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Nussbaum Gain for Adaptive Fuzzy Global Non Singular Sliding Mode Power System Stablizer

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 139 - 144, 01.09.2014


—Power systems stability is enhanced through a novel stabilizer developed around a non singular adaptive fuzzy terminal integral sliding mode approach using the Nussbaum function applied to a nonlinear model of a single machine power system connected to an infinite bus via a double transmission lines subjected to severe faults. Nussbaum gain is used to avoid the problem of controllability of the system. Stability is insured through Lyapunov synthesis. Severe operating conditions are used in a simulation study to test the validity of the proposed method, indicating better performance and satisfactory transient dynamic behavior


  • P. Kundur, Power System Control and Stability, Ed. McGraw-Hill Inc, 1994.
  • F.P. DeMello, C.A. Concordia, Concept of synchronous machine stability as affected by excitation control, IEEE Trans. Vol.PAS-88, No.4, 1969, pp.316–329.
  • P.M. Anderson, A.A. Fouad, Power system control and stability, Iowa State University Press, Ames.
  • E.V. Larsen, D.A. Swann, Applying power system stabilizers, Part I, II, III, IEEE Trans. on Power App. and Syst., PAS-100, 1981, pp.3017- 3041.
  • M.L. Kothari, J. Nanda, K. Bhattacharya, Design of variable structure power system stabilizers with desired eigenvalues in the sliding mode, IEE Proc. Gen., Trans. and Distr., Vol140, No.4, 1993, pp.263-268.
  • K. Bhattacharya, M.L Kothari and J. Nanda, Design of Discrete-Mode Variable Structure Power System Stabilisers, Electrical power & Energy System, Vol.17, No.6, 1995, pp.399-106.
  • Y.M. Park, W. Kim, Discrete time adaptive sliding mode power system stabilizer with only input/output measurements, Electrical power & Energy systems, 18, 1996, pp.509-517.
  • Z. Jiang, Design of Power System Stabilizers Using Synergetic Control Theory, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, 2007, pp.1-8.
  • A.L. Elshafei, K. El-Metwally, A.A. Shaltout, A variable structure adaptive fuzzy logic stabilizer for single and multi-machine power systems, Control Engineering Practice, 13, 2005, pp.413-423.
  • P. Hoang, K. Tomsovic, Design and analysis of an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.11, No.2, 1996, pp.455-461.
  • T.T. LieGuojie, C. B. Soh, G.H. Yang, Design of state-feedback decentralized nonlinear Hinf controllers in power systems , Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.24, 2002, pp.601-610.
  • A. D. Falehi, A. Dankoob, S. Amirkhan, H. Mehrjardi, Coordinated Design of STATCOM-Based Damping Controller and Dual-Input PSS to Improve Transient Stability of Power System, International Review of Automatic Control, 2011, pp.1308-1317.
  • A.Y. Sivaramakrishnan, M. V. Hariharan, M. C. Srisailam, Design of a variable-structure load controller using pole assignment technique, Int. J. Contr.,40, 1984, 487-498.
  • G. Shahgholian, A. Rajabi, B. Karimi, Analysis and Design of PSS for Multi-Machine Power System Based on Sliding Mode Control Theory, International Review of Automatic Control, 2010, pp.2241-2250.
  • A. Ghosh, G. Ledwich, O.P. Malik, G.S. Hope, Power system stabilizer based on adaptive control techniques, IEEE Trans. PAS 103, 1984, pp.1983–1989.
  • S.J. Chang, Y.S. Chow, O.P. Malik, G.S. Hope, An adaptive synchronous machine stabilizer, IEEE Trans. PWRS 1, 1986, pp.101– 109.
  • A. Pierre, A perspective on adaptive control of power systems, IEEE Trans. PWRS, Vol.2, 1987, pp.387–396.
  • N.H. Zadeh, A. Kalam, A direct adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, 14, 1999.
  • N.H. Zadeh, A. Kalam, An indirect adaptive fuzzy-logic power system stabiliser, Electrical power & Energy systems, 24, 2002, pp.837-842.
  • I. Ngamroo, Augmentation of Electrolyzer Control Effect by PSS for Microgrid Stabilization using PID-based Mixed H2/H∞ Control, International Review of Automatic Control, 2011, 3073-3080.
  • S.S. Lee and J.K. Park, Design of power system stabilizer using observer / sliding mode, observer/sliding mode model following and H∞ / sliding mode controllers for small signal stability study, Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.20, No.8, 1998, pp.543-553.
  • T. Hussein, M.S. Saad, A.L. Elshafei, A. Bahgat, Damping inter-area modes of oscillation using an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.80, 2010, pp.1428-1436.
  • G.H. Hwang, D.W. Kim, J.H. Lee, Y.J. An, Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer Using Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.21, 2008, pp.86-96.
  • E. Nechadi, M. N. Harmas, N. Essounbouli, A. Hamzaoui, Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer Using Nussbaum gain, International Journal of Automation and Computing, Vol.10, No.4, August 2013, pp.281-287.
  • H. M. Soliman, A.L. Elshafei, F. Bendary, W. Mansour, LMI Static output-feedback Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizers, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, 2009, pp.6817-6825.
  • H.M. SoIiman, A.L. Eshafei, A.A. Shaltout, M.F. Mors, Robust Power System Stabiliser, IEE Proc-Elec. Power Appl., 147, 2000, pp.285-291. BIOGRAPHY
Yıl 2014, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 139 - 144, 01.09.2014



