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PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 26 - 35, 01.06.2011


Polyethylene terephthalate, PET veya PETE șeklinde kısaltması yapılan, sıvıların, yiyecek ve içeceklerin saklanmasında ve tașınmasında, sentetik liflerin yapımında kullanılan polyester sınıfından termoplastik polimer bir reçinedir. Termal ve proses șartlarına bağlı olarak, PET amorf ya da semi-kristal yapıda olabilir. Bu özelliğinden dolayı PET donuk, beyaz ya da camsı bir yapıda olabilir. PET’in kristal yapısı, buna bağlı olarak da fiziksel ve mekaniksel özellikleri büyük oranda ișlem sıcaklığı, soğutma hızı, gerdirme ișlemi gibi proses parametrelerine bağlıdır. Bu çalıșmada, PET’nin kristalizasyonu ile ilgili daha önce yapılan bütün çalıșmalar özetlenmeye çalıșılmıștır. Tıpkı bütün polimerlerde olduğu gibi kristalizasyon PET’nin bütün fiziksel ve mekaniksel özelliklerini etkileyen çok önemli bir özelliktir. Sonuç olarak, bu konu șimdiye kadar bir hayli ilgi çekmiștir ve bu ilginin daha da artacağına inanılmaktadır


  • [1] Bjorksten, J., Tovey, H., Harker, B., Henning, J., Polyesters and their applications, London, UK., Chapman and Hall., (1956).
  • [2] Bonnebat, C., Roullet, G., de Vries, A.J., Biaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottles: effects of resin molecular weight on parison stretching behavior, Polymer Engineering Science, 21,189-195, (1981).
  • [3] Lyu, M. Y., and Pae, Y., Bottom design of carbonated soft drink poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottle to prevent solvent cracking, Journal of Apply Polymer Science, 88, 1145 – 1152, (2003).
  • [4] VanderPlaats, G. N., Numerical Optimization Techniques for Engineering Design, Colorado Springs, USA, VanderPlaats Research & Development Inc., (1999).
  • [5] Yilmazer, U., Xanthos, M., Bayram, G., Tan, V., Viscoelastic characteristics of chain extended/branched and linear polyethylene terephthalate resins, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 75, 1371-1377, (2000).
  • [6] Jabarin, S.A., Orientation studies of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer Engineering and Science, 24, 376-384, (1984).
  • [7] Strobl, G., The Physics of Polymers: Concepts for Understanding Their Structures and Behavior, Berlin, Germany, Springer, (1997).
  • [8] Robertson, G.L., Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, New York, USA, Marcel Dekker Inc, (1993).
  • [9] Varma, P., Lofgren, E.A., Jabarin, S.A., Properties and kinetics of thermally crystallized orientated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) I: kinetics of crystallization, Polymer Engineering and Science, 38, 237-244, (1998).
  • [10] Benning, C. J., Plastic Films for Packaging, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Technomic Publishing Co. (1983).
  • [11] Groeninckx, G., Berghmans, H., Overbergh, N., Smets, G., Crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) induced by inorganic compounds. I. crystallization behavior from the glassy state in a low-temperature region, Journal Polymer Science, Polymer Physic, 12, 303-316, (1974).
  • [12] Collins, E. A., Bares, J., Billmeyer, F. W., Experiments in Polymer Science, New York, USA, John Wiley and Sons, (1973).
  • [13] Jabarin, S.A., Optical properties of thermally crystallized poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer Engineering and Science, 22, 815-820, (1982).
  • [14] Salem, D.R., Microstructure development during constant-force drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, Polymer, 39, 7067-7077, (1998). [15] Miller, M. L., The Structure of Polymers, New York, USA, Reinhold Publishing Corp. (1966).
  • [16] Mark, H. F., Bikales, N. M., Overberger, C. G., Menges, G., Organophosphorus polymers, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, 10, 595-618, (1985).
  • [17] Munk, P., and Aminabhavi, T.M., Introduction to Macromolecular Science, New York, USA, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2002).
  • [18] Keller, K., Lester, G. R., Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, London, UK, A247, 1-34, (1954).
  • [19] Rybnikar, F., Secondary crystallization of polymers, Journal of Polymer Science, 44, 517-522, (1960).
  • [20] Jabarin, S. A., Crystallization kinetics of polyethylene terephthalate. I. Isothermal crystallization from the melt, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 34 (1), 85-96, (1987).
