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Zincblende yapıdaki TlxIn1-xAs’ın örgü sabitleri ve eğilme parametrelerinin Yoğunluk Fonksiyoneli Teorisi ile incelenmesi

Yıl 2018, , 191 - 200, 01.12.2018


Bu çalışmada yarıiletken TlxIn1-xAs alaşımlarının
yapısal ve elektronik özellikleri yoğunluk fonksiyoneli teorisi ilelokal
yoğunluk yaklaşımından yola çıkılarak minimum toplam enerjiden türetilmiştir.
Üçlü TlxIn1-xAs alaşımını modellemek için 16 atomlu
süperhücre kullanılmıştır. Örgü parametreleri, band aralığı enerjileri ve band
aralığı eğilme (bowing) parametresi incelenmiştir. Alaşımın örgü sabitleri,
Vegard kanunuyla iyi uyum göstermektedir. Band aralığı eğilme parametreleri, Talyum’un
konsantrasyonuna bağımlılık açısından çok güçlüdür. TlxIn1-xAs
alaşımlarının ortalama eğilme parametresinin b = ~1.0396 eV olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Ayrıca, TlxIn1-xAs alaşımlarının konsantrasyona bağlı
eğilme parametresi üçüncü dereceden polinom denklemi olan b(x) = - 12.84817x3
+ 24.29015x2-15.86767x + 4.17591 eV ile ifade edilebileceğini göstermiştir.


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  • Chandvankar, S.S., Sharma, T.K., Shah, A.P., Chandrasekaran, K.S., Arora, B.M., Kapoor, A.K., Verma, D. and Sharma, B.B., Indium thallium phosphide: experiments versus predictions, Journal of Crystal Growth 213, 3, 250-258 (2000).
  • Koh, H., Asahi, H., Fushida, M., Yamamoto, K., Takenaka, K., Asami, K., Gonda, S. and Oe, K., Photoconductance measurement on TlInGaP grown by gas source MBE, Journal of Crystal Growth, 188, 107-112, (1998).
  • Berding, M.A., van Schilfgaarde, M., Sher, A., Antonell, M.J. and Abernathy, C.R., Thermodynamical properties of thallium-based III-Vmaterials, Journal of Electronic Materials, 26, 6, 683-687, (1997).
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  • Takushima, M., Kobayashi, N., Yamashita, Y., Kajikawa, Y., Satou, Y., Tanaka, Y. and Sumida, N., Thallium incorporation during TlInAs growth by low-temperature MBE, Journal of Crystal Growth,301-302, 117-120, (2007).
  • Erden Gulebaglan, S., The composition effect on the bowing parameter in the cubic TlxAl1-xAs, Modern Physics Letters B, 26, 30, 1250199-8, (2012).
  • Mankefos S. and Svensson S.P., Ab initio investigation of the electronic and geometric structure of Zincblende Ga1-xTlxAs alloys, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,12, 1223-1237, (2000).
  • Van Schilfgaarde M., Chen An-Ben, Krishnamurthy S. and Sher A., InTlP – a proposed infrared detector material, Applied Physics Letters, 65(12) (1994).
  • Souza Dantas N., de Almeida J.S., Ahuja R., Persson C. and Ferreira da Silva A., Novel semiconducting materials for optoelectronic applications: Al1-xTlxN alloys, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 121914, (2008).
  • Milman, V., Winkler, B., White, J.A., Pickard, C.J., Payne, M.C., Akhmatskaya, E.V. and Nobes, R.H., Electronic structure, properties, and phase stability of inorganic crystals: A pseudopotential plane-wave study, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 77, 5, 895-910, (2000).
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  • Ciftci, Y.O., Colakoglu, K. and Deligoz, E., A first–principles studies on TlX (X=P, As), Central European Journal of Physics, 6, 4, 802-806, (2008).
  • Liou, B.T., Yen, S.H. and Kuo, Y.K., First-principles calculation for bowing parameter of wurtzite AlxGa1-xN, Applied Physics A, 81, 7, 1459-1463, (2005).
  • Baroni, S., Dal Corso, A., de Gironcoli S. and Giannozzi, P., ( Hohenberg, P. and Kohn, W., Inhomogeneous electron gas, Physical Review, 136, 3, 864-871, (1964).
  • Monkhorst, H.J. and Pack, J.D., Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations, Physical Review B, 13, 5188-5192, (1976).
  • Vinet, P., Ferrante, J., Smith, J.R. and Rose, J.H., A universal equation of state for solids, Journal of Physics C, 19, 467, (1986).
  • Wang, S.Q. and Ye, H.Q., Plane-wave pseudopotential study on mechanical and electronic properties for IV and III-V crystalline phases with zinc-blende structure, Physical Review B, 66, 235111-235118, (2002).
  • Mendoza-Estrada, V., Romero-Baños, M., Dovale-Farelo, V., López-Pérez, W., González-García, A. and González-Hernández, R., Structural, elastic, electronic and thermal properties of InAs: A study of functional density, Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, 26, 46, 81-91, (2017).
  • Ahmed, R., Hashemifar, S.J., Akbarzadeh, H., Ahmed, M., and e-Aleem, F., Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of III-arsenide binary compounds, Computational Material Science, 39, 3, 580-586,(2007).

Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory

Yıl 2018, , 191 - 200, 01.12.2018


In this study, the structural and electronic properties of semiconducting
TlxIn1-xAs alloys were derived from the minimum total
energy with density functional theory by approaching the local density
approach. A 16 atom super cell was used to model the ternary   TlxIn1-xAs
alloy.The lattice parameters, band gap energies and band gap bowing parameters
were investigated.The lattice constants at different concentrations of the
alloy are also well suited to Vegard's law.The band gap bowing  parameters are very strong in terms of dependence
on the concentration of Thallium.The average bowing  parameter of the TlxIn1-xAs
alloys is b = ~ 1.0396 eV.The results also show that the
concentration-dependent bowing parameter of the TlxIn1-xAs
alloys can be expressed by the third-order polynomial equation b (x) = -
12.84817x3 + 24.29015x2-15.86767x + 4.17591 eV.


  • Saidi-Houat, N., Zaoui, A. and Ferhat, M., Structural stability of thallium-V compounds, Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter, 19, 106221/1–18 (2007).
  • Chandvankar, S.S., Sharma, T.K., Shah, A.P., Chandrasekaran, K.S., Arora, B.M., Kapoor, A.K., Verma, D. and Sharma, B.B., Indium thallium phosphide: experiments versus predictions, Journal of Crystal Growth 213, 3, 250-258 (2000).
  • Koh, H., Asahi, H., Fushida, M., Yamamoto, K., Takenaka, K., Asami, K., Gonda, S. and Oe, K., Photoconductance measurement on TlInGaP grown by gas source MBE, Journal of Crystal Growth, 188, 107-112, (1998).
  • Berding, M.A., van Schilfgaarde, M., Sher, A., Antonell, M.J. and Abernathy, C.R., Thermodynamical properties of thallium-based III-Vmaterials, Journal of Electronic Materials, 26, 6, 683-687, (1997).
  • Ferhat, M. and Zaoui, A., Do all III-V compounds have the zinc-blende or wurtzite ground state structure?, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 161902, (2006).
  • Krishnamurthy, S., Chen A., B. and Sher, A., Near band edge absorption spectra of narrow-gap III–V semiconductor alloys, Applied Physics Letters, 80, 7, 4045-4048, (1996).
  • Schilfgaarde, M.V., Chen, A.B., Krishnamurthy, S. and Sher, A., InTlP – a proposed infrared detector, Applied Physics Letters, 65, 2714-2716, (1994).
  • Saidi-Houata, N., Zaoui, A., Belabbes, A., and Ferhat, M., Ab initio study of the fundamental properties of novel III–V nitride alloys Ga1−xTlxN, Materials Science and Engineering B, 162, 1, 26-31, (2009).
  • Takushima, M., Kobayashi, N., Yamashita, Y., Kajikawa, Y., Satou, Y., Tanaka, Y. and Sumida, N., Thallium incorporation during TlInAs growth by low-temperature MBE, Journal of Crystal Growth,301-302, 117-120, (2007).
  • Erden Gulebaglan, S., The composition effect on the bowing parameter in the cubic TlxAl1-xAs, Modern Physics Letters B, 26, 30, 1250199-8, (2012).
  • Mankefos S. and Svensson S.P., Ab initio investigation of the electronic and geometric structure of Zincblende Ga1-xTlxAs alloys, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,12, 1223-1237, (2000).
  • Van Schilfgaarde M., Chen An-Ben, Krishnamurthy S. and Sher A., InTlP – a proposed infrared detector material, Applied Physics Letters, 65(12) (1994).
  • Souza Dantas N., de Almeida J.S., Ahuja R., Persson C. and Ferreira da Silva A., Novel semiconducting materials for optoelectronic applications: Al1-xTlxN alloys, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 121914, (2008).
  • Milman, V., Winkler, B., White, J.A., Pickard, C.J., Payne, M.C., Akhmatskaya, E.V. and Nobes, R.H., Electronic structure, properties, and phase stability of inorganic crystals: A pseudopotential plane-wave study, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 77, 5, 895-910, (2000).
