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Bioengineering Methods in the Production, Development and Metabolism of Essential Oil in Plants

Yıl 2018, , 1 - 9, 31.12.2018


oils are odorous oily liquids derived from plant material. Essential oils have
been used extensively from pre-history times as, bactericidal, fungicide,
insecticidal, and medical
purposes. Many
of these components are produced as secondary metabolites in plants. Therefore,
the development of production of these components are important in terms of
medicine and industry. In this study, bioengineering methods used in the production,
development and metabolism of essential oils in plants were investigated. Recent
developments on this issue have been summarized and reported.


  • Adams R.P., (2004). Identification of essential oil components by gas, quadrupole spectroscopy. Allured publishing Co, Carol Stream, IL, USA, pp.1-456
  • Angelova, Z., Georgiev, S., Roos, W. 2006. Elicitation of plants. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 20(2), 72-83.
  • Atar, H., Çölgeçen, H., 2013. Bitki doku kültüründe iridoit glikozitler. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 115-133.
  • Babaoğlu M, Gürel E ve Özcan S (2001) Bitki Biyoteknolojisi I. Doku Kültürü ve Uygulamaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, 374.
  • Baydar, H., Telci, İ., 2015. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerde ıslah, tohumluk, tescil ve sertifikasyon. Türktop Dergisi 5(15): 12-21
  • Bayrak, A. 2006. Gıda Aromaları. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın no: 32. 497 s., Baran Ofset, Ankara.
  • Bayram, E., S. Kırıcı, S. Tansı, G. Yılmaz, O. Arabacı, S. Kızıl, İ. Telci , Tıbbi Ve Aromatik Bitkiler, 2010.
  • Ceylan, A. 1983. Tıbbi Bitkiler-II. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayını No:481, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Çalikoğlu, E., Kıralan, M., Bayrak, A., (2006). Uçucu Yağ Nedir, Nasıl Üretilir ve Türkiye'deki Durumuna Genel Bir Bakış Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, 24-26.
  • Çelik, E., Çelik, G.Y., 2007. Bitki uçucu yağlarının antimikrobiyal özellikleri. On-Line Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 5(26).
  • Dave, V., Khirwadkar, P., & Dashora, K. (2014). A review on biotransformation. Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, 2(2), 1136.
  • Dubey, S. K., Pandey, A., & Sangwan, R. S. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. ISBN: 978-0-444-63661-4 pages 2017, Pages 259–282. 2017 Elsevier B.V Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Erkoyuncu, M. T., Yorgancılar, M. 2016. Bitki Doku Kültürü Yöntemleri İle Sekonder Metabolitlerin Üretimi. Selçuk Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 66-76.
  • Evren M., Tekgüler B., (2011). „Uçucu Yağların Antimikrobiyel Özellikleri‟ Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi , 9(3), 28-40.
  • Gülsoy, S., Merdin, A. (2017). Boylu Ardıç (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) Türünün Yapraklarında Uçucu Yağ Miktarı ve Bileşenleri. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology, 1 (2): 119-128.
  • Goel M.K. ,Mehrotra S. ,Kukreja A.K. , Elicitor-induced cellular and molecular events are responsible for productivity enhancement in hairy root cultures: an insight study, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 165 (5-6) (2011) 1342-1355.
