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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 27, 169 - 188, 01.06.2012


Araştırmanın Amacı: Bu araştırmanın amacı, küçük işletme sahiplerinin dindarlık düzeyleri, etik ideolojileri idealizm/rölativizm , etik algıları ve niyetleri arasındaki olası ilişkileri tespit etmektir. Konuya ilişkin literatür incelendiğinde genel olarak dindarlık düzeyi ile idealizm düzeyi arasında pozitif; rölativizm düzeyi arasında ise negatif ilişkiler saptandığı görülmektedir. Dindarlık düzeyi ile etik problem algılama ve etik niyetler arasında da pozitif yönlü doğrusal ilişkiler gözlenmektedir. Ayrıca, etik problem algılama düzeyi ile idealizm arasında pozitif; rölativizm arasında ise negatif yönlü doğrusal ilişkiler öngörülmektedir.Araştırmanın Yöntemi: Bu araştırma, Balıkesir ili Edremit Körfezi’nde bulunan beş ilçede, küçük işletme sahipleri arasından kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 303 kişi üzerinde senaryo tekniğine dayalı yüz yüze anket yöntemi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada idealizm ve rölativizm düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla, Forsyth 1980 tarafından geliştirilen Etik Konum Anketi Ethics Position Questionnaire kullanılmıştır. Dindarlık değişkenini ölçmek amacıyla beş farklı ölçekten yararlanılmıştır. Algılanan etik problem ve etik niyetler düzeyini ölçmek amacıyla, cevaplayıcılara senaryo tekniğine dayalı birer soru yöneltilmiştir. Araştırmanın modelinde öngörülen ilişkileri test etmek amacıyla yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılmıştır. Edremit Körfezi’nde bulunan beş ilçedeki küçük işletme sahiplerini içermektedir. Bu da, araştırmanın başka bir kısıtıdır. Araştırmanın Özgün Değeri: Bu çalışma, uygulandığı ülke ve bölge bakımından özgündür. Her ne kadar, araştırmada kullanılan değişkenlerden yola çıkarak bugüne kadar pek çok çalışma yapılmış olsa da, Türkiye’de aynı değişkenlerden yola çıkarak yapılmış bir çalışmaya yazarların bilgisi dahilinde rastlanmamıştır. Ayrıca literatürdeki çalışmalar genel olarak büyük işletmeleri hedef alırken bu çalışmada küçük işletmelerin tercih edilmesi; yine literatürde genellikle çalışanlar üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş uygulamalara rastlanırken bu çalışmanın işletme sahiplerini hedef alması da araştırmaya orijinallik katmaktadır


  • Alexander, E.C. (2002), “Consumer Reactions to Unethical Service Recovery”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 223-237.
  • Allmon, D., Page, D. and Roberts, R. (2000), “Determinants of Perceptions of Cheating: Ethical Orientation, Personality and Demographics”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 23 No. 4, pp. 411- 422.
  • Attia, A., Shankarmahesh, M.N. and Singhapakdi, A., (1999), “Marketing Ethics: A Comparison of American and Middle-Eastern Marketers”, International Business Review, Vol. 8, pp. 611- 632.
  • Barnett, T., Brown, G, and Bass, K. (1996), “Religiosity, Ethical Ideology, and Intentions to Report a Peer’s Wrongdoing”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 15 No. 11, pp. 1161- 1174.
  • Barnett, T. and Valentine, S. (2004), “Issue Contingencies and Marketers’ Recognition of Ethical Issues, Ethical Judgments and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 57, pp. 338- 346.
  • Conroy, S. and Emerson, T. (2004), “Business Ethics and Religion: Religiosity as a Predictor of Ethical Awareness among Students”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 50 No. 4, pp. 383- 396.
  • Coştu, Y. (2009), Toplumsallaşma Sürecinde Dindarlığı Etkileyen Faktörler (Samsun Örneği), Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Ondokuz Mayıs University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
  • Creyer, E.H. and Ross, W.T. (1997), “The Influence of Firm Behavior on Purchase Intentions: Do Consumers Really Care About Business Ethics?”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 14 No. 6, pp. 421- 432.
