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Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 54 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 361 - 368, 25.03.2025


Kıbrıs akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) kirli havaya dayanıklılık gösterdiği için özellikle yol ağaçlandırmalarında ve kent içi refüj düzenlemelerinde tercih edilen Leguminosae familyasına ait bir türdür. Kıbrıs akasyası, peyzajda yol ağaçlandırma çalışmalarındaki bu işlevinin yanı sıra sarı çiçekleri ile sağladığı görsel etki ile de dikkat çekmektedir. Bu araştırmada, kadmiyumun Acacia cyanophylla tohumlarının çimlenmesine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Laboratuvar koşullarında ve petri kaplarında yürütülen bu çalışmada kültür ortamları 75, 150, 225 ve 300 ppm konsantrasyonlarındaki kadmiyuma (Cd) maruz bırakılmıştır. Cd bulaştırılan ortamlara ekilen ve ayrıca bu ortamlarda bitki büyümeyi teşvik edici Serratia grimesii bakteri ırkı inoküle edilen tohumların çimlenme oranı, hızı sürgün sayısı parametreleri incelenmiştir. Serratia grimesii bakteri ırkı azot bağlama ve ACC deaminaz aktivitesi gösteren bir bakteri ırkıdır. Bakterinin bu özelliklerinin çalışmasıyla Kıbrıs akasyası tohumlarının artan kadmiyum dozlarında çimlenip büyümeleri bu bitki türünün kirli ortamda yetişip kullanılabilirliği hakkında ön izlenim oluşturacaktır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre çimlenme oranları ve hızları, en düşük ve en yüksek olarak sırasıyla %43,33 (Bakteri) ve %70 (150 ppm Cd) oranlarında tespit edilmiştir. Çimlenme hızı da buna paralel olarak en düşük 14,44 ile bakteri ve en yüksek 23,33 ile 150 ppm Cd uygulamasında belirlenmiştir. Bakterinin 75, 150 ve 225 ppm konsantrasyonundaki Cd ile birlikte uygulandığı kültür ortamlarında sürgün oluşumu gözlenmezken, en yüksek sürgün sayısı 300 ppm Cd uygulamasında elde edilmiştir.


