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Fiber Morphology and Chemical Composition of Heartwood and Sapwood of Red Gum, Black Willow, and Oriental Beech

Yıl 2021, , 119 - 124, 15.04.2021


In this study, the differences in terms of the fiber morphology and the chemical composition between the heartwood and sapwood of red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), black willow (Salix nigra Marsh.), and oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) were investigated. The results showed that the heartwood samples had shorter fibers and lower slenderness ratios than those of the sapwood samples. The differences in the vessel element length of the heartwood and sapwood of sampled tree species were statistically insignificant. The heartwood samples had less holocellulose and more klason lignin content. In addition, the ethanol, hot water, and cold water solubility values in heartwood samples were higher. The other morphological and chemical properties of the heartwood and sapwood depended on the tree species.


  • 1. Ataç, Y. (2009). Bazı Yapraklı ve İğne Yapraklı Ağaçların Öz ve Diri Odunlarının Kağıt Özellikleri Yönünden İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi (Yayımlanmamış), Bartın Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Bartın, 111 s.
  • 2. Ataç, Y., Eroğlu, H. (2013). The effects of heartwood and sapwood on kraft pulp properties of Pinus nigra JF Arnold and Abies bornmuelleriana Mattf. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37(2), 243-248.
  • 3. Ay, N., Şahin, H. (1998). Doğu ladini [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.] öz odun diri odununun iç morfolojik özeliklerinin incelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 22(2), 203-207.
  • 4. Bahmani, M., Fathi, L., Koch, G., Kool, F., Aghajani, H., Humar, M. (2020). Heartwood and sapwood features of Sorbus torminalis grown in Iranian forests. Wood Research, 65, 195-204.
  • 5. Beaulieu, J. (2003). Genetic variation in tracheid length and relationships with growth and wood traits in eastern white spruce (Picea glauca). Wood and Fiber Science, 35(4), 609-616.
  • 6. Campbell, A. G., Kim, W. J., Koch, P. (1990). Chemical variation in lodgepole pine with sapwood/heartwood, stem height, and variety. Wood and Fiber Science, 22(1), 22-30.
  • 7. Gao, H., Zhang, L. P., Liu, S. Q. (2011a). Comparison of KP pulping properties between heartwood and sapwood of Poplar I-69. Advanced Materials Research, 236-238, 1437-1441.
  • 8. Gao, H., Zhang, L. P., Liu, S. Q. (2011b). Comparison of KP pulping properties between heartwood and sapwood of Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) G. Don. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 55-57, 1778-1784.
  • 9. Gençer, A., Gül Türkmen, H. (2016). Yabani kiraz diri odunu ve öz odunundan kağit üretim şartlarının belirlenmesi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 23-31.
  • 10. Gominho, J., Figueira, J., Rodrigues, J. C., Pereira, H. (2001). Within-tree variation of heartwood, extractives and wood density in the eucalypt hybrid urograndis (Eucalyptus grandis× E. urophylla). Wood and Fiber Science, 33(1), 3-8.
  • 11. Hernández, R. B., Salazar, J. A. H. (2005). Composición química de la madera de cuatro especies del género Quercus. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 30(98), 25-49.
  • 12. İstek, A., Gülsoy, S. K., Eroğlu, H. (2010). Karaçam Öz Odunu ve Diri Odunu Lifsel Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması, III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, Cilt: V, 1916-1924.
  • 13. Liukkonen, S., Vehnianinen, A., Sirvio, J. (2007). Selection of Raw Material Offers New Energy-Property Combinations for Mechanical Pulp, International Mechanical Pulping Conference, 1-9, Minnesota, USA.