  • De George, R.T. (1986), “Theological Ethics and Business Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 5, pp. 421- 432.
  • Dornoff, Ronald J. and Tankersley, Clint B. (1975), “Perceptual Differences in Market Transactions – A Source of Consumer Frustration, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 97- 103.
  • Folkes V.S. and Kamins, M.A. (1999), “Effects of Information About Firms Ethical and Unethical Actions on Consumers’ Attitudes”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 243- 259.
  • Forsyth, D.R. (1980), “A Taxonomy of Ethical Ideologies”, Journal of Personal and Social Psychology, Vol. 39, pp. 175- 184.
  • Forsyth, D.R. (1992), “Judging the Morality of Business Practices: The Influence of Personal Moral Philosophies”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 11, pp. 461- 470.
  • Forsyth, D.R., O’Boyle E.H. and McDaniel, M.A. (2008), “East Meets West: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Cultural Variations in Idealism and Relativism, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 83, pp. 813- 833.
  • Gorsuch, R.L. and McPherson, S.E. (1989), “Intrinsic/Extrinsic Measurement: I/E Revised and Single- Item Scales”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 348- 354.
  • Hunt, S.D. and Vitell S.J. (1986), “A General Theory of Marketing Ethics”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 5- 16.
  • Hunt, S.D., Wood, V.R. and Chonko, L.B. (1989), “Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53 No. 3, pp. 79- 90.
  • Hunt, S. D. and Vitell, S. J. (1993), The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Retrospective and Revision, in N.C. Smith and J.A Quelch (eds.), Ethics in Marketing (Richard D. Irwin, Homewood, IL), pp. 775–784.
  • Hunt, S.D. and Vasquez- Parraga A.Z. (1993), “Organizational Consequences, Marketing Ethics, and Salesforce Supervision”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 78- 90.
  • Kurpis, L.V., Beqiri, M.S. and Helgesen, J.G. (2008), “The Effects of Commitment to Moral Self-Improvement and Religiosity on Ethics of Business Students”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 80, pp. 447- 463.
  • Kurtuldu, H. S. (2009), “Bankacılıkta Pazarlama Etiği and Etik Değerlerin Kuruma Yönelik Olumlu Tutum Oluşumuna Etkileri”, International Economic and Administrative Studies, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 83- 96.
  • Magill, G. (1992), “Theology in Business Ethics: Appealing to the Religious Imagination”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 11No. 2, pp. 129- 135.
  • Marta, J. K. M. (1999), An Empirical Investigation into Significant Factors of Moral Reasoning and Their Influences on Ethical Judgment and Intentions, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Marketing, Old Dominion University.
  • Marta J., Attia, A., Singhapakdi, A. and Atteya, N.A. (2003), “Comparison of Ethical Perceptions and Moral Philosophies of American and Egyptian Business Students”, Teaching Business Ethics, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 1- 20.
  • Marta J., Singhapakdi, A., Attia, A. and Vitell, S.J. (2004), “Some Important Factors Underlying Ethical Decisions Middle- Eastern Marketers”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 53- 67.
  • Marta, J., Heiss, C.M. and De Lurgio, S.A. (2008), “An Exploratory Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of Mexican and U.S. Marketers“, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 82, pp. 539- 555.
  • McDaniel, S.W. and Burnett J.J. (1990), “Consumer Religiosity and Retail Store Evaluative Criteria”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 101- 112.
  • McNichols, C.W. and Zimmerer, T.W. (1985), “Situational Ethics : An Empirical Study of Differantiators of Student Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 4, pp. 175- 180.
  • Oumlil, A.B. and Balloun, Joseph, L. (2009), “Ethical Decision Making Differences Between American and Moroccan Managers”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 84, pp. 457- 478.
  • Parameshwaran, M.G. and Srivastava, R.K. (2010), “Should Marketers Consider Religiosity in Understanding Consumer Purchase Behavior?”, Journal of Management, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 46- 54.
  • Plante, T. G., Vallaeys, C.L., Sherman, A.C. and Wallston, K.A. (2002), “The Development of a Brief Version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 50 No. 5, pp. 359- 368.
