Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2022, , 239 - 263, 31.12.2022



  • Archibugi, D., & Michie, J. (1998). Technical change, growth and trade: New departures in institutional economics. Journal of Economic Surveys, 12(3), 313-332.
  • Baktemur, F. I., & Özmen, M. (2017). Spatial econometric analysis of unemployment convergence for developed EU countries. Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 626, 33-42.
  • Bayer, C., Juessen, F. (2007). Convergence in West German regional unemployment rates. German Economic Review, 8(4), 510–535.
  • Beyer, R. C.M & Stemmer, M. A. (2016). Polarization or convergence? An analysis of regional unemployment disparities in Europe over time. Economic Modelling, 55, 373–381.
  • Beyaert, A., & Camacho, M. (2008). TAR panel unit root tests and real convergence. Review of Development Economics, 12(3), 668-681.
  • Blanchard, O. J., Katz, Lawrence. F. (1992). Regional evolutions. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, 1-61.
  • Blanchard, O.J., Summers, L.H. (1986). Hysteresis and the European unemployment problem. NBER Macroecon. Annu. 1, 15–78. 2921(87)90042-0.
  • Boeri, T. (2012). Setting the minimum wage. Labour Economics, 19(3), 281-290.
  • Bonin, H., Isphording, I. E., Krause-Pilatus, A., Lichter, A., Pestel, N., & Rinne, U. (2020). The German statutory minimum wage and its effects on regional employment and unemployment. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 240 (2-3), 295-319.
  • Calvo, G.A. (2002). On dollarization. Economics of Transition, 10: 393-403.
  • Cahuc, P. & Zylberberg, A. (1999). Job protection, minimum wage and unemployment. IZA Discussion Paper No. 95.
  • Currie, J. & Fallick, B. (1996). The minimum wage and the employment of youth: Evidence from the NYSY. Journal of Human Resources, 3l (2), 404-428.
  • Carlino, G. A., & Mills, L. O. (1993). Are US regional incomes converging?: A time series analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(2), 335-346.
  • Corakci, A., Omay, T., & Hasanov, M. (2022). Hysteresis and stochastic convergence in Eurozone unemployment rates: Evidence from Panel unit roots with smooth breaks and asymmetric dynamics. Oeconomia Copernicana, 13(1), 11–55. https:// doi: 10.24136/oc.2022.001
  • Costantini, M. & Lupi, C. (2006). Divergence and long-run equilibria in Italian regional unemployment. Applied Economics Letters, 13(14), 899-904. https://doi: 10.1080/13504850500425758
  • Dalgic, H. (2018). Financial dollarization in emerging markets: An insurance Arrangement. CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series crctr224_2018_051, University of Bonn and University of Mannheim, Germany.
  • Deere, D., Murphy, K. M. & Welch, F. (1995). Employment and the 1990-1991 minimum wage hike. American Economic Review, 85(2), 232-237.
  • Dikmen, F. C. & Dursun, G. (2018). Unemployment hysteresis and convergence: Evidence from Latin American countries. EconWorld2018, 23-25 January 2018, 1-12, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Elmalı, K., Erkal, G. & Özer, H. (2021). Convergence in per-capita gdp across Turkish provinces: A spatial econometrics approach. Ataturk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 35(2), 451-468.
  • Erk, N., Ateş, S., & Direkçi, T. (2000). Convergence and growth within GAP region (South Eastern Anatolia Project) and overall Turkey’s regions. IV. ODTU International Economics Congress, 13-16.
  • Estrada, A., Galí, J. & L_opez-Salido, D. (2013). Patterns of convergence and divergence in the Euro Area. IMF Econ. Rev. 61, 601–630.
  • Filiztekin, A. (1998). Convergence across industries and provinces in Turkey. Koc University Working Paper No.1998/08, Istanbul: Koc University.
  • Friedman, M. (1968). The role of monetary policy. American Economic Review, 58, 1–17.
  • Friedman, M. (1977). Nobel lecture: Inflation and unemployment. Journal of Political Economy, 85 (3), 451-472.
