Design and implementation of stream bridge in Northern Marmara Highway: Alemdag stream bridge
Yıl 2018,
, 72 - 88, 01.12.2018
Fatih Süleyman , Denizolgun
Yavuz Selim Güçlü
Zekai Şen
This study includes hydrologic, hydraulic and sizing calculations of Umraniye Alemdag Stream Bridge of Northern Marmara Highway that leads to Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge. In this paper, the data are provided from General Directorate of Meteorology. Measurements cover the period of 66 years between 1942 and 2007. They are recorded in Istanbul Goztepe rainfall station that has 33 meters altitude from the mean sea level. Thus, consequences are calculated by analyses, forecasts and calculation for 66 extreme rainfall measurements. In the first part, rainfall data trend analysis has been obtained with Şen’s approach and Mann-Kendall test. According to analysis results, the graphics are drawn and mathematical results are calculated by weibull cumulative distribution functions and probability distribution functions in the second main step. The third main step calculations are performed for design discharge. Discharge is determined according to rainfall frequencies in the basin. On the other hand, discharge capacity has been calculated by designing stream bridge that has highway on top of it. Snyder and DSİ synthetic unit hydrograph approaches are sufficient for computations of the peak discharge in this study. The calculation step of the discharge capacity of the channel is obtained with the Manning equation.
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- O’Connell, P.P.L., On the relation of the fresh-water floods of rivers to the areas and physical features of their basins; and on a method of classifying rivers and streams, with reference to the magnitude of their floods, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 27, 204-217, (1868).
- AREMWA (1911). Report of the Sub-Committee of Roadway Committee No. 1, Bulletin 131. Proceedings, 12(3), 481-528.
- Kuichling, E., The relation between the rainfall and the discharge of sewers in populous districts, Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 20(1), 1-56, (1889).
- Sherman, L.K., Streamflow from rainfall by the unit-graph method, Eng. News Record, 108, 501-505, (1932).
- Snyder, F.F., Synthetic unit graphs. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 19(1), 447-454, (1938).
- Chow, V.T., Hydrologic Determination of Waterway Areas for Design of Drainage Structures in Small Drainage Basins. Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 462, University of Illinois, (1962)..
- Eren, M.E., Boğluca (kayalı) deresinin taşkın riskinin irdelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, (2011).
- Günal, A. Y., Study on synthetic and unit hydrographs by using GIS and Artificial Intelligence Techniques, PhD Thesis, University of Gaziantep, Gaziantep, (2016).
- Doğu, A., Kırıkkale Çoruhözü deresinin taşkın pik debilerinin hesaplanması ve bir boyutlu modellenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kırıkkale, (2016).
- İşler, S., Esin Oğuz, E. ve Durmuş O., Antalya Kemer ilçesi için sentetik yöntemlerle taşkın analizi, 4. Ulusal Taşkın Sempozyumu, Rize, (2016).
- Manning, R., On the flow of water in open channels and pipes, Transactions of theInstitution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, 20, 161–207, (1891).
- Ponce, V.M., Milestones of Hydrology, milestone contributions to hydrology and hydraulics, (2015)., (22.10.2017).
- Mann, H.B., Nonparametric tests against trend, Econometrica, 245-259, (1945).
- Kendall, M.G., Rank Correlation Methods, Charless Griffin, London, (1975).
- Sen, P.K., Estimates of the regression coefficient based on Kendall's tau, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 63, 1379-1389, (1968).
- Haan, C.T., Statistical methods in hydrology, The Iowa State University Press, Iowa, (1977).
- Şen, Z., Innovative trend analysis methodology, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 17(9), 1042-1046, (2012).
- Timbadiya, P.V., Mirajkar, A.B., Patel, P.L. ve Porey, P.D., Identification of trend and probability distribution for time series of annual peak flow in Tapi Basin, India, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 19(1), 11-20, (2013).
- Şen, Z., Trend identification simulation and application, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19(3), 635-642, (2014).
- Mishra, A.K. ve Coulibaly, P., Variability in Canadian seasonal streamflow information and its implication for hydrometric network design, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19(8), 05014003, (2014).