  • Schlenker, B.R. and Forsyth D.R. (1977), “On the Ethics of Psychological Research”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 13, pp. 369- 396.
  • Singhapakdi, A. and Vitell, S.J. (1990), “Marketing Ethics: Factors Influencing Perceptions of Ethical Problems and Alternatives”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 12, Spring, pp. 4- 18.
  • Singhapakdi, A. and Vitell, S.J. (1992), “Marketing Ethics: Sales Professionals Versus Other Marketing Professionals”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 27- 38.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Vitell, S.J. and Leelakulthanit, O. (1994), “A Cross-Cultural Study of Moral Philosophies, Ethical Perceptions and Judgements: A Comparison of American and Thai Marketers”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 11 No. 6, pp. 65- 78.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Kraft, K.L., Vitell, S.J. and Rallapalli, K.C. (1995), “The Perceived Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility on Organizational Effectiveness: A Survey of Marketers”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 49- 56.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Marta, J.K., Rallapalli, K.C. and Rao, C.P. (2000a) “Toward an Understanding of Religiousness and Marketing Ethics : An Empirical Study”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 305- 319.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Salyachivin, S., Virakul, B. and Veerayangkur, V. (2000b), ”Some Important Factors Underlying Ethical Decision Making of Managers in Thailand”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 271- 284.
  • Singhapakdi, A. (2004), “Important Factors Underlying Ethical Intentions of Students: Implications for Marketing Education,” Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 261- 270.
  • Smith, N.C. and Cooper-Martin, E. (1997), “Ethics and Target Marketing: The Role of Product Harm and Consumer Vulnerability”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61, pp. 1- 20.
  • Vitell, S.J. and Singhapakdi, A. (1993), “Ethical Ideology and Its Influence on the Norms and Judgments of Marketing Practitioners”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 3, pp. 1- 11.
  • Vitell, S.J., Rallapalli, K.C. and Singhapakdi A. (1993), “Marketing Norms: The Influence of Personal Moral Philosophies and Organizational Ethical Culture”, Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 331- 337.
  • Wimalasiri, J.S. (2001), “Moral Reasoning Capacity of Management Students and Practitioners: An Empirical Study in Australia”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 16 No. 8, pp. 614- 634.


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 27, 169 - 188, 01.06.2012


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore possible relationships between religiosity levels, ethical ideologies idealism/relativism , ethical perceptions and intentions of small business owners. A review of related literature generally shows that religiosity level has been established to have positive relationships with idealism level, and negative relationships with relativism level. Positive linear relationships have been observed among religiosity level, ethical problem perception and ethical intentions. Moreover, level of ethical problem perception is predicted to have positive relationships with idealism, and negative linear relationships with relativism Methodology: This study is based on a face-to-face survey of scenario method conducted over 303 people chosen through convenient sampling method among small business owners from five districts in Edremit Gulf of Balıkesir. Ethics Position Questionnaire developed by Forsyth 1980 was used to assess idealism and relativism levels. Five different scales were applied in order to measure religiosity variable. To calculate levels of perceived ethical problem and ethical intentions, participants were asked one question ofscenario method for each. Structural Equation Model was used to test the predicted relationships in research model. Findings: After the validity and reliability test of the scales, the structural equation model was run and resulted in the confirmation of four hypotheses out of seven. These findings are consistent with some of previous research findings in the related literature. As in some researches, no meaningful relationship was detected between relativism and none of variables. Research Limitations: The most important limitation of this research is geographical. The data was collected through a nonrandom sampling convenient sampling in the city of Balıkesir. Therefore, it isn’t possible to generalize these findings. Furthermore, research population includes small business owners from five districts in Edremit Gulf of Balıkesir which is another limitation of this study. Originality: This study is original in terms of the country and the region where it was conducted. Although there have been many researches on the variables of this study, the authors haven’t so far come across any research of the same variables in Turkey. And this study is original in that other researches in literature mainly deal with bigger businesses rather than small ones and involve workers rather than owners as in this study


  • Alexander, E.C. (2002), “Consumer Reactions to Unethical Service Recovery”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 223-237.