  • Galor, O. (1996). Convergence? Inferences from theoretical models. The Economic Journal, 106(437), 1056–1069.
  • Gezici, F., & Hewings, G. J. (2004). Regional convergence and the economic performance of peripheral areas in Turkey. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 16(2), 113-132.
  • Gomes, F. A. R., & Silva, C. G. (2009). Hysteresis versus NAIRU and convergence versus divergence: The behavior of regional unemployment rates in Brazil. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 49(2), 308-322. https://doi: 10.1016/j.qref.2007.03.009
  • Gömleksiz, M., Şahbaz, A., & Mercan, B. (2017). Regional economic convergence in Turkey: Does the government really matter for?, Economies, 5(3), 27.
  • Greene, W. H. (2018). Econometric analysis (8. ed). New York: Pearson.
  • Güloglu, B., & İspir, M. S. (2011). Is natural rate of unemployment or hysteresis? Sector-specific panel unit root test analysis for Turkey. Ege Academic Review, 11(2), 205-215.
  • Halaç, U., & Kuştepeli, Y. (2008). Türkiye'de bölgesel gelirin yakınsaması: Gelir dağılımı açısından bir değerlendirme. Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper Series (No. 08/01).
  • Hoechle, D. (2007). Robust standard errors for panel regressions with cross-sectional dependence. The Stata Journal, 7(3), 281-312.
  • Karhasan, B. C. (2015). Regional inequalities in Turkey: Post 2001 era. Marmara University Journal Of Economıc And Administrative Sciences XXX VII(1): 125-147.
  • Kim, C. U. & Lim, G. (2018). Minimum wage and unemployment: An empirical study on OECD countries. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 7, 1-9.
  • Kim, T. & Taylor, L. J. (1995). The employment effect in retail trade of California’s minimum wage increase. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13(Apr.), 175-182.
  • Kılıçaslan, Y., & Özatağan, G. (2007). Impact of relative population change on regional income convergence: Evidence from Turkey. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 19(3), 210-223.
  • Kónya, L. (2020). Did the unemployment rates converge in the EU? Empirical Economics, 59(2), 627–657. https://doi: 10.1007/s00181-019-01678-5
  • Krištić, I. R., Dumančić, L. R., & Arčabić, V. (2019). Persistence and stochastic convergence of Euro Area unemployment rates. Economic Modelling, 76, 192-198.
  • Meer, J. & West, J. (2016). Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics. Journal of Human Resources, 51(2), 500-522.
  • Marston, S. T. (1985). Two views of the geographic distribution of unemployment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100, 57-79.
  • Martin, R. (1997). Regional unemployment disparities and their dynamics. Regional Studies 31, 237–252.
  • Neumark, D., Wascher, W. L., & Wascher, W. L. (2008). Minimum wages. MIT press.
  • Neumark, D. & Wascher. W. (1992). Employment effects of minimum and subminimum wages: Panel data on state minimum wage laws. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 46 (1), 55–81.
  • Partridge, M. D., & Partridge, J. S. (1998). Are teen unemployment rates ınfluenced by state minimum wage laws?. Growth and Change, 29(4), 359-382.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2003). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross section dependence. Web: . Web: 27.09.2020.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. CESifo Working Paper (No. 1229). Erşim:
  • Phelps, E. S. (1994). Structural slumps: The modern equilibrium theory of unemployment, interest and assets. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Purwono, R., Yasin, M. Z., Hamzah, I. N., & Arifin, N. (2021). Total factor productivity convergence of Indonesia's provincial economies, 2011-2017. Regional Statistics, 11(4), 52-78.
  • Rios, V. (2014). What drives regional unemployment rate disparities in European regions?, Regional Studies, 1-13.
  • Sala-i-Martin, Xavier X. (1996). The classical approach to convergence analysis. The Economic Journal, 106 (437), 1020.
  • Serdaroğlu, U. (1997). Fix-price temporory general equilibrium models. Ekonomik Yaklasim, 8(26), 49-70.
  • Stigler, G. J. (1946). The economics of minimum wage legislation. American Economic Review 36(3), 358–365.
