Environmental and human health effects of heavy metal pollution in the soil in industrial areas in Çorlu province in Tekirdağ
Yıl 2017,
, 256 - 263, 09.10.2017
Ayşe Hadan Dökmeci
Suna Özden Çelik
Gül Kaykıoğlu
Atakan Öngen
Soil is the main terrain where plants provide
macro and micro elements. Especially industrial facilities established
near arable land poses a great threat to environment and human health. The
pollution produced by the industrial facilities located in Çorlu district of
Tekirdağ affected the quality of the surface water and as a result it was
affected in the soil too. Soil pollution is influenced by the human chain of
nutrients in large proportions. In our work, soil samples were collected from
Çorlu province between 2006 and 2007 in 3-month periods. Pb, Cu, Zn,
Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cd and Cr were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry (FAAS) in soil samples collected from the surface near the surface
waters where industrial wastewater was discharged. The quantities of
detected heavy metals were evaluated by comparing them with national and
international permissible limit values. Especially Zn, Cr, Cd and Ni
contents in soil sampled from Türkgücü village, Çorlu stream (Sinop
neighborhood) and Velimeşe Çerkezköy OSB have mostly been determined above the
limit values stated in TKKY Annex-Ia. The
presence of heavy metals detected in the soil can negatively affect
agricultural production, groundwater quality and indirect human health.
Therefore, the treatment of soil polluted by heavy metals, the control of
pesticide usage and the most important is to design the treatment plants which
can remove heavy metals, so that the anthropogenic wastewater is treated and
supplied to the receiving environments.
- Rajeswari, R, ve Sailaja, N., Impact of heavy metals on envıronmental pollution, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3,175, (2014).
- McLaughlin M. J., Zarcinas B. A., Stevens D. P., ve Cook, N., Soil testing for heavy metals, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 31, 11–14, 1661–1700, (2000).
- McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R. E., McLaren, R. G., Speir, T. W., ve Rogers, S. L,, Review: a bioavailability-based rationale for controlling metal and metalloid contamination of agricultural land in Australia and New Zealand, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38, 6, 1037–1086, (2000).
- Ling, W, Shen, Q, Gao, Y, Gu, X, and Yang, Z., Use of bentonite to control the release of copper from contaminated soils, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 45, 8, 618–623, (2007).
- United States Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Service, Soil Quality Institute, Heavy metal soil contamination, Soil Quaity-Urban Technical, Note No 3., 411, 36832, 334-844-4741, X-177, (2000).
- Li F.Y., Fan Zh. P., Xiao P. F., Oh K., Ma X. P., ve Hou W. Contamination, chemical speciation and vertical distribution of heavy metals in soils of an old and large industrial zone in Northeast China. Environmental Geology, 57, 1815–1823, (2009).
- Li J. L., He M., Han W., and Gu Y. F., Analysis and assessment on heavy metal sources in the coastal soils developed from alluvial deposits using multivariate statistical methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164, 976–981, (2009).
- TC Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı ,Tekirdağ Valiliği Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü, Su Kirliliği. http://www.csb.gov.tr/iller/tekirdag/index.php?Sayfa= sayfa&Tur= webmenu&Id=4341 (22.06.2017).
- Guo P., Xie ZL., Li J., Kang CL., and Liu JH., Relationships between fractionations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni and soil properties in urban soils of Changchun, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 15, 179-185, (2005).
- Liao, F., Zhou, S., Zhang, H., Wu, S., and Zhao, Q., Spatial distribution and changes of heavy metals of agricultural lands in typical pregrading coast in Dongtai City, Jiangsu province, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 18, 276-283 (2008).
- Pérez C., Martínez M.J., Vidal J., and Navarro C., Proposed reference values for heavy metals in calcaric fluvisols of the Huerta de Murcia (SE Spain).In: Sustainable use and management of soils in arid and semi arid regions (Fáz A., Ortiz R., Mermut A.R., eds). Quaderna Editorial, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 495-496, 2002.
- Kabata-Pendias A., and Pendias H., Trace elements in soils and plants. 3rd edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 413, (2001).
- CEC, Council Directive of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture. Official Journal of the European Communities, L181, 6-12, (1986).
- Soil Pollution Prevention Regulation. Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ankara, Turkey, (2005).
- Sabudak, T., Seren, G., Kaykıoglu G., and Dincer AR, Determination of trace elements in soil and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plant parts, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16,10,1274-1278, (2007).
