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Fabrikasyon Ortamında Üretilen Orta Yoğunluktaki Liflevhaların (MDF) Yanma Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 121 - 128, 15.04.2019


Odun esaslı kompozit
malzemeler içerisinde en önemli ürünlerden biri de liflevhalardır. Liflevhalar
lignoselülozik yapıları sebebiyle kolay yanabilme ve tutuşabilme gibi bazı
dezavantajlara sahiptir. Bu durum özellikle toplu yaşam alanlarında can ve mal
güvenliğini tehdit edici bir unsurdur. Mobilya ve benzeri birçok odun esaslı
malzemenin insan sağlığı ve güvenliği açısından yanmaya karşı daha dayanıklı
hale getirilmesi önem teşkil etmektedir.
Özellikle çeşitli kullanım yerlerinde yanmaya karşı belirli bir dirence sahip
olan odun esaslı levha ürünleri zorunlu olarak tercih edilmektedir. Bu
çalışmada; EcoChem (FR) (Flame Retardand Chemistry) ticari adıyla bilinen yanma
geciktirici özelliğe sahip amonyum polifosfat (APP) ile üretilen orta
yoğunlukta liflevhaların (MDF) yanma özellikleri incelenmiştir. Hem kontrol
örnekleri hem de yanmaya karşı dayanıklı MDF’ler, laboratuar ortamında direk
aleve maruz bırakılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca termogravimetrik analiz
yöntemi ile de incelenmiştir. Sonuçta FR kimyasalı ile üretilen levhaların % 30
oranında yanmaya karşı daha fazla direnç gösterdiği gözlenmiştir.


  • Aydın DY, Gürü M, Ayar B, Çakanyıldırım Ç (2016). Bor Bileşiklerinin Alev Geciktirici ve Yüksek Sıcaklığa Dayanıklı Pigment Olarak Uygulanabilirliği. Journal of Boron, 1(1): 33-39.
  • Ayrılmış N, Dündar T, Candan Z, Akbulut T (2009). Wettabılıty of Fire Retardant Treated Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Manufactured from Veneers Drıed at Different Temperatures, Bioresources, 4 (4): 1536-1544.
  • Baysal E (2003). Borlu Bileşikler ve Doğal Sepi Maddeleriyle Emprenye Edilen Sarıçam Odunun Yanma Özellikleri, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19 (1-2): 59-69.
  • Demir A, Aydın İ (2016). Yangın Geciktirici Kimyasal Maddeler ile Emprenye İşleminin Odun ve Odun Esaslı Malzemelerin Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri, Düzce Üniversitesi, Ormancılık Dergisi 12 (1): 96-104
  • Ellis DW, Rowell MR (1989). Flame-Retardant Treatment of Wood with a Diisocynate and an Oligomer Phosphonate, Wood and Fiber Science, 21 (4): 367-375.
  • EN 13501-1 (2009). Fire Classification of Construction Products and Building Elements - Part 1: Classification Using Data from Reaction to Fire Tests, European Standard.
  • Eroğlu H, Usta M (2000). Lif Levha Üretim Teknolojisi, K.T.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayın No: 200/30, ISBN: 975-6983-10-8, KTU Matbaası, Trabzon.
  • Grexa O, Lübke H (2001). Flammability Parameters of Tested on Cone Calorimeter, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 74, 427–432.
  • Gu WJ., Zhang CG, Dong LS, Zhang YQ, Kong J (2007). Study on Preparation and Fire- Retardant Mechanism Analysis of Intumescent Flame-Retardant Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, (201): 7835-7841.
  • Hashim R, How LS, Kumar RN, Sulaiman O (2005). Some of The Properties of Flame Retardant Medium Density Fiberboard Made from Rubberwood and Recycled Containers Containing Aluminum Trihydroxide, Bioresource Technology (96): 1826–1831.
  • İstek A, Özlüsoylu İ, Çelik S, Gönül Ş (2017). Ahşap Esaslı Levha Sektöründe Kullanılan Yanma Geciktiriciler, UMDK Bildiriler Kitabı, (2): 160-169.
  • İstek A, Özlüsoylu İ, Kızılkaya A, (2017). Türkiye Ahşap Levha Sektör Analizi, Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Bartın Üniversitesi, 19 (1): 132-138.
  • Kozlowski R, Mieleniak B, Helwig M, Przepiera A (1999). Flame Resistant Lignocellulosic-Mineral Composite Particleboards, Polymer Degredation and Stability, (64): 523-528.
  • Liu Q, Lv C, Yang Y, He F, Ling L (2004). Investigation on The Effects of Fire Retardants on The Thermal Decomposition of Wood-Derived Rayon Fiber in an Inert Atmosphere by Thermogravimetry–Mass Spectrometry, Thermochimica Acta, (419): 205-209.
  • Peker H, Atılgan A (2015). Doğal Bir Enerji Kaynağı Odun: Yanma Özelliği ve Koruma Yöntemleri, Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, (15): 1-12.
  • Rejeesh CR, Saju K K (2018). Relative Improvements in Flame Resistance of Coir Fiberboards Treated with Fire-Retardant Solution, Journal of Wood Science (64): 697-705
  • Spirckel M, Regnier N, Mortaigne B, Youssef B, Bunel C (2002). Thermal Degredation and Fire Performance of New Phosphonate Polyurethanes, Polymer Degredation and Stability, 78, 211-218.
  • Stevens R, Daan S, Bezemer R, Kranenbarg A (2006). The Structure-Activity Relationship of Fire Retardant Phosphorus Compounds in Wood, Polymer Degredation and Stability, (91): 832-841.
  • Tomak E, Hughes M, Yıldız UC, Viitanen H (2011). The Combined Effects of Boron and Oil Heat Treatment on Beech and Scots Pine Wood Properties, Part 1: Boron Leaching, Thermogravimetric Analysis and Chemical Composition, Journal of Materials Science, 46 (3): 598-607.
  • Ustaomer D, Usta M, Hiziroglu S (2008). Effect of Boron Treatment on Surface Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), Journal of Materials Processing Technology 199: 440-444.
  • Wang Q, Li J, Winandy EJ (2004). Chemical Mechanism of Fire Retardance of Boric Acid on Wood, Wood Science Technology, (38): 375-389.
  • Zeinali D, Verstockt S, Beji T, Maragkos G, Degrootea J, Merci B (2018). Experimental Study of Corner Fires—Part II: Flame Spread over MDF Panels, Combustion and Flame (189): 491-505.

