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Erçek Gölü Havzası çevresinin aktif tektoniği ve havza dolgusunun litostratigrafisi (Van, Türkiye)

Yıl 2018, , 398 - 411, 24.04.2018


Erçek Gölü havzası (ELB), Van Gölü’nün doğusunda yer alan ve yaklaşık
100 km2’lik alana sahip ve doğu kesimi de Özalp’e doğru oluk
morfolojisinden oluşur. Bu alanda temel kayaçları, hem Oligo-Miyosen, hem de
Plio-Kuvaterner yaşlı birimler örter. Erçek gölü havzasının hem güney, hem de
kuzeyinde Oligo-Miyosen yaşlı birimler kıvrımlıdır. Ancak havzanın kuzeyinde
genel olarak D-B doğrultulu kuzeye eğimli ters faylar da gelişmiştir. Güneyde
ise kıvrım eksenleri, D-B’dan kuzeye doğru en fazla 30° lik açı ile sapma
gösterir. Yapısal elemanların Plio-Kuvaterner birimler içinde dağılımı ise
oldukça sınırlı olup, bunlar da Erçek Gölü havzasının kuzeyinde daha belirgindir.
Bu yapısal elamanların içinde az sayıda normal faylar da bulunur. Bu normal
faylar bölgenin K-G sıkışması sonucu oluşmuş olup, aktif tektonik evrimi
süresince gelişmiştir. Erçek Gölü’nün batı kenarını ve göl içi morfolojisini de
deforme eden Kozluca sol yanal doğrultu atımlı fayı da, sıkışan kıtasal
kabuktaki diğer levha-içi yapısal unsurlardan biridir.  


  • Duman, N. and Çiçek, İ., Erçek Gölü Havzasının Jeomorfolojisi ve Gölün Oluşumu, The Geomorphology of Lake Erçek Basin and The Formation of the Lake, Journal of International Social Research, Winter, 5, 20, 246-260, (2012).
  • Selçuk, A.S., Erturaç, M.K. and Nomade, S., Geology of the Çaldıran Fault, Eastern Turkey: Age, slip rate and implications on the characteristic slip behaviour. Tectonophysics, 680, 155-173, (2016).
  • Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Cakmak, R., Ozener, H; Kadirov, F; Guliev, I; Stepanyan, R; Nadariya, M; Hahubia, G; Mahmoud, S; Sakr, K; ArRajehi, A; Paradissis, D; Al-Aydrus, A; Prilepin, M; Guseva, T; Evren, E; Dmitrotsa, A; Filikov, S. V; Gomez, F; Al-Ghazzi, R and Karam, G., GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 111(B5),1978-2012, (2006).
  • Ketin, İ., Türkiye'nin orojenik gelişmesi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 53, 78-86, (1959).
  • Hempton, M. R., Constraints on Arabian plate motion and extensional history of the Red Sea. Tectonics, 6, 6, 687-705, (1987).
  • Şengör, A.M.C, and Kidd, W. S. F. Post-collisional tectonics of the Turkish-Iranian plateau and a comparison with Tibet. Tectonophysics, 55, 3-4, 361-376, (1979).
  • Şaroğlu, F, and Güner, Y. Doğu Anadolu’nun jeomorfolojik gelişimine etki eden öğeler: Jeomorfoloji, tektonik, volkanizma ilişkileri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 24, 239-50, (1981).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Özeren, M. S., Keskin, M., Sakınç, M., Özbakır, A.D, and Kayan, I. Eastern Turkish high plateau as a small Turkic-type orogen: Implications for post-collisional crust-forming processes in Turkic-type orogens. Earth-Science Reviews, 90,1, 1-48, (2008).
  • Okay, A.I., Zattin, M, and Cavazza, W. Apatite fission-track data for the Miocene Arabia-Eurasia collision. Geology, 38, 1, 35-38, (2010).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N, and Şaroğlu, F. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape. Strike-slip deformation, basin formation and sedimentation, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication, 37, 227-264, (1985).
  • Ketin, İ., Van Gölü ile İran sınırı arasındaki bölgede yapılan jeoloji gözlemlerinin sonuçları hakkında kısa bir açıklama. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 20, 2, 79-85, (1977).
  • Koçyiğit, A., Neotectonics and seismicity of East Anatolian. In Workshop - 2002 on the Geology of East Anatolian. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey, 1-3, (2002).
  • Şaroglu, F., Emre, Ö, and Kusçu, I. Active fault map of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara, 1s, (1992).