- Fabis W., Schadstaftbelastung von Bödn-auswirkurgen auf Böden-und wasserqalitat Allg Forstzeitsehr. Munich: BLV Verloggsellshaft, (1987).
- Tembo BD, Scihilongo K., Cernak J. Distiribution of copper, lead,cadmium and zinc concentrations in soil around Kabwe town in Zambia, Chemosphere, 63, 497-501, (2006).
- Sezgin N., Özcan HK., Demir G., Nemlioğlu, and Bayat C., Determination of heavy metal concentartions in street dusts in İstanbul E-5 highway, Environmental International, 29, 979-985, (2003).
- Adiloğlu A., Adiloğlu S., Bellitürk K., Karakaş Ö., Sümer A., Gönülsüz E., and Sari H., Tekirdağ ili kıyı şeridi topraklarında ağır metal kirliliği. 1. Kıyı Bölgelerinde Çevre Kirliliği ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Tekirdag, 351-365, (2011).
- Anyakora, C., Ehianeta, T., and Umukoro, O., Heavy metal levels in soil samples from highly industrialized Lagos environment, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7, 9, 917-924, (2013).
- Hu, B., Zhou, j., Liu, l., Meng, W., ve Wang, Z., Assessment of heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risk in soils of tianjin sewage irrigation region, north china, Journal of Environmental&Analytical Toxicology, 7, 1, (2017).
- Mtunzi, F. M., Dikio1, E. D., ve Moja, S. J., Evaluation of heavy metal pollution on soil in Vaderbijlpark, South Africa, International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis , 3, 2, 44-49, (2015).
- Haktanır, K., Çevre Kirliliği, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notu. 107,82-83(1983).
Tekirdağ’da Çorlu ilinde endüstriyel alanlardaki toprakta ağır metal kirliliğinin çevresel ve insan sağlığı açısından etkileri
Yıl 2017,
, 256 - 263, 09.10.2017
Ayşe Hadan Dökmeci
Suna Özden Çelik
Gül Kaykıoğlu
Atakan Öngen
Toprak, bitkilerin makro ve mikro elementlerini sağladığı ana
karadır. Özellikle tarıma elverişli toprakların yakınında kurulan sanayi
tesisleri çevresel ve insan sağlığı açısından büyük tehdit
oluşturmaktadır. Tekirdağ’ın Çorlu ilçesinde bulunan sanayi
tesislerinin oluşturduğu kirlilik yüzey suyunun da kalitesini etkilemiş ve
bunun sonucunda toprak da etkilenmiştir. Toprak kirliliği besin
zinciri yoluyla insan sağlığını büyük oranda
etkilemektedir. Çalışmamızda 2006- 2007 yılları arasında sanayinin
yoğun olduğu Çorlu ilinden 3 aylık periyotlar şeklinde toprak numuneleri toplanmıştır.Sanayi atık
sularının deşarj edildiği yüzey sularına yakın 7 noktadan toplanan toprak numunelerinde Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co,
Cd ve Cr miktarları Alevli Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektrometresi (FAAS) ile
belirlenmiştir. Tespit edilen ağır metal miktarlarını ulusal ve
uluslararası izin verilebilir sınır değerlerle karşılaştırarak
değerlendirilmiştir. Özellikle Türkgücü köyü, Çorlu deresi (Sinop
Mah.) ve Velimeşe Çerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (OSB) civarından toplanan
toprak numunelerinde Zn, Cr, Cd ve Ni içeriği çoğunlukla Toprak Kirliliği
Kontrol Yönetmeliği (TKKY) EK-Ia’da belirtilen sınır değerlerin üzerinde tespit
edilmiştir. Toprakta tespit edilen ağır metallerin varlığı, tarımsal
üretime, yer altı suyu kalitesine ve dolaylı yoldan insan sağlığına olumsuz
etkide bulunabilir. Bu yüzden ağır metaller tarafından kirlenmiş
toprağın iyileştirilmesi, pestisit kullanımının kontrolü ve en önemlisi ağır
metalleri giderebilecek arıtma tesislerinin dizaynını yaparak antropojenik
kaynaklı atık suların arıtılarak alıcı ortamlara verilmesini sağlamaktır.
- Rajeswari, R, ve Sailaja, N., Impact of heavy metals on envıronmental pollution, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3,175, (2014).
- McLaughlin M. J., Zarcinas B. A., Stevens D. P., ve Cook, N., Soil testing for heavy metals, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 31, 11–14, 1661–1700, (2000).