  • NAS (National Academy of Sciences), 1980. Firewood crops; shrub and tress species for energy production. National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
  • FAO, 2010. Global forest assessment. Country report: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
  • Choukr-Allah, R. 1997. The potential of salt-tolerant plants for utilization of saline water. Séminaires Méditerranéennes, Ser. A/number 31:313-325, idpdf=ci971547.
  • Birişçi, T., Sönmez Türel, H., Özeren Alkan, M. 2017. Kültürpark’ın ağaç, ağaççık ve çalıları. Bitki Tanıtım Kitabı. ISBN:978-975-18-0223-1, Anadolu Matbaacılık, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 128s.
  • URL-1. (Erişim: 27.08.2024).
  • Teixeira, H., Rodríguez-Echeverría, S. 2016. Identification of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria from three African leguminous trees in Gorongosa National Park. Syst Appl. Microbiol. 39(5):350-358, 2016.05.004.
  • Boukhatem, Z.F., Domergue, O., Bekki, A., Merabet, C., Sekkour, S., Bouazza, F., Duponnois, R., de Lajudie, P., Galiana, A. 2012. Symbiotic characterization and diversity of rhizobia associated with native and introduced acacias in arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 80(3):534-547, 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01315.x.
  • Dejordjevic, M.A., Gabriel, D.W., Rolfe, B.G. 1987. Rhizobium-the refined parasite of legumes. Annual Reviews of Phytopathology 25:145-168.
  • Ferreira, M.C.B., Fernandes, M.S., Döberenier, J. 1987. Role of Azospirillum brasilense nitrate reductase in nitrate assimilation by wheat plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 4:47-53.
  • Hashem, A., Abd-Allah, E.F., Alqarawi, A.A., Al-Huqail, A.A., Wirth, S., Egamberdieva, D. 2016. The interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and endophytic bacteria enhances plant growth of Acacia gerrardii under salt stress. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 7:1089, https://doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01089.
  • Groppa, M.D., Ianuzzo, M.P., Rosales, E.P., Vázquez, S.C., Benavides, M.P. 2012. Cadmium modulates NADPH oxidase activity and expression in sunflower leaves. Biol Plant 56:167-171,
  • Eshkab, İ., Shanta, M.B., Hisham N.El Waer 2014. Influence of pre-sowing seed treatments on germination properties and early seedling growth of Acacia cyanophylla. Int. Journal of Advances in Agricultural & Environmental Eng. (IJAAEE) 1(2):208-211, c0215157.
  • Farooq, M., Basra, S.M.A., Wahid, A. 2006. Priming of field-sown rice seed enhances germination, seedling establishment, allometry and yield. Plant Growth Regulators 49:285-294,
  • Yari, L., Khazaei, F., Sedghi, H., Sheidaei, S. 2011. Effect of seed priming on grain yield components of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 6(6):1-5.
  • Saleem, M.S., Sajid, M., Ahmed, Z., Ahmed, S., Ahmed, N., Islam, S.U. 2014. Effect of seed soaking on seed germination and growth of bitter gourd cultivars. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 6(6):7-11.
  • Sivritepe, N., Sivritepe, H.O., Eriş, A. 2003. The effect of NaCl priming on salt tolerance in melon seedlings grown under saline conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 97(3-4):229-237, 1016/s0304-4238(02)00198-x.
  • Basra, S.M.A., Farooq, M., Tabassum, R., Ahmad, A. 2005. Physiological and biochemical aspects of pre-sowing seed treatment in fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Seed Science Technology 33:623-628,
  • Soughir, M., Elouaer, M.A., Hannachi, C. 2013. The effect of NaCl priming on emergence, growth and yield of fenugreek under saline conditions. Cercetări Agronomice in Maldova 2(154):73-83.
  • Agholaghi, M.A., Sedghi, M. 2014. The effect of halo- and hydro-priming on germination characteristics of millet seeds under salinity stress. Cercetări Agronomice in Maldova 2(158):41-48,
  • Ashraf, M., Foolad, M.R. 2005. Pre-sowing seed treatment- a shotgun approach to improve germination, plant growth, and crop yield under saline and non-saline conditions. Advances in Agronomy 88:223-271, s0065-2113(05)88006-x.
  • Nasim, F.H., Mohammad, A., Mohammad, A. 1995. Effect of priming treatments on germination of Acacia nilotica seeds. Hamdard Medicus 30(2):116-123.
  • Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C., Bourne, W.F. 1998. Effects of pre-sowing treatment with calcium salts, potassium salts or water on germination and salt tolerance of Acacia seeds. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 21(2):227-285, 01904169809365402.
  • Harris, P.J.C., Bourne, W.F., Rehman, S. 1999. Effect of hardening on the salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Conference: Sixth Symposium on Seed Establishment, ISHS, Roanoke, Virginia, USA, pp:34.
  • Cao, B., Zhai, M., Wu, L. 2005. Effect of prechilling on germination of Robinia pseudocacia under salt stress. Journal of Beijing Forestry University 27(4):39-42.
  • Wang, Y., Sujuan, G., Wang, W. 2011. Effect of priming on germination and physiological properties of Pinus armandii seeds. Journal of Northeast Forestry 39(2):21-23.
  • Kim, D., Han, S., Ku, J., Lee, K. 2009. Effect of cryoprotectants and post storage priming on seed germination of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don). Silvae Genetica 58(4):162-168. https://
  • Shen, T.Y., Odén, P.C. 2002. Relationship between seed vigour and fumarase activity in Picea abies, Pinus contorta, Betula pendula and Fagus sylvatica. Seed Science and Technology 30(1):177-186.
  • Struve, D.K. 1998. Seed conditioning of red oak: a recalcitrant North American seed. Scientia Agricola, pp:67-73, s0103-90161998000500012.
  • Brancalion, P.H.S., Tay, D., Novembre, A.D.L.C, Rodrigues, R.R., Tay, D. 2008. Priming Mimosa bimucronata seeds - a tropical tree species from Brazil. Acta Horticulturae 78:163-167. https://
  • Huang, Y.G. 1999. Enhancing tolerance of lodgepole pine and white spruce seeds to thermo-hygrostresses by Osmo conditioning. Seed Science and Technology 17(2):341-353.
  • Khalil, S.K., Mexal, J.G., Otiz, M. 1998. Osmotic priming hastens germination and improves seedlings size of Pinus brutia var. eldarica. Tree Plant Notes 48(1-2):24-27.
  • Neeraj, K., Saxena, A.K. 2003. Effect of presowing treatments on seed germination and seedling growth of Acacia nilotica Wild. Range Management and Agroforestry 24(2):104-113.
  • Erman, M., Kotan, R., Çakmakçı, R., Çığ, F., Karagöz, K., Sezen, M. 2010. Van Gölü havzasından izole edilen azot fikseri ve fosfat çözücü bakterilerin buğday ve şeker pancarında büyüme ve verim özelikleri üzerine etkileri. Türkiye 4. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, 28 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010, Erzurum, s:326-330.
  • Gosh, P., Dash, P.K., Rituraj, S., Mannan, M.A. 2014. Effect of salinity on germination, growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) varieties. International Journal of Biosciences 5(1):37-48,
  • Clarck, D.S. 1965. Method for estimating the bacterial population on surfaces. Can J. Microbiol. 22:374.
  • Sivritepe, H.Ö. 2012. Tohum gücünün değerlendirilmesi. Alatarım 11(2):33-44.
  • Çakmakçı, R. 2009. Stres koşullarında ACC deaminaze üretici bakteriler tarafından bitki gelişiminin teşvik edilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 40(1):109-125.
  • Çığ, A. 2022. Determination of germination and some early development parameters of Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. seeds by bacteria applications showing ACDD activity under lead stress. International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies, 6-8 March 2022, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, pp:1617-1628.
  • Çığ, A. 2022. A study on the effects of Brevibacillus choshinensis (TV53D) and Serratia grimesii (TV62D) bacterial strains on the germination of Ceratonia siliqua L. seeds. International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies, 6-8 March 2022, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, pp:1508-1517.
  • Çığ, A. 2021. Germination of Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. seeds by bacteria applications showing ACCD activity and nickel-contaminated media. 7. International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Science and Rural Development, 18-19 September 2021, Muş, Türkiye, pp:995-1006.

