Ni-lateritler çoğunlukla dunit, peridotit, serpantinit gibi olivin-içeren ultramafik kayaçlardan şekillenen ve ekonomik olarak işletilebilir Ni-Co rezervleri içeren oluşumlardır. Nikel birincil olarak %0.16-0.40 Ni içeren forsteritik olivinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Mineraloji temelinde, Ni-lateritler Tip A (sulu Mg-silikat yatakları), Tip B (kil simektit yatakları), Tip C (oksit yatakları) şeklinde 3 ana tip içerisinde incelenebilmektedir. Batı Anadolu’daki Ni-laterit yatakları (örn: Çaldağ, Gördes, Muratdağı vd.) ultramafik kayaçların tropikal iklim alanlarında bozuşmasının yaygın birer ürünüdürler. Derleme niteleğindeki bu çalışmada, dünya genelinde gözlenen Ni-lateritlerin yayılımları, tipleri ve oluşum koşulları irdelenmiştir
Freyssinet, Ph., Butt, C.R.M., Morris, R.C., Piantone, P. Ore-forming processes related to lateritic weathering, Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 681-722, (2005).
Heerington, R., Boni, M., Skarpelis, N., Large, D. Palaeoclimate, weathering and ore deposits – a European perspective. Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial SGA Meeting, Dublin, 1373-1376, (2007).
Hitzman, M.W., Reynolds, N., Sangster, D.F., Allen, C.R., and Carman, C. Classification, Genesis, and Exploration Guides for Non-Sulfide Zinc Deposits: Economic Geology, 98, 685-714, (2003).
[4] Sillitoe, R.H. Supergene oxidized and enriched porphyry copper and related deposits, Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 723-768, (2005).
Naldrett, A.J. Key factors in the genesis of Noril’sk, Sudbury, Jinchuan, Voisey’s Bay and other world-class Ni–Cu–PGE deposits: implications for exploration. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44, 283-315, (1997).
Hoatson, D.M., Jaireth,S., Jaques, A.L. Nickel sulfide deposits in Australia: Characteristics, resources, and potential. Ore Geology Reviews 29, 177-241, (2006).
Krauskopf, K.B. Indroduction to Geochemistry. McGraw-Hill and Kogakusha, 617, (1979).
Ross, A.W., Hawkes, H.E., Webb, J.S. Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration. Academic Press Inc. (London). Ltd. 635, (1979).
Trescases, J.J. Nickekiferous laterites: a review on the contributions of the last ten years. Prem. Geol. Survey India 120, 51-62, (1986).
Trescases, J.J. Les gisements late´ritiques de nickel. Coll ‘‘Se´dimentologie et ge´ochimie de la surface. Les coll. de l’Acade´mie des Sciences et du Casa, 101110, (1993).
Barnes, J.W. Ore and Minerals. Introducing Economic Geology. Open University Press. 181, (1988).
Dalvi, A.D., Bacon, W.G., Osborne, R.C. The past and future of nickel laterites, PDAC International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange, 7-10 March, 1-27, (2004).
Sudol, S. The thunder from down under: everything you wanted to know about laterites but were afraid to ask, Canadian Mining Journal, (2005).
Kuck, P.H. Nickel. United States Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2006. United States Geological Survey, 116-117, (2006).
Rona, P.A., Scott, S.D. A special issue on sea-floor hydrothermal mineralization: New Perspectives. Economic Geology. 88, 1935-1975, (1994).
Rona, P.A. Resources of the Sea Floor. Science. 299, 673-674, (2003).
Brand, N.W., Butt, C.R.M., Elias, M. Nickel laterites: classification and features: AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 17, 81-88, (1998).
Lewis, J.F., Draper, G., Proenza, J.A., Espaillat, J., Jimenez, J. Ophiolite-related ultramafic rocks (serpentinites) in the Caribbean Region: A review of their occurrence, composition, origin, emplacement and Ni-laterite soil formation. Geologica Acta, 4, 237-263, (2006).