  • Social Security Institution (2020). Statistical Yearbook. Web:
  • Solow, R. M. (1956). A contribution to the theory of economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), 65-94.
  • Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical change and the aggregate production function. Review of Economics and Statistics, 39(3), 312-320.
  • Stewart, M. B. (2007). The interrelated dynamics of unemployment and low‐wage employment. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(3), 511-531.
  • Şanli, D. (2022). Testing the convergence hypothesis with regional data in Turkish economy. In Y. Muratoğlu, (Ed.) İktisadi büyümenin dinamikleri (pp. 267-290). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Turkey Banking Regulation and Supervison of Agency (2022). Banking Sector Data by Province. Web:
  • TURKSTAT (2021). Labour force surveys. Web:
  • Tyrowicz, J., & Wójcik, P. (2010). Regional dynamics of unemployment in Poland a convergence approach. In: Caroleo, F., Pastore, F. (eds) The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement. AIEL Series in Labour Economics. Physica-Verlag HD.
  • Villanueva, P., & Cárdenas, L. (2021). Unemployment in Spain: The failure of wage devaluation. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 32(4), 552–574.
  • Yıldırım, J., & Öcal, N. (2006). Income inequality and economic convergence in Turkey. Transition Studies Review, 13(3). 559-568. 10.1007/s11300-006-0124-x

Unemployment Rate Convergence in the Case of Turkey: A Regional Analysis within the Scope of Dollarization and Real Wage

Yıl 2022, , 239 - 263, 31.12.2022


The unemployment rate is a fundamental variable in the socioeconomic comparison between regions. Hence, it is included in the focus of regional economic policies. Regional policy sets are frequently used to eliminate regional unemployment differences. This situation raises discussions about the efficiency of the employment policies and questions whether regional unemployment rates tend to converge to national averages. Especially in economies with regional development differences and the labor market does not exhibit a homogeneous structure, the regional analysis of unemployment rates is becoming more critical. This paper analyses the convergence of unemployment rates with the panel data set, which includes 26 regions of Turkey and the period 2004-2020. It is investigated if regional macroeconomic interactions in Turkey make the labor market homogeneous. Besides, the effects of dollarization and real wage on the unemployment rate change are questioned. The study's findings indicate the presence of deterministic and stochastic β convergence. According to the unconditional and conditional β convergence analysis, the change in the unemployment rate depends on the initial value of the unemployment rate. The findings also show that if dollarization and real wage growth increase, unemployment rate growth also increases. σ convergence analysis also confirms the presence of unemployment rate convergence.


  • Archibugi, D., & Michie, J. (1998). Technical change, growth and trade: New departures in institutional economics. Journal of Economic Surveys, 12(3), 313-332.
  • Baktemur, F. I., & Özmen, M. (2017). Spatial econometric analysis of unemployment convergence for developed EU countries. Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 626, 33-42.
  • Bayer, C., Juessen, F. (2007). Convergence in West German regional unemployment rates. German Economic Review, 8(4), 510–535.
  • Beyer, R. C.M & Stemmer, M. A. (2016). Polarization or convergence? An analysis of regional unemployment disparities in Europe over time. Economic Modelling, 55, 373–381.
  • Beyaert, A., & Camacho, M. (2008). TAR panel unit root tests and real convergence. Review of Development Economics, 12(3), 668-681.
  • Blanchard, O. J., Katz, Lawrence. F. (1992). Regional evolutions. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, 1-61.
  • Blanchard, O.J., Summers, L.H. (1986). Hysteresis and the European unemployment problem. NBER Macroecon. Annu. 1, 15–78. 2921(87)90042-0.
  • Boeri, T. (2012). Setting the minimum wage. Labour Economics, 19(3), 281-290.
  • Bonin, H., Isphording, I. E., Krause-Pilatus, A., Lichter, A., Pestel, N., & Rinne, U. (2020). The German statutory minimum wage and its effects on regional employment and unemployment. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 240 (2-3), 295-319.
  • Calvo, G.A. (2002). On dollarization. Economics of Transition, 10: 393-403.
