Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 119 - 135, 31.12.2021
Ebru Karacan
Ahmet Yaylacı
Fahri Yemişçioğlu
- Ayyad, Z., Valli, E., Bendini, A., Accorsi, R., Manzini, R., Bortolini, M., & Gallina Toschi, T. (2016). Simulating international shipments of vegetable oils: Focus on quality changes. 38-39.
- Banerjee, A. (2019). Blockchain with IOT: Applications and use cases for a new paradigm of supply chain driving efficiency and cost. Advances in Computers. 278-279. doi:10.1016/bs.adcom.2019.07.007
- Behnke, K., and Janssen, M. F. W. H. A. (2020). Boundary conditions for traceability in food supply chains using blockchain technology. International Journal of Information Management, 52, 101969.
- Berger, K. G. (1985). Quality control in storage and transport of edible oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 62(2), 438-442.
- Caro, M. P., Ali, M. S., Vecchio, M., and Giaffreda, R. (2018). Blockchain-based traceability in Agri-Food supply chain management: A practical implementation. In 2018 IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Agriculture-Tuscany (IOT Tuscany), 1-4.
- FAO, F. (2017). The future of food and agriculture–Trends and challenges. Annual Report. 64-65.
- Dong, L., Jiang, P. P., and Xu, F. (2020). Blockchain adoption for traceability in food supply chain networks. Fasheng, Blockchain Adoption for Traceability in Food Supply Chain Networks (August 10, 2020). 3-4.
- Duan, J., Zhang, C., Gong, Y., Brown, S., and Li, Z. (2020). A Content-Analysis Based Literature Review in Blockchain Adoption within Food Supply Chain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1784. 2-3.
- Gallemore, C., and Jespersen, K. (2019). Offsetting, Insetting, or Both? Current Trends in Sustainable Palm Oil Certification. Sustainability, 11(19), 5393. 1-15.
- Gassler, B., and Spiller, A. (2018). Is it all in the MIX? Consumer preferences for segregated and mass balance certified sustainable palm oil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 21-31.
- Gatti, R. C., Liang, J., Velichevskaya, A., and Zhou, M. (2019). Sustainable palm oil may not be so sustainable. Science of The Total Environment, 652, 48-51.
- Gerdan, D., Koç, C., Vatandaş, M., (2020). Gıda Ürünlerinin İzlenebilirliğinde Blok Zinciri Teknolojisinin Kullanımı, Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 16(2): 8-14.
- Goggin, K. A., and Murphy, D. J. (2018). Monitoring the traceability, safety and authenticity of imported palm oils in Europe. OCL, 25(6), A603. 1-14.
- Hamm, W. (2013). Bulk Movement of Edible Oils. Edible Oil Processing, 41.
- Hofman, W. J. (2019). A Methodological Approach for Development and Deployment of Data Sharing in Complex Organizational Supply and Logistics Networks with Blockchain Technology. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(3), 55-60.
- Hutter, T., Haeussler, S., & Missbauer, H. (2018). Successful implementation of an order release mechanism based on workload control: a case study of a make-to-stock manufacturer. International Journal of Production Research, 56(4), 1565.
- Iakovou, E., Bochtis, D., Vlachos, D., & Aidonis, D. (2015). Sustainable Agrifood supply chain management. Supply chain management for sustainable food networks, 131-132.
- Irani, Z. and Sharif, A.M. (2016), Sustainable food security futures: perspectives on food waste and information across the food supply chain, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29 (2), 171-178.
- Ito, J., Shimizu, N., Kobayashi, E., Hanzawa, Y., Otoki, Y., Kato, S., & Nakagawa, K. (2017). A novel chiral stationary phase LC-MS/MS method to evaluate oxidation mechanisms of edible oils. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-2.
- Ivert, L. K., Dukovska-Popovska, I., Kaipia, R., Fredriksson, A., Dreyer, H. C., Johansson, M. I., and Tuomikangas, N. (2015). Sales and operations planning: responding to the needs of industrial food producers. Production planning & control, 26(4), 280-295.
- Kaur, H. (2019). Modelling internet of things driven sustainable food security system. Benchmarking: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-12-2018-0431.
- Kayikci, Y., Subramanian, N., Dora, M., and Bhatia, M. S. (2020). Food supply chain in the era of Industry 4.0: blockchain technology implementation opportunities and impediments from the perspective of people, process, performance, and technology. Production Planning & Control, 4-5.