- McLaughlin, M. J., Hamon, R. E., McLaren, R. G., Speir, T. W., ve Rogers, S. L,, Review: a bioavailability-based rationale for controlling metal and metalloid contamination of agricultural land in Australia and New Zealand, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38, 6, 1037–1086, (2000).
- Ling, W, Shen, Q, Gao, Y, Gu, X, and Yang, Z., Use of bentonite to control the release of copper from contaminated soils, Australian Journal of Soil Research, 45, 8, 618–623, (2007).
- United States Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Service, Soil Quality Institute, Heavy metal soil contamination, Soil Quaity-Urban Technical, Note No 3., 411, 36832, 334-844-4741, X-177, (2000).
- Li F.Y., Fan Zh. P., Xiao P. F., Oh K., Ma X. P., ve Hou W. Contamination, chemical speciation and vertical distribution of heavy metals in soils of an old and large industrial zone in Northeast China. Environmental Geology, 57, 1815–1823, (2009).
- Li J. L., He M., Han W., and Gu Y. F., Analysis and assessment on heavy metal sources in the coastal soils developed from alluvial deposits using multivariate statistical methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164, 976–981, (2009).
- TC Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı ,Tekirdağ Valiliği Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü, Su Kirliliği. http://www.csb.gov.tr/iller/tekirdag/index.php?Sayfa= sayfa&Tur= webmenu&Id=4341 (22.06.2017).
- Guo P., Xie ZL., Li J., Kang CL., and Liu JH., Relationships between fractionations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni and soil properties in urban soils of Changchun, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 15, 179-185, (2005).
- Liao, F., Zhou, S., Zhang, H., Wu, S., and Zhao, Q., Spatial distribution and changes of heavy metals of agricultural lands in typical pregrading coast in Dongtai City, Jiangsu province, China, Chinese Geographical Science, 18, 276-283 (2008).
- Pérez C., Martínez M.J., Vidal J., and Navarro C., Proposed reference values for heavy metals in calcaric fluvisols of the Huerta de Murcia (SE Spain).In: Sustainable use and management of soils in arid and semi arid regions (Fáz A., Ortiz R., Mermut A.R., eds). Quaderna Editorial, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, 495-496, 2002.
- Kabata-Pendias A., and Pendias H., Trace elements in soils and plants. 3rd edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 413, (2001).
- CEC, Council Directive of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture. Official Journal of the European Communities, L181, 6-12, (1986).
- Soil Pollution Prevention Regulation. Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ankara, Turkey, (2005).
- Sabudak, T., Seren, G., Kaykıoglu G., and Dincer AR, Determination of trace elements in soil and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plant parts, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16,10,1274-1278, (2007).
- Fabis W., Schadstaftbelastung von Bödn-auswirkurgen auf Böden-und wasserqalitat Allg Forstzeitsehr. Munich: BLV Verloggsellshaft, (1987).
- Tembo BD, Scihilongo K., Cernak J. Distiribution of copper, lead,cadmium and zinc concentrations in soil around Kabwe town in Zambia, Chemosphere, 63, 497-501, (2006).
- Sezgin N., Özcan HK., Demir G., Nemlioğlu, and Bayat C., Determination of heavy metal concentartions in street dusts in İstanbul E-5 highway, Environmental International, 29, 979-985, (2003).
- Adiloğlu A., Adiloğlu S., Bellitürk K., Karakaş Ö., Sümer A., Gönülsüz E., and Sari H., Tekirdağ ili kıyı şeridi topraklarında ağır metal kirliliği. 1. Kıyı Bölgelerinde Çevre Kirliliği ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Tekirdag, 351-365, (2011).
- Anyakora, C., Ehianeta, T., and Umukoro, O., Heavy metal levels in soil samples from highly industrialized Lagos environment, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7, 9, 917-924, (2013).
- Hu, B., Zhou, j., Liu, l., Meng, W., ve Wang, Z., Assessment of heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risk in soils of tianjin sewage irrigation region, north china, Journal of Environmental&Analytical Toxicology, 7, 1, (2017).
- Mtunzi, F. M., Dikio1, E. D., ve Moja, S. J., Evaluation of heavy metal pollution on soil in Vaderbijlpark, South Africa, International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis , 3, 2, 44-49, (2015).
- Haktanır, K., Çevre Kirliliği, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notu. 107,82-83(1983).