  • Hooykaas P. J. J., Schilperoort R. A., 1984. The moleculer genetics of crown gall tumorigenesis. In: Scandalios Jg, Caspari EW (eds), Advances in Genetics, Volume 22, Molekuler Genetics of Plants., pp. 209-283.
  • Kaya, D, Ergönül, PG. (2015). Obtaining methods of volatile oils. GIDA-Journal of Food, 40(5), 303-310.
  • Lavania, U. C. "Genomic and ploidy manipulation for enhanced production of phyto-pharmaceuticals." Plant Genetic Resources3.2 (2005): 170-177.
  • Linskens, H. F., Jackson, J.F, b Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, Vol. 12: Essential Oils and waxes, Springer, Germany, 1997.
  • Li B., Wang B. ,Li H. , Peng L. , Ru M. , Liang Z., et al., Establishment of Salvia castanea Diels f. tomentosa Stib. hairy root cultures and the promotion of tanshinone accumulation and gene expression with Ag, methyl jasmonate, and yeast extract elicitation, Protoplasma 253 (1) (2015) 87-100.
  • Mehrotra, S., Srivastava, V., Rahman, L. U., & Kukreja, A. K. (2015). Hairy root biotechnology—indicative timeline to understand missing links and future outlook. Protoplasma, 252(5), 1189-1201.
  • Moyano E. , Jouhikainen K. , Tammela P. , Palazo´n J. , Cusido R. M. , Pin ol M. T. , et al., Effect of pmt gene overexpression on tropane alkaloid production in transformed root cultures of Datura metel and Hyoscyamus muticus, Journal of Experimental Botany 54 (381) (2003) 203-211.
  • Murthy, H. N., Lee, E. J., & Paek, K. Y. (2014). Production of secondary metabolites from cell and organ cultures: strategies and approaches for biomass improvement and metabolite accumulation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 118(1), 1-16.
  • Namdeo, A. G. "Plant cell elicitation for production of secondary metabolites: a review." Pharmacogn Rev 1.1 (2007): 69-79.
  • NPTEL Courses, IIT Guwahati Module 4 : Application of Cell Culture Systems in Metabolic Engineering Lecture 38 : Biotransformation National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. Retrieved at 03-OCTOBER-2012
  • Özkaynak, E., Samancı, B. 2005. Mikroçoğaltımda Alıştırma. Selçuk Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(36), 28-36.
  • Pudersell, Katrin, et al. "Inorganic ions in the medium modify tropane alkaloids and riboflavin output in Hyoscyamus niger root cultures." Pharmacognosy magazine 8.29 (2012): 73.
  • Runguphan, Weerawat, Justin J. Maresh, and Sarah E. O'Connor. "Silencing of tryptamine biosynthesis for production of nonnatural alkaloids in plant culture." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.33 (2009): 13673-13678.
  • Sung L.S. , Huang S.Y. , Medium optimization of transformed root cultures of Stizolobium hassjoo producing L-DOPA with response surface methodology, Biotechnology Progress 16 (6) (2000) 1135-1140.
  • Yang C.Q., Fang X., Wu X.M., Mao Y.B., Wang L.J., Chen X.Y., Transcriptional regulation of plant secondary metabolism, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 54 (2012) 703-712.
  • Yaylı, N., (2013). Uçucu Yağlar ve Tıbbi Kullanımları. 1. İlaç Kimyası, Üretimi, Teknolojiisi, Standardizasyonu Kongresi, Kimyagerler Derneği, 29-31 Mart 2013, Antalya
Yıl 2018, , 1 - 9, 31.12.2018



