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Al-Quds as Mentioned in UN Resolutions

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 19 - 28, 30.06.2023


Al-Quds (Jerusalem) has always enjoyed a special standing in the world for either its historic and civilised position, or for its geographically strategic location in the centre of the Arab region and the Old-World continents. Due to its importance, its issues were paid attention to on the global arena by major countries and international institutes, particularly the United Nations and its institutes. This is what prompted these institutions to express their positions on this issue, which is what we seek to address during this study. This study addresses four main claims: 1) the most prominent UN institutes influencing the Palestinian issue, 2) UN resolutions before 1967, 3) UN resolutions from 1967-1993, and 4) UN resolutions after 1993. It adopts a descriptive analysis methodology, and concludes that al-Quds is an occupied Palestinian city as described in the International Law, the international community's complicity with the occupation contributed to the Judaisation and seizure of the holy city, and the international resolutions failed to deter the occupation from violating the law. The study also recommends shedding light on the Israeli occupation, its crimes against the Palestinians, and its violations against international law in the international forums. Moreover, it recommends exerting pressure on the countries supporting the occupation through building Arab and Muslim lobbies that work on breaking the relation between those countries and the occupation, and mobilising them to support Palestinians' rights.

Destekleyen Kurum

PALM Strategic Initiatives Centre


  • Al-Adayla, Adel (2007). Al-Quds the Gate of the Middle East for Peace. Amman: Dar Alshorok for Publishing.
  • Al-Anani, Jaser (2001). Al-Quds: Legal and Historic Study. Amman: Printers Print Co.
  • Al-Anani, Jaser (2002). Al-Quds between Political Solutions and the International Law. Amman: Yazori Scientific House for Publication and Distribution.
  • Al-Arqan, Abdullah (2003). International, Arab and Islamic Positions on Al-Quds. Amman: Dar Osama for Publishing and Distribution.
  • Al-Hazayma, Mohammed (2011). Al-Quds in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Amman: Dar Al-Hamed Publishing.
  • Al-Israa for Studies and Research. (1998). Al-Quds: Complete List of International Resolutions. Beirut: Al-Israa for Studies and Research.
  • Al-Jazeera. (2014, 16 December). The Security Council. Al-Jazeera;
  • Al-Qadi, Mohammed (2009). Al-Quds in International Resolutions. Hebron: Hebron University.
  • Al-Qar'I, Ahmed (1997). Al-Quds from Ben-Gurion to Netanyahu. Paris: the Center for Arab European Studies.
  • Christian, H. (2011). Introduction to the UN: Orientation for Serving on a UN Field Mission. Peace Operations Training Institute.
  • Hakeem, Sami (1987). Al-Quds and Settlement. Beirut: Dar Al-Nidal for Printing and Publishing.
  • Halima, Saber (2019). Palestine Partition Resolution No. 181 and Beginning of Nakba. Palestinian Refugees Portal.
  • Msalat, Essam (2006). Reality Enforces Realism: Al-Quds in International Resolutions. Nablus: Al-Najah University.
  • UNESCO. (2022, 30 December). UNESCO in brief - Mission and Mandate. Retrieved from UNESCO website:
  • UNESCO. (2015, 8 March). Retrieved from Al-Jazeera:
  • United Nations. (1947). Resolution 181 Adopted on the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question. Retrieved from UN documents:
  • United Nations. (1948a). RESOLUTION 49, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948b). RESOLUTION 50, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948c). RESOLUTION 54, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948d). RESOLUTION 60, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1949). RESOLUTION 303, Question of an International Regime for the Jerusalem Area and the Protection of the Holy Places. Retrieved from UN Documentation, General Assembly:
  • United Nations. (1967). RESOLUTION 2253, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:;
  • United Nations. (1967). RESOLUTION 242, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1968a). RESOLUTION 251, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1968b). RESOLUTION 252, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1969). RESOLUTION 271, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980a). RESOLUTION 465, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980b). RESOLUTION 476, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980c). RESOLUTION 476, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1981). RESOLUTION 36/15, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1990). RESOLUTION 672, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1996). RESOLUTION 1073, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2000a). RESOLUTION 1322, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2000b). RESOLUTION 55/130, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2002). RESOLUTION 1397, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2003a). RESOLUTION 58/22, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2003b). RESOLUTION 58/98, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2005). RESOLUTION 60/104, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2015). RESOLUTION 70/98, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2016a). RESOLUTION 2334, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2016b). RESOLUTION 71/96, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2022). History of the United Nations. Retrieved from United Nations Website:
  • United Nations. (2022, 30 December). UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL FAQ. Retrieved from United Nations website:
  • WAFA. (1996). UNESCO Decision 150. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2000). UNESCO Decision, 159. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2010). UNESCO Decision 184. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2014). UNESCO Decision, 192. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2015). UNESCO Decision, 196. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2016). UNESCO Decision 200. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):