  • [21] Keller, A., The spherulitic structure of crystalline polymers. Part I. Investigations with the polarizing microscope, Polymer Science, 17 (84), 291-308, (1955).
  • [22] Ozawa, T., Kinetics of non-isothermal crystallization, Polymer, 12 (3), 150-158. (1971).
  • [23] Jabarin, S. A., Crystallization kinetics of polyethylene terephthalate. II. Dynamic crystallization of PET, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 34, 97-102, (1987).
  • [24] Alfonso, G.C., Verdona, M.P., Wasiak A., Crystallization kinetics of oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) from the glassy state, Polymer, 19, 711–716, (1978).
  • [25] Jabarin, S. A., PET Technology and Processing Textbook, Toledo University Press. (1998).
  • [26] Mitra, D., and Misra, A., Study on the effect of dibenzylidene sorbitol as a nucleating agent on the crystallization and morphology of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Journal Applied Polymer Science, 36, 387-402, (1988).
  • [27] Jabarin, S. A., Crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene terephthalate). III. Effect of moisture on the crystallization behaviour of PET from the glassy state, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 34, 103-108, (1987).
  • [28] Misra, A., Stein, R. S., Stress-induced crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Journal Polymer Science, Polymer Physic, 17, 235-257, (1975).
  • [29] Venkateswaran, G., Cameron, M. R., Jabarin, S. A., Effects of temperature profiles through preform thickness on the properties of reheat-blown PET containers, Advances in Polymer Technology, 17, 237-349.47, (1998).
  • [30] Marco, Y., Chevalier, L., Poitou, A., Induced crystallization and orientation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) during uniaxial and biaxial elongation, Macromolecule Symposium, 185, 15-34, (2002).
  • [31] Zagarola, S. W., Designing PET preform injection molding process for the lightest practical weight offers opportunities for improved productivity and quality, Conference Proceedings, SPE ANTEC, Atlanta, USA, (1998).
  • [32] Hanley, T., Sutton, D., Cookson, D., Koisor, E., Knott, R., Molecular morphology of petaloid bases of PET bottles: a small-angle x-ray scattering study, Journal of Polymer Science, 99, 3328-3335, (2006).
  • [33] Chevalier, L., Linhone, C., Regnier, G., Induced crystallinity during stretch blow moulding process and its influence on mechanical strength of poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottles, Plastics Rubber and Composites, 28, 393-400, (1999).
  • [34] Yang, Z. J., Harkin-Jones, E. M. A., Armstrong, C. G., Menary, G. H., Finite element modelling of stretch-blow molding of PET bottles using Buckley model: plant tests and effects of process conditions and material parameters, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 218, 237-250, (2004).
  • [35] Blundell, D. J., Oldman, R. J., Fuller, W., Orientation and crystallization mechanisms during fast drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer Bulletin, 42, 357-363, (1999).
  • [36] Blundell, D. J., Mahendrasingam, A., Martin, C., Orientation prior to crystallization during drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate). Polymer, 41, 7793- 7802, (2000).
  • [37] Mahendrasingam, A., Martin, C., Fuller, W., Blundell, D. J., Effect of draw ratio and temperature on the strain-induced crystallization of poly (ethylene terephthalate) at fast draw rates, Polymer, 40, 5553-5565, (1999).
  • [38] Boyer, R. F., Glassy transitions in semi-crystalline polymers, Journal Polymer Science, (1975).
  • [39] Joel, R. F., Polymer Science and Technology, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, Prentice Hall PTR, (1995).
  • [40] Ohlberg, S. M., Roth, J., Raff, R. A. V., Relationship between impact strength and spherulite growth in linear polyethylene, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 1, 114-120, (1959).
  • [41] Asano, T., Dzeick-Pickuth, A., Zachmann, H. G., Influence of catalysts on the rate of crystallization and on the crystal distortions in poly (ethylene terephthalate), Journal of Material Science, 24, 1967-1973, (1989).
  • [42] Jiang, X. L., Luo, S. J., Sun, K., Chen, X.D., Effect of nucleating agents on crystallization kinetics of PET, Express Polymer Letters, 1, 4, 245-251, (2007).
  • [43] Faraj, M.G., Ibrahim, K., Ali, M.K.M., PET as a plastic substrate for the flexible optoelectronic applications, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5, 8, 879- 882, (2011).