- Keleş, B., and Ova, G. (2020). Gıda tedarik zinciri yönetiminde bilgi teknolojileri kullanımı. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 137-143.
- Kittipanya-Ngam, P., and Tan, K. H. (2020). A framework for food supply chain digitalization: lessons from Thailand. Production Planning & Control, 31(2-3), 159-160.
- Köhler, S., and Pizzol, M. (2020). Technology assessment of blockchain-based technologies in the food supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122193. 1-2.
- Krishnan, R., Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., and Arshinder, K. (2020). Redesigning a food supply chain for environmental sustainability–An analysis of resource use and recovery. Journal of cleaner production, 242, 118374. 3-14.
- Koç, E. (2020). Tedarik Zinciri ve Sürdürülebilirliğinde Yeni Paradigma: Blokzincir. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (20), 417-438.
- Lim, C. H., Lim, S., How, B. S., Ng, W. P. Q., Ngan, S. L., Leong, W. D., and Lam, H. L. (2021). A review of industry 4.0 revolution potential in a sustainable and renewable palm oil industry: HAZOP approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135, 110223. 8-9.
- Ling, E. K., and Wahab, S. N. (2020). Integrity of food supply chain: going beyond food safety and food quality. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 29(2), 216-232.
- Lyons-White, J., and Knight, A. T. (2018). Palm oil supply chain complexity impedes implementation of corporate no-deforestation commitments. Global Environmental Change, 50, doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.04.012, 303-313.
- Macit, S., and Şanlıer, N. (2014). Palm Yağı ve Sağlık (Palm Oil and Health). Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 13, 13-14.
- Mahalik, N., and Kim, K. (2016). The role of information technology developments in food supply chain integration and monitoring. In Innovation and Future Trends in Food Manufacturing and Supply Chain Technologies .Woodhead Publishing. 21-37.
- Manning, L. (2016). Food fraud: Policy and food chain. Current Opinion in Food Science, 10, 16-21.
- Manzini, R., Accorsi, R., Ayyad, Z., Bendini, A., Bortolini, M., Gamberi, M., and Toschi, T. G. (2014). Sustainability and quality in the food supply chain. A case study of shipment of edible oils. British Food Journal. 2070-2090.
- Morgans, C. L., Meijaard, E., Santika, T., Law, E., Budiharta, S., Ancrenaz, M., and Wilson, K. A. (2018). Evaluating the effectiveness of palm oil certification in delivering multiple sustainability objectives. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6), 064032. 1-11.
- Nayak, R., and Waterson, P. (2019). Global food safety as a complex adaptive system: Key concepts and future prospects. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 91, 409-425.
- Özdemir, A. İ. (2004). Tedarik zinciri yönetiminin gelişimi, süreçleri ve yararları. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (23); 87-96.
- Ozkan, S., and Bulut, O. (2020). Control of make-to-stock production systems with setup costs. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 35(3), 1199.
- Öztürk, D. (2016). Tedarik zinciri yönetimi süreçlerini etkileyen faktörler. International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6(1), 17-24.
- Parseker, Z. (2009). Gıda sektörü tedarik zincirinde bilgi teknolojileri kullanımının ekonomik yönden değerlendirilmesi (Master's thesis, Uludağ Üniversitesi). 38-39.
- Pramatari, K. (2016). Information Technology for Food Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks, 183–203. doi:10.1002/9781118937495.ch7
- Prashanth, R., Kumar, B. M., and Gowda, A. B. (2020). How Internet of Things Can Enhance the Performance of Food Supply Chain Networks: An Analysis. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 19(3), 52-53.
- Ray, P. P. (2018). A survey on Internet of Things architectures. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 30(3), 299-300.
- Rosyadi, F. H., Darwanto, D. H., & Mulyo, J. H. (2020). Impct of Rountable on Sustainable Palm oil (RSPO) Certification on the Indonesian CPO Exports to the Destination Countries. Agro Ekonomi, 31(1). doi.org/10.22146/ae.54559. 30-45.
- RSPO, (2018). Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil. About, 6 Aralık 2020 tarihinde https://rspo.org/about adresinden alındı.
- Ruysschaert, D., and Salles, D. (2018). The strategies and effectiveness of conservation NGOs in the global voluntary standards: The case of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. In The Anthropology of Conservation NGOs. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. pp. 121-149.
