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Iyiocha Çayı Orman Rezervinin Sürdürülebilir Yönetimi için Orman Kaynaklarının Önceliklendirilmesi, Delta Eyaleti, Nijerya

Yıl 2024, , 244 - 254, 15.08.2024


Öz − Bu çalışmada orman kaynakları, orman paydaşlarının sıralamasına göre önceliklendirilmiştir. Iyiocha Çayı Orman Koruma Alanı (ISFR) sınırının üç kilometre yarıçapındaki Illah ve Ugbolu ile altı kilometre yarıçapındaki Akwukwu ve Aniwalo olmak üzere ormana bitişik dört yerleşim yeri Tabakalı rastgele örnekleme kullanılarak seçilmiştir. Paydaşların ilgisine dayanarak, dört katılımcı grup bilinçli olarak seçilmiştir: Kereste hasatçıları, Taungya çiftçileri, Kereste Dışı Orman Ürünleri (NTFP'ler) hasatçıları ve Delta Eyalet Çevre Bakanlığı Koruma Dairesi ve Orman Dairesi Personeli. Büyüklükle orantılı örnekleme kullanılarak 165 katılımcıya dört set yapılandırılmış anket uygulanmıştır. Saha envanteri, tabakalı rastgele örnekleme kullanılarak plantasyonlarda 25m×25m'lik 116 parselde ve sistematik örnekleme kullanılarak doğal ormanda 50m×50m'lik 20 parselde yapılmıştır. Yirmi yedi ağaç türü ve 22 NTFP tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra orman kaynakları önceliklendirilerek kereste ve 9 Kereste Dışı Orman Ürünü nihai olarak atanan ortalama değerlerle seçilmiştir: plantasyonlarda ve doğal ormanlarda kereste (X1±1.00), taungya sistemi (X2±1.24), yakacak odun (X3±1.52), Morinda lucida kabuğu (X4±1. 54), Tetrapleura tetraptera meyveleri (X5±2.03), Treculia africana meyveleri (X6±2.53), Napoleona vogelii sapları (X7±3.02), Olax subscorpioidea sapları (X8±3.52), Nauclea latifolia kökleri (X9±4.01) ve Morinda morindoides sapları (X10±4.51). Önceliklendirme, ormana bitişik yerleşimler için önemli olan orman kaynaklarının belirlenmesine yardımcı olmuştur.


  • Adekunle, V. A. J., Olagoke, A.O. and Ogundare, L.F. (2010). Rate of timber production in a tropical rainforest ecosystem of southwest Nigeria and its implications on sustainable forest management. Journal of Forestry Research 21:225-230.
  • Adeola, A.O. Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O. Ladipo, .D.O. and Popoola. L. (1994). Survey of multipurpose tree species for prioritization in the humid lowland of Nigeria. Report to ICRAF, February, 1994. 11pp
  • Amusa, T.O and Jimoh, S.O. (2012). Determining the local importance of non-timber forest products using two different prioritization techniques. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2(1): 84-92
  • Arnold,M., Powell,B., Shanley, P and Sunderland, T.C.H. (2011). Forests, biodiversity and food security. International Forestry Review 13. (3) 1-3.
  • Blench, R. and Dendo, M. (2007). Hausa names for plants and trees. 77pp.
  • Chikamai, B. Tchatat, M. Julius, C. T. and Ndoye, O. (2009). Forest management for non-wood forest products and services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Discovery Innovation. 21.(1) 50-59.
  • Diaw, K., Blay, D. and Adu-Anning, C. (2002). Socio-economic survey of forest communities, Krokusua Hills Forest reserve. A report submitted to the forestry commission of Ghana. 86pp.
  • Ekhuemelo D.O., Amonum, J.I and Usman, I.A. (2016). Importance of forest and trees in sustaining water supply and rainfall. Published by Association for the Promotion of Education, Health and Technology Research. 273-280
  • Gbile, Z.O. (2002). Vernacular names of some Nigerian plants (Yoruba). Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. 124 pp.
  • Gosenheimer, C., Rust, B., and Thayer-Hart, N. (2012). Project prioritization-a structured approach to working on what matters most. University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA, Sciencific Report, 3(6).
  • Gungor, E and Ayaz, S. (2020). Prioritization of criteria and tree species in agroforestry Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry 22 (1): 185-198, DOI: 10.24011/barofd.601289
  • Ihenyen, J., Okoegwale, E.E. and Mensah, J.K. (2009). Composition of Tree Species in Ehor Forest Reserve, Edo State, Nigeria Nature and Science 7.(8): 8-18
  • Keeton, W.S. (2007). Role of managed forestlands and models for sustainable forest management: perspectives from North America. University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, In The George Wright Forum, 24.(3) 38-53.
  • Klauberg, C., Vidal, E., Alberto, C.S., Bentes, M.M., and Hudak., A.T. (2016). Sampling methods for titica vine (Heteropsis spp.) inventory in a tropical forest. Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73:757–764.
  • Lafrankie, J.V., Ashton, P.S., Chuyong, G.B., Co, L., Condit, R., Davies, S.J., Foster, R.S., Hubbell, P., Kenfack, D., Lagunzad, D., Losos, E. C., Nor, N. S. M., Tan, S., Meldrum, J.R., Champ, P.A. and Bond, C.A. (2013). Heterogeneous nonmarket benefits of managing white pine bluster rust in high-elevation pine forests. Journal of Forest Economics 9:61-77pp.
  • Mikkonen, N., Leikola, N., Lehtomäki, J., Halme, P. and Moilanen, A. (2023). National high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 541:13pp.
  • Ogeh, K.T and Jimoh, S.O (2023). Goal programming- input- output model for Iyiocha Stream Forest Reserve, Delta State, Nigeria. Innovations 73: 309-323
  • Ogeh, K.T., Jimoh, S.O. and Ajewole, O.I. (2016). Utilization of mangrove forest resources for human livelihoods in Uzere, Delta State, Nigeria. 38th Annual Conference of Forestry Association Of Nigeria (Fan 121-128)
  • Onyeachuism, H.O., Ugbogu. O.A. and Ariwaodo, J.O. (2012). Vernacular names of some Nigerian plants: Igbo Version. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. 90pp.
  • Popoola, L. and Galaudu, M.S (2000). Prioritization of indigenous spice species for agroforestry in the Semi-arid Zone of Nigeria. the Bio-prospector 2:103-116
  • Sen, G., Celik, M. Y. and Ulusoy, T. (2019). A new financing model for carbon emission reduction projects: The Use of Carbon Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements (ERPA) in the Private Pension System. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 34(2): 111-120. DOI: 10.28955/alinterizbd.664754.
  • Sherbinin, A. D.E., Vanwey L.K., Mcsweeney K., Aggarwal R., Barbieri A. Henry, S., Hunter, L.M., Twine W. and Walker R. (2008). Rural household demographics, livelihoods and the environment. Global Environmental Change 18: 38–53.
  • Tee, N.T., Orsar, J.T and Bugh, J.A. (2014). Prioritization and cost and returns analyses of selected non-timber forest products in Yobe State, Nigeria. Journal of development and Agricultural Economics. 6.(12): 481-489.
  • Thomas, D.W., Valencia, R. and Villa. G. (2006). Contrasting structure and composition of the understory in species-rich tropical rainforests. Ecology 87: 2298-2305.
  • Ugbogu, O.A., Soladoye, M.O., Baiyewu, R.A. and Ibhanesebhor G.A. (2012). Vernacular names of some Nigerian plants: Edo/Urhobo Version. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. 141pp.