  • 14. Lourenço, A., Baptista, I., Gominho, J., Pereira, H. (2008). The influence of heartwood on the pulping properties of Acacia melanoxylon wood. Journal of Wood Science, 54(6), 464-469.
  • 15. Lourenço, A., Gominho, J., Pereira, H. (2010). Pulping and delignification of sapwood and heartwood from Eucalyptus globulus. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 36(3), 85-90.
  • 16. Malakani, M., Khademieslam, H., Hosseinihashemi, S. K., Zeinaly, F. (2014). Influence of fungal decay in chemi-mechanical properties of beech wood (Fagus orientalis). Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48(1-2), 97-103.
  • 17. Mariani, S., Torres, M., Fernandez, A., Morales, E. (2005). Effects of Eucalyptus nitens heartwood in kraft pulping. Tappi Journal, 4(2), 8-10.
  • 18. Mertoglu-Elmas, G. (2019). Examining the suitability of the heartwood and sapwood in the white poplar to pulp making in term of fiber morphology. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(1), 173-188.
  • 19. Miranda, I., Gominho, J., Lourenco, A., Pereira, H. (2007). Heartwood, extractives and pulp yield of three Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in two sites. Appita Journal, 60(6), 485-488.
  • 20. Miranda, I., Sousa, V., Pereira, H. (2011). Wood properties of teak (Tectona grandis) from a mature unmanaged stand in East Timor. Journal of Wood Science, 57(3), 171-178.
  • 21. Miranda, I., Sousa, V., Ferreira, J., Pereira, H. (2017). Chemical characterization and extractives composition of heartwood and sapwood from Quercus faginea. Plos One, 12(6), e0179268.
  • 22. Morais, M. C., Pereira, H. (2012). Variation of extractives content in heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus trees. Wood Science and Technology, 46(4), 709-719.
  • 23. Özdemir, F., Tutuș, A., Bektaș, İ., Çiçekler, M. (2015). Fıstıkçamı ve yalancı akasya türlerinde öz odun - diri odun kısımlarında hücreler arasındaki morfolojik farklılıkların belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 60-64.
  • 24. Pinto, I., Pereira, H., Usenius, A. (2004). Heartwood and sapwood development within maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stems. Trees, 18(3), 284-294.
  • 25. Puntambekar, R., Pydimalla, M., Dinda, S., Adusumalli, R. B. (2016). Characterization of Eucalyptus heartwood and sapwood pulp after kraft cooking. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 13(1), 8-15.
  • 26. Pydimalla, M., Reddy, N. S., Adusumalli, R. B. (2019). Characterization of subabul heartwood and sapwood pulps after cooking and bleaching. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 53(5–6), 479-492.
  • 27. Rayirath, P., Avramidis, S. (2008). Some aspects of western hemlock air permeability. Maderas Ciencia y Tecnología, 10(3), 185-193.
  • 28. Ruiz-Aquino, F., González-Peña, M. M., Valdez-Hernández, J. I., Revilla, U. S., Romero-Manzanares, A. (2015). Chemical characterization and fuel properties of wood and bark of two oaks from Oaxaca, Mexico. Industrial Crops and Products, 65, 90-95.
  • 29. Saraeian, A. R., Khalili, G. R. A., Aliabadi, M., Dahmardeh, G. N. M. (2011). Comparison of soda and kraft pulp properties of Populus deltoides sapwood and heartwood. Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 10(17), 125-137.
  • 30. Seikel, M. K., Hostettler, F. D., Niemann, G. J. (1971). Phenolics of Quercus rubra wood. Phytochemistry, 10(9), 2249–2251.
  • 31. Sjöström E. (1993). Wood Chemistry. Fundamentals and Applications. 2nd ed. Academic Press: San Diego.
  • 32. Spearin, W. E., Isenberg, I. H. (1947). Maceration of woody tissue with acetic acid and sodium chlorite. Science, 105, 214-214.
  • 33. Wise, L. E., Karl, H. L. (1962). Cellulose and Hemicellulose in Pulp and Paper Science and Technology. McGraw Hill Book Co.: New York.