- Samouche, H., El Barkany, A., and El Khalfi, A. (2019). Performance of Sales and Operation Plan: Literature review & Perspectives of improvement. ICAMOP journal, 1(1), 47-53.
- Sayın, A.A., Demirel, R. (2020). Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde bilgi teknolojilerinin önemi - gıda firma uygulaması, Turkish Studies-Applied Sciences, 15(1), ss. 109-126.
- Schmidt, J., and De Rosa, M. (2020). Certified palm oil reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to non-certified. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277, 124045. 1-12.
- Tian, F. (2017). A supply chain traceability system for food safety based on HACCP, blockchain & Internet of things. In 2017 International conference on service systems and service management, 3-6.
- Verma, N. (2020). A Case Study on Distribution Strategy of Product (Edible Oil) in Ethiopia. International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 10 (4), ISSN: 2249-1058 Impact Factor: 6.559. 1-12.
- Voss, D., and Whipple, J. (2009). Food supply chain security: Issues and implications. In Supply Chain Risk. Springer, Boston, MA. 293-305.
- Zargaraan, A., Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, F., Hosseini, H., Salmani, Y., Bahmaei, M., and Esfarjani, F. (2019). Challenges of edible oils from farm to industry: Views of stakeholders. Food and nutrition bulletin, 40(1), 105-106.
- Zhang, M., and Li, P. (2012). RFID application strategy in agri-food supply chain based on safety and benefit analysis. Physics Procedia, 25, 636-642.
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 119 - 135, 31.12.2021
Ebru Karacan
Ahmet Yaylacı
Fahri Yemişçioğlu
Tüketicilerin yalnızca tam zamanında istenilen miktarda gıdaya ulaşmayı yeterli bulmadığı günümüz koşullarında gıda firmalarının üretiminde sürdürülebilirliğin sağlandığı, kaliteli ve sağlığa faydalı ürün elde edilebildiği, aşamalarında doğaya zarar verilmeyen üretimlerin yapıldığı ve tedarik zincirlerinin kurulduğu stratejilerle ilgilenmesi, tedarik zincirlerinin karar mekanizmalarını kurarken analog sistemlerin yerine bilişim teknolojilerini uygulamaya geçirmesi neredeyse bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Bitkisel yağ pazarında en büyük hacme sahip palm yağı endüstrisi için ve tedarik zinciri için gıda güvenliğinin ve sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanırken aynı zamanda yüksek verimle ürün eldesinin mümkün olduğu Sürdürülebilir Palm Yağı Yuvarlak Masası (RSPO) sertifikasyonunun üretim verimini arttırırken aynı zamanda CO2 emisyonunu da azalttığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu derlemenin amacı bitkisel yağ tedarik zincirinde sürdürülebilirliğin ve izlenebilirliğin sağlanması için RSPO sertifikasyonunun önemini vurgulamak ve bilgi teknolojilerinin RSPO sisteminin iyileştirilmesinde önemli bir basamak olduğunu iddiasını açıklamaktır.
- Ayyad, Z., Valli, E., Bendini, A., Accorsi, R., Manzini, R., Bortolini, M., & Gallina Toschi, T. (2016). Simulating international shipments of vegetable oils: Focus on quality changes. 38-39.
- Banerjee, A. (2019). Blockchain with IOT: Applications and use cases for a new paradigm of supply chain driving efficiency and cost. Advances in Computers. 278-279. doi:10.1016/bs.adcom.2019.07.007
- Behnke, K., and Janssen, M. F. W. H. A. (2020). Boundary conditions for traceability in food supply chains using blockchain technology. International Journal of Information Management, 52, 101969.
- Berger, K. G. (1985). Quality control in storage and transport of edible oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 62(2), 438-442.
- Caro, M. P., Ali, M. S., Vecchio, M., and Giaffreda, R. (2018). Blockchain-based traceability in Agri-Food supply chain management: A practical implementation. In 2018 IoT Vertical and Topical Summit on Agriculture-Tuscany (IOT Tuscany), 1-4.
- FAO, F. (2017). The future of food and agriculture–Trends and challenges. Annual Report. 64-65.
- Dong, L., Jiang, P. P., and Xu, F. (2020). Blockchain adoption for traceability in food supply chain networks. Fasheng, Blockchain Adoption for Traceability in Food Supply Chain Networks (August 10, 2020). 3-4.