Prioritization of Forest Resources for Sustainable Management of Iyiocha Stream Forest Reserve, Delta State, Nigeria

Yıl 2024, , 244 - 254, 15.08.2024


In this study, forest resources were prioritized based on forest stakeholders’ ranking. Four forest-adjoining settlements were selected using stratified random sampling: Illah and Ugbolu within three kilometer radius; Akwukwu and Aniwalo within six kilometer radius of Iyiocha Stream Forest Reserve (ISFR) boundary. Based on interest of stakeholders, four respondent groups were purposively selected: Timber harvesters, Taungya farmers, Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) harvesters and Staffs of the Department of Conservation and Department of Forestry, Delta State Ministry of Environment. Four sets of structured questionnaire were administered on 165 respondents using sampling proportionate to size. Field inventory was done in 116 plots of 25m×25m in the plantations using stratified random sampling and 20 plots of 50m×50m in the natural forest using systematic sampling. Twenty-seven tree species and 22 NTFPs were identified. Forest resources were prioritized; and timber and 9 NTFPs were picked with final assigned mean values: timber in plantations and natural forest (X1±1.00), taungya farm land (X2±1.24), fuel-wood (X3±1.52), Morinda lucida bark (X4±1.54), Tetrapleura tetraptera fruits (X5±2.03), Treculia africana fruits (X6±2.53), Napoleona vogelii stems (X7±3.02), Olax subscorpioidea stems (X8±3.52), Nauclea latifolia roots (X9±4.01) and Morinda morindoides stems (X10±4.51). Prioritization has helped to identify the forest resources important to the forest-adjoining settlements.

