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Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri

Yıl 2018, , 164 - 176, 01.12.2018


Bu çalışmada, Kuzey Ege Denizi, Edremit Körfezi’nden Ekim 2008-Ekim
2009 tarihleri arasında, Trachurus
trachurus (Linneaus, 1758) cinsiyet oranı, gonadosomatik indeksi,
yumurtlama mevsimi, ilk eşeysel olgunluk boyu ve fekonditesi incelenmiştir.
Toplam 829 adet T. trachurus
bireyi aylık olarak örneklenmiştir. T.
trachurus’un 1-4 yaş grupları arasındaki bireylerin %55.73’ünü dişiler,
%44.23’ünü erkek bireyler oluşturmuştur. 
Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un üreme döneminin Nisan- Ağustos ayları
arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. İlk üreme boyu dişi bireyler için 13 cm olarak
saptanmıştır. Türün mutlak yumurta verimliliği-toplam boy, mutlak yumurta
verimliliği-toplam ağırlık sırasıyla F = 1.672xTL3.311, F =
491.91TW+1306.6 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma Trachurus trachurus’un
Türkiye sularında bazı üreme özelliklerine ilişkin ilk verileri


  • Murua, H., Kraus, G., Saborido-Rey, F., Witthames, P.R., Thorsen, A. and Junguera, S., Procedures to estimate fecundity of marine fish species in relation to their reproductive strategy. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 33, 33-54, (2003). Muchlisin, Z.A., A general overview on some aspect of fish reproduction. Aceh International. Journal Science and Technology, 3,1, 43-52, (2014).
  • Golani, D., Massuti, E., Orsi-Relini, L. and Quingnard, J.P., CIESM Atlas of Exotic Fishes in the Mediterranean, (2006).
  • Smith-Vaniz, W.F., Carangidae. p. 815-844. In: Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.-L., Hureau, J.-C., Nielsen J. and Tortonese E. (eds.) Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Paris. vol. 2. (1986).
  • Gail, R., État sexuel et croissance du saurel des côtes Atlantiques du Maroc (Trachurus trachurus L.). Annual Biologia C.I.E.M. 8, 90–91, (1954).
  • Macer, C.T., The reproductive biology of the hors mackerel Trachurus trachurus (L.) The North Sea and English Chan. Journal Fisheries Biology, 6, 415-438, (1974).
  • Arruda, L.M., Sexual maturation and growth of Trachurus trachurus (L.) along the Portuguese coast. Inv. Pesq., 48,3, 419-430, (1984).
  • Eltink, A. and Vingerhoed, B., The total fecundıty of western horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.). Netherlands, Ices C.M. H:44, Pelagic Fish commitee, (1989).
  • Abaunza, P., Farina, A.C. and Carrera, P., Geographic variations in sexual maturity of the horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus. The Galician and Cantabrian shelf. Scientia Marina, 59, 3-4, 211-222, (1995).
  • Karlou-Riga, C. and Economidis, P. S., Spawning frequency and batch fecundity of horse mackarel, Trachurus trachurus (L.), in the Gulf of Sarokinos (Greece). Fisheries Research, 32, 157-171, (1997).
  • Coombs, S.H., Morgans, D. and Hallidoy, N.C., Seasonel and ontogenetic changes in the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of Mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) and Horse Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus). Fisheries Resources, 50, 27-40, (2001).
  • Abaunza, P., Gordo, L., Karlou-Riga, C., Murta, A., Eltink, A.T.G.W., Garcia Santamaria, M.T., Zimmermann, C., Hammer, C., Lucio, P., Iversen, S.A., Molloy, J. and Gallo, E., Growth and reproduction of horse mackerel, Trachurus tarchurus (carangidae). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 13, 27-61, (2003).
  • Van Damme, C.J.G., Dransfeld, L., Eltink, A.T.G.W., Krüger-Johnsen, M., Pérez, J.R., Ulleweit, J. and Witthames, P.R., Horse mackerel fecundity in relation to lipid content. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), Q:03 (2005).
  • Artüz, M.L., The egg and larval growth stages of Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Sea of Marmara. Fisheries Advisory Comission Technical, Paper No: 202, (2000).
