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Osmanlı Döneminde Kudüs'te Zaviyelerin Yayılması ve Gelişmesinde Vakıfların Rolü

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 435 - 444, 31.12.2019



  • Absherly, Al-Tamimi, Muhammad wa Muhammad Dawud. (1982) 'Awqaf wa Mumtalakat al-Muslimin fi Filastin fi alwwaya , al-Quds al-Sharif , Safid , Nabulus , Eijlawn , Wfqana lil-Kitab raqm 522 min Kutub al-Tahrir al-Eithmaniat al-musajilat fi al-Qarn al-Eashir al-hijrii, Istanbul
  • Badawi, Abd al-Rahman. (1975) Tarikh al-Suwfiat al-Islamiyah min al- bidayat ila nihayat l-qarn al-ththani,al-Tabiq al-awal, Quwait: Wikalat al-Matbueat.
  • Ibn Wasel, Jamal Al-Din Muhammad Bin Salem (1972) Mufarrej Al-Karoub in Akhbar Bani Ayoub, part 4, Cairo.
  • Gibb, Hamilton and Bowen, Harold. (1977) Islamic Society and the West, and the Impact of Western Civilization on Islamic Thought in the Near East, translation: Abdul Majeed Al-Qaisi, 1st edition, 2c, Damascus.
  • Al-Husseini, Hassan Abdel-Latif. (1985) Tafsir ‘ahl al- Quds fi al-Qarn al-thany ashr al-Hijri, Amman.
  • Al-Hanbali, Abu al-Yaman Mujir al-Din, Al-Anas al-Jalil. (1968) fi Tarikh Quds wal-Khalil, al-Najaf
  • Al-Khalili, Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Sharaf al-Din. (2005) Tarikh al-Quds Walkhalil, al-injaz: Mohammed EadnanAl-Bakheet wa Nofan Raja Al-Sawarya, London
  • Al-Dabbagh, Mustafa Murad. (1982) Baladina, Filistin, Nablus.
  • Al-Razi, Muhammad Abu Bakr Abd al-Qadir. (1967) Mukhtar Al-Sahah, Beirut.
  • Al-Zawahreh, Tayseer Khalil. (1995) Tarikh al-Hayat al-İjtitimaeiat fi liwa Dimashq 1840-1864 m./1255- 1282h.
  • Shams al-Din, Sami, Turkish Dictionary, 2c, (Istanbul, 1317 AH / 1899 CE). 13 - Al-Quds Sharia Court Records: They are pictured in the form of micro-film tapes kept in the movie thumbnail hall at the University of Jordan Library.
  • Sherrab, Muhammad Muhammad Hassan, Mawsueat aş-Quds walmasjid al-Aqsa, Amman
  • Salhiyyah, Muhammad Issa. (2002) al-Sijil al-Eaqariu liwa al-Quds, Amman
  • Al-Aref, Aref. (1962) Tarikh al-Quds al-Mufassal, Quds.
  • Abdel-Aal, Hassan Ibrahim. (1985) Fan al-Tarbiyah fi Badr al-Diyn bin Jumeat, Riyad
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. (1983) Meahid al-eulum fi al-Quds, Amman
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. (1982) ‘Aslafuna fi Bayt al- Quds, Amman
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. “al-Quds taht Hakam al-euthmaniiyn”, al-Quds al-Sharif
  • Gawanmeh, Youssef Darwish, “History of Beit al-Maqdis Prosecution,” Arab Journal of Culture, p. (1), year (2), (Tunis, 1982).
  • Kurd Ali. (1927) Khutat al-Sham, Damascus
  • Carmelite, Anastas Marie, Arab Money and Numismatics (Cairo, 1939).
  • Muhebish, Ghassan. (1997) “al-Zawaya fi al-Quds”, Amman.
  • Al-Madani, Ziad Abdel Aziz. (1996) Madinat al-Quds wa Jawaruha Khilal al-fatrat 1215-1245ha/1800-1830, Amman
  • Najm et al., Raef Yousef. (1983) Kunuz al-Quds, Damascus
  • Hunts, Walther. (1970)Pints and Islamic Weights in the Metric System, translation: Kamel Al-Asali, Amman.
  • Al-Yaqoub, Muhammad Ahmad Salim. (1999) Janib al-Quds, Amman