Effects of Serratia grimesii Bacterial Strain on Germination of Golden Wreath Wattle (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Seeds under Cadmium Impact

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 54 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 361 - 368, 25.03.2025


Golden wreath (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) is a species belonging to the Leguminosae family, which is especially preferred in road afforestation and urban median landscape arrangements due to its resistance to air pollution. In addition to this function in road afforestation studies in landscape, Golden wreath wattle also draws attention with the visual effect it provides with its yellow flowers. Cadmium is a non-nutritive metal considered harmful to the environment and to humans. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of cadmium, on seed germination of A.cyanophylla. In this study, which was conducted under laboratory conditions and in petri dishes, culture media were exposed to cadmium (Cd) at concentrations of 75, 150, 225 and 300 ppm. In addition, the plant growth promoting Serratia grimesii bacterial strain was inoculated into the seeds simultaneously or alone and the germination percentage, rate and shooting number parameters were examined. Serratia grimesii bacterial strain is a bacterial strain that exhibits nitrogen fixation and ACC deaminase activity. By studying these properties of the bacteria, the germination and growth of golden wreath wattle seeds in increasing cadmium doses will create a preliminary impression about the growth and usability of this plant species in polluted environments. According to the results obtained from the study, the lowest and highest germination rates and speeds were determined at 43.33% (Bacteria) and 70% (150 ppm Cd), respectively. In parallel with this, the lowest germination rate was determined as 14.44 with bacteria and the highest rate was determined as 23.33 in 150 ppm Cd treatment. While no shoot formation was observed in the culture media where bacteria was applied together with Cd at 75, 150 and 225 ppm concentrations, the highest number of shoots was obtained in 300 ppm Cd treatment.