  • Kalaycı, F., Orta Karadeniz’de Avlanan İstavrit (Trachurus trachurus L., 1758) Balığının Üreme Özellikleri ve Populasyon Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, SOMÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, 119. s, Samsun, (2006).
  • Aydın, M., ve Karadurmuş, U., Age, growth, length-weİght relationshİp and reproduction of the Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus Linnaeus,1758) in Ordu (Black Sea). Ordu University, Journal of Science Technology, 2, 68-77, (2012).
  • Soykan, A., Ayvalık ve Ören Arsının Kıyı Jeomorfolojisi. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 32, 99-120, (1997).
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., Nielsen, J., and Tortonese, E., Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, (1986).
  • Bagenal, T., Methods of assessment of the fish production in fresh waters. Blackwell Scientific Publication, London, 365, (1978).). Avşar, D., Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Populasyon Dinamiği. Nobel Yayınevi, Adana, 332, (2005).
  • Somerton, D.A., A Computer Technique of Estimating the Size of Sexual Maturity in Crabs. Can. Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science, 37, 1488-1494, (1980).
  • King, M., Fisheries biology, assessment and management. Fishing news books 339, (1996).
  • İlkyaz, A.T.C. Metin and H.T. Kınacıgil, A computer program about the calculation of the selectivity parameters in towed fishing gear illustrated with cover-end method (L50 Version:1.0.0) (in Turkish). Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15, 3-4, 305-314, (1998).
  • Lucio, P. and Martin, I., Biological aspects of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L. 1758) in the bay of Biscay in 1987 and 1988. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), 1989, H. 28, (1998).
  • Borges, M.F. and Gordo, L.S., Spatial distribution by season and somebiological parameters of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) in the Portuguese continental waters (Division IXa). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), 1991, H, 54, (1991).
  • Kerstan, M., Age, growth, maturity and mortality estimates of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) from the waters west of Great Britain and Ireland in 1984. Archiv Fischwiss, 36, 1/2, 115-154, (1985).
  • Karlou-Riga, C. and Economidis, P.S., Spawning frequency and batch fecundity of horse mackarel, Trachurus trachurus (L.), in the Gulf of Sarokinos (Greece). Fisheries Research, 32, 157-171, (1997).
  • Güroy, D., Kahyaoğlu, G., Özen, Ö. ve Tekinay, A.A., Çanakkale Boğazı ve Civarında Yakalanan İstavrit Balığının Bazı Biyolojik Özellikleri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 23, 1/1, 91-93, (2006).
  • Akyol, O., İzmir Körfezi’nde (Ege Denizi) dağılım gösteren istavrit balığı’nın (Trachurus trachurus L., 1758) bazı biyolojik ve denekolojik özellikleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, DEÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Bölümü, İzmir, 52, (1995).
  • Yücel, Ş., Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Avlanan İstavrit (Trachurus trachurus) Balığının Balıkçılık Biyolojisi Yönünden İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sinop, (1997).
  • Samsun, N., Kalaycı, F., Samsun, O. ve Bilgin, S., Samsun Körfezi’nde avlanan istavrit (Trachurus trachurus L., 1758) balığının bazı biyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 23, 481-486, (2006).
  • Santıć, M., Rada B., and Paladın, A., Condition and length-weight relationship of the horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) and the Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus L.) from the eastern Adriatic Sea. Archiv Biology Science, Belgrade, 63-2, 421-428, (2011).
  • Kerkich M., Aksissou M., Casal J.A.E., Age and growth of the horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus,1758) catches in the bay of M’diq (Mediterraneen coast of Morocco). IRACST - Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal, 3, 708–714, (2013).
  • Erdoğan, Z,. Torcu-Koc, H., Ulunehir, G. and Joksimovic, A., Some biological properties of different populations of the Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (L.) in Turkish Seas, Acta Adriatica, 57-1, 51-62, (2016).
  • Nikolsky, G.V., The ecology of fishes (Trans L. Birkett).1-3. Academic Press, London and New York, 352, (1963).
  • Karataş, M., Balık Biyolojisi Araştırma Yöntemleri. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Ankara, s.70-76,118, (2005).
  • Chen, Y. and Paloheimo, J.E., Estimating fish length and age at 50% maturityusing a logistic type model. Aquatic Science, 56, 206–219, (1994).