- Güçlü, Y.S., Comments on “Comparison of Mann–Kendall and innovative trend method for water quality parameters of the Kizilirmak River, Turkey (Kisi and Ay, 2014)” and “An innovative method for trend analysis of monthly pan evaporations (Kisi, 2015)”, Journal of Hydrology, 538, 878-882, (2016).
- Dabanlı, İ., Şen, Z., Yeleğen, M.Ö., Şişman, E., Selek, B. ve Güçlü, Y.S., Trend Assessment by the Innovative-Şen Method, Water Resources Management, 30(14), 5193-5203, (2016).
- Güçlü, Y.S., Şişman, E. ve Yeleğen, M.Ö., Climate change and frequency–intensity–duration (FID) curves for Florya station, Istanbul, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(S1), S403-S418, (2018).
- Kolmogorov, A., Sulla determinazione empirica di una lgge di distribuzione. Inst. Ital. Attuari, Giorn., 4, 83-91, (1933).
- Smirnov, N. V., On the estimation of the discrepancy between empirical curves of distribution for two independent samples, Bull. Math. Univ. Moscou, 2(2), 3-14, (1939).
- Anderson, T.W. ve Darling, D.A., Asymptotic theory of certain "goodness of fit" criteria based on stochastic processes, The annals of mathematical statistics, 193-212, (1952).
- Anderson, T.W. ve Darling, D.A., A test of goodness of fit, Journal of the American statistical association, 49(268), 765-769, (1954).
- Pearson, K., On the criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in the case of a correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from random sampling, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 50(302), 157-175, (1900).
- ASCE Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers No. 37, Manual of Engineering Practice, (1960).
Kuzey Marmara Otoyolunda dere köprüsü tasarımı ve uygulaması: Alemdağ dere köprüsü örneği
Yıl 2018,
, 72 - 88, 01.12.2018
Fatih Süleyman , Denizolgun
Yavuz Selim Güçlü
Zekai Şen
Bu çalışma Yavuz Sultan Selim Köprüsü’ne bağlantıyı sağlayan Kuzey Marmara Otoyolu’nun Ümraniye Alemdağ dere köprüsüne ait hidrolojik, hidrolik ve boyutlandırma hesaplarını içermektedir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan veriler Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (MGM)’nden alınmıştır. İstanbul’un 33 m rakımlı Göztepe yağış istasyonunda yapılmış ölçümler 1942-2007 arasında 66 yılın en yüksek yağışları olarak seçilmiştir. Üç ana adımdan müteşekkil bu uygulama çalışması için ilk aşamada yağış verilerinin trend (eğilim) analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunun için Şen yöntemi ve Mann-Kendall sınaması ile trend analizi çalışması ortaya koyulmuştur. Elde edilen analiz sonuçlarına göre ikinci ana adımda olasılık ve yığışımlı (kümülatif) dağılım fonksiyonları kullanılarak ilgili grafikler ve sayısal sonuçlar hesaplanmıştır. Üçüncü ana adımda tasarım debisi hesaplama kısmına geçilerek ilgili havzada belli tekerrür aralığında düşecek yağış değerine göre toplanacak debi belirlenmiştir. Tasarım debisi hesaplama yöntemleri Snyder yapay birim hidrograf yaklaşımı ve DSİ yöntemi kendisinde barındırdıkları tepe (pik) debi ile bu çalışma için yeterli olmuştur. Kanalın debi kapasitesinin hesaplaması ise klasik Manning denklemi ile yapılmıştır.
- Şen, Z., İklim değişikliği içerikli taşkın afet ve modern hesaplama yöntemleri, Su Vakfı, İstanbul, (2009).
- O’Connell, P.P.L., On the relation of the fresh-water floods of rivers to the areas and physical features of their basins; and on a method of classifying rivers and streams, with reference to the magnitude of their floods, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 27, 204-217, (1868).
- AREMWA (1911). Report of the Sub-Committee of Roadway Committee No. 1, Bulletin 131. Proceedings, 12(3), 481-528.