  • Allmon, D., Page, D. and Roberts, R. (2000), “Determinants of Perceptions of Cheating: Ethical Orientation, Personality and Demographics”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 23 No. 4, pp. 411- 422.
  • Attia, A., Shankarmahesh, M.N. and Singhapakdi, A., (1999), “Marketing Ethics: A Comparison of American and Middle-Eastern Marketers”, International Business Review, Vol. 8, pp. 611- 632.
  • Barnett, T., Brown, G, and Bass, K. (1996), “Religiosity, Ethical Ideology, and Intentions to Report a Peer’s Wrongdoing”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 15 No. 11, pp. 1161- 1174.
  • Barnett, T. and Valentine, S. (2004), “Issue Contingencies and Marketers’ Recognition of Ethical Issues, Ethical Judgments and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 57, pp. 338- 346.
  • Conroy, S. and Emerson, T. (2004), “Business Ethics and Religion: Religiosity as a Predictor of Ethical Awareness among Students”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 50 No. 4, pp. 383- 396.
  • Coştu, Y. (2009), Toplumsallaşma Sürecinde Dindarlığı Etkileyen Faktörler (Samsun Örneği), Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Ondokuz Mayıs University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
  • Creyer, E.H. and Ross, W.T. (1997), “The Influence of Firm Behavior on Purchase Intentions: Do Consumers Really Care About Business Ethics?”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 14 No. 6, pp. 421- 432.
  • De George, R.T. (1986), “Theological Ethics and Business Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 5, pp. 421- 432.
  • Dornoff, Ronald J. and Tankersley, Clint B. (1975), “Perceptual Differences in Market Transactions – A Source of Consumer Frustration, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 97- 103.
  • Folkes V.S. and Kamins, M.A. (1999), “Effects of Information About Firms Ethical and Unethical Actions on Consumers’ Attitudes”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 243- 259.
  • Forsyth, D.R. (1980), “A Taxonomy of Ethical Ideologies”, Journal of Personal and Social Psychology, Vol. 39, pp. 175- 184.
  • Forsyth, D.R. (1992), “Judging the Morality of Business Practices: The Influence of Personal Moral Philosophies”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 11, pp. 461- 470.
  • Forsyth, D.R., O’Boyle E.H. and McDaniel, M.A. (2008), “East Meets West: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Cultural Variations in Idealism and Relativism, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 83, pp. 813- 833.
  • Gorsuch, R.L. and McPherson, S.E. (1989), “Intrinsic/Extrinsic Measurement: I/E Revised and Single- Item Scales”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 348- 354.
  • Hunt, S.D. and Vitell S.J. (1986), “A General Theory of Marketing Ethics”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 5- 16.
  • Hunt, S.D., Wood, V.R. and Chonko, L.B. (1989), “Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53 No. 3, pp. 79- 90.
  • Hunt, S. D. and Vitell, S. J. (1993), The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Retrospective and Revision, in N.C. Smith and J.A Quelch (eds.), Ethics in Marketing (Richard D. Irwin, Homewood, IL), pp. 775–784.
  • Hunt, S.D. and Vasquez- Parraga A.Z. (1993), “Organizational Consequences, Marketing Ethics, and Salesforce Supervision”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 78- 90.
  • Kurpis, L.V., Beqiri, M.S. and Helgesen, J.G. (2008), “The Effects of Commitment to Moral Self-Improvement and Religiosity on Ethics of Business Students”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 80, pp. 447- 463.
  • Kurtuldu, H. S. (2009), “Bankacılıkta Pazarlama Etiği and Etik Değerlerin Kuruma Yönelik Olumlu Tutum Oluşumuna Etkileri”, International Economic and Administrative Studies, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 83- 96.
  • Magill, G. (1992), “Theology in Business Ethics: Appealing to the Religious Imagination”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 11No. 2, pp. 129- 135.
  • Marta, J. K. M. (1999), An Empirical Investigation into Significant Factors of Moral Reasoning and Their Influences on Ethical Judgment and Intentions, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Marketing, Old Dominion University.
