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Büyüme ve Yolsuzluk İlişkisinin Analizi: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Örneği

Yıl 2022, , 225 - 238, 30.06.2022


1980’lere kadar yolsuzluk kavramı genellikle sosyoloji, siyaset bilimi ve ceza hukuku alanlarında araştırılmıştır. Daha sonraları, bir kamusal başarısızlık olarak görülmeye başlanan yolsuzluğun ekonomik performansla olan bağlantısının gittikçe belirginleşmesiyle birlikte özellikle kamu ekonomisi alanında çalışan iktisatçılar ilgilerini bu alana çevirmişlerdir. Özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkeler için yolsuzluk kavramının ve büyüme dinamiklerinin araştırılması önem taşımaktadır. Bu tartışmaya katkı yapmak amacıyla çalışmada yolsuzluğun büyüme üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Söz konusu ilişki 2002-2019 yılları arasında 27 gelişmekte olan ülke için tam değiştirilmiş en küçük kareler (FMOLS) yöntemiyle araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgular, büyüme ve yolsuzluk arasında negatif ve istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin var olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Acemoğlu, D., Verdier, T. (1998). Property Rights, Corruption and the Allocation of Talent: A General Equilibrium Approach. The Economic Journal, 108, 1381-1403.
  • Aidt, T., Dutta, J. Sena, V. (2008). Governance Regimes, Corruption and Growth: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Comparative Economics, 36, 195–220.
  • Alesina, A. (2003). The size of countries: Does it matter? Journal of the European Economic Association, 1(2-3), 301-316.
  • Bardhan, P. (1997). Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(3), 1320- 1346.
  • Barro, R. J., (2013). Inflation and Economic Growth. Annals of Economics and Finance, 14 (1), 85–109.
  • Barro, R. J., Sala-i-Martin, X. (1995). Economic Growth. New York; McGraw-Hill.
  • Çetin, İ. (2020). Gelişmekte olan Ülkelerde Sosyal Harcamaların Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi. BAİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20 (2), 351-364.
  • Ehrelich, I., Lui, F. T., (1999). Bureaucratic Corruption and Endogenous Economic Growth. Journal of Political Economy, 107(6), 270-293.
  • Friedrich, C. J. (1972). The Pathology of Politics: Violence, Betrayal, Corruption, Secrecy and Propaganda. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Grossman, G., Helpman, E. (1991). Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy. Cam- bridge: MIT Press.
  • Gupta, S., Davoodi, H., Alonso-Terme, R. (2002). Does corruption affect income inequality and poverty? Economics of Governance, 3: 23–45.
  • Hodge, A., Shankar, S., Rao, D., S., P., Duhs, A. (2011). Exploring the Links Between Corruption and Growth, Review of Development Economics, 15(3), 474–490.
  • Huntington, S., P. (1968). Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Im, K.S., Pesaran, M.H. ve Shin, Y. (2003). Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