القدس في قرارات الأمم المتحدة

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 19 - 28, 30.06.2023


حظيت مدينة القدس بمكانة خاصة على المستوى العالمي، سواء بالنظر لمكانتها التاريخية والحضارية، أو موقعها الاستراتيجي جغرافيا بين قارات العالم القديم، وقد انعكست هذه الأهمية على حضور قضايا وأحداث مدينة القدس على الساحة العالمية، والتباحث في تفاصيلها بدرجة عالية من الاهتمام، ولعل أبرز المؤسسات التي تعنى بالقضايا العالمية هي مؤسسات الأمم المتحدة. جاءت هذه الدراسة في خمسة مطالب رئيسية. إذ تناولت في مطلبها الأول أبرز مؤسسات الأمم المتحدة المؤثرة على القضية الفلسطينية، ثم تناول المطلب الثاني قرارات الأمم المتحدة قبل عام 1967، أما المطلب الثالث فقد تناول قرارات الأمم المتحدة في الفترة 1967 – 1993، وأخيرا تناول المطلب الرابع قرارات الأمم المتحدة ما بعد عام 1993. وقد انتهجت الدراسة المنهج التاريخي الوصفي. خرجت الدراسة بعدد من النتائج أهمها أن القدس تعد مدينة فلسطينية محتلة وفقا لقرارات وتوصيف القانون الدولي، وأن استمرار وقوع القدس تحت الاحتلال دون إيجاد حل لقضيتها يعود إلى حالة التواطؤ والانحياز العالمي مع الاحتلال، كما أن القرارات الدولية لم تمتلك أدوات تردع الاحتلال الإسرائيلي عن الاستمرار في انتهاكه للقانون. كما أوصت الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات لعل أهمها، ضرورة تفعيل القضايا في المحاكم الدولية ضد الاحتلال وتوجيه تهم انتهاك القانون الدولي وارتكاب جرائم حرب ضد الفلسطينيين، وضرورة الضغط على الدول الداعمة للاحتلال عبر تكوين شبكة لوبيات عربية وإسلامية تفشل رهان هذه الدول على الاحتلال ودفعها لنصرة الحق الفلسطيني.