دور الوقف في انتشار الزوايا وازدهارها في القدس خلال العهد العثماني

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 435 - 444, 31.12.2019


إن من أهم المسائل التي حظيت باهتمام الباحثين في الفكر الإسلامي،
هي مسألة الأوقاف، إذ نالت عناية واهتمام العديد من الخلفاء والسلاطين والحكام
المسلمين، وانعكس هذا الأمر على التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر. هذا من جانب، ومن جانب آخر،
فإن البحث والدراسة في دور الأوقاف في نهضة وتطور المؤسسات الصوفية في
بيت المقدس، هو
في حد ذاته واحة خصبة للدراسة والبحث والتقصي. إذ تحاول هذه الدراسة أن تبين الدور
الكبير الذي تمارسه الأوقاف في ديمومة نشاط أي مؤسسة لها أوقاف تعتمد على ريعها.
كما توضح كيف تتم إدارة هذه الأوقاف والدقة في هيكلها الإداري، وتعدد مراتب ووظائف
العاملين فيها، وكذلك الدقة في اختيار موظفيها من العوائل المقدسية المعروفة في
المدينة ممن لهم باع طويل في العمل بمجال إدارة الأوقاف، وكيف كان أصحابها
يتسابقون في وقفها خدمة لأهل العلم والدين. تبين كذلك أنه لولا وجود هذه الأوقاف،
لما استمرت ديمومة عمل هذه المؤسسات وكيف ساهمت بشكل كبير في انتشار الحركة
العلمية والصوفية وتطورها، والاهتمام الكبير بها، ومن هذه المؤسسات الزوايا التي
مثلت إحدى حلقات العلم ومجالسة العلماء ومجاورتهم من كل أنحاء المعمورة؛ الذين
قصدوا القدس الشريف لينهلوا من فيض علمائها الكثير، وهذا أدى بدوره إلى تعزيز
الصفة الإنسانية للإسلام، وكذلك صفة التسامح التي أكد عليها الدين الإسلامي الحنيف.
  وتمثل الزاوية أهم مراكز التصوف والتعليم في
بيت القدس حيث كان يزورها المتصوفة لدراسة العلوم المختلفة وتحفيظ القرآن الكريم
والانقطاع لعبادة الله تعالى وكان لها مغزى اجتماعي حيث يلتقي فيها أبناء البلد
الواحد الذين جاءوا من بلدان مختلفة، ممن كانوا في القدس أو من خارجها كالمغاربة
والهنود. واستقت هذه الدراسة معلوماتها من خلال سجلات محكمة القدس الشرعية والتي
تحوي على معلومات مهمة اعتمدت عليها بشكل كامل، مقارنة إياها بالمصادر الأخرى التي
تطرقت إلى هذا الموضوع