Elias, M. Nickel laterite deposits – Geological overview, resources and exploitation. In: David, R.C., June, P. (Eds.), Giant ore Deposits: Characteristics, Genesis and Exploration. Codes Special Publication, 4, 205–220, (2002).
Valeton, I., Biermann, M., Reche, R., Rosenberg, F. Genesis of Ni-laterites and bauxites in Greece during the Jurassic and Cretaceous and their relation to ultrabasic parent rocks. Ore Geology Review, 2, 359-404, (1987).
Economou-Eliopoulos, M., Eliopoulos, D., Laskou, M. Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Ni-laterites from Greece and Yugoslavia: plate tectonic aspects of the Alpine metallogeny in the Carpatho-Balkan region. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of IGCP Project 356, 2, 113-120, (1996).
Economou-Eliopoulos, M., Eliopoulos, D., Apostolikas, A., Maglaras, K. Precious and rare earth element distribution in Ni-laterites from Lokris area, Central Greece. Papunen, H. (eds.) Miner. Deposits: Res. Explor., Where do they Meet?, 411–414, Balkema, Rotterdam, (1997).
Eliopoulos, D.G., Economou-Eliopoulos, M. Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of Fe-Ni and bauxitic-laterite deposits of Greece. Ore Geology Reviews 16, 41-58, (2000).
Skarpelis, N. Lateritization processes of ultramafic rocks in Cretaceous times: The fosil weathering crusts of mainland Greece, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88, 325- 328, (2006).
Gleeson, S.A., Butt, C.M.R., Elias, M. Nickel laterites: a review. SEG Newsletter Soc. Econ. Geosci. 54, 9-16, (2003).
Sarah, A.G. Nickel Laterites Through Geological Time. Salt Lake City Annual Meeting (October 16-19, 2005)General Information for this Meeting, (2005).
Skarpelis, N. Eocene nickel laterites in Greece and Albania. In: Proceedings 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, (Pappunen, H. ed), 503-506, (1997).
Herrington R.J., Zaykov, V.V., Maslennikov, V.V., Brown, D., Puchkov, V.N. Mineral Deposits of the Urals and Links to Geodynamic Evolution, Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 1069-1095, (2005).
Boni, M., Large, D. Non-sulfide Zinc Mineralization in Europe: An Overview. Economic Geology, 98(4), 715-729, (2003).
Butt, C.R.M. Nickel laterites and bauxites. CSIRO Australia, Division of Mineralogy, Perth. Report FP12, 34, (1975).
Glazkovsky, A.A., Gorbunov, G.I., and Sysoev, F.A. Deposits of nickel, in Smirnov, V.I., ed., Ore deposits of the USSR: London, Pitman, 2, 3-79 (1977).
Golightly, J.P., Nickeliferous laterites: A general description, in Evans, D.J.I., Shoemaker, R.S. and Veltman, H., eds., International Laterite Symposium: New York, Society of Mining Engineers, 3–23. (1979a)
Golightly, J.P., Geology of Soroako nickeliferous laterite deposits, in Evans, D.J.I., Shoemaker, R.S. and Veltman, H., eds., International Laterite Symposium: New York, Society of Mining Engineers, 38–56. (1979b).
Alcock, R.A. The Character and Resources Available to the Nickel Industry, Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt: Proceedings of a Symposium, The Metallurgical Society, C.P. Tyroler and C. A. Landolt Ed., 117th TMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 67-89 (1988).
Tardy, Y., Boeglin, J.L., Novikoff, A., Roquin, C. Petrological and geochemical classification of laterites. Clays controlling the Environment. 10th International Clays Conference. Published by CSIRO Publishing, Australia. 481-486, (1995).
Gerth, J. Unit-cell dimensions of pure and trace metal-associated goethite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54, 363-371, (1990).
Golightly, J. P. Nickeliferious laterite deposits. Economic Geology, 75th Anniversary Volume, 710-735, (1981).
Llorca, S., Monchoux, P. Supergene cobalt minerals from New Caledonia. Can. Miner. 29, 149-161, (1991).