  • Şenel, M., Scaled Geological Maps of Turkey (Van – K50 Quadrangle). 1:100.000. Publication of General Directirote of Mineral Research, Ankara (Turkey), (2008).
  • Acarlar, M., Bilgin, E., Elibol, E., Erkal, T., Gedik, İ., Güner, E, and Umut, M. Van gölü doğu ve kuzeyinin jeolojisi. MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, Jeoloji Etüt Dairesi Yayını, Rapor, Ankara, 9469, 94s, (1991).
  • Sağlam, A., Van Gölü doğusu ve güneydoğusunda yüzeyleyen Van formasyonunun Stratigrafisi, Paleontolojsi ve çökelme ortamları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek lisans tezi, Van, 88s, (2003).
  • Pinar, A., Honkura, Y., Kuge, K., Matsushima, M., Sezgin, N., Yilmazer, M. and Öğütçü, Z., Source mechanism of the 2000 November 15 Lake Van earthquake (M w= 5.6) in eastern Turkey and its seismotectonic implications. Geophysical Journal International, 170(2), 749-763, (2007).
  • Utkucu, M., 23 October 2011 Van, Eastern Anatolia, earthquake (Mw 7.1) and seismotectonics of Lake Van area. Journal of seismology, 17(2), 783-805, (2013).
  • Kalafat, D., Kekovalı, K., Akkoyunlu, F. and Ögütçü, Z., Source mechanism and stress analysis of 23 October 2011 Van Earthquake (Mw= 7.1) and aftershocks. Journal of seismology, 18(3), 371-384, (2014).
  • Işık, S.E., Konca, A.Ö. and Karabulut, H., The seismic interactions and spatiotemporal evolution of seismicity following the October 23, 2011 M w 7.1 Van, Eastern Anatolia, earthquake. Tectonophysics, 702, 8-18, (2017).
  • Fielding, E.J., Lundgren, P.R., Taymaz, T., Yolsal‐Çevikbilen, S. and Owen, S. E., Fault‐slip source models for the 2011 M 7.1 Van earthquake in Turkey from SAR interferometry, pixel offset tracking, GPS, and seismic waveform analysis. Seismological Research Letters, 84(4), 579-593, (2013).
  • Dogan, U., Demir, D.Ö., Çakir, Z., Ergintav, S., Ozener, H., Akoğlu, A.M., Nalbant, S., and Reilinger, R., Postseismic deformation following the Mw 7.2, 23 October 2011 Van earthquake (Turkey): Evidence for aseismic fault reactivation. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(7), 2334-2341, (2014).
  • (27 / 09 / 2011).
  • Duman, N., Erçek Gölü yakın çevresinin fiziki coğrafyası. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Ankara, 311s (2011).
  • Akyüz, S., Zabci, C. and Sancar, T., Ekim 2011 Van depremi hakkında ön rapor (Preliminary Report on the 23 October 2011 Van Earthquake), 13, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (2011).
  • Selçuk, A.S., Evaluation of the relative tectonic activity in the eastern Lake Van basin, East Turkey. Geomorphology, 270, 9-21, (2016).
  • (29 / 11 / 2017).
  • Toker, M., Pınar, A., and Tur, H., Source mechanisms and faulting analysis of the aftershocks in the Lake Erçek area (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) during the 2011 Van event (Mw 7.1): implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 150, 73-86, (2017).
  • Toker, M., and Tur, H. Structural patterns of the Lake Erçek Basin, eastern Anatolia (Turkey): evidence from single-channel seismic interpretation. Marine Geophysical Research, 1-22, (2017).
  • Emre, Ö., Duman, T., Olgun, Ş., Elmacı, H. and Özalp, S. 1/250000 ölçekli Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası Serisi. (in Turkish). General Directorate of Mineral Research of Exploration (MTA), Ankara, (2012).
  • Özkaymak, Ç., Yürür, T. and Köse, O. An example of intercontinental active collisional tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean region (Van, Eastern Turkey). Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (5th ISEMG), Thessaloniki,Greece (2004).
  • Türkecan, A, and Yurtsever, A., 1/500.000 ölçekli, Türkiye Jeoloji Haritası, Van Paftası, Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, (2002).
  • Özdemir, Y., Karaoğlu, Ö., Tolluoğlu, A.Ü, and Güleç, N., Volcanostratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Nemrut stratovolcano (East Anatolian High Plateau): the most recent post-collisional volcanism in Turkey. Chemical Geology, 226, 3, 189-211, (2006)
  • Keskin, M., Magma generation by slab steepening and breakoff beneath a subduction‐accretion complex: An alternative model for collision‐related volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 24, 8046, (2003).