  • Kaufmann, D., Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi (2010). "The Worldwide Governance Indicators : A Summary of Methodology, Data and Analytical Issues. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5430.
  • Keefer, P., Knack, S. (1997). Why Don’t Poor Countries Catch up? A Cross-national Test of an Institutional Explanation. Western Economic Association International, 35, 590-602.
  • Krueger, A. (1997). Trade Policy and Development: How We Learn. American Economic Review, 87(1),1-22.
  • Leff, N., H. (1964). Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption. American Behavioral Scientist, 82 (2), 337–41.
  • Levin, A., Lin, C.F., Chu, C.S.J. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108 (1), 1-24.
  • Levine, R., Renelt, D. (1992). A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions. The American Economic Review, 82 (4), 942-963.
  • Lucas, R. E. (1988), On the Mechanics of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22 (1), 3-42.
  • Lui, F., T. (1985). An Equilibrium Queuing Model of Bribery. Journal of Political Economy, 93 (4), 760-781.
  • Mauro, P. (1995). Corruption and Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110 (3), 681-712.
  • Mauro, P. (1998). Corruption and the Composition of Government Expenditure, Journal of Public Economics, 69, 263–279.
  • Meon, P., Sekkat, K. (2005). Does Corruption Grease or Sand the Wheels of Growth? Public Choice, 122 (1), 69-97.
  • Mo, P. H. (2000). Income Inequality and Economic Growth. KYKLOS, 53 (3), 293–316.
  • Mo, P. H. (2001). Corruption and Economic Growth. Journal of Comparative Economics, 29, 66–79.
  • Myrdal, G. (1977). Asian Drama: An Enquiry in the Poverty of Nations, New York, NY: The Twentieth Century Fund.
  • Nye, J. S. (1967). Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis. The American Political Science Review, 61(2), 417-427.
  • Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels With Multiple Regressors, Oxford Bullettin of Economics and Statistics, 61(SI), 653-670.
  • Pedroni, P. (2000). Fully-modified OLS for Heterogeneous Cointegrated Panels. Advances in Econometrics, 15, 93-130.
  • Pellegrini, L., Gerlagh R. (2004). Corruption’s Effect on Growth and its Transmission Channels. KYKLOS, 57 (3), 429–456.
  • Romer, P. M. (1986), Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth. Journal of Political Economy, 94 (5), 1002-37.
  • Romer, P. M. (1992), Two Strategies for Economic Development: Using Ideas and Producing Ideas, World Bank Annual Conference on Economic Development, Washington, DC, The World Bank.
  • Shleifer, A., Vishny, R. W. (1993). Corruption. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 108(3), 599-617.
  • Swaleheen, M. (2011). Economic Growth with Endogenous Corruption: An Empirical Study. Public Choice, 146 (1), 23-41.
  • Tanzi, V. (1998). Corruption Around the World: Causes, Consequences, Scope, and Cures. IMF Staff Papers, 45(4), 559-594.
  • Vaal, de A., Ebben, W. (2011). Institutions and the Relation between Corruption and Economic Growth, Review of Development Economics, 15(1), 108–123.