  • Adams R.P., (2004). Identification of essential oil components by gas, quadrupole spectroscopy. Allured publishing Co, Carol Stream, IL, USA, pp.1-456
  • Angelova, Z., Georgiev, S., Roos, W. 2006. Elicitation of plants. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 20(2), 72-83.
  • Atar, H., Çölgeçen, H., 2013. Bitki doku kültüründe iridoit glikozitler. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 115-133.
  • Babaoğlu M, Gürel E ve Özcan S (2001) Bitki Biyoteknolojisi I. Doku Kültürü ve Uygulamaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, 374.
  • Baydar, H., Telci, İ., 2015. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerde ıslah, tohumluk, tescil ve sertifikasyon. Türktop Dergisi 5(15): 12-21
  • Bayrak, A. 2006. Gıda Aromaları. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın no: 32. 497 s., Baran Ofset, Ankara.
  • Bayram, E., S. Kırıcı, S. Tansı, G. Yılmaz, O. Arabacı, S. Kızıl, İ. Telci , Tıbbi Ve Aromatik Bitkiler, 2010.
  • Ceylan, A. 1983. Tıbbi Bitkiler-II. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayını No:481, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Çalikoğlu, E., Kıralan, M., Bayrak, A., (2006). Uçucu Yağ Nedir, Nasıl Üretilir ve Türkiye'deki Durumuna Genel Bir Bakış Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, 24-26.
  • Çelik, E., Çelik, G.Y., 2007. Bitki uçucu yağlarının antimikrobiyal özellikleri. On-Line Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 5(26).
  • Dave, V., Khirwadkar, P., & Dashora, K. (2014). A review on biotransformation. Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, 2(2), 1136.
  • Dubey, S. K., Pandey, A., & Sangwan, R. S. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. ISBN: 978-0-444-63661-4 pages 2017, Pages 259–282. 2017 Elsevier B.V Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Erkoyuncu, M. T., Yorgancılar, M. 2016. Bitki Doku Kültürü Yöntemleri İle Sekonder Metabolitlerin Üretimi. Selçuk Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 66-76.
  • Evren M., Tekgüler B., (2011). „Uçucu Yağların Antimikrobiyel Özellikleri‟ Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi , 9(3), 28-40.
  • Gülsoy, S., Merdin, A. (2017). Boylu Ardıç (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) Türünün Yapraklarında Uçucu Yağ Miktarı ve Bileşenleri. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology, 1 (2): 119-128.
  • Goel M.K. ,Mehrotra S. ,Kukreja A.K. , Elicitor-induced cellular and molecular events are responsible for productivity enhancement in hairy root cultures: an insight study, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 165 (5-6) (2011) 1342-1355.
  • Hooykaas P. J. J., Schilperoort R. A., 1984. The moleculer genetics of crown gall tumorigenesis. In: Scandalios Jg, Caspari EW (eds), Advances in Genetics, Volume 22, Molekuler Genetics of Plants., pp. 209-283.
  • Kaya, D, Ergönül, PG. (2015). Obtaining methods of volatile oils. GIDA-Journal of Food, 40(5), 303-310.
  • Lavania, U. C. "Genomic and ploidy manipulation for enhanced production of phyto-pharmaceuticals." Plant Genetic Resources3.2 (2005): 170-177.
  • Linskens, H. F., Jackson, J.F, b Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, Vol. 12: Essential Oils and waxes, Springer, Germany, 1997.
  • Li B., Wang B. ,Li H. , Peng L. , Ru M. , Liang Z., et al., Establishment of Salvia castanea Diels f. tomentosa Stib. hairy root cultures and the promotion of tanshinone accumulation and gene expression with Ag, methyl jasmonate, and yeast extract elicitation, Protoplasma 253 (1) (2015) 87-100.
  • Mehrotra, S., Srivastava, V., Rahman, L. U., & Kukreja, A. K. (2015). Hairy root biotechnology—indicative timeline to understand missing links and future outlook. Protoplasma, 252(5), 1189-1201.
  • Moyano E. , Jouhikainen K. , Tammela P. , Palazo´n J. , Cusido R. M. , Pin ol M. T. , et al., Effect of pmt gene overexpression on tropane alkaloid production in transformed root cultures of Datura metel and Hyoscyamus muticus, Journal of Experimental Botany 54 (381) (2003) 203-211.
  • Murthy, H. N., Lee, E. J., & Paek, K. Y. (2014). Production of secondary metabolites from cell and organ cultures: strategies and approaches for biomass improvement and metabolite accumulation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 118(1), 1-16.
  • Namdeo, A. G. "Plant cell elicitation for production of secondary metabolites: a review." Pharmacogn Rev 1.1 (2007): 69-79.
  • NPTEL Courses, IIT Guwahati Module 4 : Application of Cell Culture Systems in Metabolic Engineering Lecture 38 : Biotransformation National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. Retrieved at 03-OCTOBER-2012
  • Özkaynak, E., Samancı, B. 2005. Mikroçoğaltımda Alıştırma. Selçuk Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(36), 28-36.
  • Pudersell, Katrin, et al. "Inorganic ions in the medium modify tropane alkaloids and riboflavin output in Hyoscyamus niger root cultures." Pharmacognosy magazine 8.29 (2012): 73.
  • Runguphan, Weerawat, Justin J. Maresh, and Sarah E. O'Connor. "Silencing of tryptamine biosynthesis for production of nonnatural alkaloids in plant culture." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.33 (2009): 13673-13678.
  • Sung L.S. , Huang S.Y. , Medium optimization of transformed root cultures of Stizolobium hassjoo producing L-DOPA with response surface methodology, Biotechnology Progress 16 (6) (2000) 1135-1140.
  • Yang C.Q., Fang X., Wu X.M., Mao Y.B., Wang L.J., Chen X.Y., Transcriptional regulation of plant secondary metabolism, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 54 (2012) 703-712.
  • Yaylı, N., (2013). Uçucu Yağlar ve Tıbbi Kullanımları. 1. İlaç Kimyası, Üretimi, Teknolojiisi, Standardizasyonu Kongresi, Kimyagerler Derneği, 29-31 Mart 2013, Antalya
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Özlem Karaboyacı

Semra Kılıç

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2018
Kabul Tarihi 27 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaboyacı, Ö., & Kılıç, S. (2018). Bioengineering Methods in the Production, Development and Metabolism of Essential Oil in Plants. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2, 1-9.