  • Hutchings, J.A. and Reynolds, J.D., Marine fish population collapse: consequencesfor recovery and extinction risk. Bioscience, 54, 297–309, (2004).
  • Olsen, E.M., Heino, M., Lilly, G., Morgan, M.J., Brattey, J., Ernande, B. and Dieckmann U., Maturation trends indicative of rapid evolution preceded the collapse of northern cod. Nature, 428, 932–935, (2004).
  • Olsen, E.M., Lilly, G.R., Heino, M., Morgan, M.J., Brattley, J. and Dieckmann, U., Assessing changes in age and size at maturation in collapsing populations of Atlantic cod (Cadus morhua). Canada. Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science, 62, 811–823, (2005).
  • Sharpe, D. and Hendry, A., Life history change in commercially exploited fishstocks: an analysis of trends across studies. Evolutionary Applications, 2, 260–275, (2009).
  • Enberg, K., Jørgensen, K., Dunlop, E. S., Varpe, Ø., Boukal, D. S., Baulier, L., Eliassen, S. ve Heino, M., Fishing-induced evolution of growth concepts, mechanism sand the empirical evidence. Marine Ecology. 33, 1–25, (2012).
  • Vainikka, A. and Hyvärinen, P., Ecologically and evolutionarily sustainable fishing of the pikeperch Sander lucioperca: Lake Oulujärvias an example. Fisheries Research 113, 8–20, (2012).
  • Pukk, L., Kuparinen, A., Järv, L., Gross, R. and Vasemägi, A., Genetic and life-history changes associated with fisheries-induced population collapse. Evolutionary Applications, 6, 749–760, (2013).
  • Sedletskaya, V.A., Development and distribution of eggs and larvae of Trachurus trachurus ( L). Rapp. Proc.-Verb. CIEM. 159, 194–198, (1970).
  • Lozano Cabo, F., El jurel o chicharro (Trachurus trachurus L.). Trab Institute Ciencence Nationalia, José de Acosta. 3, 1–133, (1952).
  • Planas, A. and Vives, F., Contribución al estudio del jurel (Trachurus trachurus L.) del Mediterráneo occidental (Sectores de Vinaroz e islas Columbretes). P. Institute Aplied Biology 13, 155–186, (1953).
  • Sahrhage, D., Ein Beitrag zur Biologie des Stöckers (Trachurus trachurus (L.)) in der Nordsee. Ber. dt. wiss. Komm. Meeresforsch. 21, 122–169, (1970).
  • Arruda, L.M, Aspectos da biologia de Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus 1758) vivendo ao longo da costa Portuguesa. As populações, o crescimento maturaçãosexual. PhD Thesis. Portugal, University of Lisbon, 407, (1982).
  • Lucio, P. And Martin, I., Biological aspects of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L. 1758) in the bay of Biscay in 1987 and 1988. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), 1989, H., (1989).
  • Ragonose S., Fiorentino, F., Garofalo, G., Gristina, M., Levi, D., Gancitano, S., Giusto, G.B., Rizzo, P. and Sinacori G., Distribution, abundance and biological features of picarel (Spicara flexuosa), Mediterranean (Trachurus mediterraneus) and Atlantic (T. trachurus) horse mackerel based on experimental bottom-trawl data (MEDITS, 1994–2002) in the Strait of Sicily. MedSudMed Technical Documents, 5, 100–114, (2002).
  • Demirsoy, A., Yaşamın Temel Kuralları Omurgalılar / Anamniyota. Cilt III / Bölüm I, Meteksan A.Ş. Baskı Tesisleri, Ankara, 684, 1993. Wheeler, A., The Fishes of the British Isles and North West Europe. Macmillan, London, (1969).
  • Geldiay, R., Important Fishes Found in the Bay of Izmir and Their Possible Invasions (in Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Monografiler Seri, 11, 135, (1969).
  • Alegría-Hernández, V.,. Observations on the age and growth of Trachurus trachurus ( L.) in the middle Adriatic, Institut Za Oceanografiju Irıbarstvo- Split Sfr. Jugoslavija, Bilejeske- Notes, No: 58, (1984).
  • Alegria-Hernandez, V. (1994). Reproductive cycle and change in condition of the horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) from the Adriatic Sea, Acta Adriatica, 35, 59-67, (1994).