Analysis of the Relationship Between Growth and Corruption: Evidence From Developing Countries

Yıl 2022, , 225 - 238, 30.06.2022


Until the 1980s, the concept of corruption has been generally studied in the fields of sociology, political science and criminal law. Later, As the link between corruption, which was seen as a government failure, and economic performance has become increasingly evident, economists working in the field of public finance have turned their attention to this field. It is important to investigate the concept of corruption and growth dynamics, especially for developing countries. In order to contribute this discussion, the paper examines the effect of corruption on growth. This relationship is investigated by fully modified least squares (FMOLS) method for a sample of 27 developing countries between 2002 and 2019 period. The findings of the study suggest that there is a negative and statistically significant relationship between growth and corruption.


  • Acemoğlu, D., Verdier, T. (1998). Property Rights, Corruption and the Allocation of Talent: A General Equilibrium Approach. The Economic Journal, 108, 1381-1403.
  • Aidt, T., Dutta, J. Sena, V. (2008). Governance Regimes, Corruption and Growth: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Comparative Economics, 36, 195–220.
  • Alesina, A. (2003). The size of countries: Does it matter? Journal of the European Economic Association, 1(2-3), 301-316.
  • Bardhan, P. (1997). Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues. Journal of Economic Literature, 35(3), 1320- 1346.
  • Barro, R. J., (2013). Inflation and Economic Growth. Annals of Economics and Finance, 14 (1), 85–109.
  • Barro, R. J., Sala-i-Martin, X. (1995). Economic Growth. New York; McGraw-Hill.
  • Çetin, İ. (2020). Gelişmekte olan Ülkelerde Sosyal Harcamaların Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi. BAİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20 (2), 351-364.
  • Ehrelich, I., Lui, F. T., (1999). Bureaucratic Corruption and Endogenous Economic Growth. Journal of Political Economy, 107(6), 270-293.
  • Friedrich, C. J. (1972). The Pathology of Politics: Violence, Betrayal, Corruption, Secrecy and Propaganda. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Grossman, G., Helpman, E. (1991). Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy. Cam- bridge: MIT Press.
  • Gupta, S., Davoodi, H., Alonso-Terme, R. (2002). Does corruption affect income inequality and poverty? Economics of Governance, 3: 23–45.
  • Hodge, A., Shankar, S., Rao, D., S., P., Duhs, A. (2011). Exploring the Links Between Corruption and Growth, Review of Development Economics, 15(3), 474–490.
  • Huntington, S., P. (1968). Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Im, K.S., Pesaran, M.H. ve Shin, Y. (2003). Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 115(1), 53-74.
  • Kaufmann, D., Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi (2010). "The Worldwide Governance Indicators : A Summary of Methodology, Data and Analytical Issues. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5430.
  • Keefer, P., Knack, S. (1997). Why Don’t Poor Countries Catch up? A Cross-national Test of an Institutional Explanation. Western Economic Association International, 35, 590-602.
  • Krueger, A. (1997). Trade Policy and Development: How We Learn. American Economic Review, 87(1),1-22.
  • Leff, N., H. (1964). Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption. American Behavioral Scientist, 82 (2), 337–41.
  • Levin, A., Lin, C.F., Chu, C.S.J. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108 (1), 1-24.
  • Levine, R., Renelt, D. (1992). A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions. The American Economic Review, 82 (4), 942-963.
  • Lucas, R. E. (1988), On the Mechanics of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22 (1), 3-42.
  • Lui, F., T. (1985). An Equilibrium Queuing Model of Bribery. Journal of Political Economy, 93 (4), 760-781.
  • Mauro, P. (1995). Corruption and Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110 (3), 681-712.
  • Mauro, P. (1998). Corruption and the Composition of Government Expenditure, Journal of Public Economics, 69, 263–279.
  • Meon, P., Sekkat, K. (2005). Does Corruption Grease or Sand the Wheels of Growth? Public Choice, 122 (1), 69-97.
  • Mo, P. H. (2000). Income Inequality and Economic Growth. KYKLOS, 53 (3), 293–316.
  • Mo, P. H. (2001). Corruption and Economic Growth. Journal of Comparative Economics, 29, 66–79.
  • Myrdal, G. (1977). Asian Drama: An Enquiry in the Poverty of Nations, New York, NY: The Twentieth Century Fund.
  • Nye, J. S. (1967). Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis. The American Political Science Review, 61(2), 417-427.
  • Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels With Multiple Regressors, Oxford Bullettin of Economics and Statistics, 61(SI), 653-670.
  • Pedroni, P. (2000). Fully-modified OLS for Heterogeneous Cointegrated Panels. Advances in Econometrics, 15, 93-130.
  • Pellegrini, L., Gerlagh R. (2004). Corruption’s Effect on Growth and its Transmission Channels. KYKLOS, 57 (3), 429–456.
  • Romer, P. M. (1986), Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth. Journal of Political Economy, 94 (5), 1002-37.
  • Romer, P. M. (1992), Two Strategies for Economic Development: Using Ideas and Producing Ideas, World Bank Annual Conference on Economic Development, Washington, DC, The World Bank.
  • Shleifer, A., Vishny, R. W. (1993). Corruption. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 108(3), 599-617.
  • Swaleheen, M. (2011). Economic Growth with Endogenous Corruption: An Empirical Study. Public Choice, 146 (1), 23-41.
  • Tanzi, V. (1998). Corruption Around the World: Causes, Consequences, Scope, and Cures. IMF Staff Papers, 45(4), 559-594.
  • Vaal, de A., Ebben, W. (2011). Institutions and the Relation between Corruption and Economic Growth, Review of Development Economics, 15(1), 108–123.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Semih Çetin 0000-0003-3290-1375

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Haziran 2022
Kabul Tarihi 26 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetin, S. (2022). Büyüme ve Yolsuzluk İlişkisinin Analizi: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Örneği. Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 7(1), 225-238.