  • Al-Adayla, Adel (2007). Al-Quds the Gate of the Middle East for Peace. Amman: Dar Alshorok for Publishing.
  • Al-Anani, Jaser (2001). Al-Quds: Legal and Historic Study. Amman: Printers Print Co.
  • Al-Anani, Jaser (2002). Al-Quds between Political Solutions and the International Law. Amman: Yazori Scientific House for Publication and Distribution.
  • Al-Arqan, Abdullah (2003). International, Arab and Islamic Positions on Al-Quds. Amman: Dar Osama for Publishing and Distribution.
  • Al-Hazayma, Mohammed (2011). Al-Quds in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Amman: Dar Al-Hamed Publishing.
  • Al-Israa for Studies and Research. (1998). Al-Quds: Complete List of International Resolutions. Beirut: Al-Israa for Studies and Research.
  • Al-Jazeera. (2014, 16 December). The Security Council. Al-Jazeera;
  • Al-Qadi, Mohammed (2009). Al-Quds in International Resolutions. Hebron: Hebron University.
  • Al-Qar'I, Ahmed (1997). Al-Quds from Ben-Gurion to Netanyahu. Paris: the Center for Arab European Studies.
  • Christian, H. (2011). Introduction to the UN: Orientation for Serving on a UN Field Mission. Peace Operations Training Institute.
  • Hakeem, Sami (1987). Al-Quds and Settlement. Beirut: Dar Al-Nidal for Printing and Publishing.
  • Halima, Saber (2019). Palestine Partition Resolution No. 181 and Beginning of Nakba. Palestinian Refugees Portal.
  • Msalat, Essam (2006). Reality Enforces Realism: Al-Quds in International Resolutions. Nablus: Al-Najah University.
  • UNESCO. (2022, 30 December). UNESCO in brief - Mission and Mandate. Retrieved from UNESCO website:
  • UNESCO. (2015, 8 March). Retrieved from Al-Jazeera:
  • United Nations. (1947). Resolution 181 Adopted on the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question. Retrieved from UN documents:
  • United Nations. (1948a). RESOLUTION 49, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948b). RESOLUTION 50, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948c). RESOLUTION 54, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948d). RESOLUTION 60, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1949). RESOLUTION 303, Question of an International Regime for the Jerusalem Area and the Protection of the Holy Places. Retrieved from UN Documentation, General Assembly:
  • United Nations. (1967). RESOLUTION 2253, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:;
  • United Nations. (1967). RESOLUTION 242, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1968a). RESOLUTION 251, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1968b). RESOLUTION 252, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1969). RESOLUTION 271, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980a). RESOLUTION 465, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980b). RESOLUTION 476, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980c). RESOLUTION 476, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1981). RESOLUTION 36/15, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1990). RESOLUTION 672, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1996). RESOLUTION 1073, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2000a). RESOLUTION 1322, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2000b). RESOLUTION 55/130, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2002). RESOLUTION 1397, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2003a). RESOLUTION 58/22, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2003b). RESOLUTION 58/98, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2005). RESOLUTION 60/104, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2015). RESOLUTION 70/98, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2016a). RESOLUTION 2334, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2016b). RESOLUTION 71/96, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2022). History of the United Nations. Retrieved from United Nations Website:
  • United Nations. (2022, 30 December). UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL FAQ. Retrieved from United Nations website:
  • WAFA. (1996). UNESCO Decision 150. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2000). UNESCO Decision, 159. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2010). UNESCO Decision 184. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2014). UNESCO Decision, 192. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2015). UNESCO Decision, 196. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2016). UNESCO Decision 200. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):

BM Kararlarında Belirtildiği Şekliyle Kudüs

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 19 - 28, 30.06.2023


Kudüs, ya tarihi ve medeni konumu ya da Arap bölgesinin merkezinde ve Eski Dünya kıtalarında coğrafi açıdan stratejik bir konuma sahip olması nedeniyle dünyada her zaman özel bir statüye sahip olmuştur. Önemi nedeniyle, sorunlarına büyük ülkeler ve uluslararası kurumlar, özellikle Birleşmiş Milletler ve kurumları tarafından küresel arenada dikkat edilmiştir. Bu da mevzu hakkında zikredilen kurumların pozisyonlarını ifade etmeye sevk eden şeydir ki biz de bu çalışma boyunca ele alacağız. Bu çalışma, dört ana iddiayı ele almaktadır: 1) Filistin meselesini etkileyen en belirgin BM kurumları, 2) 1967 öncesi BM kararları, 3) 1967-1993 arasındaki BM kararları ve 4) 1993 sonrasındaki BM kararları. Çalışma tanımlayıcı analiz metodolojisini benimsemektedir ve Kudüs'ün uluslararası hukukta tarif edildiği gibi işgal altındaki bir Filistin şehri olduğu sonucuna varır; nitekim uluslararası topluluğun işgalle işbirliği yapması, kutsal şehrin Yahudileştirilmesine ve ele geçirilmesine katkıda bulunmuştur ve uluslararası kararlar, işgalin hukuku ihlal etmesini engellemede başarısız olmuştur. Çalışma ayrıca, İsrail'in işgali, Filistinlilere karşı suçları ve uluslararası hukuka karşı ihlalleri konusuna uluslararası forumlarda ışık tutmayı ve Arap-Müslüman lobilerinin bu ülkelerle işgal arasındaki ilişkiyi koparması ve onları Filistinlilerin haklarını desteklemeye teşvik etmek için çalışacak lobiler kurulması suretiyle işgali destekleyen ülkeler üzerinde baskı kurmayı önermektedir.