  • Elliott, J. R., Copley, A. C., Holley, R., Scharer, K, and Parsons, B. The 2011 Mw 7.1 Van (Eastern Turkey) earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118, 4, 1619-1637, (2011).
  • Doğan, B, and Karakaş, A., Geometry of co-seismic surface ruptures and tectonic meaning of the 23 October 2011 M w 7.1 Van earthquake (East Anatolian Region, Turkey). Journal of Structural Geology, 46, 99-114, (2013).
  • Koçyiğit, A., New field and seismic data about the intraplate strike-slip deformation in Van region, East Anatolian plateau, E. Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62, 586-605, (2013).
  • Özkaymak, Ç., Van Şehri ve Yakın Çevresinin Aktif Tektonik Özellikleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 94s, Van. (2003).
  • Aksoy, E, and Tatar, Y., Van ili doğu-kuzeydoğu yöresinin stratigrafisi ve tektoniği. Tübitak Doğa Dergisi, 14, 628-644, (1990).
  • Degens, E.T., Wong, H.K., Kempe, S, and Kurtman, F., A geological study of Lake Van, eastern Turkey. Geologische Rundschau, 73, 2, 701-734, (1984).
  • Irmak, T. S., Doğan, B, and Karakaş, A. Source mechanism of the 23 October, 2011, Van (Turkey) earthquake (Mw= 7.1) and aftershocks with its tectonic implications. Earth, Planets and Space, 64, 11, 991-1003, (2012).
  • Koçyiğit, A., Yılmaz, A., Adamia, S, and Kuloshvili, S., Neotectonics of East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) and Lesser Caucasus: implication for transition from thrusting to strike-slip faulting. Geodinamica Acta, 14, 1-3, 177-195, (2001).

Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey)

Yıl 2018, , 398 - 411, 24.04.2018


The Erçek Lake Basin
(ELB) is located in the eastern part of Van Lake and has an area of approximately
100 km2. The eastern section presents gully morphology towards
Özalp. Oligo-Miocene and Plio-Quaternary units cover the basement rocks of the
study area. Oligo-Miocene units are folded on both the southern and northern
parts of ELB. However, in the north of the basin, northward dipping thrust
faults generally developed along E-W. In the south, the fold axes differ by a
maximum of 30 ° from the E-W to the north. The distribution of the structural
elements within the Plio-Quaternary units is rather limited, and these are more
prominent in the north of the Erçek Lake. There are a few normal faults in
these structural elements. The development of these normal faults occurred as a
consequence of the N-S compression in the region and developed in the active
tectonic evolution of the region. The Kozluca left lateral strike-slip fault,
which also deforms the western margin of Lake Erçek and the intra-lake
morphology, is one of the other intra-plate structural elements within the
contracted continental crust.


  • Duman, N. and Çiçek, İ., Erçek Gölü Havzasının Jeomorfolojisi ve Gölün Oluşumu, The Geomorphology of Lake Erçek Basin and The Formation of the Lake, Journal of International Social Research, Winter, 5, 20, 246-260, (2012).
  • Selçuk, A.S., Erturaç, M.K. and Nomade, S., Geology of the Çaldıran Fault, Eastern Turkey: Age, slip rate and implications on the characteristic slip behaviour. Tectonophysics, 680, 155-173, (2016).
  • Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Cakmak, R., Ozener, H; Kadirov, F; Guliev, I; Stepanyan, R; Nadariya, M; Hahubia, G; Mahmoud, S; Sakr, K; ArRajehi, A; Paradissis, D; Al-Aydrus, A; Prilepin, M; Guseva, T; Evren, E; Dmitrotsa, A; Filikov, S. V; Gomez, F; Al-Ghazzi, R and Karam, G., GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 111(B5),1978-2012, (2006).
  • Ketin, İ., Türkiye'nin orojenik gelişmesi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 53, 78-86, (1959).
  • Hempton, M. R., Constraints on Arabian plate motion and extensional history of the Red Sea. Tectonics, 6, 6, 687-705, (1987).
  • Şengör, A.M.C, and Kidd, W. S. F. Post-collisional tectonics of the Turkish-Iranian plateau and a comparison with Tibet. Tectonophysics, 55, 3-4, 361-376, (1979).