Okaliptüs, Kara Söğüt ve Doğu Kayınının Öz Odun ve Diri Odunlarının Lif Morfolojileri ve Kimyasal Bileşimleri

Yıl 2021, , 119 - 124, 15.04.2021


Bu çalışmada, okaliptüs (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), kara söğüt (Salix nigra Marsh.) ve doğu kayınının (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) öz odun ve diri odunları arasındaki lif morfolojisi ve kimyasal bileşim bakımından farklılıklar incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, öz odun örneklerinin diri odun örneklerinden daha kısa liflere ve daha düşük keçeleşme oranına sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Öz odun ve diri odun örneklerinin trahe uzunlukları arasındaki farkın istatistiki olarak anlamsız olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Öz odun örnekleri daha az holoselüloz ve daha fazla klason lignin içeriğine sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna ilave olarak, öz odun örneklerinin etanol, sıcak su ve soğuk su çözünürlükleri daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Öz odun ve diri odunun diğer lif morfolojisi değerleri ve kimyasal bileşenleri ağaç türüne bağlı olarak değişim gösterdiği görülmüştür.


  • 1. Ataç, Y. (2009). Bazı Yapraklı ve İğne Yapraklı Ağaçların Öz ve Diri Odunlarının Kağıt Özellikleri Yönünden İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi (Yayımlanmamış), Bartın Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Bartın, 111 s.
  • 2. Ataç, Y., Eroğlu, H. (2013). The effects of heartwood and sapwood on kraft pulp properties of Pinus nigra JF Arnold and Abies bornmuelleriana Mattf. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37(2), 243-248.
  • 3. Ay, N., Şahin, H. (1998). Doğu ladini [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.] öz odun diri odununun iç morfolojik özeliklerinin incelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 22(2), 203-207.
  • 4. Bahmani, M., Fathi, L., Koch, G., Kool, F., Aghajani, H., Humar, M. (2020). Heartwood and sapwood features of Sorbus torminalis grown in Iranian forests. Wood Research, 65, 195-204.
  • 5. Beaulieu, J. (2003). Genetic variation in tracheid length and relationships with growth and wood traits in eastern white spruce (Picea glauca). Wood and Fiber Science, 35(4), 609-616.
  • 6. Campbell, A. G., Kim, W. J., Koch, P. (1990). Chemical variation in lodgepole pine with sapwood/heartwood, stem height, and variety. Wood and Fiber Science, 22(1), 22-30.
  • 7. Gao, H., Zhang, L. P., Liu, S. Q. (2011a). Comparison of KP pulping properties between heartwood and sapwood of Poplar I-69. Advanced Materials Research, 236-238, 1437-1441.
  • 8. Gao, H., Zhang, L. P., Liu, S. Q. (2011b). Comparison of KP pulping properties between heartwood and sapwood of Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) G. Don. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 55-57, 1778-1784.
  • 9. Gençer, A., Gül Türkmen, H. (2016). Yabani kiraz diri odunu ve öz odunundan kağit üretim şartlarının belirlenmesi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 23-31.
  • 10. Gominho, J., Figueira, J., Rodrigues, J. C., Pereira, H. (2001). Within-tree variation of heartwood, extractives and wood density in the eucalypt hybrid urograndis (Eucalyptus grandis× E. urophylla). Wood and Fiber Science, 33(1), 3-8.
  • 11. Hernández, R. B., Salazar, J. A. H. (2005). Composición química de la madera de cuatro especies del género Quercus. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 30(98), 25-49.
  • 12. İstek, A., Gülsoy, S. K., Eroğlu, H. (2010). Karaçam Öz Odunu ve Diri Odunu Lifsel Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması, III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, Cilt: V, 1916-1924.
  • 13. Liukkonen, S., Vehnianinen, A., Sirvio, J. (2007). Selection of Raw Material Offers New Energy-Property Combinations for Mechanical Pulp, International Mechanical Pulping Conference, 1-9, Minnesota, USA.
  • 14. Lourenço, A., Baptista, I., Gominho, J., Pereira, H. (2008). The influence of heartwood on the pulping properties of Acacia melanoxylon wood. Journal of Wood Science, 54(6), 464-469.
  • 15. Lourenço, A., Gominho, J., Pereira, H. (2010). Pulping and delignification of sapwood and heartwood from Eucalyptus globulus. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 36(3), 85-90.