Merrill, G.P. Rocks, rock-weathering and soils. New York. MacMillan Company, 411, (1897).
Eggleton, R.A. eds. The Regolith Glossary. CRC LEME 144, (2001).
Avias, J.V. Role de I’hydrogeologie dans la genese, le deplacement et la destruction des gites nickeliferes alteritiques riches, d’apres I’exemple de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et des iles Philippines. In: Implications de I’hydrologie dans les autres sciences de la tere, I.H.E.S. Symposium, Montpellier, 11-16 Sept., 1978, Mem. Hors ser. CERGH-USTL, Montpellier, 179-188 (In French). (1978)
De Vletter, D.R. How Cuban nickel ore was formed-a lesson in laterite genesis. Engineering and Mining Journal, 156, 84-87, (1955).
Butt, C.R.M., Sheppy, N.R. Geochemical exploration problems in Western Australia exemplified by the Mt.Keith area. In: Elliott, I.L. & Fletcher, W.K. (eds.), Geochemical exploration 1974. Developments in Economic Geology, 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 392-415, (1975).
PRMSEC (Projet de Recherches Minie`res du Sud-Est du Cameroun) Pre´sence de late´rites nickelife`res sur roches ultrabasiques. Actes Se´m. Int. late´rites Douala, 1986. ORSTOM, 323-336, (1987).
Yongue-Fouateu, R., Ghogomu, R.T., Penaye, J., Ekodeck, G.E., Stendal, H., Colin, F. Nickel and cobalt distribution in the laterites of the Lomie´ region, south-east Cameroon. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 45, 33-47. (2006).
Boldt, J. R. Queneau, P. The Winning of Nickel, Longmans Canada Ltd. Toronto, 387-453, (1967).
DPT. Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı, Madencilik Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu Metal Madenler Alt Komisyonu: Diğer Metal Madenler Çalışma Grubu Raporu, Antimuan-Tungsten-Nikel-Vanadyum-Molibden-Kalay-Manganez. 2629 - ÖİK: 640, 79 , (2001).
Ni-laterites, derived mainly from olivine-bearing ultramafic rocks such as dunite, olivine-pyroxene peridotite, their serpentinized equivalents outcrop over a wide domain, are economically exploitable reserves of nickel and cobalt. The nickel is originated principally from forsteritic olivine (>Fo75), which commonly contins 0.16-0.40% Ni. Based on the mineralogy, Ni-laterites are divided into three main types as Type A (hydrated Mg-silicate deposits), Type B (clay silicate deposits), Type C (oxide deposits). Ni-laterites in western Anatolia (e.g. Çaldağ, Gördes, Muratdağı etc.) are common products of tropical weathering of ultramafic rocks.In this compilation type of study,distributions,types and formation processes of Ni-laterites worldwide wereexamined
Freyssinet, Ph., Butt, C.R.M., Morris, R.C., Piantone, P. Ore-forming processes related to lateritic weathering, Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 681-722, (2005).
Heerington, R., Boni, M., Skarpelis, N., Large, D. Palaeoclimate, weathering and ore deposits – a European perspective. Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial SGA Meeting, Dublin, 1373-1376, (2007).
Hitzman, M.W., Reynolds, N., Sangster, D.F., Allen, C.R., and Carman, C. Classification, Genesis, and Exploration Guides for Non-Sulfide Zinc Deposits: Economic Geology, 98, 685-714, (2003).
[4] Sillitoe, R.H. Supergene oxidized and enriched porphyry copper and related deposits, Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 723-768, (2005).
Naldrett, A.J. Key factors in the genesis of Noril’sk, Sudbury, Jinchuan, Voisey’s Bay and other world-class Ni–Cu–PGE deposits: implications for exploration. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44, 283-315, (1997).
Hoatson, D.M., Jaireth,S., Jaques, A.L. Nickel sulfide deposits in Australia: Characteristics, resources, and potential. Ore Geology Reviews 29, 177-241, (2006).