  • Şahin, T., Genç, Y. ve Okur, H., Karadeniz’in Türkiye sularındaki istavrit(Trachurus mediterraneus ALIEV) populasyonunun gelişme ve üreme özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 21, 321-327, (1997).
  • Genç, Y., Türkiye'nin Doğu Karadeniz Kıyılarındaki Barbunya (Mullus barbatus ponticus, Ess. 1927) Balığının Biyo-Ekolojik Özellikleri ve Populasyon Parametreleri", Doktora Tezi, KTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitü, Balıkçılık Teknoloji Mühüendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Trabzon, 181, (2000).
  • Jardas, I., Santic, M. and Pallaoro, A., Biometric properties of Mediterranean horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) from the central Adriatic Sea. Natural Croatian, 13, 4, 343-355, (2004).

Some reproductive characteristics of Trachurus trachurus, (Linneaus, 1758) from Edremit Bay (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey)

Yıl 2018, , 164 - 176, 01.12.2018


In this study sex ratio, gonadosomatic index,
spawning season, length at first sexual maturity and fecundity was investigated
of Trachurus trachurus (L
inneaus, 1758) which caught in the Northern Aegean Sea between October 2008 and
October 2009. A total of 829 specimens of
T. trachurus was sampled monthly. The percentage of female was 55.73%,
male 44.23 % of T. trachurus
which ranged between ages 1-4. The spawning period of Trachurus trachurus (L
inneaus, 1758), occurred between April and August.  First sexual maturity length was 13 cm for
female. Absolute fecundity- total length and absolute fecundity- total weight
relationships were estimated as F = 1.672xTL3.311, F =
491.91TW+1306.6, respectively.  This
study includes first data on some reproductive characteristics of Trachurus
trachurus (Linneaus, 1758) for Turkish waters.  


  • Murua, H., Kraus, G., Saborido-Rey, F., Witthames, P.R., Thorsen, A. and Junguera, S., Procedures to estimate fecundity of marine fish species in relation to their reproductive strategy. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 33, 33-54, (2003). Muchlisin, Z.A., A general overview on some aspect of fish reproduction. Aceh International. Journal Science and Technology, 3,1, 43-52, (2014).
  • Golani, D., Massuti, E., Orsi-Relini, L. and Quingnard, J.P., CIESM Atlas of Exotic Fishes in the Mediterranean, (2006).
  • Smith-Vaniz, W.F., Carangidae. p. 815-844. In: Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.-L., Hureau, J.-C., Nielsen J. and Tortonese E. (eds.) Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Paris. vol. 2. (1986).
  • Gail, R., État sexuel et croissance du saurel des côtes Atlantiques du Maroc (Trachurus trachurus L.). Annual Biologia C.I.E.M. 8, 90–91, (1954).
  • Macer, C.T., The reproductive biology of the hors mackerel Trachurus trachurus (L.) The North Sea and English Chan. Journal Fisheries Biology, 6, 415-438, (1974).
  • Arruda, L.M., Sexual maturation and growth of Trachurus trachurus (L.) along the Portuguese coast. Inv. Pesq., 48,3, 419-430, (1984).
  • Eltink, A. and Vingerhoed, B., The total fecundıty of western horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.). Netherlands, Ices C.M. H:44, Pelagic Fish commitee, (1989).
  • Abaunza, P., Farina, A.C. and Carrera, P., Geographic variations in sexual maturity of the horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus. The Galician and Cantabrian shelf. Scientia Marina, 59, 3-4, 211-222, (1995).
  • Karlou-Riga, C. and Economidis, P. S., Spawning frequency and batch fecundity of horse mackarel, Trachurus trachurus (L.), in the Gulf of Sarokinos (Greece). Fisheries Research, 32, 157-171, (1997).
  • Coombs, S.H., Morgans, D. and Hallidoy, N.C., Seasonel and ontogenetic changes in the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of Mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) and Horse Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus). Fisheries Resources, 50, 27-40, (2001).