- Duan, J., Zhang, C., Gong, Y., Brown, S., and Li, Z. (2020). A Content-Analysis Based Literature Review in Blockchain Adoption within Food Supply Chain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1784. 2-3.
- Gallemore, C., and Jespersen, K. (2019). Offsetting, Insetting, or Both? Current Trends in Sustainable Palm Oil Certification. Sustainability, 11(19), 5393. 1-15.
- Gassler, B., and Spiller, A. (2018). Is it all in the MIX? Consumer preferences for segregated and mass balance certified sustainable palm oil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 21-31.
- Gatti, R. C., Liang, J., Velichevskaya, A., and Zhou, M. (2019). Sustainable palm oil may not be so sustainable. Science of The Total Environment, 652, 48-51.
- Gerdan, D., Koç, C., Vatandaş, M., (2020). Gıda Ürünlerinin İzlenebilirliğinde Blok Zinciri Teknolojisinin Kullanımı, Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 16(2): 8-14.
- Goggin, K. A., and Murphy, D. J. (2018). Monitoring the traceability, safety and authenticity of imported palm oils in Europe. OCL, 25(6), A603. 1-14.
- Hamm, W. (2013). Bulk Movement of Edible Oils. Edible Oil Processing, 41.
- Hofman, W. J. (2019). A Methodological Approach for Development and Deployment of Data Sharing in Complex Organizational Supply and Logistics Networks with Blockchain Technology. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(3), 55-60.
- Hutter, T., Haeussler, S., & Missbauer, H. (2018). Successful implementation of an order release mechanism based on workload control: a case study of a make-to-stock manufacturer. International Journal of Production Research, 56(4), 1565.
- Iakovou, E., Bochtis, D., Vlachos, D., & Aidonis, D. (2015). Sustainable Agrifood supply chain management. Supply chain management for sustainable food networks, 131-132.
- Irani, Z. and Sharif, A.M. (2016), Sustainable food security futures: perspectives on food waste and information across the food supply chain, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29 (2), 171-178.
- Ito, J., Shimizu, N., Kobayashi, E., Hanzawa, Y., Otoki, Y., Kato, S., & Nakagawa, K. (2017). A novel chiral stationary phase LC-MS/MS method to evaluate oxidation mechanisms of edible oils. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-2.
- Ivert, L. K., Dukovska-Popovska, I., Kaipia, R., Fredriksson, A., Dreyer, H. C., Johansson, M. I., and Tuomikangas, N. (2015). Sales and operations planning: responding to the needs of industrial food producers. Production planning & control, 26(4), 280-295.
- Kaur, H. (2019). Modelling internet of things driven sustainable food security system. Benchmarking: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-12-2018-0431.
- Kayikci, Y., Subramanian, N., Dora, M., and Bhatia, M. S. (2020). Food supply chain in the era of Industry 4.0: blockchain technology implementation opportunities and impediments from the perspective of people, process, performance, and technology. Production Planning & Control, 4-5.
- Keleş, B., and Ova, G. (2020). Gıda tedarik zinciri yönetiminde bilgi teknolojileri kullanımı. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 137-143.
- Kittipanya-Ngam, P., and Tan, K. H. (2020). A framework for food supply chain digitalization: lessons from Thailand. Production Planning & Control, 31(2-3), 159-160.
- Köhler, S., and Pizzol, M. (2020). Technology assessment of blockchain-based technologies in the food supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122193. 1-2.
- Krishnan, R., Agarwal, R., Bajada, C., and Arshinder, K. (2020). Redesigning a food supply chain for environmental sustainability–An analysis of resource use and recovery. Journal of cleaner production, 242, 118374. 3-14.
- Koç, E. (2020). Tedarik Zinciri ve Sürdürülebilirliğinde Yeni Paradigma: Blokzincir. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (20), 417-438.
- Lim, C. H., Lim, S., How, B. S., Ng, W. P. Q., Ngan, S. L., Leong, W. D., and Lam, H. L. (2021). A review of industry 4.0 revolution potential in a sustainable and renewable palm oil industry: HAZOP approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135, 110223. 8-9.
- Ling, E. K., and Wahab, S. N. (2020). Integrity of food supply chain: going beyond food safety and food quality. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 29(2), 216-232.
- Lyons-White, J., and Knight, A. T. (2018). Palm oil supply chain complexity impedes implementation of corporate no-deforestation commitments. Global Environmental Change, 50, doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.04.012, 303-313.
