special importance”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Number 94, November 24, 2016.
  • RIZMAL, Irina, Vodič kroz informacionu bezbednost u Republici Srbiji 2.0, Grid studio, Belgrad 2018.
  • RIZMAL, Irina, RADUNOVIĆ, Vladimir and KRIVOKAPIĆ, Đorđe, “Guide through Information Security in the Republic of Serbia”, OSCE, 2020, pp. 1-82,, (06/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o tajnosti podataka, 2009,, (06/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o Potvrđivanju Konvencije o Visokotehnološkom Kriminalu, 19 March 2009,, (04.02.2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon O Potvrđivanju Dodatnog Protokola Uz Konvenciju O Visokotehnološkom Kriminalu Koji Se Odnosi Na Inkriminaciju Dela Rasističke I Ksenofobične Prirode Izvršenih Preko Računarskih Sistema, 19 March 2009,, (04.02.2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon O Organizaciji I Nadležnosti Državnih Organa Za Borbu Protiv Visokotehnološkog Kriminala, 16 December 2009,, (04.02.2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Strategija razvoja informacionog društva u Republici Srbiji do 2020,, (07/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o posebnim merama za sprečavanje vršena krivičnih dela protiv polne slobode prema maloletnim licima, 2013,, (05/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Uredba o bližem uređenju mera zaštite informacionokomunikcionih sistema od posebnog značaja, 2016,, (07/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Strategija razvoja informacione bezbednosti za period od 2017. do 2020, 2017,, (08/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o izmenama dopunama Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije, 2019,, (03/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o informacionoj bezbednosti Republike Srbije, 2019,, (05/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela, 2019,, (05/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakonik o krivičnom postupku, 72/2011, 101/2011, 121/2012, 32/2013, 45/2013, 55/2014, 35/2019, 27/2021, 62/2021.
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Krivični Zakonik, 2019,, (07/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, O Izmenama I Dopunama Zakona O İnformacionoj Bezbednosti, 2019,, (09/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Uredba o bezbednosti i zaštiti dece pri korišćenju informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, 2020,, (09/02/2022). SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o posebnim ovlašćenjima radi efikasne zaštite prava intelektualne svojine, 2021,, (06/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Strategija razvoja informacionog društva i informacione bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji za period od 2021. do 2026, 2021,, (08/02/2022).
  • “Strategy for the Development of Information Security in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2017 to 2020”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Number 53/2017.
  • VILIĆ, Vida, “Legal framework for fighting cybercrime and criminal activities on social networks: the example of former Yugoslavia”, Contemporary Issues in International Relations: Problems of the International Community, 2020, (ed.) Dr.Mehmet Emin Erendor and Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2020, pp. 90-130.
  • VLADA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE, “Podrška Norveške jačanju informacione bezbednosti”,, (05/02/2022).
  • VULETIC, Dejan, SARANOVİC, Jovanka and MARCEK, Jan, “Lack of Computer Emergency Response Team in the Republic of Serbia - A Securıty Challenge”, Međunarodni Naučnı Skup International Scientific Conference, 3-4 March 2015, Belgrade, pp. 183-188.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 269 - 296, 01.07.2022


Cybercrime or the computer-related crime is the most widespread form of transnational crime, which is in its social and economic characteristics significantly different from traditional and organized crime. Cyberspace offers countless opportunities for economic development, social interaction, and political cooperation, but also provides tools for illegal surveillance, personal data collection, influencing democratic processes, committing crimes, and exchanging numerous ways and methods of warfare. This paper provides an overview of legal documents in the Republic of Serbia related to information security, data security, and deviant behavior in cyberspace, with special emphasis on the analysis of the Strategy for Information Society Development and Information Security in the Republic of Serbia for 2021-2026. Using the criminological approach, this paper focuses on legislation concerning existing criminal offenses related to cybercrime and various forms of other criminal activities, but also on the international cooperation that Serbia achieves in the field of information and cyber security.