- Kuichling, E., The relation between the rainfall and the discharge of sewers in populous districts, Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 20(1), 1-56, (1889).
- Sherman, L.K., Streamflow from rainfall by the unit-graph method, Eng. News Record, 108, 501-505, (1932).
- Snyder, F.F., Synthetic unit graphs. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 19(1), 447-454, (1938).
- Chow, V.T., Hydrologic Determination of Waterway Areas for Design of Drainage Structures in Small Drainage Basins. Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 462, University of Illinois, (1962)..
- Eren, M.E., Boğluca (kayalı) deresinin taşkın riskinin irdelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, (2011).
- Günal, A. Y., Study on synthetic and unit hydrographs by using GIS and Artificial Intelligence Techniques, PhD Thesis, University of Gaziantep, Gaziantep, (2016).
- Doğu, A., Kırıkkale Çoruhözü deresinin taşkın pik debilerinin hesaplanması ve bir boyutlu modellenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kırıkkale, (2016).
- İşler, S., Esin Oğuz, E. ve Durmuş O., Antalya Kemer ilçesi için sentetik yöntemlerle taşkın analizi, 4. Ulusal Taşkın Sempozyumu, Rize, (2016).
- Manning, R., On the flow of water in open channels and pipes, Transactions of theInstitution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, 20, 161–207, (1891).
- Ponce, V.M., Milestones of Hydrology, milestone contributions to hydrology and hydraulics, (2015)., (22.10.2017).
- Mann, H.B., Nonparametric tests against trend, Econometrica, 245-259, (1945).
- Kendall, M.G., Rank Correlation Methods, Charless Griffin, London, (1975).
- Sen, P.K., Estimates of the regression coefficient based on Kendall's tau, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 63, 1379-1389, (1968).
- Haan, C.T., Statistical methods in hydrology, The Iowa State University Press, Iowa, (1977).
- Şen, Z., Innovative trend analysis methodology, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 17(9), 1042-1046, (2012).
- Timbadiya, P.V., Mirajkar, A.B., Patel, P.L. ve Porey, P.D., Identification of trend and probability distribution for time series of annual peak flow in Tapi Basin, India, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 19(1), 11-20, (2013).
- Şen, Z., Trend identification simulation and application, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19(3), 635-642, (2014).
- Mishra, A.K. ve Coulibaly, P., Variability in Canadian seasonal streamflow information and its implication for hydrometric network design, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19(8), 05014003, (2014).
- Güçlü, Y.S., Comments on “Comparison of Mann–Kendall and innovative trend method for water quality parameters of the Kizilirmak River, Turkey (Kisi and Ay, 2014)” and “An innovative method for trend analysis of monthly pan evaporations (Kisi, 2015)”, Journal of Hydrology, 538, 878-882, (2016).
- Dabanlı, İ., Şen, Z., Yeleğen, M.Ö., Şişman, E., Selek, B. ve Güçlü, Y.S., Trend Assessment by the Innovative-Şen Method, Water Resources Management, 30(14), 5193-5203, (2016).
- Güçlü, Y.S., Şişman, E. ve Yeleğen, M.Ö., Climate change and frequency–intensity–duration (FID) curves for Florya station, Istanbul, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(S1), S403-S418, (2018).
- Kolmogorov, A., Sulla determinazione empirica di una lgge di distribuzione. Inst. Ital. Attuari, Giorn., 4, 83-91, (1933).
- Smirnov, N. V., On the estimation of the discrepancy between empirical curves of distribution for two independent samples, Bull. Math. Univ. Moscou, 2(2), 3-14, (1939).
- Anderson, T.W. ve Darling, D.A., Asymptotic theory of certain "goodness of fit" criteria based on stochastic processes, The annals of mathematical statistics, 193-212, (1952).
- Anderson, T.W. ve Darling, D.A., A test of goodness of fit, Journal of the American statistical association, 49(268), 765-769, (1954).
- Pearson, K., On the criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in the case of a correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from random sampling, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 50(302), 157-175, (1900).
- ASCE Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers No. 37, Manual of Engineering Practice, (1960).