  • Cheng, D.Y., Wang, S.Q. and Ye, H.Q., Calculations showing a correlation between electronic density and bulk modulus in fcc and bcc metals, Physical Review B, 64, 024107, (2001) .
  • Geller, C.B.,Wolf, W., Picozzi, S., Continenza, A., Asahi, R., Mannstadt, W., Freeman, A.J. and Wimmer, E., Computational band-structure engineering of III-V semiconductor alloys, Applied Physics Letters, 79, 368-370, (2001).
  • Ciftci, Y.O., Colakoglu, K. and Deligoz, E., A first–principles studies on TlX (X=P, As), Central European Journal of Physics, 6, 4, 802-806, (2008).
  • Liou, B.T., Yen, S.H. and Kuo, Y.K., First-principles calculation for bowing parameter of wurtzite AlxGa1-xN, Applied Physics A, 81, 7, 1459-1463, (2005).
  • Baroni, S., Dal Corso, A., de Gironcoli S. and Giannozzi, P., ( Hohenberg, P. and Kohn, W., Inhomogeneous electron gas, Physical Review, 136, 3, 864-871, (1964).
  • Monkhorst, H.J. and Pack, J.D., Special points for Brillouin-zone integrations, Physical Review B, 13, 5188-5192, (1976).
  • Vinet, P., Ferrante, J., Smith, J.R. and Rose, J.H., A universal equation of state for solids, Journal of Physics C, 19, 467, (1986).
  • Wang, S.Q. and Ye, H.Q., Plane-wave pseudopotential study on mechanical and electronic properties for IV and III-V crystalline phases with zinc-blende structure, Physical Review B, 66, 235111-235118, (2002).
  • Mendoza-Estrada, V., Romero-Baños, M., Dovale-Farelo, V., López-Pérez, W., González-García, A. and González-Hernández, R., Structural, elastic, electronic and thermal properties of InAs: A study of functional density, Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, 26, 46, 81-91, (2017).
  • Ahmed, R., Hashemifar, S.J., Akbarzadeh, H., Ahmed, M., and e-Aleem, F., Ab initio study of structural and electronic properties of III-arsenide binary compounds, Computational Material Science, 39, 3, 580-586,(2007).
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Sinem Erden Gülebağlan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Şubat 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Erden Gülebağlan, S. (2018). Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(2), 191-200.
AMA Erden Gülebağlan S. Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Aralık 2018;20(2):191-200. doi:10.25092/baunfbed.427009
Chicago Erden Gülebağlan, Sinem. “Investigation of Lattice Constants and Bowing Parameters of TlxIn1-XAs in Zincblende Structure by Density Functional Theory”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20, sy. 2 (Aralık 2018): 191-200.
EndNote Erden Gülebağlan S (01 Aralık 2018) Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20 2 191–200.
IEEE S. Erden Gülebağlan, “Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, ss. 191–200, 2018, doi: 10.25092/baunfbed.427009.
ISNAD Erden Gülebağlan, Sinem. “Investigation of Lattice Constants and Bowing Parameters of TlxIn1-XAs in Zincblende Structure by Density Functional Theory”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 20/2 (Aralık 2018), 191-200.
JAMA Erden Gülebağlan S. Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2018;20:191–200.
MLA Erden Gülebağlan, Sinem. “Investigation of Lattice Constants and Bowing Parameters of TlxIn1-XAs in Zincblende Structure by Density Functional Theory”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 191-00, doi:10.25092/baunfbed.427009.
Vancouver Erden Gülebağlan S. Investigation of lattice constants and bowing parameters of TlxIn1-xAs in zincblende structure by Density Functional Theory. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2018;20(2):191-200.