- Macit, S., and Şanlıer, N. (2014). Palm Yağı ve Sağlık (Palm Oil and Health). Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 13, 13-14.
- Mahalik, N., and Kim, K. (2016). The role of information technology developments in food supply chain integration and monitoring. In Innovation and Future Trends in Food Manufacturing and Supply Chain Technologies .Woodhead Publishing. 21-37.
- Manning, L. (2016). Food fraud: Policy and food chain. Current Opinion in Food Science, 10, 16-21.
- Manzini, R., Accorsi, R., Ayyad, Z., Bendini, A., Bortolini, M., Gamberi, M., and Toschi, T. G. (2014). Sustainability and quality in the food supply chain. A case study of shipment of edible oils. British Food Journal. 2070-2090.
- Morgans, C. L., Meijaard, E., Santika, T., Law, E., Budiharta, S., Ancrenaz, M., and Wilson, K. A. (2018). Evaluating the effectiveness of palm oil certification in delivering multiple sustainability objectives. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6), 064032. 1-11.
- Nayak, R., and Waterson, P. (2019). Global food safety as a complex adaptive system: Key concepts and future prospects. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 91, 409-425.
- Özdemir, A. İ. (2004). Tedarik zinciri yönetiminin gelişimi, süreçleri ve yararları. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (23); 87-96.
- Ozkan, S., and Bulut, O. (2020). Control of make-to-stock production systems with setup costs. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 35(3), 1199.
- Öztürk, D. (2016). Tedarik zinciri yönetimi süreçlerini etkileyen faktörler. International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 6(1), 17-24.
- Parseker, Z. (2009). Gıda sektörü tedarik zincirinde bilgi teknolojileri kullanımının ekonomik yönden değerlendirilmesi (Master's thesis, Uludağ Üniversitesi). 38-39.
- Pramatari, K. (2016). Information Technology for Food Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks, 183–203. doi:10.1002/9781118937495.ch7
- Prashanth, R., Kumar, B. M., and Gowda, A. B. (2020). How Internet of Things Can Enhance the Performance of Food Supply Chain Networks: An Analysis. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 19(3), 52-53.
- Ray, P. P. (2018). A survey on Internet of Things architectures. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 30(3), 299-300.
- Rosyadi, F. H., Darwanto, D. H., & Mulyo, J. H. (2020). Impct of Rountable on Sustainable Palm oil (RSPO) Certification on the Indonesian CPO Exports to the Destination Countries. Agro Ekonomi, 31(1). doi.org/10.22146/ae.54559. 30-45.
- RSPO, (2018). Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil. About, 6 Aralık 2020 tarihinde https://rspo.org/about adresinden alındı.
- Ruysschaert, D., and Salles, D. (2018). The strategies and effectiveness of conservation NGOs in the global voluntary standards: The case of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. In The Anthropology of Conservation NGOs. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. pp. 121-149.
- Samouche, H., El Barkany, A., and El Khalfi, A. (2019). Performance of Sales and Operation Plan: Literature review & Perspectives of improvement. ICAMOP journal, 1(1), 47-53.
- Sayın, A.A., Demirel, R. (2020). Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde bilgi teknolojilerinin önemi - gıda firma uygulaması, Turkish Studies-Applied Sciences, 15(1), ss. 109-126.
- Schmidt, J., and De Rosa, M. (2020). Certified palm oil reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to non-certified. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277, 124045. 1-12.
- Tian, F. (2017). A supply chain traceability system for food safety based on HACCP, blockchain & Internet of things. In 2017 International conference on service systems and service management, 3-6.
- Verma, N. (2020). A Case Study on Distribution Strategy of Product (Edible Oil) in Ethiopia. International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 10 (4), ISSN: 2249-1058 Impact Factor: 6.559. 1-12.
- Voss, D., and Whipple, J. (2009). Food supply chain security: Issues and implications. In Supply Chain Risk. Springer, Boston, MA. 293-305.
- Zargaraan, A., Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, F., Hosseini, H., Salmani, Y., Bahmaei, M., and Esfarjani, F. (2019). Challenges of edible oils from farm to industry: Views of stakeholders. Food and nutrition bulletin, 40(1), 105-106.
- Zhang, M., and Li, P. (2012). RFID application strategy in agri-food supply chain based on safety and benefit analysis. Physics Procedia, 25, 636-642.