İslam, hayatın tüm alanlarında olduğu gibi iktisadi hayatı da düzenleyici ve kolaylaştırıcı ilkeler getirmiştir. Bu uygulamalardan biri olan “Cüzâf” satış işlemi, toplumun ona olan ihtiyacı sebebiyle günümüzde de yaygın bir şekilde uygulanmaktadır. Halk arasında tahmini satış, kabala satış ve götürü satış olarak da bilinen cüzaf satış için mezhepler, ilgili naslar ve uygulamalara bakarak birtakım şartlar belirlemiştir. Dünyevi her türlü faaliyetlerini helal ve meşru çerçevede yapmak zorunda olan bir Müslüman bu şartlara riayet etmek zorundadır.
Buna göre; Cüzafen satışı yapılacak mal hakkında tarafların yeterli bilgiye sahip olması gerekir. Bilgi sahibi olmak; malın daha önceden taraflarca görülmesi, herhangi bir aldanmaya mahal vermeyecek şekilde bilgisinin elde edilmesi, bilinen işaretlerle diğerlerinden ayrıştırılması gerekir. Cüzaf, tahmin üzere bir satış olduğu için önceden tarafların miktarı bilmiyor olması esastır. Cüzaf satışın ölçülüp tartılabilen veya sayımında zorluk bulunan ürünlerden olması gerekir. Cüzaf satışta tahmin yürütmede ehil, tecrübeli insanların olması şartı, fahiş bir hatanın oluşmasını önleyerek, işlemde yanılma payını azaltmaktadır. Cüzafen satışı yapılacak ürünün ne kolayca ölçülüp tartılacak miktarda az olması, ne de öyle hemen ölçülüp tartılamayacak boyutta çok olmaması da belirlenen şartlardandır. Cüzaf satışı yapılacak ürün yığınının düz bir zeminde olması da aldanmaları önlemeye yöneliktir. Alıcı ve satıcının ürün miktarını tahminde aldanmalarına sebep olabilecek tümseklik ve çukurların bulunmaması gerekir. Ölçmeden tartmadan tahmin üzere yapılan cüzaf satışta, satılan yığının bir kısmında ölçü ve tartı aletleri kullanmak yasaklanmıştır. Çünkü fıkıhta “safkateyn” olarak isimlendirilen bu işlem, Hz. Peygamber (sas) tarafından yasaklanmıştır.
Cüzaf satışta belirlenen bu şartlar, her iki bedelin de mal olduğu durumlarda işlemin ribaya dönüşmesini engellemektedir. Konuyla ilgili olarak mezheplerin bazen ittifak ederek, bazen de ihtilaf ederek ortaya koyduğu hükümler, konun daha anlaşılır olmasına katkı sağlamıştır.
Islam has brought regulating and facilitating principles to economic life, as well as to all other areas of life. Practices regarding economic life that were shaped by Verses and Hadiths continue to be valid in our present day, despite the intense pressure of capitalism, and continue to facilitate the lives of people and societies. One of these practices, the “Jusaph Sale”, is still practiced widely today because of the society’s need for it. Based on relevant texts and practices, Islamic Sects has determined some conditions for Jusaph, which is also known as “Estimated Sale”, “Qabala Sale”, and “Lump Sum Sale”. A Muslim who has to perform all his/her worldly activities within a Halal and legitimate framework must comply with these conditions. These conditions, which are set by the Fuqaha, not only ensure that the operations are performed within a legitimate framework, but also contribute to peace in both social and commercial life by preventing the parties from deceiving each other and gaining unfair profits.
Jusaph Sales, whose legitimacy is based on Hadiths and the practices of the compan-ions, appear in three cases; either in goods, in money, or in both goods and money. In this context, both parties must have sufficient information about the goods or money to be sold. The goods must be seen by the parties beforehand to be informed, the information must be obtained in a way that does not allow any decep-tion, and it must be distinguished from others with clear signs. It is essential that the parties do not know the amount in advance because Jusaph is a sales based on estimation. Jusaph sales must be practiced with products that can be measured and weighed or that are difficult to count. The requirement for competent and experienced people to make predictions in Jusaph sales prevents the occurrence of an excessive error and reduces the margin of error in financial operations. One of the conditions is that the product to be sold with the Jusaph sale should neither be too small to be easily measured and weighed, nor too large to be easily measured and weighed. The fact that the pile of products to be sold with the Jusaph sale is on a flat surface is also a measure intending to prevent deception. There should be no bumps or holes that could mislead the buyer and seller in estimating the quantity of the product to be sold with Jusaph sale. It is prohibited to use measuring and weigh-ing instruments in a part of the pile sold in Jusaph sales, which are made based on estimation without measuring or weighing. Because this process, which is called “Saphqateyn” in Fiqh, was prohibited by the Prophet (PbuH). These conditions in Jusaph Sales prevent the transaction from turning into interest in cases where both prices are goods. It is seen that, especially in the buying and selling of goods subject to interest, the principles of interest were approached sen-sitively, and attention was paid to even the slightest possibility that could lead to in-terest to prevent interest. Although it is not permissible to sell the same type of goods subject to interest against each other, it is also seen that the sale of Jusaph is permissible between different types of goods subject to interest providing that it is accepted in the contractual assembly. There is a difference of opinion between Abu Hanifa and his disciples Imam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf among the Hanafis, who make a distinction between Misli and Qiyami in the goods sold based on Jusaph. In general, it is observed that Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali jurists agreed with Imam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf from the Hanafis regarding the sale of Misli and Qiyami goods. Sales made by determining the unit price in places where it is not always possible to measure the goods and “all inclusive” practices will continue to keep Jusaph sales on the agenda. The need that the measurement tools used in Jusaph sales be standard aims to pre-vent uncertainty between parties and avoid a dispute or disagreement from arising because of this uncertainty. In case of excessive differences between the results of the post-Jusaph Sale measurements and the estimated agreed upon amount, grant-ing discretion in favor of the deceived party is an extremely important measure to protect the rightful party and justice. Measures taken for the sale of products that are not yet mature or in the process of maturation are measures to prevent injustice
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | İslam Hukuku |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Aralık 2023 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 9 Ekim 2023 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2023 |
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