Crystallization Behavior of PET Materials

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 26 - 35, 01.06.2011


Polyethylene terephthalate, commonly coded as PET, PETE, is a thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyesters and is used in liquid containers, drinks, food and synthetic fibres. Depending on its processing and thermal conditions, PET may exist both as amorphous and as semi-crystalline. PET may appear opaque, white and transparent depending on its crystalline and amorphous structure. Its crystallinity and consequently its physical and mechanical properties are highly dependent on processing conditions like processing temperature, cooling rate, stretching process etc. In this study, it was tried to summarize all about PET crystallization by referring to all studies carried out before. Crystallization is very significant properties affecting all mechanical and physical properties of PET just as for all kind of polymers. As a result, this subject has taken in very good interest so far and it is believed that this interest will go on increasingly


  • [1] Bjorksten, J., Tovey, H., Harker, B., Henning, J., Polyesters and their applications, London, UK., Chapman and Hall., (1956).
  • [2] Bonnebat, C., Roullet, G., de Vries, A.J., Biaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottles: effects of resin molecular weight on parison stretching behavior, Polymer Engineering Science, 21,189-195, (1981).
  • [3] Lyu, M. Y., and Pae, Y., Bottom design of carbonated soft drink poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottle to prevent solvent cracking, Journal of Apply Polymer Science, 88, 1145 – 1152, (2003).
  • [4] VanderPlaats, G. N., Numerical Optimization Techniques for Engineering Design, Colorado Springs, USA, VanderPlaats Research & Development Inc., (1999).
  • [5] Yilmazer, U., Xanthos, M., Bayram, G., Tan, V., Viscoelastic characteristics of chain extended/branched and linear polyethylene terephthalate resins, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 75, 1371-1377, (2000).
  • [6] Jabarin, S.A., Orientation studies of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer Engineering and Science, 24, 376-384, (1984).
  • [7] Strobl, G., The Physics of Polymers: Concepts for Understanding Their Structures and Behavior, Berlin, Germany, Springer, (1997).
  • [8] Robertson, G.L., Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, New York, USA, Marcel Dekker Inc, (1993).
  • [9] Varma, P., Lofgren, E.A., Jabarin, S.A., Properties and kinetics of thermally crystallized orientated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) I: kinetics of crystallization, Polymer Engineering and Science, 38, 237-244, (1998).
  • [10] Benning, C. J., Plastic Films for Packaging, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Technomic Publishing Co. (1983).
  • [11] Groeninckx, G., Berghmans, H., Overbergh, N., Smets, G., Crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) induced by inorganic compounds. I. crystallization behavior from the glassy state in a low-temperature region, Journal Polymer Science, Polymer Physic, 12, 303-316, (1974).
  • [12] Collins, E. A., Bares, J., Billmeyer, F. W., Experiments in Polymer Science, New York, USA, John Wiley and Sons, (1973).
  • [13] Jabarin, S.A., Optical properties of thermally crystallized poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer Engineering and Science, 22, 815-820, (1982).
  • [14] Salem, D.R., Microstructure development during constant-force drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, Polymer, 39, 7067-7077, (1998). [15] Miller, M. L., The Structure of Polymers, New York, USA, Reinhold Publishing Corp. (1966).
  • [16] Mark, H. F., Bikales, N. M., Overberger, C. G., Menges, G., Organophosphorus polymers, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, 10, 595-618, (1985).
  • [17] Munk, P., and Aminabhavi, T.M., Introduction to Macromolecular Science, New York, USA, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2002).
  • [18] Keller, K., Lester, G. R., Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, London, UK, A247, 1-34, (1954).
  • [19] Rybnikar, F., Secondary crystallization of polymers, Journal of Polymer Science, 44, 517-522, (1960).
  • [20] Jabarin, S. A., Crystallization kinetics of polyethylene terephthalate. I. Isothermal crystallization from the melt, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 34 (1), 85-96, (1987).
  • [21] Keller, A., The spherulitic structure of crystalline polymers. Part I. Investigations with the polarizing microscope, Polymer Science, 17 (84), 291-308, (1955).
  • [22] Ozawa, T., Kinetics of non-isothermal crystallization, Polymer, 12 (3), 150-158. (1971).
  • [23] Jabarin, S. A., Crystallization kinetics of polyethylene terephthalate. II. Dynamic crystallization of PET, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 34, 97-102, (1987).
  • [24] Alfonso, G.C., Verdona, M.P., Wasiak A., Crystallization kinetics of oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) from the glassy state, Polymer, 19, 711–716, (1978).