  • Absherly, Al-Tamimi, Muhammad wa Muhammad Dawud. (1982) 'Awqaf wa Mumtalakat al-Muslimin fi Filastin fi alwwaya , al-Quds al-Sharif , Safid , Nabulus , Eijlawn , Wfqana lil-Kitab raqm 522 min Kutub al-Tahrir al-Eithmaniat al-musajilat fi al-Qarn al-Eashir al-hijrii, Istanbul
  • Badawi, Abd al-Rahman. (1975) Tarikh al-Suwfiat al-Islamiyah min al- bidayat ila nihayat l-qarn al-ththani,al-Tabiq al-awal, Quwait: Wikalat al-Matbueat.
  • Ibn Wasel, Jamal Al-Din Muhammad Bin Salem (1972) Mufarrej Al-Karoub in Akhbar Bani Ayoub, part 4, Cairo.
  • Gibb, Hamilton and Bowen, Harold. (1977) Islamic Society and the West, and the Impact of Western Civilization on Islamic Thought in the Near East, translation: Abdul Majeed Al-Qaisi, 1st edition, 2c, Damascus.
  • Al-Husseini, Hassan Abdel-Latif. (1985) Tafsir ‘ahl al- Quds fi al-Qarn al-thany ashr al-Hijri, Amman.
  • Al-Hanbali, Abu al-Yaman Mujir al-Din, Al-Anas al-Jalil. (1968) fi Tarikh Quds wal-Khalil, al-Najaf
  • Al-Khalili, Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Sharaf al-Din. (2005) Tarikh al-Quds Walkhalil, al-injaz: Mohammed EadnanAl-Bakheet wa Nofan Raja Al-Sawarya, London
  • Al-Dabbagh, Mustafa Murad. (1982) Baladina, Filistin, Nablus.
  • Al-Razi, Muhammad Abu Bakr Abd al-Qadir. (1967) Mukhtar Al-Sahah, Beirut.
  • Al-Zawahreh, Tayseer Khalil. (1995) Tarikh al-Hayat al-İjtitimaeiat fi liwa Dimashq 1840-1864 m./1255- 1282h.
  • Shams al-Din, Sami, Turkish Dictionary, 2c, (Istanbul, 1317 AH / 1899 CE). 13 - Al-Quds Sharia Court Records: They are pictured in the form of micro-film tapes kept in the movie thumbnail hall at the University of Jordan Library.
  • Sherrab, Muhammad Muhammad Hassan, Mawsueat aş-Quds walmasjid al-Aqsa, Amman
  • Salhiyyah, Muhammad Issa. (2002) al-Sijil al-Eaqariu liwa al-Quds, Amman
  • Al-Aref, Aref. (1962) Tarikh al-Quds al-Mufassal, Quds.
  • Abdel-Aal, Hassan Ibrahim. (1985) Fan al-Tarbiyah fi Badr al-Diyn bin Jumeat, Riyad
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. (1983) Meahid al-eulum fi al-Quds, Amman
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. (1982) ‘Aslafuna fi Bayt al- Quds, Amman
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. “al-Quds taht Hakam al-euthmaniiyn”, al-Quds al-Sharif
  • Gawanmeh, Youssef Darwish, “History of Beit al-Maqdis Prosecution,” Arab Journal of Culture, p. (1), year (2), (Tunis, 1982).
  • Kurd Ali. (1927) Khutat al-Sham, Damascus
  • Carmelite, Anastas Marie, Arab Money and Numismatics (Cairo, 1939).
  • Muhebish, Ghassan. (1997) “al-Zawaya fi al-Quds”, Amman.
  • Al-Madani, Ziad Abdel Aziz. (1996) Madinat al-Quds wa Jawaruha Khilal al-fatrat 1215-1245ha/1800-1830, Amman
  • Najm et al., Raef Yousef. (1983) Kunuz al-Quds, Damascus
  • Hunts, Walther. (1970)Pints and Islamic Weights in the Metric System, translation: Kamel Al-Asali, Amman.
  • Al-Yaqoub, Muhammad Ahmad Salim. (1999) Janib al-Quds, Amman

The Role of Waqf in the spread and prosperity of the Al-Zawaya in Jerusalem during the Ottoman period

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 435 - 444, 31.12.2019


One of the main issues that attracted the
attention of researchers in Islamic thought is the problem of Awqaf which has
obtained the attention of many of the caliphs, sultans and Muslim rulers, which
has also been reflected on modern and contemporary history. On the other hand,
research and study in the educational aspect of the role of Awqaf (endowments)
in the revival and development of Sufi institutions in Bayt al-Maqdis is in
itself a filed in need for further study, research and investigation. This
study attempts to show the great role played by Awqaf in the sustainability of
the activity of any institution which has Waqf that it can rely on. It also explains
how these Awqaf are managed and the meticulousness in its administrative
structure and the diversity of jobs and employees, as well as the accuracy in
the selection of employees from the Jerusalemite families who are known in the
city and have a long history of working in the administration of Awqaf.  
Also how the endowers were competing to endow
Awqaf to provide prominent service for people of knowledge and religion. It
also found that in the absence of these endowments the continuity and
sustainability of the work of these organisations would not be long-lasting and
how they have contributed significantly to the spread of educational and Sufi
activities in Jerusalem, which the Ottoman state supports and sponsors in its dominion.
This in turn led to the spread of many Sufi movements in Al-Quds al-Sharif and many
establishments served the Sufis who came from all over the Muslim World to gain
the knowledge from scholars. Which led to the prosperity of the large number of
endowments which supported them and have become a housing for devotees to
follow the Sufi movements around the world and this in turn led to the
enhancement of a human character of Muslims as well as the characteristics of
tolerance which is confirmed by the Islamic religion. The Zawiyah thus became
one of the most important centres for knowledge and Sufism in Bayt al-Maqdis,
where devotees would come from numerous countries such as North Africa and
India to study numerous sciences and memorise the Quran as well as for
  The study acquired its data
through reviewing, investigating and analysing the records of the al-Quds
Islamic court archives during the Ottoman period, which contains important
information which was the main source for the study as well comparing it with
other references that dealt with this subject.