  • “Act on Special Measures for Preventing the Commission of Sex Crimes against Minors”, Official Gazette of the RS, no. 32/13.
  • ANDREW, M. Colarik, and JANCZEWSKI, Lech, “Establishing Cyber Warfare Doctrine”, Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012, pp. 31-48.
  • BUKVIĆ, Rajo and PETROVIĆ, Dragan, “Manufacturing and Information Society in Serbia: Current Status and Prospects”, 11th International Conference “Economics and Management-Based on New Technologies”, 20-23 June 2021, Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia), pp. 1-10.
  • BURTON, Joe, “NATO’s cyber defence: strategic challenges and institutional adaptation”, Defence Studies, Volume 15, Number 4, 2015, pp. 297-319.
  • CARR, Madeline, “Public-private partnerships in national cyber-security strategies”, International Affairs, Volume 92, Number 1, 2016, pp. 43-62.
  • ČEKEREVAC, Zoran, PRIGODA, Ludmila, BOGAVAC, Milanka and ČEKEREVAC, Petar, “Digital administration in the Republic of Serbia”, Biblioteka, pp. 1-12,, (08/03/2022).
  • “Criminal Code”, Republic of Serbia, 2019,, (03/02/2022).
  • “Criminal Procedure Code”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 72/2011, 101/2011, 121/2012, 32/2013, 45/2013, 55/2014, 35/2019, 27/2021- Constitutional Court Decision, 62/2021. “Data Secrecy Law”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 2009,, (06/02/2022).
  • GOSPIĆ, Nataša, MURIĆ, Goran and BOGOJEVIC, Dragan, “Managing Critical Infrastructure for Sustainable Development in the Telecommunications Sector in the Republic of Serbia”, E-society Journal: Research and Applications, Volume 3, Number 2, 2012, pp. 51-59.
  • GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, “Decree on Safety and Protection of Children When Using Information and Communication Technologies”, Official Gazette RS, 2016.
  • GOVERNMENT OF SERBIA STRATEGIES, “Information Society Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia until year 2020”, Serbian Government General Secretariat,, (07/02/2022).
  • “Information Security Law”, Official Gazette RS 77/2019, 2019,, (09/02/2022).
  • “Information Society and Information Security Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2021-2026”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 30/18, 2021,, (08/02/2022).
  • “Law on Information Security”, Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia, 2019,, (05/02/2022).
  • MINISTRY OF DEFENSE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, “Exercise Cyber Tesla 2021 Successfully Completed”, 09/12/2021,, (05/02/2022).
  • “On The Organisation and Competences of Government Authorities Combating Cyber Crime”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 2009, No 61/2005 and 104/2009.
  • OSCE, “Decision no. 1039 Development of confidence – building measures to reduce the risks of conflict stemming from the use of information and communication Technologies”, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Permanent Council, 2012,, (10/02/2022).
  • “Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace”, 2021,, (09/02/2022).
  • PAVIĆEVIĆ, Marko, OBRADOVIĆ, Maja, and OBRADOVIĆ, Ana, “Information and Communication Technologies: Use by Companies in the Republic of Serbia”, International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, Sinteza, 2021, pp. 214-219,, (10/03/2022).
  • RATEL, “Exercise Cyber Tesla 2021”, 10/12/2021,, (05/02/2022).
  • REPUBLICAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS, “Use of information and communication technologies in the Republic of Serbia”, Republic of Serbia, 2021,, (09/02/2022).
  • “Regulation on the procedure for data submission, lists, types and importance of incidents and importance of incidents and procedures of notification on incidents in information-communication systems of special importance”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Number 94, November 24, 2016.
  • RIZMAL, Irina, Vodič kroz informacionu bezbednost u Republici Srbiji 2.0, Grid studio, Belgrad 2018.
  • RIZMAL, Irina, RADUNOVIĆ, Vladimir and KRIVOKAPIĆ, Đorđe, “Guide through Information Security in the Republic of Serbia”, OSCE, 2020, pp. 1-82,, (06/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o tajnosti podataka, 2009,, (06/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o Potvrđivanju Konvencije o Visokotehnološkom Kriminalu, 19 March 2009,, (04.02.2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon O Potvrđivanju Dodatnog Protokola Uz Konvenciju O Visokotehnološkom Kriminalu Koji Se Odnosi Na Inkriminaciju Dela Rasističke I Ksenofobične Prirode Izvršenih Preko Računarskih Sistema, 19 March 2009,, (04.02.2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon O Organizaciji I Nadležnosti Državnih Organa Za Borbu Protiv Visokotehnološkog Kriminala, 16 December 2009,, (04.02.2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Strategija razvoja informacionog društva u Republici Srbiji do 2020,, (07/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o posebnim merama za sprečavanje vršena krivičnih dela protiv polne slobode prema maloletnim licima, 2013,, (05/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Uredba o bližem uređenju mera zaštite informacionokomunikcionih sistema od posebnog značaja, 2016,, (07/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Strategija razvoja informacione bezbednosti za period od 2017. do 2020, 2017,, (08/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o izmenama dopunama Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije, 2019,, (03/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o informacionoj bezbednosti Republike Srbije, 2019,, (05/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o oduzimanju imovine proistekle iz krivičnog dela, 2019,, (05/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakonik o krivičnom postupku, 72/2011, 101/2011, 121/2012, 32/2013, 45/2013, 55/2014, 35/2019, 27/2021, 62/2021.
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Krivični Zakonik, 2019,, (07/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, O Izmenama I Dopunama Zakona O İnformacionoj Bezbednosti, 2019,, (09/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Uredba o bezbednosti i zaštiti dece pri korišćenju informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, 2020,, (09/02/2022). SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Zakon o posebnim ovlašćenjima radi efikasne zaštite prava intelektualne svojine, 2021,, (06/02/2022).
  • SLUŽBENI GLASNIK RS, Strategija razvoja informacionog društva i informacione bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji za period od 2021. do 2026, 2021,, (08/02/2022).
  • “Strategy for the Development of Information Security in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2017 to 2020”, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Number 53/2017.
  • VILIĆ, Vida, “Legal framework for fighting cybercrime and criminal activities on social networks: the example of former Yugoslavia”, Contemporary Issues in International Relations: Problems of the International Community, 2020, (ed.) Dr.Mehmet Emin Erendor and Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle 2020, pp. 90-130.
  • VLADA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE, “Podrška Norveške jačanju informacione bezbednosti”,, (05/02/2022).
  • VULETIC, Dejan, SARANOVİC, Jovanka and MARCEK, Jan, “Lack of Computer Emergency Response Team in the Republic of Serbia - A Securıty Challenge”, Međunarodni Naučnı Skup International Scientific Conference, 3-4 March 2015, Belgrade, pp. 183-188.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Vida Vılıć Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1413-4037

Mehmet Emin Erendor Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Vılıć, V., & Erendor, M. E. (2022). THE INFORMATION SOCIETY AND INFORMATION SECURITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(1), 269-296.

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