Etik Beyan

Not applicable

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Adekunle, V. A. J., Olagoke, A.O. and Ogundare, L.F. (2010). Rate of timber production in a tropical rainforest ecosystem of southwest Nigeria and its implications on sustainable forest management. Journal of Forestry Research 21:225-230.
  • Adeola, A.O. Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O. Ladipo, .D.O. and Popoola. L. (1994). Survey of multipurpose tree species for prioritization in the humid lowland of Nigeria. Report to ICRAF, February, 1994. 11pp
  • Amusa, T.O and Jimoh, S.O. (2012). Determining the local importance of non-timber forest products using two different prioritization techniques. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2(1): 84-92
  • Arnold,M., Powell,B., Shanley, P and Sunderland, T.C.H. (2011). Forests, biodiversity and food security. International Forestry Review 13. (3) 1-3.
  • Blench, R. and Dendo, M. (2007). Hausa names for plants and trees. 77pp.
  • Chikamai, B. Tchatat, M. Julius, C. T. and Ndoye, O. (2009). Forest management for non-wood forest products and services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Discovery Innovation. 21.(1) 50-59.
  • Diaw, K., Blay, D. and Adu-Anning, C. (2002). Socio-economic survey of forest communities, Krokusua Hills Forest reserve. A report submitted to the forestry commission of Ghana. 86pp.
  • Ekhuemelo D.O., Amonum, J.I and Usman, I.A. (2016). Importance of forest and trees in sustaining water supply and rainfall. Published by Association for the Promotion of Education, Health and Technology Research. 273-280
  • Gbile, Z.O. (2002). Vernacular names of some Nigerian plants (Yoruba). Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. 124 pp.
  • Gosenheimer, C., Rust, B., and Thayer-Hart, N. (2012). Project prioritization-a structured approach to working on what matters most. University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA, Sciencific Report, 3(6).
  • Gungor, E and Ayaz, S. (2020). Prioritization of criteria and tree species in agroforestry Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry 22 (1): 185-198, DOI: 10.24011/barofd.601289
  • Ihenyen, J., Okoegwale, E.E. and Mensah, J.K. (2009). Composition of Tree Species in Ehor Forest Reserve, Edo State, Nigeria Nature and Science 7.(8): 8-18
  • Keeton, W.S. (2007). Role of managed forestlands and models for sustainable forest management: perspectives from North America. University of Vermont, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, In The George Wright Forum, 24.(3) 38-53.
  • Klauberg, C., Vidal, E., Alberto, C.S., Bentes, M.M., and Hudak., A.T. (2016). Sampling methods for titica vine (Heteropsis spp.) inventory in a tropical forest. Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73:757–764.
  • Lafrankie, J.V., Ashton, P.S., Chuyong, G.B., Co, L., Condit, R., Davies, S.J., Foster, R.S., Hubbell, P., Kenfack, D., Lagunzad, D., Losos, E. C., Nor, N. S. M., Tan, S., Meldrum, J.R., Champ, P.A. and Bond, C.A. (2013). Heterogeneous nonmarket benefits of managing white pine bluster rust in high-elevation pine forests. Journal of Forest Economics 9:61-77pp.
  • Mikkonen, N., Leikola, N., Lehtomäki, J., Halme, P. and Moilanen, A. (2023). National high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 541:13pp.
  • Ogeh, K.T and Jimoh, S.O (2023). Goal programming- input- output model for Iyiocha Stream Forest Reserve, Delta State, Nigeria. Innovations 73: 309-323
  • Ogeh, K.T., Jimoh, S.O. and Ajewole, O.I. (2016). Utilization of mangrove forest resources for human livelihoods in Uzere, Delta State, Nigeria. 38th Annual Conference of Forestry Association Of Nigeria (Fan 121-128)
  • Onyeachuism, H.O., Ugbogu. O.A. and Ariwaodo, J.O. (2012). Vernacular names of some Nigerian plants: Igbo Version. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. 90pp.
  • Popoola, L. and Galaudu, M.S (2000). Prioritization of indigenous spice species for agroforestry in the Semi-arid Zone of Nigeria. the Bio-prospector 2:103-116
  • Sen, G., Celik, M. Y. and Ulusoy, T. (2019). A new financing model for carbon emission reduction projects: The Use of Carbon Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements (ERPA) in the Private Pension System. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 34(2): 111-120. DOI: 10.28955/alinterizbd.664754.
  • Sherbinin, A. D.E., Vanwey L.K., Mcsweeney K., Aggarwal R., Barbieri A. Henry, S., Hunter, L.M., Twine W. and Walker R. (2008). Rural household demographics, livelihoods and the environment. Global Environmental Change 18: 38–53.
  • Tee, N.T., Orsar, J.T and Bugh, J.A. (2014). Prioritization and cost and returns analyses of selected non-timber forest products in Yobe State, Nigeria. Journal of development and Agricultural Economics. 6.(12): 481-489.
  • Thomas, D.W., Valencia, R. and Villa. G. (2006). Contrasting structure and composition of the understory in species-rich tropical rainforests. Ecology 87: 2298-2305.
  • Ugbogu, O.A., Soladoye, M.O., Baiyewu, R.A. and Ibhanesebhor G.A. (2012). Vernacular names of some Nigerian plants: Edo/Urhobo Version. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. 141pp.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Biyoçeşitliliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Kesiena Tina Ogeh 0009-0007-9824-1070

Saka Oladunni Jimoh 0000-0003-2653-6420

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ogeh, K. T., & Jimoh, S. O. (2024). Prioritization of Forest Resources for Sustainable Management of Iyiocha Stream Forest Reserve, Delta State, Nigeria. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(3), 244-254.

Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi Editorship,

Bartin University, Faculty of Forestry, Dean Floor No:106, Agdaci District, 74100 Bartin-Turkey.

Tel: +90 (378) 223 5094, Fax: +90 (378) 223 5062,