  • P. Kundur, Power System Control and Stability, Ed. McGraw-Hill Inc, 1994.
  • F.P. DeMello, C.A. Concordia, Concept of synchronous machine stability as affected by excitation control, IEEE Trans. Vol.PAS-88, No.4, 1969, pp.316–329.
  • P.M. Anderson, A.A. Fouad, Power system control and stability, Iowa State University Press, Ames.
  • E.V. Larsen, D.A. Swann, Applying power system stabilizers, Part I, II, III, IEEE Trans. on Power App. and Syst., PAS-100, 1981, pp.3017- 3041.
  • M.L. Kothari, J. Nanda, K. Bhattacharya, Design of variable structure power system stabilizers with desired eigenvalues in the sliding mode, IEE Proc. Gen., Trans. and Distr., Vol140, No.4, 1993, pp.263-268.
  • K. Bhattacharya, M.L Kothari and J. Nanda, Design of Discrete-Mode Variable Structure Power System Stabilisers, Electrical power & Energy System, Vol.17, No.6, 1995, pp.399-106.
  • Y.M. Park, W. Kim, Discrete time adaptive sliding mode power system stabilizer with only input/output measurements, Electrical power & Energy systems, 18, 1996, pp.509-517.
  • Z. Jiang, Design of Power System Stabilizers Using Synergetic Control Theory, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, 2007, pp.1-8.
  • A.L. Elshafei, K. El-Metwally, A.A. Shaltout, A variable structure adaptive fuzzy logic stabilizer for single and multi-machine power systems, Control Engineering Practice, 13, 2005, pp.413-423.
  • P. Hoang, K. Tomsovic, Design and analysis of an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.11, No.2, 1996, pp.455-461.
  • T.T. LieGuojie, C. B. Soh, G.H. Yang, Design of state-feedback decentralized nonlinear Hinf controllers in power systems , Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.24, 2002, pp.601-610.
  • A. D. Falehi, A. Dankoob, S. Amirkhan, H. Mehrjardi, Coordinated Design of STATCOM-Based Damping Controller and Dual-Input PSS to Improve Transient Stability of Power System, International Review of Automatic Control, 2011, pp.1308-1317.
  • A.Y. Sivaramakrishnan, M. V. Hariharan, M. C. Srisailam, Design of a variable-structure load controller using pole assignment technique, Int. J. Contr.,40, 1984, 487-498.
  • G. Shahgholian, A. Rajabi, B. Karimi, Analysis and Design of PSS for Multi-Machine Power System Based on Sliding Mode Control Theory, International Review of Automatic Control, 2010, pp.2241-2250.
  • A. Ghosh, G. Ledwich, O.P. Malik, G.S. Hope, Power system stabilizer based on adaptive control techniques, IEEE Trans. PAS 103, 1984, pp.1983–1989.
  • S.J. Chang, Y.S. Chow, O.P. Malik, G.S. Hope, An adaptive synchronous machine stabilizer, IEEE Trans. PWRS 1, 1986, pp.101– 109.
  • A. Pierre, A perspective on adaptive control of power systems, IEEE Trans. PWRS, Vol.2, 1987, pp.387–396.
  • N.H. Zadeh, A. Kalam, A direct adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, 14, 1999.
  • N.H. Zadeh, A. Kalam, An indirect adaptive fuzzy-logic power system stabiliser, Electrical power & Energy systems, 24, 2002, pp.837-842.
  • I. Ngamroo, Augmentation of Electrolyzer Control Effect by PSS for Microgrid Stabilization using PID-based Mixed H2/H∞ Control, International Review of Automatic Control, 2011, 3073-3080.
  • S.S. Lee and J.K. Park, Design of power system stabilizer using observer / sliding mode, observer/sliding mode model following and H∞ / sliding mode controllers for small signal stability study, Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.20, No.8, 1998, pp.543-553.
  • T. Hussein, M.S. Saad, A.L. Elshafei, A. Bahgat, Damping inter-area modes of oscillation using an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.80, 2010, pp.1428-1436.
  • G.H. Hwang, D.W. Kim, J.H. Lee, Y.J. An, Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer Using Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.21, 2008, pp.86-96.
  • E. Nechadi, M. N. Harmas, N. Essounbouli, A. Hamzaoui, Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer Using Nussbaum gain, International Journal of Automation and Computing, Vol.10, No.4, August 2013, pp.281-287.
  • H. M. Soliman, A.L. Elshafei, F. Bendary, W. Mansour, LMI Static output-feedback Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizers, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, 2009, pp.6817-6825.
  • H.M. SoIiman, A.L. Eshafei, A.A. Shaltout, M.F. Mors, Robust Power System Stabiliser, IEE Proc-Elec. Power Appl., 147, 2000, pp.285-291. BIOGRAPHY
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Reviews

E. Nechadi Bu kişi benim

M. N. Harmas Bu kişi benim

N. Essounbouli Bu kişi benim

A. Hamzaoui Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Nechadi, E., Harmas, M. . N., Essounbouli, N., Hamzaoui, A. (2014). Nussbaum Gain for Adaptive Fuzzy Global Non Singular Sliding Mode Power System Stablizer. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2(3), 139-144.

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