The aim of this study is that determination of the usability of the different types of waste impregnated papers (IP) in a standard HDF production line. For this purpose, the HDF panels were produced from industrial prepared fibers and waste of IP, called decor and overlay, preparation lines by three different ratios (from 5% to 15%). Some important properties of HDF’s were determined according to standard test methods and were evaluated by statistical analysis in a 95% confidence interval. According to the evaluation results, it was concluded that it is possible to statistically evaluate the use of overlay and decor papers up to 15% in a standard production in terms of density, and equilibrium moisture, thickness swelling (2 h and 24 h), and modulus of rupture values. In addition, it was observed that the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength values generally improved as the amount of waste paper increased, regardless of the type of waste paper. However, the significant increase in formaldehyde emission showed that evaluating these waste papers without changing in the standard production line is difficult.
The authors would like to thank Kastamonu Integrated Kastamonu OSB Plant for their support in carrying out this study
Alpár, T.L., Winkler, A. (2006) Recycling of Impregnated Décor Paper in Particleboard. Acta Silv Lignaria Hungarica 2:113–116
Ayrılmış, N. (2012) Enhancement of dimensional stability and mechanical properties of light MDF by adding melamine resin impregnated paper waste. Int J Adhes Adhes 33:45–49.
Başboğa, İ.H., İlkay, A., Karakuş, K., Özcan, Y., Mengeloğlu, F. (2018) Effectiveness of melamine impregnated paper (MIP) waste as an adhesive in particleboard manufacturing. Kastamonu Univ J For Fac 18 (3):292–303
Başboğa, I.H., Mengeloglu, F., Karakus, K., Atar, I. (2016) Proper Mesh Size Determination of Melamine Impregnated Paper (MIP) in Particleboard Manufacturing as an Adhesive Replacement. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, (pp 1665–1670) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Access address:
Başboğa, İ.H., Taşdemir, Ç., Yüce, Ö., Mengeloğlu, F. (2023) Utilization of different size waste melamine impregnated paper as an adhesive in the manufacturing of particleboard. Int J Adhes Adhes 120:103275.
Dönmez Çavdar, A., Yel, H., Kalaycioǧlu, H., Hiziroglu, S. (2013) Effect of waste melamine impregnated paper on properties of oriented strand board. Mater Des 51:751–755.
EN 120 (1992) Wood based panels- Determination of formaldehyde content- Extraction method called the perforator method. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 13986 (2004) Wood-based panels for use in construction – Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 310 (1993) Wood-based panels: Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 317 (1993) Particleboards and fiberboards- Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 319 (1993) Particleboards and fiberboards- Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 322 (1993) Wood based panels- Determination of moisture content. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 323 (1993) Wood based panels- Determination of density. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 622-1 (2003) Fibreboards. Specifications General requirements. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
Hong, M.-K., Lubis, M.A.R., Park, B.-D. (2017) Effect of panel density and resin content on properties of medium density fiberboard. J Korean Wood Sci Technol 45:444–455
Istek, A., Özlüsoylu, İ., Onat, S.M., Özlüsoylu, Ş. (2018) Formaldehyde Emission Problems and Solution Recommendations on Wood-Based Boards. J Bartin Fac For 20:382–387
Le Fur, X., Galhac, M., Zanetti, M., Pizzi, A. (2004) Recycling melamine-impregnated paper waste as board adhesives. Holz als Roh- und Werkst 62:419–423.
Mengeloğlu, F., Başboğa, İ.H., Atar, İ., Karakus, K., Yüce, Ö. (2018) The usage of ABCM as a formaldehyde scavenger during particleboard manufacturing with melamine impregnated paper waste (MIPW). Pro Ligno 14(3): 19-28
Mengeloğlu, F., Başboğa, I.H., Karakus, K., Atar, I. (2016) Utilization of Melamine Impregnated Paper (MIP) and Urea Formaldehyde (UF) Adhesives in Different Layers of Particleboard. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, (pp 2022–2007) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Access adress:
Park, B-D., Kim, Y-S., Riedl, B. (2001) Effect of wood-fiber characteristics on medium density fiberboard (MDF) performance. J Korean Wood Sci Technol 29:27–35
Ramezanian Sani, F., Enayati, A.A. (2020) Reduced use of urea-formaldehyde resin and press time due to the use of melamine resin-impregnated paper waste in MDF. J Indian Acad Wood Sci 17(1):100–105.
Rowell, R.M. (2014) The use of biomass to produce bio-based composites and building materials. In Waldron, K. (Eds ) Adv Biorefineries Biomass Waste Supply Chain Exploit (pp. 803–818),. Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Sıradağ, H., İstek, A., Özlüsoylu, İ., Mercik, Ş. (2018) Orta yoğunluklu lif levhaların (MDF) bazı özellikleri üzerine tutkal kullanım oranının etkisi. International Congress on Agriculture And Forestry Research, (pp 688–694) Marmaris, Türkiye.
Varga, M., Alpár, T.L., Németh, G. (2004) General waste handling and recycling in particleboard production. Manag Environ Qual An Int J 15 (5):509–520.