Krauskopf, K.B. Indroduction to Geochemistry. McGraw-Hill and Kogakusha, 617, (1979).
Ross, A.W., Hawkes, H.E., Webb, J.S. Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration. Academic Press Inc. (London). Ltd. 635, (1979).
Trescases, J.J. Nickekiferous laterites: a review on the contributions of the last ten years. Prem. Geol. Survey India 120, 51-62, (1986).
Trescases, J.J. Les gisements late´ritiques de nickel. Coll ‘‘Se´dimentologie et ge´ochimie de la surface. Les coll. de l’Acade´mie des Sciences et du Casa, 101110, (1993).
Barnes, J.W. Ore and Minerals. Introducing Economic Geology. Open University Press. 181, (1988).
Dalvi, A.D., Bacon, W.G., Osborne, R.C. The past and future of nickel laterites, PDAC International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange, 7-10 March, 1-27, (2004).
Sudol, S. The thunder from down under: everything you wanted to know about laterites but were afraid to ask, Canadian Mining Journal, (2005).
Kuck, P.H. Nickel. United States Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2006. United States Geological Survey, 116-117, (2006).
Rona, P.A., Scott, S.D. A special issue on sea-floor hydrothermal mineralization: New Perspectives. Economic Geology. 88, 1935-1975, (1994).
Rona, P.A. Resources of the Sea Floor. Science. 299, 673-674, (2003).
Brand, N.W., Butt, C.R.M., Elias, M. Nickel laterites: classification and features: AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 17, 81-88, (1998).
Lewis, J.F., Draper, G., Proenza, J.A., Espaillat, J., Jimenez, J. Ophiolite-related ultramafic rocks (serpentinites) in the Caribbean Region: A review of their occurrence, composition, origin, emplacement and Ni-laterite soil formation. Geologica Acta, 4, 237-263, (2006).
Elias, M. Nickel laterite deposits – Geological overview, resources and exploitation. In: David, R.C., June, P. (Eds.), Giant ore Deposits: Characteristics, Genesis and Exploration. Codes Special Publication, 4, 205–220, (2002).
Valeton, I., Biermann, M., Reche, R., Rosenberg, F. Genesis of Ni-laterites and bauxites in Greece during the Jurassic and Cretaceous and their relation to ultrabasic parent rocks. Ore Geology Review, 2, 359-404, (1987).
Economou-Eliopoulos, M., Eliopoulos, D., Laskou, M. Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Ni-laterites from Greece and Yugoslavia: plate tectonic aspects of the Alpine metallogeny in the Carpatho-Balkan region. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of IGCP Project 356, 2, 113-120, (1996).
Economou-Eliopoulos, M., Eliopoulos, D., Apostolikas, A., Maglaras, K. Precious and rare earth element distribution in Ni-laterites from Lokris area, Central Greece. Papunen, H. (eds.) Miner. Deposits: Res. Explor., Where do they Meet?, 411–414, Balkema, Rotterdam, (1997).
Eliopoulos, D.G., Economou-Eliopoulos, M. Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of Fe-Ni and bauxitic-laterite deposits of Greece. Ore Geology Reviews 16, 41-58, (2000).
Skarpelis, N. Lateritization processes of ultramafic rocks in Cretaceous times: The fosil weathering crusts of mainland Greece, Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88, 325- 328, (2006).
Gleeson, S.A., Butt, C.M.R., Elias, M. Nickel laterites: a review. SEG Newsletter Soc. Econ. Geosci. 54, 9-16, (2003).
Sarah, A.G. Nickel Laterites Through Geological Time. Salt Lake City Annual Meeting (October 16-19, 2005)General Information for this Meeting, (2005).
Skarpelis, N. Eocene nickel laterites in Greece and Albania. In: Proceedings 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, (Pappunen, H. ed), 503-506, (1997).
Herrington R.J., Zaykov, V.V., Maslennikov, V.V., Brown, D., Puchkov, V.N. Mineral Deposits of the Urals and Links to Geodynamic Evolution, Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, 1069-1095, (2005).