  • Şaroğlu, F, and Güner, Y. Doğu Anadolu’nun jeomorfolojik gelişimine etki eden öğeler: Jeomorfoloji, tektonik, volkanizma ilişkileri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 24, 239-50, (1981).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Özeren, M. S., Keskin, M., Sakınç, M., Özbakır, A.D, and Kayan, I. Eastern Turkish high plateau as a small Turkic-type orogen: Implications for post-collisional crust-forming processes in Turkic-type orogens. Earth-Science Reviews, 90,1, 1-48, (2008).
  • Okay, A.I., Zattin, M, and Cavazza, W. Apatite fission-track data for the Miocene Arabia-Eurasia collision. Geology, 38, 1, 35-38, (2010).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N, and Şaroğlu, F. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape. Strike-slip deformation, basin formation and sedimentation, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication, 37, 227-264, (1985).
  • Ketin, İ., Van Gölü ile İran sınırı arasındaki bölgede yapılan jeoloji gözlemlerinin sonuçları hakkında kısa bir açıklama. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 20, 2, 79-85, (1977).
  • Koçyiğit, A., Neotectonics and seismicity of East Anatolian. In Workshop - 2002 on the Geology of East Anatolian. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey, 1-3, (2002).
  • Şaroglu, F., Emre, Ö, and Kusçu, I. Active fault map of Turkey. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara, 1s, (1992).
  • Şenel, M., Scaled Geological Maps of Turkey (Van – K50 Quadrangle). 1:100.000. Publication of General Directirote of Mineral Research, Ankara (Turkey), (2008).
  • Acarlar, M., Bilgin, E., Elibol, E., Erkal, T., Gedik, İ., Güner, E, and Umut, M. Van gölü doğu ve kuzeyinin jeolojisi. MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, Jeoloji Etüt Dairesi Yayını, Rapor, Ankara, 9469, 94s, (1991).
  • Sağlam, A., Van Gölü doğusu ve güneydoğusunda yüzeyleyen Van formasyonunun Stratigrafisi, Paleontolojsi ve çökelme ortamları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek lisans tezi, Van, 88s, (2003).
  • Pinar, A., Honkura, Y., Kuge, K., Matsushima, M., Sezgin, N., Yilmazer, M. and Öğütçü, Z., Source mechanism of the 2000 November 15 Lake Van earthquake (M w= 5.6) in eastern Turkey and its seismotectonic implications. Geophysical Journal International, 170(2), 749-763, (2007).
  • Utkucu, M., 23 October 2011 Van, Eastern Anatolia, earthquake (Mw 7.1) and seismotectonics of Lake Van area. Journal of seismology, 17(2), 783-805, (2013).
  • Kalafat, D., Kekovalı, K., Akkoyunlu, F. and Ögütçü, Z., Source mechanism and stress analysis of 23 October 2011 Van Earthquake (Mw= 7.1) and aftershocks. Journal of seismology, 18(3), 371-384, (2014).
  • Işık, S.E., Konca, A.Ö. and Karabulut, H., The seismic interactions and spatiotemporal evolution of seismicity following the October 23, 2011 M w 7.1 Van, Eastern Anatolia, earthquake. Tectonophysics, 702, 8-18, (2017).
  • Fielding, E.J., Lundgren, P.R., Taymaz, T., Yolsal‐Çevikbilen, S. and Owen, S. E., Fault‐slip source models for the 2011 M 7.1 Van earthquake in Turkey from SAR interferometry, pixel offset tracking, GPS, and seismic waveform analysis. Seismological Research Letters, 84(4), 579-593, (2013).
  • Dogan, U., Demir, D.Ö., Çakir, Z., Ergintav, S., Ozener, H., Akoğlu, A.M., Nalbant, S., and Reilinger, R., Postseismic deformation following the Mw 7.2, 23 October 2011 Van earthquake (Turkey): Evidence for aseismic fault reactivation. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(7), 2334-2341, (2014).
  • (27 / 09 / 2011).
  • Duman, N., Erçek Gölü yakın çevresinin fiziki coğrafyası. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Ankara, 311s (2011).
  • Akyüz, S., Zabci, C. and Sancar, T., Ekim 2011 Van depremi hakkında ön rapor (Preliminary Report on the 23 October 2011 Van Earthquake), 13, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (2011).
  • Selçuk, A.S., Evaluation of the relative tectonic activity in the eastern Lake Van basin, East Turkey. Geomorphology, 270, 9-21, (2016).