  • NAS (National Academy of Sciences), 1980. Firewood crops; shrub and tress species for energy production. National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
  • FAO, 2010. Global forest assessment. Country report: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
  • Choukr-Allah, R. 1997. The potential of salt-tolerant plants for utilization of saline water. Séminaires Méditerranéennes, Ser. A/number 31:313-325, idpdf=ci971547.
  • Birişçi, T., Sönmez Türel, H., Özeren Alkan, M. 2017. Kültürpark’ın ağaç, ağaççık ve çalıları. Bitki Tanıtım Kitabı. ISBN:978-975-18-0223-1, Anadolu Matbaacılık, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 128s.
  • URL-1. (Erişim: 27.08.2024).
  • Teixeira, H., Rodríguez-Echeverría, S. 2016. Identification of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria from three African leguminous trees in Gorongosa National Park. Syst Appl. Microbiol. 39(5):350-358, 2016.05.004.
  • Boukhatem, Z.F., Domergue, O., Bekki, A., Merabet, C., Sekkour, S., Bouazza, F., Duponnois, R., de Lajudie, P., Galiana, A. 2012. Symbiotic characterization and diversity of rhizobia associated with native and introduced acacias in arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 80(3):534-547, 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01315.x.
  • Dejordjevic, M.A., Gabriel, D.W., Rolfe, B.G. 1987. Rhizobium-the refined parasite of legumes. Annual Reviews of Phytopathology 25:145-168.
  • Ferreira, M.C.B., Fernandes, M.S., Döberenier, J. 1987. Role of Azospirillum brasilense nitrate reductase in nitrate assimilation by wheat plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 4:47-53.
  • Hashem, A., Abd-Allah, E.F., Alqarawi, A.A., Al-Huqail, A.A., Wirth, S., Egamberdieva, D. 2016. The interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and endophytic bacteria enhances plant growth of Acacia gerrardii under salt stress. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 7:1089, https://doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01089.
  • Groppa, M.D., Ianuzzo, M.P., Rosales, E.P., Vázquez, S.C., Benavides, M.P. 2012. Cadmium modulates NADPH oxidase activity and expression in sunflower leaves. Biol Plant 56:167-171,
  • Eshkab, İ., Shanta, M.B., Hisham N.El Waer 2014. Influence of pre-sowing seed treatments on germination properties and early seedling growth of Acacia cyanophylla. Int. Journal of Advances in Agricultural & Environmental Eng. (IJAAEE) 1(2):208-211, c0215157.
  • Farooq, M., Basra, S.M.A., Wahid, A. 2006. Priming of field-sown rice seed enhances germination, seedling establishment, allometry and yield. Plant Growth Regulators 49:285-294,
  • Yari, L., Khazaei, F., Sedghi, H., Sheidaei, S. 2011. Effect of seed priming on grain yield components of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 6(6):1-5.
  • Saleem, M.S., Sajid, M., Ahmed, Z., Ahmed, S., Ahmed, N., Islam, S.U. 2014. Effect of seed soaking on seed germination and growth of bitter gourd cultivars. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 6(6):7-11.
  • Sivritepe, N., Sivritepe, H.O., Eriş, A. 2003. The effect of NaCl priming on salt tolerance in melon seedlings grown under saline conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 97(3-4):229-237, 1016/s0304-4238(02)00198-x.
  • Basra, S.M.A., Farooq, M., Tabassum, R., Ahmad, A. 2005. Physiological and biochemical aspects of pre-sowing seed treatment in fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Seed Science Technology 33:623-628,
  • Soughir, M., Elouaer, M.A., Hannachi, C. 2013. The effect of NaCl priming on emergence, growth and yield of fenugreek under saline conditions. Cercetări Agronomice in Maldova 2(154):73-83.
  • Agholaghi, M.A., Sedghi, M. 2014. The effect of halo- and hydro-priming on germination characteristics of millet seeds under salinity stress. Cercetări Agronomice in Maldova 2(158):41-48,
  • Ashraf, M., Foolad, M.R. 2005. Pre-sowing seed treatment- a shotgun approach to improve germination, plant growth, and crop yield under saline and non-saline conditions. Advances in Agronomy 88:223-271, s0065-2113(05)88006-x.
  • Nasim, F.H., Mohammad, A., Mohammad, A. 1995. Effect of priming treatments on germination of Acacia nilotica seeds. Hamdard Medicus 30(2):116-123.
  • Rehman, S., Harris, P.J.C., Bourne, W.F. 1998. Effects of pre-sowing treatment with calcium salts, potassium salts or water on germination and salt tolerance of Acacia seeds. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 21(2):227-285, 01904169809365402.
  • Harris, P.J.C., Bourne, W.F., Rehman, S. 1999. Effect of hardening on the salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds. Conference: Sixth Symposium on Seed Establishment, ISHS, Roanoke, Virginia, USA, pp:34.
  • Cao, B., Zhai, M., Wu, L. 2005. Effect of prechilling on germination of Robinia pseudocacia under salt stress. Journal of Beijing Forestry University 27(4):39-42.
  • Wang, Y., Sujuan, G., Wang, W. 2011. Effect of priming on germination and physiological properties of Pinus armandii seeds. Journal of Northeast Forestry 39(2):21-23.
  • Kim, D., Han, S., Ku, J., Lee, K. 2009. Effect of cryoprotectants and post storage priming on seed germination of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don). Silvae Genetica 58(4):162-168. https://
  • Shen, T.Y., Odén, P.C. 2002. Relationship between seed vigour and fumarase activity in Picea abies, Pinus contorta, Betula pendula and Fagus sylvatica. Seed Science and Technology 30(1):177-186.
  • Struve, D.K. 1998. Seed conditioning of red oak: a recalcitrant North American seed. Scientia Agricola, pp:67-73, s0103-90161998000500012.
  • Brancalion, P.H.S., Tay, D., Novembre, A.D.L.C, Rodrigues, R.R., Tay, D. 2008. Priming Mimosa bimucronata seeds - a tropical tree species from Brazil. Acta Horticulturae 78:163-167. https://
  • Huang, Y.G. 1999. Enhancing tolerance of lodgepole pine and white spruce seeds to thermo-hygrostresses by Osmo conditioning. Seed Science and Technology 17(2):341-353.
  • Khalil, S.K., Mexal, J.G., Otiz, M. 1998. Osmotic priming hastens germination and improves seedlings size of Pinus brutia var. eldarica. Tree Plant Notes 48(1-2):24-27.
  • Neeraj, K., Saxena, A.K. 2003. Effect of presowing treatments on seed germination and seedling growth of Acacia nilotica Wild. Range Management and Agroforestry 24(2):104-113.
  • Erman, M., Kotan, R., Çakmakçı, R., Çığ, F., Karagöz, K., Sezen, M. 2010. Van Gölü havzasından izole edilen azot fikseri ve fosfat çözücü bakterilerin buğday ve şeker pancarında büyüme ve verim özelikleri üzerine etkileri. Türkiye 4. Organik Tarım Sempozyumu, 28 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010, Erzurum, s:326-330.
  • Gosh, P., Dash, P.K., Rituraj, S., Mannan, M.A. 2014. Effect of salinity on germination, growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) varieties. International Journal of Biosciences 5(1):37-48,
  • Clarck, D.S. 1965. Method for estimating the bacterial population on surfaces. Can J. Microbiol. 22:374.
  • Sivritepe, H.Ö. 2012. Tohum gücünün değerlendirilmesi. Alatarım 11(2):33-44.
  • Çakmakçı, R. 2009. Stres koşullarında ACC deaminaze üretici bakteriler tarafından bitki gelişiminin teşvik edilmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 40(1):109-125.
  • Çığ, A. 2022. Determination of germination and some early development parameters of Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. seeds by bacteria applications showing ACDD activity under lead stress. International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies, 6-8 March 2022, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, pp:1617-1628.
  • Çığ, A. 2022. A study on the effects of Brevibacillus choshinensis (TV53D) and Serratia grimesii (TV62D) bacterial strains on the germination of Ceratonia siliqua L. seeds. International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies, 6-8 March 2022, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, pp:1508-1517.
  • Çığ, A. 2021. Germination of Sesbania punicea (Cav.) Benth. seeds by bacteria applications showing ACCD activity and nickel-contaminated media. 7. International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Science and Rural Development, 18-19 September 2021, Muş, Türkiye, pp:995-1006.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bahçe Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Arzu Çığ 0000-0002-2142-5986