Investigatıon of Combustıon Propertıes of Medıum Densıty fiberboards (MDF) Produced in The Factory Environment

Yıl 2019, , 121 - 128, 15.04.2019


One of the most
important products in wood based composite materials is the fiberboard. The
fiberboard has some disadvantages such as easy flammability and ignition due to
its lignocellulosic structure. This situation is a threat to the security of
life and property, especially in public areas. It is important to make
furniture and many other wood based materials more resistant to burning in
terms of human health and safety. In particular, wood-based sheet products
having a certain resistance to combustion in various applications are
necessarily preferred. In this study; The combustion properties of medium
density fibers (MDF) produced by ammonium polyphosphate (APP), which is known
as EcoChem (FR) (Flame Retardand Chemistry), were investigated. Both the
control samples and the fire resistant MDFs were compared to the flame flame in
the laboratory. It was also examined by thermogravimetric analysis method. As a
result, it was observed that the panels produced with FR chemical showed 30%
more resistance to combustion.


  • Aydın DY, Gürü M, Ayar B, Çakanyıldırım Ç (2016). Bor Bileşiklerinin Alev Geciktirici ve Yüksek Sıcaklığa Dayanıklı Pigment Olarak Uygulanabilirliği. Journal of Boron, 1(1): 33-39.
  • Ayrılmış N, Dündar T, Candan Z, Akbulut T (2009). Wettabılıty of Fire Retardant Treated Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Manufactured from Veneers Drıed at Different Temperatures, Bioresources, 4 (4): 1536-1544.
  • Baysal E (2003). Borlu Bileşikler ve Doğal Sepi Maddeleriyle Emprenye Edilen Sarıçam Odunun Yanma Özellikleri, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19 (1-2): 59-69.
  • Demir A, Aydın İ (2016). Yangın Geciktirici Kimyasal Maddeler ile Emprenye İşleminin Odun ve Odun Esaslı Malzemelerin Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri, Düzce Üniversitesi, Ormancılık Dergisi 12 (1): 96-104
  • Ellis DW, Rowell MR (1989). Flame-Retardant Treatment of Wood with a Diisocynate and an Oligomer Phosphonate, Wood and Fiber Science, 21 (4): 367-375.
  • EN 13501-1 (2009). Fire Classification of Construction Products and Building Elements - Part 1: Classification Using Data from Reaction to Fire Tests, European Standard.
  • Eroğlu H, Usta M (2000). Lif Levha Üretim Teknolojisi, K.T.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayın No: 200/30, ISBN: 975-6983-10-8, KTU Matbaası, Trabzon.
  • Grexa O, Lübke H (2001). Flammability Parameters of Tested on Cone Calorimeter, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 74, 427–432.
  • Gu WJ., Zhang CG, Dong LS, Zhang YQ, Kong J (2007). Study on Preparation and Fire- Retardant Mechanism Analysis of Intumescent Flame-Retardant Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, (201): 7835-7841.
  • Hashim R, How LS, Kumar RN, Sulaiman O (2005). Some of The Properties of Flame Retardant Medium Density Fiberboard Made from Rubberwood and Recycled Containers Containing Aluminum Trihydroxide, Bioresource Technology (96): 1826–1831.