  • Abaunza, P., Gordo, L., Karlou-Riga, C., Murta, A., Eltink, A.T.G.W., Garcia Santamaria, M.T., Zimmermann, C., Hammer, C., Lucio, P., Iversen, S.A., Molloy, J. and Gallo, E., Growth and reproduction of horse mackerel, Trachurus tarchurus (carangidae). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 13, 27-61, (2003).
  • Van Damme, C.J.G., Dransfeld, L., Eltink, A.T.G.W., Krüger-Johnsen, M., Pérez, J.R., Ulleweit, J. and Witthames, P.R., Horse mackerel fecundity in relation to lipid content. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), Q:03 (2005).
  • Artüz, M.L., The egg and larval growth stages of Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Sea of Marmara. Fisheries Advisory Comission Technical, Paper No: 202, (2000).
  • Kalaycı, F., Orta Karadeniz’de Avlanan İstavrit (Trachurus trachurus L., 1758) Balığının Üreme Özellikleri ve Populasyon Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, SOMÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, 119. s, Samsun, (2006).
  • Aydın, M., ve Karadurmuş, U., Age, growth, length-weİght relationshİp and reproduction of the Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus Linnaeus,1758) in Ordu (Black Sea). Ordu University, Journal of Science Technology, 2, 68-77, (2012).
  • Soykan, A., Ayvalık ve Ören Arsının Kıyı Jeomorfolojisi. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 32, 99-120, (1997).
  • Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., Nielsen, J., and Tortonese, E., Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, (1986).
  • Bagenal, T., Methods of assessment of the fish production in fresh waters. Blackwell Scientific Publication, London, 365, (1978).). Avşar, D., Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Populasyon Dinamiği. Nobel Yayınevi, Adana, 332, (2005).
  • Somerton, D.A., A Computer Technique of Estimating the Size of Sexual Maturity in Crabs. Can. Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science, 37, 1488-1494, (1980).
  • King, M., Fisheries biology, assessment and management. Fishing news books 339, (1996).
  • İlkyaz, A.T.C. Metin and H.T. Kınacıgil, A computer program about the calculation of the selectivity parameters in towed fishing gear illustrated with cover-end method (L50 Version:1.0.0) (in Turkish). Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15, 3-4, 305-314, (1998).
  • Lucio, P. and Martin, I., Biological aspects of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L. 1758) in the bay of Biscay in 1987 and 1988. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), 1989, H. 28, (1998).
  • Borges, M.F. and Gordo, L.S., Spatial distribution by season and somebiological parameters of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) in the Portuguese continental waters (Division IXa). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Conference and Meeting (CM), 1991, H, 54, (1991).
  • Kerstan, M., Age, growth, maturity and mortality estimates of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) from the waters west of Great Britain and Ireland in 1984. Archiv Fischwiss, 36, 1/2, 115-154, (1985).
  • Karlou-Riga, C. and Economidis, P.S., Spawning frequency and batch fecundity of horse mackarel, Trachurus trachurus (L.), in the Gulf of Sarokinos (Greece). Fisheries Research, 32, 157-171, (1997).
  • Güroy, D., Kahyaoğlu, G., Özen, Ö. ve Tekinay, A.A., Çanakkale Boğazı ve Civarında Yakalanan İstavrit Balığının Bazı Biyolojik Özellikleri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 23, 1/1, 91-93, (2006).
  • Akyol, O., İzmir Körfezi’nde (Ege Denizi) dağılım gösteren istavrit balığı’nın (Trachurus trachurus L., 1758) bazı biyolojik ve denekolojik özellikleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, DEÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Bölümü, İzmir, 52, (1995).
  • Yücel, Ş., Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Avlanan İstavrit (Trachurus trachurus) Balığının Balıkçılık Biyolojisi Yönünden İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sinop, (1997).
  • Samsun, N., Kalaycı, F., Samsun, O. ve Bilgin, S., Samsun Körfezi’nde avlanan istavrit (Trachurus trachurus L., 1758) balığının bazı biyolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 23, 481-486, (2006).
  • Santıć, M., Rada B., and Paladın, A., Condition and length-weight relationship of the horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) and the Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus L.) from the eastern Adriatic Sea. Archiv Biology Science, Belgrade, 63-2, 421-428, (2011).
  • Kerkich M., Aksissou M., Casal J.A.E., Age and growth of the horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus,1758) catches in the bay of M’diq (Mediterraneen coast of Morocco). IRACST - Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal, 3, 708–714, (2013).