  • 16. Malakani, M., Khademieslam, H., Hosseinihashemi, S. K., Zeinaly, F. (2014). Influence of fungal decay in chemi-mechanical properties of beech wood (Fagus orientalis). Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48(1-2), 97-103.
  • 17. Mariani, S., Torres, M., Fernandez, A., Morales, E. (2005). Effects of Eucalyptus nitens heartwood in kraft pulping. Tappi Journal, 4(2), 8-10.
  • 18. Mertoglu-Elmas, G. (2019). Examining the suitability of the heartwood and sapwood in the white poplar to pulp making in term of fiber morphology. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(1), 173-188.
  • 19. Miranda, I., Gominho, J., Lourenco, A., Pereira, H. (2007). Heartwood, extractives and pulp yield of three Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in two sites. Appita Journal, 60(6), 485-488.
  • 20. Miranda, I., Sousa, V., Pereira, H. (2011). Wood properties of teak (Tectona grandis) from a mature unmanaged stand in East Timor. Journal of Wood Science, 57(3), 171-178.
  • 21. Miranda, I., Sousa, V., Ferreira, J., Pereira, H. (2017). Chemical characterization and extractives composition of heartwood and sapwood from Quercus faginea. Plos One, 12(6), e0179268.
  • 22. Morais, M. C., Pereira, H. (2012). Variation of extractives content in heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus trees. Wood Science and Technology, 46(4), 709-719.
  • 23. Özdemir, F., Tutuș, A., Bektaș, İ., Çiçekler, M. (2015). Fıstıkçamı ve yalancı akasya türlerinde öz odun - diri odun kısımlarında hücreler arasındaki morfolojik farklılıkların belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 60-64.
  • 24. Pinto, I., Pereira, H., Usenius, A. (2004). Heartwood and sapwood development within maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stems. Trees, 18(3), 284-294.
  • 25. Puntambekar, R., Pydimalla, M., Dinda, S., Adusumalli, R. B. (2016). Characterization of Eucalyptus heartwood and sapwood pulp after kraft cooking. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 13(1), 8-15.
  • 26. Pydimalla, M., Reddy, N. S., Adusumalli, R. B. (2019). Characterization of subabul heartwood and sapwood pulps after cooking and bleaching. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 53(5–6), 479-492.
  • 27. Rayirath, P., Avramidis, S. (2008). Some aspects of western hemlock air permeability. Maderas Ciencia y Tecnología, 10(3), 185-193.
  • 28. Ruiz-Aquino, F., González-Peña, M. M., Valdez-Hernández, J. I., Revilla, U. S., Romero-Manzanares, A. (2015). Chemical characterization and fuel properties of wood and bark of two oaks from Oaxaca, Mexico. Industrial Crops and Products, 65, 90-95.
  • 29. Saraeian, A. R., Khalili, G. R. A., Aliabadi, M., Dahmardeh, G. N. M. (2011). Comparison of soda and kraft pulp properties of Populus deltoides sapwood and heartwood. Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 10(17), 125-137.
  • 30. Seikel, M. K., Hostettler, F. D., Niemann, G. J. (1971). Phenolics of Quercus rubra wood. Phytochemistry, 10(9), 2249–2251.
  • 31. Sjöström E. (1993). Wood Chemistry. Fundamentals and Applications. 2nd ed. Academic Press: San Diego.
  • 32. Spearin, W. E., Isenberg, I. H. (1947). Maceration of woody tissue with acetic acid and sodium chlorite. Science, 105, 214-214.
  • 33. Wise, L. E., Karl, H. L. (1962). Cellulose and Hemicellulose in Pulp and Paper Science and Technology. McGraw Hill Book Co.: New York.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Biyomateryaller
Bölüm Biomaterial Engineering, Bio-based Materials, Wood Science

Sezgin Koray Gülsoy 0000-0002-3079-9015

Hasan Aksoy

Hülya Gül Türkmen Bu kişi benim

Gülcan Çanakçı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gülsoy, S. K., Aksoy, H., Gül Türkmen, H., Çanakçı, G. (2021). Fiber Morphology and Chemical Composition of Heartwood and Sapwood of Red Gum, Black Willow, and Oriental Beech. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), 119-124.

Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi Editorship,

Bartin University, Faculty of Forestry, Dean Floor No:106, Agdaci District, 74100 Bartin-Turkey.

Tel: +90 (378) 223 5094, Fax: +90 (378) 223 5062,