  • Cahuc, P. & Zylberberg, A. (1999). Job protection, minimum wage and unemployment. IZA Discussion Paper No. 95.
  • Currie, J. & Fallick, B. (1996). The minimum wage and the employment of youth: Evidence from the NYSY. Journal of Human Resources, 3l (2), 404-428.
  • Carlino, G. A., & Mills, L. O. (1993). Are US regional incomes converging?: A time series analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(2), 335-346.
  • Corakci, A., Omay, T., & Hasanov, M. (2022). Hysteresis and stochastic convergence in Eurozone unemployment rates: Evidence from Panel unit roots with smooth breaks and asymmetric dynamics. Oeconomia Copernicana, 13(1), 11–55. https:// doi: 10.24136/oc.2022.001
  • Costantini, M. & Lupi, C. (2006). Divergence and long-run equilibria in Italian regional unemployment. Applied Economics Letters, 13(14), 899-904. https://doi: 10.1080/13504850500425758
  • Dalgic, H. (2018). Financial dollarization in emerging markets: An insurance Arrangement. CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series crctr224_2018_051, University of Bonn and University of Mannheim, Germany.
  • Deere, D., Murphy, K. M. & Welch, F. (1995). Employment and the 1990-1991 minimum wage hike. American Economic Review, 85(2), 232-237.
  • Dikmen, F. C. & Dursun, G. (2018). Unemployment hysteresis and convergence: Evidence from Latin American countries. EconWorld2018, 23-25 January 2018, 1-12, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Elmalı, K., Erkal, G. & Özer, H. (2021). Convergence in per-capita gdp across Turkish provinces: A spatial econometrics approach. Ataturk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 35(2), 451-468.
  • Erk, N., Ateş, S., & Direkçi, T. (2000). Convergence and growth within GAP region (South Eastern Anatolia Project) and overall Turkey’s regions. IV. ODTU International Economics Congress, 13-16.
  • Estrada, A., Galí, J. & L_opez-Salido, D. (2013). Patterns of convergence and divergence in the Euro Area. IMF Econ. Rev. 61, 601–630.
  • Filiztekin, A. (1998). Convergence across industries and provinces in Turkey. Koc University Working Paper No.1998/08, Istanbul: Koc University.
  • Friedman, M. (1968). The role of monetary policy. American Economic Review, 58, 1–17.
  • Friedman, M. (1977). Nobel lecture: Inflation and unemployment. Journal of Political Economy, 85 (3), 451-472.
  • Galor, O. (1996). Convergence? Inferences from theoretical models. The Economic Journal, 106(437), 1056–1069.
  • Gezici, F., & Hewings, G. J. (2004). Regional convergence and the economic performance of peripheral areas in Turkey. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 16(2), 113-132.
  • Gomes, F. A. R., & Silva, C. G. (2009). Hysteresis versus NAIRU and convergence versus divergence: The behavior of regional unemployment rates in Brazil. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 49(2), 308-322. https://doi: 10.1016/j.qref.2007.03.009
  • Gömleksiz, M., Şahbaz, A., & Mercan, B. (2017). Regional economic convergence in Turkey: Does the government really matter for?, Economies, 5(3), 27.
  • Greene, W. H. (2018). Econometric analysis (8. ed). New York: Pearson.
  • Güloglu, B., & İspir, M. S. (2011). Is natural rate of unemployment or hysteresis? Sector-specific panel unit root test analysis for Turkey. Ege Academic Review, 11(2), 205-215.
  • Halaç, U., & Kuştepeli, Y. (2008). Türkiye'de bölgesel gelirin yakınsaması: Gelir dağılımı açısından bir değerlendirme. Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper Series (No. 08/01).
  • Hoechle, D. (2007). Robust standard errors for panel regressions with cross-sectional dependence. The Stata Journal, 7(3), 281-312.
  • Karhasan, B. C. (2015). Regional inequalities in Turkey: Post 2001 era. Marmara University Journal Of Economıc And Administrative Sciences XXX VII(1): 125-147.
  • Kim, C. U. & Lim, G. (2018). Minimum wage and unemployment: An empirical study on OECD countries. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 7, 1-9.