Atık Emprenyeli Kağıtların Standart Kalite Yüksek Yoğunluklu Lif Levha (HDF) Üretiminde Kullanılabilirliği Üzerine Bir Laboratuvar Denemesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı türlerdeki emprenye edilmiş atık kağıtların (IP) normal bir HDF üretim hattında kullanılabilirliğinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla endüstriyel olarak üretilen ve levha üretimine hazır liflere, dekor ve overlay olarak adlandırılan emprenye edilmiş kağıt atıklarından üç farklı oranda (%5'ten %15'e kadar) eklenerek HDF paneller üretilmiştir. Üretilen HDF'lerin bazı önemli özellikleri standart test yöntemlerine göre belirlenmiş ve %95 güven aralığında istatistiksel analiz ile değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirme sonuçlarına göre, standart bir üretimde %15'e kadar olan overlay ve dekor kağıtlarının kullanımının yoğunluk ve denge rutubeti, kalınlığı şişme (2 saat ve 24 saat) ve eğilme direnci değerleri açısından istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesinin mümkün olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, atık emprenyeli kağıt türü fark etmeksizin, atık emprenyeli kağıt miktarı arttıkça elastikiyet modülü ve çekme dayanımı değerlerinin genel olarak iyileştiği gözlemlenmiştir. Fakat formaldehit emisyonundaki ciddi derecedeki artış, standart üretim hattında herhangi bir değişiklik yapılmadan bu kağıtların değerlendirilmesinin zor olduğunu göstermiştir
Alpár, T.L., Winkler, A. (2006) Recycling of Impregnated Décor Paper in Particleboard. Acta Silv Lignaria Hungarica 2:113–116
Ayrılmış, N. (2012) Enhancement of dimensional stability and mechanical properties of light MDF by adding melamine resin impregnated paper waste. Int J Adhes Adhes 33:45–49.
Başboğa, İ.H., İlkay, A., Karakuş, K., Özcan, Y., Mengeloğlu, F. (2018) Effectiveness of melamine impregnated paper (MIP) waste as an adhesive in particleboard manufacturing. Kastamonu Univ J For Fac 18 (3):292–303
Başboğa, I.H., Mengeloglu, F., Karakus, K., Atar, I. (2016) Proper Mesh Size Determination of Melamine Impregnated Paper (MIP) in Particleboard Manufacturing as an Adhesive Replacement. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, (pp 1665–1670) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Access address:
Başboğa, İ.H., Taşdemir, Ç., Yüce, Ö., Mengeloğlu, F. (2023) Utilization of different size waste melamine impregnated paper as an adhesive in the manufacturing of particleboard. Int J Adhes Adhes 120:103275.
Dönmez Çavdar, A., Yel, H., Kalaycioǧlu, H., Hiziroglu, S. (2013) Effect of waste melamine impregnated paper on properties of oriented strand board. Mater Des 51:751–755.
EN 120 (1992) Wood based panels- Determination of formaldehyde content- Extraction method called the perforator method. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 13986 (2004) Wood-based panels for use in construction – Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 310 (1993) Wood-based panels: Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 317 (1993) Particleboards and fiberboards- Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 319 (1993) Particleboards and fiberboards- Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 322 (1993) Wood based panels- Determination of moisture content. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 323 (1993) Wood based panels- Determination of density. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
EN 622-1 (2003) Fibreboards. Specifications General requirements. European Committee for Standardization, Brussels.
Hong, M.-K., Lubis, M.A.R., Park, B.-D. (2017) Effect of panel density and resin content on properties of medium density fiberboard. J Korean Wood Sci Technol 45:444–455
Istek, A., Özlüsoylu, İ., Onat, S.M., Özlüsoylu, Ş. (2018) Formaldehyde Emission Problems and Solution Recommendations on Wood-Based Boards. J Bartin Fac For 20:382–387
Le Fur, X., Galhac, M., Zanetti, M., Pizzi, A. (2004) Recycling melamine-impregnated paper waste as board adhesives. Holz als Roh- und Werkst 62:419–423.
Mengeloğlu, F., Başboğa, İ.H., Atar, İ., Karakus, K., Yüce, Ö. (2018) The usage of ABCM as a formaldehyde scavenger during particleboard manufacturing with melamine impregnated paper waste (MIPW). Pro Ligno 14(3): 19-28
Mengeloğlu, F., Başboğa, I.H., Karakus, K., Atar, I. (2016) Utilization of Melamine Impregnated Paper (MIP) and Urea Formaldehyde (UF) Adhesives in Different Layers of Particleboard. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, (pp 2022–2007) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Access adress:
Park, B-D., Kim, Y-S., Riedl, B. (2001) Effect of wood-fiber characteristics on medium density fiberboard (MDF) performance. J Korean Wood Sci Technol 29:27–35
Ramezanian Sani, F., Enayati, A.A. (2020) Reduced use of urea-formaldehyde resin and press time due to the use of melamine resin-impregnated paper waste in MDF. J Indian Acad Wood Sci 17(1):100–105.
Rowell, R.M. (2014) The use of biomass to produce bio-based composites and building materials. In Waldron, K. (Eds ) Adv Biorefineries Biomass Waste Supply Chain Exploit (pp. 803–818),. Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Sıradağ, H., İstek, A., Özlüsoylu, İ., Mercik, Ş. (2018) Orta yoğunluklu lif levhaların (MDF) bazı özellikleri üzerine tutkal kullanım oranının etkisi. International Congress on Agriculture And Forestry Research, (pp 688–694) Marmaris, Türkiye.
Varga, M., Alpár, T.L., Németh, G. (2004) General waste handling and recycling in particleboard production. Manag Environ Qual An Int J 15 (5):509–520.
Kutluata, N. Ö., Olgun, Ç., & Gür, M. (2023). A Laboratory Trial on the Usability of Waste Impregnated Papers in Standard Quality High Density Fiberboard (HDF) Production. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(3), 369-377.