  • Al-Adayla, Adel (2007). Al-Quds the Gate of the Middle East for Peace. Amman: Dar Alshorok for Publishing.
  • Al-Anani, Jaser (2001). Al-Quds: Legal and Historic Study. Amman: Printers Print Co.
  • Al-Anani, Jaser (2002). Al-Quds between Political Solutions and the International Law. Amman: Yazori Scientific House for Publication and Distribution.
  • Al-Arqan, Abdullah (2003). International, Arab and Islamic Positions on Al-Quds. Amman: Dar Osama for Publishing and Distribution.
  • Al-Hazayma, Mohammed (2011). Al-Quds in the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Amman: Dar Al-Hamed Publishing.
  • Al-Israa for Studies and Research. (1998). Al-Quds: Complete List of International Resolutions. Beirut: Al-Israa for Studies and Research.
  • Al-Jazeera. (2014, 16 December). The Security Council. Al-Jazeera;
  • Al-Qadi, Mohammed (2009). Al-Quds in International Resolutions. Hebron: Hebron University.
  • Al-Qar'I, Ahmed (1997). Al-Quds from Ben-Gurion to Netanyahu. Paris: the Center for Arab European Studies.
  • Christian, H. (2011). Introduction to the UN: Orientation for Serving on a UN Field Mission. Peace Operations Training Institute.
  • Hakeem, Sami (1987). Al-Quds and Settlement. Beirut: Dar Al-Nidal for Printing and Publishing.
  • Halima, Saber (2019). Palestine Partition Resolution No. 181 and Beginning of Nakba. Palestinian Refugees Portal.
  • Msalat, Essam (2006). Reality Enforces Realism: Al-Quds in International Resolutions. Nablus: Al-Najah University.
  • UNESCO. (2022, 30 December). UNESCO in brief - Mission and Mandate. Retrieved from UNESCO website:
  • UNESCO. (2015, 8 March). Retrieved from Al-Jazeera:
  • United Nations. (1947). Resolution 181 Adopted on the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question. Retrieved from UN documents:
  • United Nations. (1948a). RESOLUTION 49, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948b). RESOLUTION 50, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948c). RESOLUTION 54, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1948d). RESOLUTION 60, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1949). RESOLUTION 303, Question of an International Regime for the Jerusalem Area and the Protection of the Holy Places. Retrieved from UN Documentation, General Assembly:
  • United Nations. (1967). RESOLUTION 2253, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:;
  • United Nations. (1967). RESOLUTION 242, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1968a). RESOLUTION 251, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1968b). RESOLUTION 252, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1969). RESOLUTION 271, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980a). RESOLUTION 465, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980b). RESOLUTION 476, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1980c). RESOLUTION 476, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1981). RESOLUTION 36/15, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1990). RESOLUTION 672, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (1996). RESOLUTION 1073, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2000a). RESOLUTION 1322, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2000b). RESOLUTION 55/130, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2002). RESOLUTION 1397, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2003a). RESOLUTION 58/22, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2003b). RESOLUTION 58/98, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2005). RESOLUTION 60/104, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2015). RESOLUTION 70/98, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2016a). RESOLUTION 2334, Security Council Resolutions. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2016b). RESOLUTION 71/96, General Assembly. Retrieved from UN Documents:
  • United Nations. (2022). History of the United Nations. Retrieved from United Nations Website:
  • United Nations. (2022, 30 December). UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL FAQ. Retrieved from United Nations website:
  • WAFA. (1996). UNESCO Decision 150. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2000). UNESCO Decision, 159. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2010). UNESCO Decision 184. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2014). UNESCO Decision, 192. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2015). UNESCO Decision, 196. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
  • WAFA. (2016). UNESCO Decision 200. Retrieved from Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA):
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Mohammed Abu Oun

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Abu Oun, M. (2023). Al-Quds as Mentioned in UN Resolutions. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 23(1), 19-28.

ISSN:1367-1936 , e-ISSN:2514-6009