Şevket Alp 0000-0002-9552-4848

Muzaffer Bayram 0009-0007-2406-8287

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 54 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çığ, A., Alp, Ş., & Bayram, M. (2025). Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler. Bahçe, 54(Özel Sayı 1), 361-368.
AMA Çığ A, Alp Ş, Bayram M. Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler. Bahçe. Mart 2025;54(Özel Sayı 1):361-368. doi:10.53471/bahce.1556832
Chicago Çığ, Arzu, Şevket Alp, ve Muzaffer Bayram. “Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia Cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia Grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler”. Bahçe 54, sy. Özel Sayı 1 (Mart 2025): 361-68.
EndNote Çığ A, Alp Ş, Bayram M (01 Mart 2025) Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler. Bahçe 54 Özel Sayı 1 361–368.
IEEE A. Çığ, Ş. Alp, ve M. Bayram, “Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler”, Bahçe, c. 54, sy. Özel Sayı 1, ss. 361–368, 2025, doi: 10.53471/bahce.1556832.
ISNAD Çığ, Arzu vd. “Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia Cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia Grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler”. Bahçe 54/Özel Sayı 1 (Mart 2025), 361-368.
JAMA Çığ A, Alp Ş, Bayram M. Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler. Bahçe. 2025;54:361–368.
MLA Çığ, Arzu vd. “Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia Cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia Grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler”. Bahçe, c. 54, sy. Özel Sayı 1, 2025, ss. 361-8, doi:10.53471/bahce.1556832.
Vancouver Çığ A, Alp Ş, Bayram M. Kadmiyum Etkisi Altındaki Kıbrıs Akasyası (Acacia cyanophylla Lindley) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Serratia grimesii Bakteri Irkının Yaptığı Etkiler. Bahçe. 2025;54(Özel Sayı 1):361-8.

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