  • Marta J., Attia, A., Singhapakdi, A. and Atteya, N.A. (2003), “Comparison of Ethical Perceptions and Moral Philosophies of American and Egyptian Business Students”, Teaching Business Ethics, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 1- 20.
  • Marta J., Singhapakdi, A., Attia, A. and Vitell, S.J. (2004), “Some Important Factors Underlying Ethical Decisions Middle- Eastern Marketers”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 53- 67.
  • Marta, J., Heiss, C.M. and De Lurgio, S.A. (2008), “An Exploratory Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of Mexican and U.S. Marketers“, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 82, pp. 539- 555.
  • McDaniel, S.W. and Burnett J.J. (1990), “Consumer Religiosity and Retail Store Evaluative Criteria”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 101- 112.
  • McNichols, C.W. and Zimmerer, T.W. (1985), “Situational Ethics : An Empirical Study of Differantiators of Student Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 4, pp. 175- 180.
  • Oumlil, A.B. and Balloun, Joseph, L. (2009), “Ethical Decision Making Differences Between American and Moroccan Managers”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 84, pp. 457- 478.
  • Parameshwaran, M.G. and Srivastava, R.K. (2010), “Should Marketers Consider Religiosity in Understanding Consumer Purchase Behavior?”, Journal of Management, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 46- 54.
  • Plante, T. G., Vallaeys, C.L., Sherman, A.C. and Wallston, K.A. (2002), “The Development of a Brief Version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 50 No. 5, pp. 359- 368.
  • Schlenker, B.R. and Forsyth D.R. (1977), “On the Ethics of Psychological Research”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 13, pp. 369- 396.
  • Singhapakdi, A. and Vitell, S.J. (1990), “Marketing Ethics: Factors Influencing Perceptions of Ethical Problems and Alternatives”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 12, Spring, pp. 4- 18.
  • Singhapakdi, A. and Vitell, S.J. (1992), “Marketing Ethics: Sales Professionals Versus Other Marketing Professionals”, The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 27- 38.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Vitell, S.J. and Leelakulthanit, O. (1994), “A Cross-Cultural Study of Moral Philosophies, Ethical Perceptions and Judgements: A Comparison of American and Thai Marketers”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 11 No. 6, pp. 65- 78.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Kraft, K.L., Vitell, S.J. and Rallapalli, K.C. (1995), “The Perceived Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility on Organizational Effectiveness: A Survey of Marketers”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 49- 56.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Marta, J.K., Rallapalli, K.C. and Rao, C.P. (2000a) “Toward an Understanding of Religiousness and Marketing Ethics : An Empirical Study”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 305- 319.
  • Singhapakdi, A., Salyachivin, S., Virakul, B. and Veerayangkur, V. (2000b), ”Some Important Factors Underlying Ethical Decision Making of Managers in Thailand”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 271- 284.
  • Singhapakdi, A. (2004), “Important Factors Underlying Ethical Intentions of Students: Implications for Marketing Education,” Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 261- 270.
  • Smith, N.C. and Cooper-Martin, E. (1997), “Ethics and Target Marketing: The Role of Product Harm and Consumer Vulnerability”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61, pp. 1- 20.
  • Vitell, S.J. and Singhapakdi, A. (1993), “Ethical Ideology and Its Influence on the Norms and Judgments of Marketing Practitioners”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 3, pp. 1- 11.
  • Vitell, S.J., Rallapalli, K.C. and Singhapakdi A. (1993), “Marketing Norms: The Influence of Personal Moral Philosophies and Organizational Ethical Culture”, Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 331- 337.
  • Wimalasiri, J.S. (2001), “Moral Reasoning Capacity of Management Students and Practitioners: An Empirical Study in Australia”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 16 No. 8, pp. 614- 634.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Volkan Özbek Bu kişi benim

Gökhan Özer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 27

Kaynak Göster

APA Özbek, V., & Özer, G. (2012). KÜÇÜK İŞLETME SAHİPLERİNİN DİNDARLIK DÜZEYLERİ, ETİK İDEOLOJİLERİ VE ALGILARI ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİLER. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15(27), 169-188.