It is understood that peace and security in the international community are threatened at all times, and therefore reaching global peace is a myth. However, effective application of international law rules and international legitimacy in the actions of international organizations and states are important to ensure a non-conflicted environment in international relations. In international law, in a society composed of states that are the creators of the rules, the fact that a state is not bound by the rules that it puts and the will to apply these rules causes the function of the law to be questioned. The law must have a certain impulse against its creator so that global justice can be talked about. In this study, international political attenuating policies of the governments of international states and especially of the strong states of the international community are put forward, and the question is how to find a reliable, democratic and just form of the insecure international environment which is the result of these policies. By way of example, international law-abusing practices will be exemplified, and in the context of these examples, opinions and concrete practices on the establishment and strengthening of global justice in the theoretical-practical level will be explained.