Boni, M., Large, D. Non-sulfide Zinc Mineralization in Europe: An Overview. Economic Geology, 98(4), 715-729, (2003).
Butt, C.R.M. Nickel laterites and bauxites. CSIRO Australia, Division of Mineralogy, Perth. Report FP12, 34, (1975).
Glazkovsky, A.A., Gorbunov, G.I., and Sysoev, F.A. Deposits of nickel, in Smirnov, V.I., ed., Ore deposits of the USSR: London, Pitman, 2, 3-79 (1977).
Golightly, J.P., Nickeliferous laterites: A general description, in Evans, D.J.I., Shoemaker, R.S. and Veltman, H., eds., International Laterite Symposium: New York, Society of Mining Engineers, 3–23. (1979a)
Golightly, J.P., Geology of Soroako nickeliferous laterite deposits, in Evans, D.J.I., Shoemaker, R.S. and Veltman, H., eds., International Laterite Symposium: New York, Society of Mining Engineers, 38–56. (1979b).
Alcock, R.A. The Character and Resources Available to the Nickel Industry, Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt: Proceedings of a Symposium, The Metallurgical Society, C.P. Tyroler and C. A. Landolt Ed., 117th TMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 67-89 (1988).
Tardy, Y., Boeglin, J.L., Novikoff, A., Roquin, C. Petrological and geochemical classification of laterites. Clays controlling the Environment. 10th International Clays Conference. Published by CSIRO Publishing, Australia. 481-486, (1995).
Gerth, J. Unit-cell dimensions of pure and trace metal-associated goethite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54, 363-371, (1990).
Golightly, J. P. Nickeliferious laterite deposits. Economic Geology, 75th Anniversary Volume, 710-735, (1981).
Llorca, S., Monchoux, P. Supergene cobalt minerals from New Caledonia. Can. Miner. 29, 149-161, (1991).
Merrill, G.P. Rocks, rock-weathering and soils. New York. MacMillan Company, 411, (1897).
Eggleton, R.A. eds. The Regolith Glossary. CRC LEME 144, (2001).
Avias, J.V. Role de I’hydrogeologie dans la genese, le deplacement et la destruction des gites nickeliferes alteritiques riches, d’apres I’exemple de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et des iles Philippines. In: Implications de I’hydrologie dans les autres sciences de la tere, I.H.E.S. Symposium, Montpellier, 11-16 Sept., 1978, Mem. Hors ser. CERGH-USTL, Montpellier, 179-188 (In French). (1978)
De Vletter, D.R. How Cuban nickel ore was formed-a lesson in laterite genesis. Engineering and Mining Journal, 156, 84-87, (1955).
Butt, C.R.M., Sheppy, N.R. Geochemical exploration problems in Western Australia exemplified by the Mt.Keith area. In: Elliott, I.L. & Fletcher, W.K. (eds.), Geochemical exploration 1974. Developments in Economic Geology, 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 392-415, (1975).
PRMSEC (Projet de Recherches Minie`res du Sud-Est du Cameroun) Pre´sence de late´rites nickelife`res sur roches ultrabasiques. Actes Se´m. Int. late´rites Douala, 1986. ORSTOM, 323-336, (1987).
Yongue-Fouateu, R., Ghogomu, R.T., Penaye, J., Ekodeck, G.E., Stendal, H., Colin, F. Nickel and cobalt distribution in the laterites of the Lomie´ region, south-east Cameroon. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 45, 33-47. (2006).
Boldt, J. R. Queneau, P. The Winning of Nickel, Longmans Canada Ltd. Toronto, 387-453, (1967).
DPT. Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı, Madencilik Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu Metal Madenler Alt Komisyonu: Diğer Metal Madenler Çalışma Grubu Raporu, Antimuan-Tungsten-Nikel-Vanadyum-Molibden-Kalay-Manganez. 2629 - ÖİK: 640, 79 , (2001).