  • [25] Jabarin, S. A., PET Technology and Processing Textbook, Toledo University Press. (1998).
  • [26] Mitra, D., and Misra, A., Study on the effect of dibenzylidene sorbitol as a nucleating agent on the crystallization and morphology of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Journal Applied Polymer Science, 36, 387-402, (1988).
  • [27] Jabarin, S. A., Crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene terephthalate). III. Effect of moisture on the crystallization behaviour of PET from the glassy state, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 34, 103-108, (1987).
  • [28] Misra, A., Stein, R. S., Stress-induced crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Journal Polymer Science, Polymer Physic, 17, 235-257, (1975).
  • [29] Venkateswaran, G., Cameron, M. R., Jabarin, S. A., Effects of temperature profiles through preform thickness on the properties of reheat-blown PET containers, Advances in Polymer Technology, 17, 237-349.47, (1998).
  • [30] Marco, Y., Chevalier, L., Poitou, A., Induced crystallization and orientation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) during uniaxial and biaxial elongation, Macromolecule Symposium, 185, 15-34, (2002).
  • [31] Zagarola, S. W., Designing PET preform injection molding process for the lightest practical weight offers opportunities for improved productivity and quality, Conference Proceedings, SPE ANTEC, Atlanta, USA, (1998).
  • [32] Hanley, T., Sutton, D., Cookson, D., Koisor, E., Knott, R., Molecular morphology of petaloid bases of PET bottles: a small-angle x-ray scattering study, Journal of Polymer Science, 99, 3328-3335, (2006).
  • [33] Chevalier, L., Linhone, C., Regnier, G., Induced crystallinity during stretch blow moulding process and its influence on mechanical strength of poly(ethylene terephthalate) bottles, Plastics Rubber and Composites, 28, 393-400, (1999).
  • [34] Yang, Z. J., Harkin-Jones, E. M. A., Armstrong, C. G., Menary, G. H., Finite element modelling of stretch-blow molding of PET bottles using Buckley model: plant tests and effects of process conditions and material parameters, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 218, 237-250, (2004).
  • [35] Blundell, D. J., Oldman, R. J., Fuller, W., Orientation and crystallization mechanisms during fast drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer Bulletin, 42, 357-363, (1999).
  • [36] Blundell, D. J., Mahendrasingam, A., Martin, C., Orientation prior to crystallization during drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate). Polymer, 41, 7793- 7802, (2000).
  • [37] Mahendrasingam, A., Martin, C., Fuller, W., Blundell, D. J., Effect of draw ratio and temperature on the strain-induced crystallization of poly (ethylene terephthalate) at fast draw rates, Polymer, 40, 5553-5565, (1999).
  • [38] Boyer, R. F., Glassy transitions in semi-crystalline polymers, Journal Polymer Science, (1975).
  • [39] Joel, R. F., Polymer Science and Technology, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, Prentice Hall PTR, (1995).
  • [40] Ohlberg, S. M., Roth, J., Raff, R. A. V., Relationship between impact strength and spherulite growth in linear polyethylene, Journal Applied Polymer Science, 1, 114-120, (1959).
  • [41] Asano, T., Dzeick-Pickuth, A., Zachmann, H. G., Influence of catalysts on the rate of crystallization and on the crystal distortions in poly (ethylene terephthalate), Journal of Material Science, 24, 1967-1973, (1989).
  • [42] Jiang, X. L., Luo, S. J., Sun, K., Chen, X.D., Effect of nucleating agents on crystallization kinetics of PET, Express Polymer Letters, 1, 4, 245-251, (2007).
  • [43] Faraj, M.G., Ibrahim, K., Ali, M.K.M., PET as a plastic substrate for the flexible optoelectronic applications, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5, 8, 879- 882, (2011).
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA22DD47PE
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bilal Demirel Bu kişi benim

Ali Yaraş Bu kişi benim

Hüseyin Elçiçek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirel, B., Yaraş, A., & Elçiçek, H. (2011). PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(1), 26-35.
AMA Demirel B, Yaraş A, Elçiçek H. PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Haziran 2011;13(1):26-35.
Chicago Demirel, Bilal, Ali Yaraş, ve Hüseyin Elçiçek. “PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 13, sy. 1 (Haziran 2011): 26-35.
EndNote Demirel B, Yaraş A, Elçiçek H (01 Haziran 2011) PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 13 1 26–35.
IEEE B. Demirel, A. Yaraş, ve H. Elçiçek, “PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, ss. 26–35, 2011.
ISNAD Demirel, Bilal vd. “PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 13/1 (Haziran 2011), 26-35.
JAMA Demirel B, Yaraş A, Elçiçek H. PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2011;13:26–35.
MLA Demirel, Bilal vd. “PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, 2011, ss. 26-35.
Vancouver Demirel B, Yaraş A, Elçiçek H. PET Malzemelerin Kristalizasyon Davranıșı. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2011;13(1):26-35.