  • (29 / 11 / 2017).
  • Toker, M., Pınar, A., and Tur, H., Source mechanisms and faulting analysis of the aftershocks in the Lake Erçek area (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) during the 2011 Van event (Mw 7.1): implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 150, 73-86, (2017).
  • Toker, M., and Tur, H. Structural patterns of the Lake Erçek Basin, eastern Anatolia (Turkey): evidence from single-channel seismic interpretation. Marine Geophysical Research, 1-22, (2017).
  • Emre, Ö., Duman, T., Olgun, Ş., Elmacı, H. and Özalp, S. 1/250000 ölçekli Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası Serisi. (in Turkish). General Directorate of Mineral Research of Exploration (MTA), Ankara, (2012).
  • Özkaymak, Ç., Yürür, T. and Köse, O. An example of intercontinental active collisional tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean region (Van, Eastern Turkey). Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (5th ISEMG), Thessaloniki,Greece (2004).
  • Türkecan, A, and Yurtsever, A., 1/500.000 ölçekli, Türkiye Jeoloji Haritası, Van Paftası, Maden Tetkik Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, (2002).
  • Özdemir, Y., Karaoğlu, Ö., Tolluoğlu, A.Ü, and Güleç, N., Volcanostratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Nemrut stratovolcano (East Anatolian High Plateau): the most recent post-collisional volcanism in Turkey. Chemical Geology, 226, 3, 189-211, (2006)
  • Keskin, M., Magma generation by slab steepening and breakoff beneath a subduction‐accretion complex: An alternative model for collision‐related volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 24, 8046, (2003).
  • Elliott, J. R., Copley, A. C., Holley, R., Scharer, K, and Parsons, B. The 2011 Mw 7.1 Van (Eastern Turkey) earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118, 4, 1619-1637, (2011).
  • Doğan, B, and Karakaş, A., Geometry of co-seismic surface ruptures and tectonic meaning of the 23 October 2011 M w 7.1 Van earthquake (East Anatolian Region, Turkey). Journal of Structural Geology, 46, 99-114, (2013).
  • Koçyiğit, A., New field and seismic data about the intraplate strike-slip deformation in Van region, East Anatolian plateau, E. Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62, 586-605, (2013).
  • Özkaymak, Ç., Van Şehri ve Yakın Çevresinin Aktif Tektonik Özellikleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 94s, Van. (2003).
  • Aksoy, E, and Tatar, Y., Van ili doğu-kuzeydoğu yöresinin stratigrafisi ve tektoniği. Tübitak Doğa Dergisi, 14, 628-644, (1990).
  • Degens, E.T., Wong, H.K., Kempe, S, and Kurtman, F., A geological study of Lake Van, eastern Turkey. Geologische Rundschau, 73, 2, 701-734, (1984).
  • Irmak, T. S., Doğan, B, and Karakaş, A. Source mechanism of the 23 October, 2011, Van (Turkey) earthquake (Mw= 7.1) and aftershocks with its tectonic implications. Earth, Planets and Space, 64, 11, 991-1003, (2012).
  • Koçyiğit, A., Yılmaz, A., Adamia, S, and Kuloshvili, S., Neotectonics of East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) and Lesser Caucasus: implication for transition from thrusting to strike-slip faulting. Geodinamica Acta, 14, 1-3, 177-195, (2001).
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bülent Doğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, B. (2018). Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey). Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(1), 398-411.
AMA Doğan B. Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey). BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Temmuz 2018;20(1):398-411. doi:10.25092/baunfbed.418230
Chicago Doğan, Bülent. “Active Tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and Lithostratigraphy of Basin Deposits (Van, Turkey)”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2018): 398-411.
EndNote Doğan B (01 Temmuz 2018) Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey). Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20 1 398–411.
IEEE B. Doğan, “Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey)”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 1, ss. 398–411, 2018, doi: 10.25092/baunfbed.418230.
ISNAD Doğan, Bülent. “Active Tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and Lithostratigraphy of Basin Deposits (Van, Turkey)”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20/1 (Temmuz 2018), 398-411.
JAMA Doğan B. Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey). BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2018;20:398–411.
MLA Doğan, Bülent. “Active Tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and Lithostratigraphy of Basin Deposits (Van, Turkey)”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 398-11, doi:10.25092/baunfbed.418230.
Vancouver Doğan B. Active tectonics of Erçek Lake Basin and lithostratigraphy of basin deposits (Van, Turkey). BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2018;20(1):398-411.