  • Erdoğan, Z,. Torcu-Koc, H., Ulunehir, G. and Joksimovic, A., Some biological properties of different populations of the Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus (L.) in Turkish Seas, Acta Adriatica, 57-1, 51-62, (2016).
  • Nikolsky, G.V., The ecology of fishes (Trans L. Birkett).1-3. Academic Press, London and New York, 352, (1963).
  • Karataş, M., Balık Biyolojisi Araştırma Yöntemleri. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Ankara, s.70-76,118, (2005).
  • Chen, Y. and Paloheimo, J.E., Estimating fish length and age at 50% maturityusing a logistic type model. Aquatic Science, 56, 206–219, (1994).
  • Hutchings, J.A. and Reynolds, J.D., Marine fish population collapse: consequencesfor recovery and extinction risk. Bioscience, 54, 297–309, (2004).
  • Olsen, E.M., Heino, M., Lilly, G., Morgan, M.J., Brattey, J., Ernande, B. and Dieckmann U., Maturation trends indicative of rapid evolution preceded the collapse of northern cod. Nature, 428, 932–935, (2004).
  • Olsen, E.M., Lilly, G.R., Heino, M., Morgan, M.J., Brattley, J. and Dieckmann, U., Assessing changes in age and size at maturation in collapsing populations of Atlantic cod (Cadus morhua). Canada. Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science, 62, 811–823, (2005).
  • Sharpe, D. and Hendry, A., Life history change in commercially exploited fishstocks: an analysis of trends across studies. Evolutionary Applications, 2, 260–275, (2009).
  • Enberg, K., Jørgensen, K., Dunlop, E. S., Varpe, Ø., Boukal, D. S., Baulier, L., Eliassen, S. ve Heino, M., Fishing-induced evolution of growth concepts, mechanism sand the empirical evidence. Marine Ecology. 33, 1–25, (2012).
  • Vainikka, A. and Hyvärinen, P., Ecologically and evolutionarily sustainable fishing of the pikeperch Sander lucioperca: Lake Oulujärvias an example. Fisheries Research 113, 8–20, (2012).
  • Pukk, L., Kuparinen, A., Järv, L., Gross, R. and Vasemägi, A., Genetic and life-history changes associated with fisheries-induced population collapse. Evolutionary Applications, 6, 749–760, (2013).
  • Sedletskaya, V.A., Development and distribution of eggs and larvae of Trachurus trachurus ( L). Rapp. Proc.-Verb. CIEM. 159, 194–198, (1970).
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Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gülçin Ulunehir Aydın Bu kişi benim

Zeliha Erdoğan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Ulunehir Aydın, G., & Erdoğan, Z. (2018). Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(2), 164-176.
AMA Ulunehir Aydın G, Erdoğan Z. Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Aralık 2018;20(2):164-176. doi:10.25092/baunfbed.412525
Chicago Ulunehir Aydın, Gülçin, ve Zeliha Erdoğan. “Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden Avlanan Trachurus Trachurus (L., 1758)’un Bazı üreme özellikleri”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 164-76.
EndNote Ulunehir Aydın G, Erdoğan Z (01 Aralık 2018) Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20 2 164–176.
IEEE G. Ulunehir Aydın ve Z. Erdoğan, “Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, ss. 164–176, 2018, doi: 10.25092/baunfbed.412525.
ISNAD Ulunehir Aydın, Gülçin - Erdoğan, Zeliha. “Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden Avlanan Trachurus Trachurus (L., 1758)’un Bazı üreme özellikleri”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20/2 (Aralık 2018), 164-176.
JAMA Ulunehir Aydın G, Erdoğan Z. Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2018;20:164–176.
MLA Ulunehir Aydın, Gülçin ve Zeliha Erdoğan. “Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden Avlanan Trachurus Trachurus (L., 1758)’un Bazı üreme özellikleri”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 164-76, doi:10.25092/baunfbed.412525.
Vancouver Ulunehir Aydın G, Erdoğan Z. Edremit Körfezi (Kuzey Ege Denizi, Türkiye)’nden avlanan Trachurus trachurus (L., 1758)’un bazı üreme özellikleri. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2018;20(2):164-76.

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