  • İstek A, Özlüsoylu İ, Çelik S, Gönül Ş (2017). Ahşap Esaslı Levha Sektöründe Kullanılan Yanma Geciktiriciler, UMDK Bildiriler Kitabı, (2): 160-169.
  • İstek A, Özlüsoylu İ, Kızılkaya A, (2017). Türkiye Ahşap Levha Sektör Analizi, Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Bartın Üniversitesi, 19 (1): 132-138.
  • Kozlowski R, Mieleniak B, Helwig M, Przepiera A (1999). Flame Resistant Lignocellulosic-Mineral Composite Particleboards, Polymer Degredation and Stability, (64): 523-528.
  • Liu Q, Lv C, Yang Y, He F, Ling L (2004). Investigation on The Effects of Fire Retardants on The Thermal Decomposition of Wood-Derived Rayon Fiber in an Inert Atmosphere by Thermogravimetry–Mass Spectrometry, Thermochimica Acta, (419): 205-209.
  • Peker H, Atılgan A (2015). Doğal Bir Enerji Kaynağı Odun: Yanma Özelliği ve Koruma Yöntemleri, Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, (15): 1-12.
  • Rejeesh CR, Saju K K (2018). Relative Improvements in Flame Resistance of Coir Fiberboards Treated with Fire-Retardant Solution, Journal of Wood Science (64): 697-705
  • Spirckel M, Regnier N, Mortaigne B, Youssef B, Bunel C (2002). Thermal Degredation and Fire Performance of New Phosphonate Polyurethanes, Polymer Degredation and Stability, 78, 211-218.
  • Stevens R, Daan S, Bezemer R, Kranenbarg A (2006). The Structure-Activity Relationship of Fire Retardant Phosphorus Compounds in Wood, Polymer Degredation and Stability, (91): 832-841.
  • Tomak E, Hughes M, Yıldız UC, Viitanen H (2011). The Combined Effects of Boron and Oil Heat Treatment on Beech and Scots Pine Wood Properties, Part 1: Boron Leaching, Thermogravimetric Analysis and Chemical Composition, Journal of Materials Science, 46 (3): 598-607.
  • Ustaomer D, Usta M, Hiziroglu S (2008). Effect of Boron Treatment on Surface Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), Journal of Materials Processing Technology 199: 440-444.
  • Wang Q, Li J, Winandy EJ (2004). Chemical Mechanism of Fire Retardance of Boric Acid on Wood, Wood Science Technology, (38): 375-389.
  • Zeinali D, Verstockt S, Beji T, Maragkos G, Degrootea J, Merci B (2018). Experimental Study of Corner Fires—Part II: Flame Spread over MDF Panels, Combustion and Flame (189): 491-505.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Biomaterial Engineering, Bio-based Materials, Wood Science

Cengiz Güler

Ömer Erdem Şimşek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Güler, C., & Şimşek, Ö. E. (2019). Fabrikasyon Ortamında Üretilen Orta Yoğunluktaki Liflevhaların (MDF) Yanma Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 121-128. https://doi.org/10.24011/barofd.508639

Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi Editorship,

Bartin University, Faculty of Forestry, Dean Floor No:106, Agdaci District, 74100 Bartin-Turkey.

Tel: +90 (378) 223 5094, Fax: +90 (378) 223 5062,

E-mail: bofdergi@gmail.com