  • Absherly, Al-Tamimi, Muhammad wa Muhammad Dawud. (1982) 'Awqaf wa Mumtalakat al-Muslimin fi Filastin fi alwwaya , al-Quds al-Sharif , Safid , Nabulus , Eijlawn , Wfqana lil-Kitab raqm 522 min Kutub al-Tahrir al-Eithmaniat al-musajilat fi al-Qarn al-Eashir al-hijrii, Istanbul
  • Badawi, Abd al-Rahman. (1975) Tarikh al-Suwfiat al-Islamiyah min al- bidayat ila nihayat l-qarn al-ththani,al-Tabiq al-awal, Quwait: Wikalat al-Matbueat.
  • Ibn Wasel, Jamal Al-Din Muhammad Bin Salem (1972) Mufarrej Al-Karoub in Akhbar Bani Ayoub, part 4, Cairo.
  • Gibb, Hamilton and Bowen, Harold. (1977) Islamic Society and the West, and the Impact of Western Civilization on Islamic Thought in the Near East, translation: Abdul Majeed Al-Qaisi, 1st edition, 2c, Damascus.
  • Al-Husseini, Hassan Abdel-Latif. (1985) Tafsir ‘ahl al- Quds fi al-Qarn al-thany ashr al-Hijri, Amman.
  • Al-Hanbali, Abu al-Yaman Mujir al-Din, Al-Anas al-Jalil. (1968) fi Tarikh Quds wal-Khalil, al-Najaf
  • Al-Khalili, Shams al-Din Muhammad bin Sharaf al-Din. (2005) Tarikh al-Quds Walkhalil, al-injaz: Mohammed EadnanAl-Bakheet wa Nofan Raja Al-Sawarya, London
  • Al-Dabbagh, Mustafa Murad. (1982) Baladina, Filistin, Nablus.
  • Al-Razi, Muhammad Abu Bakr Abd al-Qadir. (1967) Mukhtar Al-Sahah, Beirut.
  • Al-Zawahreh, Tayseer Khalil. (1995) Tarikh al-Hayat al-İjtitimaeiat fi liwa Dimashq 1840-1864 m./1255- 1282h.
  • Shams al-Din, Sami, Turkish Dictionary, 2c, (Istanbul, 1317 AH / 1899 CE). 13 - Al-Quds Sharia Court Records: They are pictured in the form of micro-film tapes kept in the movie thumbnail hall at the University of Jordan Library.
  • Sherrab, Muhammad Muhammad Hassan, Mawsueat aş-Quds walmasjid al-Aqsa, Amman
  • Salhiyyah, Muhammad Issa. (2002) al-Sijil al-Eaqariu liwa al-Quds, Amman
  • Al-Aref, Aref. (1962) Tarikh al-Quds al-Mufassal, Quds.
  • Abdel-Aal, Hassan Ibrahim. (1985) Fan al-Tarbiyah fi Badr al-Diyn bin Jumeat, Riyad
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. (1983) Meahid al-eulum fi al-Quds, Amman
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. (1982) ‘Aslafuna fi Bayt al- Quds, Amman
  • Al-Asali, Kamel Jameel. “al-Quds taht Hakam al-euthmaniiyn”, al-Quds al-Sharif
  • Gawanmeh, Youssef Darwish, “History of Beit al-Maqdis Prosecution,” Arab Journal of Culture, p. (1), year (2), (Tunis, 1982).
  • Kurd Ali. (1927) Khutat al-Sham, Damascus
  • Carmelite, Anastas Marie, Arab Money and Numismatics (Cairo, 1939).
  • Muhebish, Ghassan. (1997) “al-Zawaya fi al-Quds”, Amman.
  • Al-Madani, Ziad Abdel Aziz. (1996) Madinat al-Quds wa Jawaruha Khilal al-fatrat 1215-1245ha/1800-1830, Amman
  • Najm et al., Raef Yousef. (1983) Kunuz al-Quds, Damascus
  • Hunts, Walther. (1970)Pints and Islamic Weights in the Metric System, translation: Kamel Al-Asali, Amman.
  • Al-Yaqoub, Muhammad Ahmad Salim. (1999) Janib al-Quds, Amman
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Arapça
Bölüm Makaleler

Ahmed Hussien Abid

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Hussien Abid, A. (2019). دور الوقف في انتشار الزوايا وازدهارها في القدس خلال العهد العثماني. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 19(3), 435-444.

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