  • Kim, T. & Taylor, L. J. (1995). The employment effect in retail trade of California’s minimum wage increase. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13(Apr.), 175-182.
  • Kılıçaslan, Y., & Özatağan, G. (2007). Impact of relative population change on regional income convergence: Evidence from Turkey. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 19(3), 210-223.
  • Kónya, L. (2020). Did the unemployment rates converge in the EU? Empirical Economics, 59(2), 627–657. https://doi: 10.1007/s00181-019-01678-5
  • Krištić, I. R., Dumančić, L. R., & Arčabić, V. (2019). Persistence and stochastic convergence of Euro Area unemployment rates. Economic Modelling, 76, 192-198.
  • Meer, J. & West, J. (2016). Effects of the minimum wage on employment dynamics. Journal of Human Resources, 51(2), 500-522.
  • Marston, S. T. (1985). Two views of the geographic distribution of unemployment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100, 57-79.
  • Martin, R. (1997). Regional unemployment disparities and their dynamics. Regional Studies 31, 237–252.
  • Neumark, D., Wascher, W. L., & Wascher, W. L. (2008). Minimum wages. MIT press.
  • Neumark, D. & Wascher. W. (1992). Employment effects of minimum and subminimum wages: Panel data on state minimum wage laws. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 46 (1), 55–81.
  • Partridge, M. D., & Partridge, J. S. (1998). Are teen unemployment rates ınfluenced by state minimum wage laws?. Growth and Change, 29(4), 359-382.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2003). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross section dependence. Web: . Web: 27.09.2020.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. CESifo Working Paper (No. 1229). Erşim:
  • Phelps, E. S. (1994). Structural slumps: The modern equilibrium theory of unemployment, interest and assets. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Purwono, R., Yasin, M. Z., Hamzah, I. N., & Arifin, N. (2021). Total factor productivity convergence of Indonesia's provincial economies, 2011-2017. Regional Statistics, 11(4), 52-78.
  • Rios, V. (2014). What drives regional unemployment rate disparities in European regions?, Regional Studies, 1-13.
  • Sala-i-Martin, Xavier X. (1996). The classical approach to convergence analysis. The Economic Journal, 106 (437), 1020.
  • Serdaroğlu, U. (1997). Fix-price temporory general equilibrium models. Ekonomik Yaklasim, 8(26), 49-70.
  • Stigler, G. J. (1946). The economics of minimum wage legislation. American Economic Review 36(3), 358–365.
  • Social Security Institution (2020). Statistical Yearbook. Web:
  • Solow, R. M. (1956). A contribution to the theory of economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), 65-94.
  • Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical change and the aggregate production function. Review of Economics and Statistics, 39(3), 312-320.
  • Stewart, M. B. (2007). The interrelated dynamics of unemployment and low‐wage employment. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(3), 511-531.
  • Şanli, D. (2022). Testing the convergence hypothesis with regional data in Turkish economy. In Y. Muratoğlu, (Ed.) İktisadi büyümenin dinamikleri (pp. 267-290). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Turkey Banking Regulation and Supervison of Agency (2022). Banking Sector Data by Province. Web:
  • TURKSTAT (2021). Labour force surveys. Web:
  • Tyrowicz, J., & Wójcik, P. (2010). Regional dynamics of unemployment in Poland a convergence approach. In: Caroleo, F., Pastore, F. (eds) The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement. AIEL Series in Labour Economics. Physica-Verlag HD.
  • Villanueva, P., & Cárdenas, L. (2021). Unemployment in Spain: The failure of wage devaluation. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 32(4), 552–574.
  • Yıldırım, J., & Öcal, N. (2006). Income inequality and economic convergence in Turkey. Transition Studies Review, 13(3). 559-568. 10.1007/s11300-006-0124-x
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Nadide Yiğiteli 0000-0002-0632-7253

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2022
Kabul Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Yiğiteli, N. (2022). Unemployment Rate Convergence in the Case of Turkey: A Regional Analysis within the Scope of Dollarization and Real Wage. Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 7(2), 239-263.